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2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
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<div type="book" osisID="1th">
<chapter osisID="1th.1">
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:1">
<Greek>Παῦλος καὶ Σιλουανὸς καὶ Τιμόθεος Τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ Θεσσαλονικέων ἐν Θεῷ Πατρὶ καὶ Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ Χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 1 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be to you. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa May grace and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>, , and to the of the in the and the . May and be to you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109499" strongs="3972" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Παῦλος" text="Παῦλος">Paul</w>
<w OGNTsort="109500" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109501" strongs="4610" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Σιλουανός" text="Σιλουανὸς">Silvanus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109502" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109503" strongs="5095" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμόθεος">Timothy</w>
<w OGNTsort="109504" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109505" strongs="1577" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησίᾳ">church</w>
<w OGNTsort="109506" strongs="2331" morph="N-GPM-LG" lemma="Θεσσαλονικεύς" text="Θεσσαλονικέων">Thessalonians</w>
<w OGNTsort="109507" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109508" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109509" strongs="3962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρὶ">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="109510" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109511" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="109512" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">the Lord Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109513" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">Jesus Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="109514" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" text="Χάρις">grace</w>
<w OGNTsort="109515" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109516" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109517" strongs="1515" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνη">peace</w>
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa May grace and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:2">
<Greek>Εὐχαριστοῦμεν τῷ Θεῷ πάντοτε περὶ πάντων ὑμῶν μνείαν ποιούμενοι ἐπὶ τῶν προσευχῶν ἡμῶν ἀδιαλείπτως</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 2</preText>
<ULB>We always give thanks to God for all of you as we mention you continually in our prayers.</ULB>
<residue>We always give thanks to for all of you as we mention you continually in our .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109518" strongs="2168" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εὐχαριστέω" text="Εὐχαριστοῦμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109519" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109520" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109521" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109522" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109523" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109524" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109525" strongs="3417" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μνεία" text="μνείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109526" strongs="4160" morph="V-PMP-NPM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιούμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109527" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109528" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109529" strongs="4335" morph="N-GPF" lemma="προσευχή" text="προσευχῶν">prayers</w>
<w OGNTsort="109530" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109531" strongs="89" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀδιαλείπτως" text="ἀδιαλείπτως"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:3">
<Greek>μνημονεύοντες ὑμῶν τοῦ ἔργου τῆς πίστεως καὶ τοῦ κόπου τῆς ἀγάπης καὶ τῆς ὑπομονῆς τῆς ἐλπίδος τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ Πατρὸς ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>We remember before our God and Father your work of faith, labor of love, and patient endurance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.</ULB>
<residue>We remember before our and your work of , of , and of in our .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109532" strongs="3421" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="μνημονεύω" text="μνημονεύοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109533" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109534" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109535" strongs="2041" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργου">labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="109536" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109537" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="109538" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109539" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109540" strongs="2873" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κόπος" text="κόπου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109541" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109542" strongs="26" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπης">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="109543" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109544" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109545" strongs="5281" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑπομονή" text="ὑπομονῆς">patient endurance</w>
<w OGNTsort="109546" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109547" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="109548" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109549" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="109550" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109551" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109552" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="109553" strongs="1715" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔμπροσθεν" text="ἔμπροσθεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109554" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109555" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109556" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109557" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρὸς">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="109558" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:4">
<Greek>εἰδότες ἀδελφοὶ ἠγαπημένοι ὑπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ τὴν ἐκλογὴν ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>Brothers loved by God, we know he has chosen you,</ULB>
<residue>Brothers by , we he has you,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109559" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAP-NPM" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδότες">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109560" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109561" strongs="25" morph="V-RPP-VPM" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἠγαπημένοι">loved</w>
<w OGNTsort="109562" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109563" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109564" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109565" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109566" strongs="1589" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐκλογή" text="ἐκλογὴν">chosen</w>
<w OGNTsort="109567" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:5">
<Greek>ὅτι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον ἡμῶν οὐκ ἐγενήθη εἰς ὑμᾶς ἐν λόγῳ μόνον ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐν δυνάμει καὶ ἐν Πνεύματι Ἁγίῳ καὶ ἐν πληροφορίᾳ πολλῇ καθὼς οἴδατε οἷοι ἐγενήθημεν ἐν ὑμῖν δι᾽ ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>because our gospel came to you not in word only, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance. In the same way, you also know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.</ULB>
<residue>because our came to you not in only, but also in , in the , and in much assurance. In , you also what kind of men we were among you for your sake.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109568" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109569" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109570" strongs="2098" morph="N-NSN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="109571" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109572" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109573" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθη"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109574" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109575" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109576" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109577" strongs="3056" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγῳ">word</w>
<w OGNTsort="109578" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109579" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109580" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109581" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109582" strongs="1411" morph="N-DSF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δυνάμει">power</w>
<w OGNTsort="109583" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109584" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109585" strongs="4151" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεύματι">Holy Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="109586" strongs="40" morph="A-DSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἁγίῳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109587" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109588" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109589" strongs="4136" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πληροφορία" text="πληροφορίᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109590" strongs="4183" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109591" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">the same way</w>
<w OGNTsort="109592" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109593" strongs="3634" morph="K-NPM" lemma="οἷος" text="οἷοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109594" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-1P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθημεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109595" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109596" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109597" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109598" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:6">
<Greek>Καὶ ὑμεῖς μιμηταὶ ἡμῶν ἐγενήθητε καὶ τοῦ Κυρίου δεξάμενοι τὸν λόγον ἐν θλίψει πολλῇ μετὰ χαρᾶς Πνεύματος Ἁγίου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>You became imitators of us and of the Lord when you received the word in much tribulation with joy from the Holy Spirit.</ULB>
<residue>You became of us and of the when you the in much with from the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109599" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109600" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109601" strongs="3402" morph="N-NPM" lemma="μιμητής" text="μιμηταὶ">imitators</w>
<w OGNTsort="109602" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109603" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθητε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109604" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109605" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109606" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="109607" strongs="1209" morph="V-ADP-NPM" lemma="δέχομαι" text="δεξάμενοι">received</w>
<w OGNTsort="109608" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109609" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">word</w>
<w OGNTsort="109610" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109611" strongs="2347" morph="N-DSF" lemma="θλῖψις" text="θλίψει">tribulation</w>
