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# 全民希臘文句法 (BG4E-Syntax)
2021-02-17 03:12:13 +00:00
## 目錄
- Part I 希臘文基礎 §1xx
- 希臘文歷史 §100
- 閃語對聖經希臘文的影響 §1b
- 耶穌也說希臘文 §1c
- 聖經希臘文與古典希臘文之異同 §1d
- 聖經希臘文與現代希臘文之異同 §1e
- 語言學基礎 §120
- 語言金字塔 §2a
- 形式與功能 §2b
- Choice implies Meaning §2c
- 希臘文詞類 (Parts of Speech) §2d
- ═════════════
- Part II 聲音與字形 §2xx
- phonetics §210
- morphology §220
- ═════════════
- Part III 字詞與片語 (Word and Phrase §3xx-§5xx)
- 名詞類 §3xx
- Noun (名詞) §310
- [Nominative (主格) §311](§
- [Genitive (所有格) §312](§
- [Dative (間接受格) §313](§
- [Accusative (直接受格) §314](§
- [Vocative (呼格) §315](§
- [Article (冠詞) §320](§
- [Adjectives (形容詞) §330](§
- [Personal Pronouns (人稱代名詞) §340](§
- [Demonstrative Pronouns (指示代名詞) §350](§
- [Relative Pronouns (關係代名詞) §360](§
- [Interrogative Pronouns (疑問代名詞) §370](§
- [Indefinite Pronouns (不定代名詞) §380](§
- 功能詞類 §4xx
- [Prepositions (介系詞) §410](§
- [Conjunctions (連接詞) §420](§
- [Adverbs (副詞) §430](§
- [Particles (質詞) §440](§
- 動詞類 §5xx
- [Verb (動詞) §510](§
- [Tense and Aspect (時態與觀點) §511](§
- [Voice (語態) §512](§
- [Mood (語氣) §513](§
- [Person (人稱) §514](§
- [Number (數) §515](§
- [Participle (分詞) §520](§
- [Infinitive (不定詞) §530](§
- ═════════════
- Part IV 子句與句子 (Clause and Sentence) §6xx
- [Clauses (子句) §610](§
- [[Word Order]]
- [Hyperbaton](
- [[command and prohibition]]
- [[question]]
- [[negation]]
- [Relative Clause](
- internally-headed
- externally-headed
- un-headed
- [Sentence (句子) §620](§
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- Part V 段落與篇章 (Paragraph and Discourse) §7xx
- [[discourse is more than]]
- [[information strucutre]]
- Context and Cotext
2021-08-08 04:40:35 +00:00
- [[Hebraic Influence]]
2021-08-08 04:40:35 +00:00
- 附錄
2021-02-17 03:12:13 +00:00
2021-02-17 03:12:13 +00:00
- 附錄 I希臘文學習策略與方法
- 課程設計進路:文法導向、經文導向、任務導向
- 學習方法:翻譯、朗讀、聆聽、手抄、解經、背誦、默想
2021-08-08 04:40:35 +00:00
- 參考書目
2021-09-22 00:27:10 +00:00
| 縮寫 | 書目 |
|:---------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| GGBB | Wallace, Daniel B. <em>Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics</em>. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996. |
| 中希 | 華勒斯(Daniel B. Wallace)。《中級希臘文文法》。吳存仁譯。台北市中華福音神學院2011。 |
| IGNT | Porter, Stanley E. <em>Idioms of the Greek New Testament</em>. Second edition with corrections. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic, 1994. |
| 慣用 | 斯丹利‧波特(Stanley E. Porter)。《新約希臘文的慣用語》。葉雅蓮譯。台北市中華福音神學院2013。 |
| DEEP | Köstenberger, Andreas J., Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer. <em>Going Deeper with New Testament Greek: An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament</em>. Nashville, TN.: B&H Academic, 2016. |
| IGG | Mathewson, David L., and Elodie Ballantine Emig. <em>Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament</em>. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016. |
| Funk | Funk, Robert W. <em>A Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek</em>. 3rd ed. Polebridge Press, 2013. |
| Runge | Runge, Steven E. <em>Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis</em>. Peabody, MA.: Hendrickson, 2010. |
| Levinsohn | Levinsohn, Stephen H. <em>Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek</em>. 2nd ed. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International, 2000. |
![[../images/Pasted image 20220706070847.png]]
Philemon Zachariou, _Reading and Pronouncing Biblical Greek: Historical Pronounciation versus Erasmian_ (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2020), 8.