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- en:tw:earth
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:holy
- en:tw:joy
- en:tw:king
- en:tw:know
- en:tw:korah
- en:tw:palace
- en:tw:praise
- en:tw:psalm
- en:tw:refuge
- en:tw:son
- en:tw:yahweh
- en:tw:zion
- See: en:ta:vol2:translate:writing_poetry and :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_parallelism
- This psalm is a song about Jerusalem being God's dwelling place.
- a psalm of the sons of Korah - “this is a psalm that the sons of Korah wrote.”
- in the city of our God - AT: "in Jerusalem where the people worship God"
- Beautiful in elevation, the joy ... is Mount Zion ... on the sides ... of the great King. - AT: "Mount Zion looks so beautiful in elevation when she is looked at from her north side. The city of the great King is the joy of the whole earth."
- Beautiful in elevation - The word "elevation" refers to how high something is. AT: "beautiful and tall"
- joy of the whole earth - AT: "it is loved by all the people of the earth"
- God has made himself known in her palaces as a refuge - AT: "The people of Jerusalem's palaces know that God protects them"