<w OGNTsort="109612" strongs="4183" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109613" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109614" strongs="5479" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾶς">joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="109615" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεύματος">Holy Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="109616" strongs="40" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἁγίου"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:7">
<Greek>ὥστε γενέσθαι ὑμᾶς τύπον πᾶσιν τοῖς πιστεύουσιν ἐν τῇ Μακεδονίᾳ καὶ ἐν τῇ Ἀχαΐᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>As a result, you became an example to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe.</ULB>
<residue>As a result, you became an example to all in and Achaia who .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109617" strongs="5620" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥστε" text="ὥστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109618" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADN" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενέσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109619" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109620" strongs="5179" morph="N-ASM" lemma="τύπος" text="τύπον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109621" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109622" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109623" strongs="4100" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύουσιν">believe</w>
<w OGNTsort="109624" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109625" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109626" strongs="3109" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Μακεδονία" text="Μακεδονίᾳ">Macedonia</w>
<w OGNTsort="109627" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109628" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109629" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109630" strongs="882" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Ἀχαΐα" text="Ἀχαΐᾳ"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:8">
<Greek>ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν γὰρ ἐξήχηται ὁ λόγος τοῦ Κυρίου οὐ μόνον ἐν τῇ Μακεδονίᾳ καὶ ἐν τῇ Ἀχαΐᾳ ἀλλ᾽ ἐν παντὶ τόπῳ ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν ἡ πρὸς τὸν Θεὸν ἐξελήλυθεν ὥστε μὴ χρείαν ἔχειν ἡμᾶς λαλεῖν τι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>For from you the word of the Lord has rung out, and not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone out everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it.</ULB>
<residue>For from you the has rung out, and not only in and Achaia, but your in has gone out everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109631" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109632" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109633" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109634" strongs="1837" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="ἐξηχέω" text="ἐξήχηται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109635" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109636" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">word of the Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="109637" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109638" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109639" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109640" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109641" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109642" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109643" strongs="3109" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Μακεδονία" text="Μακεδονίᾳ">Macedonia</w>
<w OGNTsort="109644" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109645" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109646" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109647" strongs="882" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Ἀχαΐα" text="Ἀχαΐᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109648" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109649" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109650" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109651" strongs="5117" morph="N-DSM" lemma="τόπος" text="τόπῳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109652" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109653" strongs="4102" morph="N-NSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστις">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="109654" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109655" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109656" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109657" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109658" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸν">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109659" strongs="1831" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξελήλυθεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109660" strongs="5620" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥστε" text="ὥστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109661" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109662" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109663" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109664" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109665" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109666" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" text="τι"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:9">
<Greek>αὐτοὶ γὰρ περὶ ἡμῶν ἀπαγγέλλουσιν ὁποίαν εἴσοδον ἔσχομεν πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ πῶς ἐπεστρέψατε πρὸς τὸν Θεὸν ἀπὸ τῶν εἰδώλων δουλεύειν Θεῷ ζῶντι καὶ ἀληθινῷ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>For they themselves report concerning us what kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from the idols to serve the living and true God,</ULB>
<residue>For they themselves concerning us what kind of reception we had among you, and how you to from the to the and ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109667" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109668" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109669" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109670" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109671" strongs="518" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἀπαγγέλλω" text="ἀπαγγέλλουσιν">report</w>
<w OGNTsort="109672" strongs="3697" morph="I-ASF" lemma="ὁποῖος" text="ὁποίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109673" strongs="1529" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εἴσοδος" text="εἴσοδον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109674" strongs="2192" morph="V-2AAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔσχομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109675" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109676" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109677" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109678" strongs="4459" morph="ADV-I" lemma="πως" text="πῶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109679" strongs="1994" morph="V-2AAI-2P" lemma="ἐπιστρέφω" text="ἐπεστρέψατε">turned</w>
<w OGNTsort="109680" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109681" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109682" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸν">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109683" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109684" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109685" strongs="1497" morph="N-GPN" lemma="εἴδωλον" text="εἰδώλων">idols</w>
<w OGNTsort="109686" strongs="1398" morph="V-PAN" lemma="δουλεύω" text="δουλεύειν">serve</w>
<w OGNTsort="109687" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109688" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντι">living</w>
<w OGNTsort="109689" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109690" strongs="228" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ἀληθινός" text="ἀληθινῷ">true</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 1:10">
<Greek>καὶ ἀναμένειν τὸν Υἱὸν αὐτοῦ ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν ὃν ἤγειρεν ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν Ἰησοῦν τὸν ῥυόμενον ἡμᾶς ἐκ τῆς ὀργῆς τῆς ἐρχομένης</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.</ULB>
<residue>and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he from the — , who us from the to come.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109691" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109692" strongs="362" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀναμένω" text="ἀναμένειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109693" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109694" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109695" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109696" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109697" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109698" strongs="3772" morph="N-GPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109699" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109700" strongs="1453" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἐγείρω" text="ἤγειρεν">raised</w>
<w OGNTsort="109701" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109702" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109703" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="109704" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109705" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109706" strongs="4506" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="ῥύομαι" text="ῥυόμενον">rescues</w>
<w OGNTsort="109707" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109708" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109709" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109710" strongs="3709" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργῆς">wrath</w>
<w OGNTsort="109711" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109712" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNP-GSF" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐρχομένης"></w>
<chapter osisID="1th.2">
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:1">
<Greek>Αὐτοὶ γὰρ οἴδατε ἀδελφοί τὴν εἴσοδον ἡμῶν τὴν πρὸς ὑμᾶς ὅτι οὐ κενὴ γέγονεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 2 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>For you yourselves know, brothers, that our coming to you was not useless.</ULB>
<residue>For you yourselves , , that our coming to you was not .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109713" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="Αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109714" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109715" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109716" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="109717" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109718" strongs="1529" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εἴσοδος" text="εἴσοδον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109719" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109720" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109721" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109722" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109723" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109724" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109725" strongs="2756" morph="A-NSF" lemma="κενός" text="κενὴ">useless</w>
<w OGNTsort="109726" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γέγονεν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:2">
<Greek>ἀλλὰ προπαθόντες καὶ ὑβρισθέντες καθὼς οἴδατε ἐν Φιλίπποις ἐπαρρησιασάμεθα ἐν τῷ Θεῷ ἡμῶν λαλῆσαι πρὸς ὑμᾶς τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐν πολλῷ ἀγῶνι</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>Rather, as you know, though we previously suffered and were shamefully treated at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much struggling.</ULB>
<residue>Rather, you , though we previously and were treated at , we were in our to speak to you the of in much struggling.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109727" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109728" strongs="4310" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="προπάσχω" text="προπαθόντες">suffered</w>
<w OGNTsort="109729" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109730" strongs="5195" morph="V-APP-NPM" lemma="ὑβρίζω" text="ὑβρισθέντες">shamefully</w>
