902 B
902 B
- en:tw:commit
- en:tw:cutoff
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:sin
- en:tw:strength
- en:tw:suffer
- en:tw:test
- en:tw:turn
- Can your wealth benefit you...can all the force of your strength help you? - Elihu asks these questions to emphasize that money and power will not be able to help Job if he acts unjustly. AT: "Wealth cannot benefit you...all the force of your strength cannot help you" (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
- all the force of your strength - "all of your great strength"
- when peoples are cut off in their place - Possible meanings are 1) "when people groups disappear from their place" or 2) "when people drag others away from their homes."
- you are being tested by suffering - AT: "God is testing you by making you suffer" (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive)