962 B
962 B
- en:tw:angry
- en:tw:hail
- en:tw:livestock
- en:tw:send
- en:tw:send
- en:tw:trouble
- en:tw:trouble
- en:tw:vine
- en:tw:vine
- en:tw:wrath
- The writer continues to describe what God did to the Egyptians.
- **sycamore ** - a tree that gives fruit
- lightning bolts - lightning that makes loud thunder
- The fierceness of his anger lashed out against them - AT: "He was angry with them, so he suddenly and fiercely attacked them" (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_personification)
- He sent wrath, fury, and trouble like agents who bring disaster - "He was so angry that he wanted to harm the Egyptians, so he made trouble for them and brought them to disaster" (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_personification and en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_simile)
- fury - anger that makes someone want to harm others