<w OGNTsort="109731" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="109732" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109733" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109734" strongs="5375" morph="N-DPM-L" lemma="Φίλιπποι" text="Φιλίπποις">Philippi</w>
<w OGNTsort="109735" strongs="3955" morph="V-ADI-1P" lemma="παρρησιάζομαι" text="ἐπαρρησιασάμεθα">bold</w>
<w OGNTsort="109736" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109737" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109738" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109739" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109740" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλῆσαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109741" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109742" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109743" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109744" strongs="2098" morph="N-ASN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="109745" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109746" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109747" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109748" strongs="4183" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109749" strongs="73" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἀγών" text="ἀγῶνι"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:3">
<Greek>Ἡ γὰρ παράκλησις ἡμῶν οὐκ ἐκ πλάνης οὐδὲ ἐξ ἀκαθαρσίας οὐδὲ ἐν δόλῳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>For our exhortation was not from error, nor from uncleanness, nor from deceit.</ULB>
<residue>For our was not from , nor from , nor from .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109750" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109751" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109752" strongs="3874" morph="N-NSF" lemma="παράκλησις" text="παράκλησις">exhortation</w>
<w OGNTsort="109753" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109754" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109755" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109756" strongs="4106" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πλάνη" text="πλάνης">deceit</w>
<w OGNTsort="109757" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109758" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109759" strongs="167" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀκαθαρσία" text="ἀκαθαρσίας">uncleanness</w>
<w OGNTsort="109760" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109761" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109762" strongs="1388" morph="N-DSM" lemma="δόλος" text="δόλῳ">error</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:4">
<Greek>ἀλλὰ καθὼς δεδοκιμάσμεθα ὑπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ πιστευθῆναι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον οὕτως λαλοῦμεν οὐχ ὡς ἀνθρώποις ἀρέσκοντες ἀλλὰ Θεῷ τῷ δοκιμάζοντι τὰς καρδίας ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>Instead, just as we have been approved by God to be trusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but God. He is the one who examines our hearts.</ULB>
<residue>Instead, we have been approved by to be with the , so we speak, not to please men, but . He is the one who examines our .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109763" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109764" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="109765" strongs="1381" morph="V-RPI-1P" lemma="δοκιμάζω" text="δεδοκιμάσμεθα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109766" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109767" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109768" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109769" strongs="4100" morph="V-APN" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστευθῆναι">trusted</w>
<w OGNTsort="109770" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109771" strongs="2098" morph="N-ASN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="109772" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109773" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109774" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109775" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109776" strongs="444" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώποις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109777" strongs="700" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἀρέσκω" text="ἀρέσκοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109778" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109779" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109780" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109781" strongs="1381" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="δοκιμάζω" text="δοκιμάζοντι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109782" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109783" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
<w OGNTsort="109784" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:5">
<Greek>οὔτε γάρ ποτε ἐν λόγῳ κολακείας ἐγενήθημεν καθὼς οἴδατε οὔτε ἐν προφάσει πλεονεξίας Θεὸς μάρτυς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext to cover up greed—God is our witness.</ULB>
<residue>For we never came with of flattery, you , nor with a pretext to cover up — is our .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109785" strongs="3777" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὔτε" text="οὔτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109786" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109787" strongs="4218" morph="PRT" lemma="ποτέ" text="ποτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109788" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109789" strongs="3056" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγῳ">words</w>
<w OGNTsort="109790" strongs="2850" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κολακεία" text="κολακείας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109791" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-1P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθημεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109792" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="109793" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109794" strongs="3777" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὔτε" text="οὔτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109795" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109796" strongs="4392" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πρόφασις" text="προφάσει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109797" strongs="4124" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πλεονεξία" text="πλεονεξίας">greed</w>
<w OGNTsort="109798" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109799" strongs="3144" morph="N-NSM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μάρτυς">witness</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:6">
<Greek>οὔτε ζητοῦντες ἐξ ἀνθρώπων δόξαν οὔτε ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν οὔτε ἀπ᾽ ἄλλων</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>Nor did we seek glory from people, either from you or from others.</ULB>
<residue>Nor did we from people, either from you or from others.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109800" strongs="3777" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὔτε" text="οὔτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109801" strongs="2212" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ζητέω" text="ζητοῦντες">seek</w>
<w OGNTsort="109802" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109803" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109804" strongs="1391" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξαν">glory</w>
<w OGNTsort="109805" strongs="3777" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὔτε" text="οὔτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109806" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109807" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109808" strongs="3777" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὔτε" text="οὔτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109809" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109810" strongs="243" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἄλλος" text="ἄλλων"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:7">
<Greek>δυνάμενοι ἐν βάρει εἶναι ὡς Χριστοῦ ἀπόστολοι Ἀλλὰ ἐγενήθημεν νήπιοι ἐν μέσῳ ὑμῶν ὡς ἐὰν τροφὸς θάλπῃ τὰ ἑαυτῆς τέκνα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>We could have claimed privileges as apostles of Christ. <usfm>\f + \ft Many copies include this sentence in verse 6. \f*</usfm> Instead, we were as gentle among you as a mother comforting her own children. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa Instead, we were like babies among you, as when a mother comforts her own children \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>We have claimed privileges as of . Instead, we were as gentle among you as a mother comforting her own .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109811" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμενοι">could</w>
<w OGNTsort="109812" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109813" strongs="922" morph="N-DSN" lemma="βάρος" text="βάρει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109814" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109815" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109816" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="109817" strongs="652" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἀπόστολος" text="ἀπόστολοι">apostles</w>
<w OGNTsort="109818" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="Ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109819" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-1P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθημεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109820" strongs="3516" morph="A-NPM" lemma="νήπιος" text="νήπιοι">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="109821" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109822" strongs="3319" morph="A-DSN" lemma="μέσος" text="μέσῳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109823" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109824" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109825" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109826" strongs="5162" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τροφός" text="τροφὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109827" strongs="2282" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="θάλπω" text="θάλπῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109828" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109829" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSF" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109830" strongs="5043" morph="N-APN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνα">children</w>
<usfm>\f + \ft Many copies include this sentence in verse 6. \f*</usfm>
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa Instead, we were like babies among you, as when a mother comforts her own children \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:8">
<Greek>οὕτως ὁμειρόμενοι ὑμῶν εὐδοκοῦμεν μεταδοῦναι ὑμῖν οὐ μόνον τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀλλὰ καὶ τὰς ἑαυτῶν ψυχάς διότι ἀγαπητοὶ ἡμῖν ἐγενήθητε</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>In this way we had affection for you. We were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives. For you had become very dear to us.</ULB>
<residue>In this way we had affection for you. We were to share with you not only the of but also our own . For you had become very to us.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109831" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109832" strongs="2442" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="ἱμείρω, ἱμείρομαι" text="ὁμειρόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109833" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109834" strongs="2106" morph="V-IAI-1P" lemma="εὐδοκέω" text="εὐδοκοῦμεν">pleased</w>
<w OGNTsort="109835" strongs="3330" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="μεταδίδωμι" text="μεταδοῦναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109836" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109837" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109838" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109839" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109840" strongs="2098" morph="N-ASN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="109841" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109842" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109843" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109844" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109845" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109846" strongs="1438" morph="F-1GPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109847" strongs="5590" morph="N-APF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχάς">lives</w>
