
830 B

push, pushed, pushing


The term "push" literally means to physically move something away using force. There are also several figurative meanings of this term.

  • The expression "push away" can mean "reject" or "refuse to help."
  • To "push down" can mean to "oppress" or "persecute" or "defeat." It can also mean that someone is literally being pushed down to the ground.
  • To "push someone out" means to "get rid of" or "send away" that person.
  • The expression "push ahead" means to persevere or to continue doing something without really making sure it is right or safe.

(See also: oppress, persecute, reject)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H1556, H1760, H3276, H3423, H5055, H5056, H5186, H8804, G683, G4261