<w OGNTsort="109848" strongs="1360" morph="CONJ" lemma="διότι" text="διότι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109849" strongs="27" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἀγαπητός" text="ἀγαπητοὶ">dear</w>
<w OGNTsort="109850" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109851" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθητε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:9">
<Greek>Μνημονεύετε γάρ ἀδελφοί τὸν κόπον ἡμῶν καὶ τὸν μόχθον νυκτὸς καὶ ἡμέρας ἐργαζόμενοι πρὸς τὸ μὴ ἐπιβαρῆσαί τινα ὑμῶν ἐκηρύξαμεν εἰς ὑμᾶς τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>For you remember, brothers, our labor and toil. Night and day we were working so that we might not be a burden to any of you as we preached to you the gospel of God.</ULB>
<residue>For you remember, , our and . Night and we were working so that we might not be a to any of you as we to you the of .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109852" strongs="3421" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="μνημονεύω" text="Μνημονεύετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109853" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109854" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="109855" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109856" strongs="2873" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόπος" text="κόπον">labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="109857" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109858" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109859" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109860" strongs="3449" morph="N-ASM" lemma="μόχθος" text="μόχθον">toil</w>
<w OGNTsort="109861" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109862" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109863" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="109864" strongs="2038" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="ἐργάζομαι" text="ἐργαζόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109865" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109866" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109867" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109868" strongs="1912" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ἐπιβαρέω" text="ἐπιβαρῆσαί">burden</w>
<w OGNTsort="109869" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASM" lemma="τις" text="τινα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109870" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109871" strongs="2784" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="κηρύσσω" text="ἐκηρύξαμεν">preached</w>
<w OGNTsort="109872" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109873" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109874" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109875" strongs="2098" morph="N-ASN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="109876" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109877" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:10">
<Greek>ὑμεῖς μάρτυρες καὶ ὁ Θεός ὡς ὁσίως καὶ δικαίως καὶ ἀμέμπτως ὑμῖν τοῖς πιστεύουσιν ἐγενήθημεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 10</preText>
<ULB>You are witnesses, and God also, how holy, righteous, and blameless was our behavior toward you who believe.</ULB>
<residue>You are , and also, how holy, , and was our behavior toward you who .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109878" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109879" strongs="3144" morph="N-NPM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μάρτυρες">witnesses</w>
<w OGNTsort="109880" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109881" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109882" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109883" strongs="5613" morph="ADV" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109884" strongs="3743" morph="ADV" lemma="ὁσίως" text="ὁσίως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109885" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109886" strongs="1346" morph="ADV" lemma="δικαίως" text="δικαίως">righteous</w>
<w OGNTsort="109887" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109888" strongs="274" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀμέμπτως" text="ἀμέμπτως">blameless</w>
<w OGNTsort="109889" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109890" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109891" strongs="4100" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύουσιν">believe</w>
<w OGNTsort="109892" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-1P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθημεν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:11">
<Greek>καθάπερ οἴδατε ὡς ἕνα ἕκαστον ὑμῶν ὡς πατὴρ τέκνα ἑαυτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>In the same way you know how we were with each one of you, as a father with his own children,</ULB>
<residue>In you how we were with each one of you, as a with his own ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109893" strongs="2509" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθάπερ" text="καθάπερ">the same way</w>
<w OGNTsort="109894" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="109895" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109896" strongs="1520" morph="A-ASM" lemma="εἷς" text="ἕνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109897" strongs="1538" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109898" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109899" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109900" strongs="3962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατὴρ">father</w>
<w OGNTsort="109901" strongs="5043" morph="N-APN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνα">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="109902" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:12">
<Greek>παρακαλοῦντες ὑμᾶς καὶ παραμυθούμενοι καὶ μαρτυρόμενοι εἰς τὸ περιπατεῖν ὑμᾶς ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ καλοῦντος ὑμᾶς εἰς τὴν ἑαυτοῦ βασιλείαν καὶ δόξαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>exhorting you and comforting you and urging you to walk in a manner that is worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.</ULB>
<residue>exhorting you and you and urging you to in a manner that is of , who you into his own and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109903" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλοῦντες">comforting</w>
<w OGNTsort="109904" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109905" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109906" strongs="3888" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="παραμυθέομαι" text="παραμυθούμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109907" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109908" strongs="3143" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="μαρτύρομαι" text="μαρτυρόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109909" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109910" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109911" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAN" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατεῖν">walk</w>
<w OGNTsort="109912" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109913" strongs="516" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀξίως" text="ἀξίως">worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="109914" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109915" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109916" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109917" strongs="2564" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="καλέω" text="καλοῦντος">calls</w>
<w OGNTsort="109918" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109919" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109920" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109921" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109922" strongs="932" morph="N-ASF" lemma="βασιλεία" text="βασιλείαν">kingdom</w>
<w OGNTsort="109923" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109924" strongs="1391" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξαν">glory</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:13">
<Greek>Καὶ διὰ τοῦτο καὶ ἡμεῖς εὐχαριστοῦμεν τῷ Θεῷ ἀδιαλείπτως ὅτι παραλαβόντες λόγον ἀκοῆς παρ᾽ ἡμῶν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐδέξασθε οὐ λόγον ἀνθρώπων ἀλλὰ καθὼς ἐστὶν ἀληθῶς λόγον Θεοῦ ὃς καὶ ἐνεργεῖται ἐν ὑμῖν τοῖς πιστεύουσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>For this reason we also thank God constantly, that when you received God's message that you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of man, but just as it truly is, the word of God, which is also at work in you who believe.</ULB>
<residue>For this reason we also thank constantly, that when you that you heard from us, you accepted it not as the of man, but it is, the , which is also at in you who .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109925" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109926" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109927" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109928" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109929" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109930" strongs="2168" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εὐχαριστέω" text="εὐχαριστοῦμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109931" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109932" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="109933" strongs="89" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀδιαλείπτως" text="ἀδιαλείπτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109934" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109935" strongs="3880" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="παραλαμβάνω" text="παραλαβόντες">received</w>
<w OGNTsort="109936" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">word of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109937" strongs="189" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀκοή" text="ἀκοῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109938" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109939" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109940" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109941" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109942" strongs="1209" morph="V-ADI-2P" lemma="δέχομαι" text="ἐδέξασθε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109943" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109944" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">message</w>
<w OGNTsort="109945" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109946" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109947" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="109948" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109949" strongs="230" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀληθῶς" text="ἀληθῶς">truly</w>
<w OGNTsort="109950" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">word</w>
<w OGNTsort="109951" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109952" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109953" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109954" strongs="1754" morph="V-PMI-3S" lemma="ἐνεργέω" text="ἐνεργεῖται">work</w>
<w OGNTsort="109955" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109956" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109957" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109958" strongs="4100" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύουσιν">believe</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:14">
<Greek>Ὑμεῖς γὰρ μιμηταὶ ἐγενήθητε ἀδελφοί τῶν ἐκκλησιῶν τοῦ Θεοῦ τῶν οὐσῶν ἐν τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ ὅτι τὰ αὐτὰ ἐπάθετε καὶ ὑμεῖς ὑπὸ τῶν ἰδίων συμφυλετῶν καθὼς καὶ αὐτοὶ ὑπὸ τῶν Ἰουδαίων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 14</preText>
<ULB>For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God that are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen, as they did from the Jews</ULB>
<residue>For you, , became of the of that are in . For you also things from your own countrymen, as they did from the Jews</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109959" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="Ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109960" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109961" strongs="3402" morph="N-NPM" lemma="μιμητής" text="μιμηταὶ">imitators</w>
<w OGNTsort="109962" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθητε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109963" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="109964" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109965" strongs="1577" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησιῶν">churches</w>
<w OGNTsort="109966" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109967" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="109968" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109969" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-GPF" lemma="εἰμί" text="οὐσῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109970" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109971" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109972" strongs="2449" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Ἰουδαία" text="Ἰουδαίᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109973" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109974" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">in Christ Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109975" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109976" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109977" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109978" strongs="846" morph="P-APN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109979" strongs="3958" morph="V-2AAI-2P" lemma="πάσχω" text="ἐπάθετε">suffered</w>
<w OGNTsort="109980" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109981" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109982" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109983" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109984" strongs="2398" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109985" strongs="4853" morph="N-GPM" lemma="συμφυλέτης" text="συμφυλετῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109986" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">the same</w>
<w OGNTsort="109987" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109988" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109989" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109990" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109991" strongs="2453" morph="A-GPM-PG" lemma="Ἰουδαῖος" text="Ἰουδαίων">Judea</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:15">
<Greek>τῶν καὶ τὸν Κύριον ἀποκτεινάντων Ἰησοῦν καὶ τοὺς προφήτας καὶ ἡμᾶς ἐκδιωξάντων καὶ Θεῷ μὴ ἀρεσκόντων καὶ πᾶσιν ἀνθρώποις ἐναντίων</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and who drove us out. They do not please God. Instead, they are hostile to all people.</ULB>
<residue>who both the and the , and who drove us out. They do not please . Instead, they are hostile to all people.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="109992" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109993" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109994" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109995" strongs="2962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριον">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="109996" strongs="615" morph="V-AAP-GPM" lemma="ἀποκτείνω" text="ἀποκτεινάντων">killed</w>
<w OGNTsort="109997" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="109998" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="109999" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110000" strongs="4396" morph="N-APM" lemma="προφήτης" text="προφήτας">prophets</w>
<w OGNTsort="110001" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110002" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110003" strongs="1559" morph="V-AAP-GPM" lemma="ἐκδιώκω" text="ἐκδιωξάντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110004" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110005" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110006" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110007" strongs="700" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="ἀρέσκω" text="ἀρεσκόντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110008" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110009" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110010" strongs="444" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώποις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110011" strongs="1727" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἐναντίος" text="ἐναντίων"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:16">
<Greek>κωλυόντων ἡμᾶς τοῖς ἔθνεσιν λαλῆσαι ἵνα σωθῶσιν εἰς τὸ ἀναπληρῶσαι αὐτῶν τὰς ἁμαρτίας πάντοτε ἔφθασεν δὲ ἐπ᾽ αὐτοὺς ἡ ὀργὴ εἰς τέλος</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>They forbid us to speak to the Gentiles for them to be saved. The result is that they always fill up their sins to the limit. But wrath will overtake them in the end.</ULB>
<residue>They forbid us to speak to the for them to be . The result is that they always their . But will overtake them in the end.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110012" strongs="2967" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="κωλύω" text="κωλυόντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110013" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110014" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110015" strongs="1484" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ἔθνος" text="ἔθνεσιν">Gentiles</w>
<w OGNTsort="110016" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλῆσαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110017" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110018" strongs="4982" morph="V-APS-3P" lemma="σῴζω" text="σωθῶσιν">saved</w>
<w OGNTsort="110019" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110020" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110021" strongs="378" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ἀναπληρόω" text="ἀναπληρῶσαι">fill up ... to the limit</w>
<w OGNTsort="110022" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110023" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110024" strongs="266" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="110025" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110026" strongs="5348" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="φθάνω" text="ἔφθασεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110027" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110028" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110029" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110030" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110031" strongs="3709" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργὴ">wrath</w>
<w OGNTsort="110032" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110033" strongs="5056" morph="N-ASN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλος"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:17">
<Greek>Ἡμεῖς δέ ἀδελφοί ἀπορφανισθέντες ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν πρὸς καιρὸν ὥρας προσώπῳ οὐ καρδίᾳ περισσοτέρως ἐσπουδάσαμεν τὸ πρόσωπον ὑμῶν ἰδεῖν ἐν πολλῇ ἐπιθυμίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 17</preText>
<ULB>But we, brothers, were separated from you for a short time, in person not in heart. We were especially eager, with great desire, to see your faces.</ULB>
<residue>But we, , were separated from you for a short , in person not in . We were especially eager, with great , to see your .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110034" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="Ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110035" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110036" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110037" strongs="642" morph="V-APP-NPM" lemma="ἀπορφανίζω" text="ἀπορφανισθέντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110038" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110039" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110040" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110041" strongs="2540" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιρὸν">time</w>
<w OGNTsort="110042" strongs="5610" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὥρα" text="ὥρας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110043" strongs="4383" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πρόσωπον" text="προσώπῳ">faces</w>
<w OGNTsort="110044" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110045" strongs="2588" morph="N-DSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίᾳ">heart</w>
<w OGNTsort="110046" strongs="4056" morph="ADV" lemma="περισσοτέρως" text="περισσοτέρως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110047" strongs="4704" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="σπουδάζω" text="ἐσπουδάσαμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110048" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110049" strongs="4383" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πρόσωπον" text="πρόσωπον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110050" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110051" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110052" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110053" strongs="4183" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110054" strongs="1939" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἐπιθυμία" text="ἐπιθυμίᾳ">desire</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:18">
<Greek>διότι ἠθελήσαμεν ἐλθεῖν πρὸς ὑμᾶς ἐγὼ μὲν Παῦλος καὶ ἅπαξ καὶ δίς καὶ ἐνέκοψεν ἡμᾶς ὁ Σατανᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>For we wished to come to you—indeed I, Paul, once and again—but Satan stopped us.</ULB>
<residue>For we wished to come to you—indeed I, , once and again—but stopped us.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110055" strongs="1360" morph="CONJ" lemma="διότι" text="διότι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110056" strongs="2309" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="θέλω" text="ἠθελήσαμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110057" strongs="2064" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐλθεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110058" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110059" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110060" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110061" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110062" strongs="3972" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Παῦλος" text="Παῦλος">Paul</w>
<w OGNTsort="110063" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110064" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110065" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110066" strongs="1364" morph="ADV" lemma="δίς" text="δίς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110067" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110068" strongs="1465" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἐγκόπτω" text="ἐνέκοψεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110069" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110070" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110071" strongs="4567" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Σατανᾶς" text="Σατανᾶς">Satan</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:19">
<Greek>τίς γὰρ ἡμῶν ἐλπὶς ἢ χαρὰ ἢ στέφανος καυχήσεως ἢ οὐχὶ καὶ ὑμεῖς ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ ἐν τῇ αὐτοῦ παρουσίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of pride in front of our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?</ULB>
<residue>For what is our , or , or of in front of our at his coming? Is it not you?</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110072" strongs="5101" morph="I-NSF" lemma="τίς" text="τίς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110073" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρa" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110074" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110075" strongs="1680" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπὶς">hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="110076" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110077" strongs="5479" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρὰ">joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="110078" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110079" strongs="4735" morph="N-NSM" lemma="στέφανος" text="στέφανος">crown</w>
<w OGNTsort="110080" strongs="2746" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καύχησις" text="καυχήσεως">pride</w>
<w OGNTsort="110081" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110082" strongs="3780" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐχί" text="οὐχὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110083" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110084" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110085" strongs="1715" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔμπροσθεν" text="ἔμπροσθεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110086" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110087" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110088" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110089" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110090" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110091" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110092" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110093" strongs="3952" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παρουσία" text="παρουσίᾳ"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 2:20">
<Greek>ὑμεῖς γάρ ἐστε ἡ δόξα ἡμῶν καὶ ἡ χαρά</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>For you are our glory and joy.</ULB>
<residue>For you are our and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110094" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110095" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110096" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110097" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110098" strongs="1391" morph="N-NSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξα">glory</w>
<w OGNTsort="110099" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110100" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110101" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110102" strongs="5479" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρά">joy</w>
<chapter osisID="1th.3">
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:1">
<Greek>Διὸ μηκέτι στέγοντες εὐδοκήσαμεν καταλειφθῆναι ἐν Ἀθήναις μόνοι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 3 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, when we could no longer bear it, we thought it was good to be left behind at Athens alone.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, when we could no longer it, we thought it was to be behind at Athens alone.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110103" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110104" strongs="3371" morph="ADV" lemma="μηκέτι" text="μηκέτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110105" strongs="4722" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="στέγω" text="στέγοντες">bear</w>
<w OGNTsort="110106" strongs="2106" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="εὐδοκέω" text="εὐδοκήσαμεν">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="110107" strongs="2641" morph="V-APN" lemma="καταλείπω" text="καταλειφθῆναι">left</w>
<w OGNTsort="110108" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110109" strongs="116" morph="N-DPF-L" lemma="Ἀθῆναι" text="Ἀθήναις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110110" strongs="3441" morph="A-NPM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνοι"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:2">
<Greek>καὶ ἐπέμψαμεν Τιμόθεον τὸν ἀδελφὸν ἡμῶν καὶ συνεργὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τὸ στηρίξαι ὑμᾶς καὶ παρακαλέσαι ὑπὲρ τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>We sent Timothy, our brother and fellow worker for God in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and comfort you regarding your faith, <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa We sent Timothy, our brother and God's servant in the gospel of Christ \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>We , our and for God in the of , to and you regarding your ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110111" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110112" strongs="3992" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="πέμπω" text="ἐπέμψαμεν">sent</w>
<w OGNTsort="110113" strongs="5095" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμόθεον">Timothy</w>
<w OGNTsort="110114" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110115" strongs="80" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφὸν">brother</w>
<w OGNTsort="110116" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110117" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110118" strongs="4904" morph="A-ASM" lemma="συνεργός" text="συνεργὸν">fellow worker</w>
<w OGNTsort="110119" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110120" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="110121" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110122" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110123" strongs="2098" morph="N-DSN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγελίῳ">gospel</w>
<w OGNTsort="110124" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110125" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="110126" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110127" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110128" strongs="4741" morph="V-AAN" lemma="στηρίζω" text="στηρίξαι">strengthen</w>
<w OGNTsort="110129" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110130" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110131" strongs="3870" morph="V-AAN" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλέσαι">comfort</w>
<w OGNTsort="110132" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110133" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110134" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="110135" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa We sent Timothy, our brother and God's servant in the gospel of Christ \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:3">
<Greek>τὸ μηδένα σαίνεσθαι ἐν ταῖς θλίψεσιν ταύταις αὐτοὶ γὰρ οἴδατε ὅτι εἰς τοῦτο κείμεθα</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>so that no one would be shaken by these tribulations. For you yourselves know that for this we have been appointed.</ULB>
<residue>so that no one would be shaken by these . For you yourselves that for this we have been .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110136" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110137" strongs="3367" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδένα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110138" strongs="4525" morph="V-PPN" lemma="σαίνω" text="σαίνεσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110139" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110140" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110141" strongs="2347" morph="N-DPF" lemma="θλῖψις" text="θλίψεσιν">tribulations</w>
<w OGNTsort="110142" strongs="3778" morph="D-DPF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύταις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110143" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110144" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110145" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="110146" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110147" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110148" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110149" strongs="2749" morph="V-PNI-1P" lemma="κεῖμαι" text="κείμεθα">appointed</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:4">
<Greek>καὶ γὰρ ὅτε πρὸς ὑμᾶς ἦμεν προελέγομεν ὑμῖν ὅτι μέλλομεν θλίβεσθαι καθὼς καὶ ἐγένετο καὶ οἴδατε</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>Truly, when we were with you, we told you in advance that we were about to suffer affliction, and it happened just so, as you know.</ULB>
<residue>Truly, when we were with you, we told you in advance that we were about to suffer , and it happened just so, you .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110150" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110151" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110152" strongs="3753" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτε" text="ὅτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110153" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110154" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110155" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110156" strongs="4302" morph="V-IAI-1P" lemma="προλέγω" text="προελέγομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110157" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110158" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110159" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110160" strongs="2346" morph="V-PPN" lemma="θλίβω" text="θλίβεσθαι">affliction</w>
<w OGNTsort="110161" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110162" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110163" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγένετο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110164" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110165" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:5">
<Greek>διὰ τοῦτο κἀγὼ μηκέτι στέγων ἔπεμψα εἰς τὸ γνῶναι τὴν πίστιν ὑμῶν μή πως ἐπείρασεν ὑμᾶς ὁ πειράζων καὶ εἰς κενὸν γένηται ὁ κόπος ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent that I might know about your faith. Perhaps the tempter had somehow tempted you, and our labor was in vain.</ULB>
<residue>For this reason, when I could no longer it, I that I might about your . Perhaps the had somehow you, and our was in .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110166" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110167" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110168" strongs="2504" morph="P-1NS-K" lemma="κἀγώ" text="κἀγὼ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110169" strongs="3371" morph="ADV" lemma="μηκέτι" text="μηκέτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110170" strongs="4722" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="στέγω" text="στέγων">endure</w>
<w OGNTsort="110171" strongs="3992" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="πέμπω" text="ἔπεμψα">sent</w>
<w OGNTsort="110172" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110173" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110174" strongs="1097" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="γινώσκω" text="γνῶναι">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="110175" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110176" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="110177" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110178" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110179" strongs="4459" morph="ADV" lemma="πως" text="πως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110180" strongs="3985" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="πειράζω" text="ἐπείρασεν">tempter</w>
<w OGNTsort="110181" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110182" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110183" strongs="3985" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="πειράζω" text="πειράζων">tempted</w>
<w OGNTsort="110184" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110185" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110186" strongs="2756" morph="A-ASN" lemma="κενός" text="κενὸν">vain</w>
<w OGNTsort="110187" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADS-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γένηται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110188" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110189" strongs="2873" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κόπος" text="κόπος">labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="110190" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:6">
<Greek>Ἄρτι δὲ ἐλθόντος Τιμοθέου πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν καὶ εὐαγγελισαμένου ἡμῖν τὴν πίστιν καὶ τὴν ἀγάπην ὑμῶν καὶ ὅτι ἔχετε μνείαν ἡμῶν ἀγαθὴν πάντοτε ἐπιποθοῦντες ἡμᾶς ἰδεῖν καθάπερ καὶ ἡμεῖς ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>But Timothy came to us from you and brought us the good news of your faith and love. He told us that you always have good memories of us, and that you long to see us just as we also long to see you.</ULB>
<residue>But came to us from you and us the of your and . He told us that you always have memories of us, and that you long to see us we also long to see you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110191" strongs="737" morph="ADV" lemma="ἄρτι" text="Ἄρτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110192" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110193" strongs="2064" morph="V-2AAP-GSM" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐλθόντος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110194" strongs="5095" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμοθέου">Timothy</w>
<w OGNTsort="110195" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110196" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110197" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110198" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110199" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110200" strongs="2097" morph="V-AMP-GSM" lemma="εὐαγγελίζομαι" text="εὐαγγελισαμένου">brought ... good news</w>
<w OGNTsort="110201" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110202" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110203" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="110204" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110205" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110206" strongs="26" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπην">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110207" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110208" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110209" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110210" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110211" strongs="3417" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μνεία" text="μνείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110212" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110213" strongs="18" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθὴν">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="110214" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110215" strongs="1971" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἐπιποθέω" text="ἐπιποθοῦντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110216" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110217" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110218" strongs="2509" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθάπερ" text="καθάπερ">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110219" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110220" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110221" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:7">
<Greek>διὰ τοῦτο παρεκλήθημεν ἀδελφοί ἐφ᾽ ὑμῖν ἐπὶ πάσῃ τῇ ἀνάγκῃ καὶ θλίψει ἡμῶν διὰ τῆς ὑμῶν πίστεως</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>Because of this, brothers, we were comforted by you because of your faith, in all our distress and affliction.</ULB>
<residue>Because of this, , we were by you because of your , in all our distress and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110222" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110223" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110224" strongs="3870" morph="V-API-1P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρεκλήθημεν">comforted</w>
<w OGNTsort="110225" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110226" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110227" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110228" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110229" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110230" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110231" strongs="318" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀνάγκη" text="ἀνάγκῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110232" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110233" strongs="2347" morph="N-DSF" lemma="θλῖψις" text="θλίψει">affliction</w>
<w OGNTsort="110234" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110235" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110236" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110237" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110238" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:8">
<Greek>ὅτι νῦν ζῶμεν ἐὰν ὑμεῖς στήκετε ἐν Κυρίῳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>For now we live, if you stand firm in the Lord.</ULB>
<residue>For now we , if you stand firm .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110239" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110240" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110241" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶμεν">live</w>
<w OGNTsort="110242" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110243" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110244" strongs="4739" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="στήκω" text="στήκετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110245" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110246" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">in the Lord</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:9">
<Greek>Τίνα γὰρ εὐχαριστίαν δυνάμεθα τῷ Θεῷ ἀνταποδοῦναι περὶ ὑμῶν ἐπὶ πάσῃ τῇ χαρᾷ ᾗ χαίρομεν δι᾽ ὑμᾶς ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>For what thanks can we give to God for you, for all the joy that we have before our God over you?</ULB>
<residue>For what thanks we give to for you, for all the that we have before our over you?</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110247" strongs="5101" morph="I-ASF" lemma="τίς" text="Τίνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110248" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110249" strongs="2169" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐχαριστία" text="εὐχαριστίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110250" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-1P" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμεθα">can</w>
<w OGNTsort="110251" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110252" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110253" strongs="467" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἀνταποδίδωμι" text="ἀνταποδοῦναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110254" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110255" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110256" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110257" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110258" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110259" strongs="5479" morph="N-DSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾷ">joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="110260" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾗ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110261" strongs="5463" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="χαίρω" text="χαίρομεν">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110262" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110263" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110264" strongs="1715" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔμπροσθεν" text="ἔμπροσθεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110265" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110266" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110267" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:10">
<Greek>νυκτὸς καὶ ἡμέρας ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ δεόμενοι εἰς τὸ ἰδεῖν ὑμῶν τὸ πρόσωπον καὶ καταρτίσαι τὰ ὑστερήματα τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>Night and day we pray very hard that we may see your face and provide what is lacking in your faith.</ULB>
<residue>Night and we very hard that we may see your and provide what is lacking in your .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110268" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110269" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110270" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="110271" strongs="6087" morph="ADV" lemma="ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ" text="ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110272" strongs="1189" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="δέομαι" text="δεόμενοι">pray</w>
<w OGNTsort="110273" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110274" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110275" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110276" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110277" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110278" strongs="4383" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πρόσωπον" text="πρόσωπον">face</w>
<w OGNTsort="110279" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110280" strongs="2675" morph="V-AAN" lemma="καταρτίζω" text="καταρτίσαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110281" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110282" strongs="5303" morph="N-APN" lemma="ὑστέρημα" text="ὑστερήματα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110283" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110284" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="110285" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:11">
<Greek>Αὐτὸς δὲ ὁ Θεὸς καὶ Πατὴρ ἡμῶν καὶ ὁ Κύριος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦς κατευθύναι τὴν ὁδὸν ἡμῶν πρὸς ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 11</preText>
<ULB>May our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you.</ULB>
<residue>May our and himself, and our , direct our way to you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110286" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="Αὐτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110287" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110288" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110289" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110290" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110291" strongs="3962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατὴρ">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="110292" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110293" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110294" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110295" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110296" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110297" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110298" strongs="2720" morph="V-AAO-3S" lemma="κατευθύνω" text="κατευθύναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110299" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110300" strongs="3598" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁδός" text="ὁδὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110301" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110302" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110303" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:12">
<Greek>ὑμᾶς δὲ ὁ Κύριος πλεονάσαι καὶ περισσεύσαι τῇ ἀγάπῃ εἰς ἀλλήλους καὶ εἰς πάντας καθάπερ καὶ ἡμεῖς εἰς ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>May the Lord make you increase and abound in love one for another and toward all people, as we also do for you.</ULB>
<residue>May the make you and abound in one for another and toward all people, we also do for you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110304" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110305" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110306" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110307" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110308" strongs="4121" morph="V-AAO-3S" lemma="πλεονάζω" text="πλεονάσαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110309" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110310" strongs="4052" morph="V-AAO-3S" lemma="περισσεύω" text="περισσεύσαι">increase</w>
<w OGNTsort="110311" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110312" strongs="26" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπῃ">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110313" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110314" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110315" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110316" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110317" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110318" strongs="2509" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθάπερ" text="καθάπερ">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110319" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110320" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110321" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110322" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 3:13">
<Greek>εἰς τὸ στηρίξαι ὑμῶν τὰς καρδίας ἀμέμπτους ἐν ἁγιωσύνῃ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ πατρὸς ἡμῶν ἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ μετὰ πάντων τῶν ἁγίων αὐτοῦ ἀμήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>May he strengthen your hearts so that they will be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy people.</ULB>
<residue>May he your so that they will be in before our and at the coming of our with all his people.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110323" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110324" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110325" strongs="4741" morph="V-AAN" lemma="στηρίζω" text="στηρίξαι">strengthen</w>
<w OGNTsort="110326" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110327" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110328" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
<w OGNTsort="110329" strongs="273" morph="A-APF" lemma="ἄμεμπτος" text="ἀμέμπτους">blameless</w>
<w OGNTsort="110330" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110331" strongs="42" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἁγιωσύνη" text="ἁγιωσύνῃ">holiness</w>
<w OGNTsort="110332" strongs="1715" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔμπροσθεν" text="ἔμπροσθεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110333" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110334" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110335" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110336" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατρὸς">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="110337" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110338" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110339" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110340" strongs="3952" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παρουσία" text="παρουσίᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110341" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110342" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110343" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110344" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110345" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110346" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110347" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110348" strongs="40" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων">holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="110349" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110350" strongs="281" morph="HEB" lemma="ἀμήν" text="ἀμήν"></w>
<chapter osisID="1th.4">
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:1">
<Greek>Λοιπὸν οὖν ἀδελφοί ἐρωτῶμεν ὑμᾶς καὶ παρακαλοῦμεν ἐν Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ ἵνα καθὼς παρελάβετε παρ᾽ ἡμῶν τὸ πῶς δεῖ ὑμᾶς περιπατεῖν καὶ ἀρέσκειν Θεῷ καθὼς καὶ περιπατεῖτε ἵνα περισσεύητε μᾶλλον</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 4 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Finally, brothers, we earnestly appeal to you and exhort you in the Lord Jesus. As you received instructions from us about how you must walk and please God, also in this way walk, so that you do so even more.</ULB>
<residue>Finally, , we to you and you . As you instructions from us about how you must and please , also in this way , so that you do so .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110351" strongs="3063" morph="A-ASN" lemma="λοιπόν" text="Λοιπὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110352" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110353" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110354" strongs="2065" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἐρωτάω" text="ἐρωτῶμεν">earnestly appeal</w>
<w OGNTsort="110355" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110356" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110357" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλοῦμεν">exhort</w>
<w OGNTsort="110358" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110359" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">in the Lord Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110360" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110361" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110362" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110363" strongs="3880" morph="V-2AAI-2P" lemma="παραλαμβάνω" text="παρελάβετε">received</w>
<w OGNTsort="110364" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110365" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110366" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110367" strongs="4459" morph="ADV" lemma="πως" text="πῶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110368" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110369" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110370" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAN" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατεῖν">walk</w>
<w OGNTsort="110371" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110372" strongs="700" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀρέσκω" text="ἀρέσκειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110373" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110374" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110375" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110376" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατεῖτε">walk</w>
<w OGNTsort="110377" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110378" strongs="4052" morph="V-PAS-2P" lemma="περισσεύω" text="περισσεύητε">even more</w>
<w OGNTsort="110379" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:2">
<Greek>οἴδατε γὰρ τίνας παραγγελίας ἐδώκαμεν ὑμῖν διὰ τοῦ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.</ULB>
<residue>For you what we gave you through the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110380" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="110381" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110382" strongs="5101" morph="I-APF" lemma="τίς" text="τίνας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110383" strongs="3852" morph="N-APF" lemma="παραγγελία" text="παραγγελίας">instructions</w>
<w OGNTsort="110384" strongs="1325" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="δίδωμι" text="ἐδώκαμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110385" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110386" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110387" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110388" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110389" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:3">
<Greek>Τοῦτο γάρ ἐστιν θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ ὁ ἁγιασμὸς ὑμῶν ἀπέχεσθαι ὑμᾶς ἀπὸ τῆς πορνείας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that you avoid sexual immorality,</ULB>
<residue>For this is the , your , that you avoid ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110390" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110391" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110392" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110393" strongs="2307" morph="N-NSN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημα">will of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110394" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110395" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110396" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110397" strongs="38" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἁγιασμός" text="ἁγιασμὸς">sanctification</w>
<w OGNTsort="110398" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110399" strongs="568" morph="V-PMN" lemma="ἀπέχω" text="ἀπέχεσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110400" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110401" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110402" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110403" strongs="4202" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πορνεία" text="πορνείας">sexual immorality</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:4">
<Greek>εἰδέναι ἕκαστον ὑμῶν τὸ ἑαυτοῦ σκεῦος κτᾶσθαι ἐν ἁγιασμῷ καὶ τιμῇ</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>that each of you knows how to possess his own vessel in holiness and honor,</ULB>
<residue>that each of you how to his own vessel in and ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110404" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδέναι">knows</w>
<w OGNTsort="110405" strongs="1538" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110406" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110407" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110408" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110409" strongs="4632" morph="N-ASN" lemma="σκεῦος" text="σκεῦος">possess</w>
<w OGNTsort="110410" strongs="2932" morph="V-PNN" lemma="κτάομαι" text="κτᾶσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110411" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110412" strongs="38" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἁγιασμός" text="ἁγιασμῷ">holiness</w>
<w OGNTsort="110413" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110414" strongs="5092" morph="N-DSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμῇ">honor</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:5">
<Greek>μὴ ἐν πάθει ἐπιθυμίας καθάπερ καὶ τὰ ἔθνη τὰ μὴ εἰδότα τὸν Θεόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>not in the passion of lust (as the Gentiles who do not know God).</ULB>
<residue>not in the of ( the who do not ).</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110415" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110416" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110417" strongs="3806" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πάθος" text="πάθει">passion</w>
<w OGNTsort="110418" strongs="1939" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπιθυμία" text="ἐπιθυμίας">lust</w>
<w OGNTsort="110419" strongs="2509" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθάπερ" text="καθάπερ">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110420" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110421" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110422" strongs="1484" morph="N-NPN" lemma="ἔθνος" text="ἔθνη">Gentiles</w>
<w OGNTsort="110423" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110424" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110425" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAP-NPN" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδότα">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="110426" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110427" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν">God</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:6">
<Greek>τὸ μὴ ὑπερβαίνειν καὶ πλεονεκτεῖν ἐν τῷ πράγματι τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ διότι ἔκδικος Κύριος περὶ πάντων τούτων καθὼς καὶ προείπαμεν ὑμῖν καὶ διεμαρτυράμεθα</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>Let no man transgress and wrong his brother in this matter. For the Lord is an avenger in all these things, just as we forewarned you and testified.</ULB>
<residue>Let no man transgress and his in this matter. For the is an in all these things, we forewarned you and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110428" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110429" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110430" strongs="5233" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ὑπερβαίνω" text="ὑπερβαίνειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110431" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110432" strongs="4122" morph="V-PAN" lemma="πλεονεκτέω" text="πλεονεκτεῖν">wrong</w>
<w OGNTsort="110433" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110434" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110435" strongs="4229" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πρᾶγμα" text="πράγματι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110436" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110437" strongs="80" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφὸν">brother</w>
<w OGNTsort="110438" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110439" strongs="1360" morph="CONJ" lemma="διότι" text="διότι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110440" strongs="1558" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἔκδικος" text="ἔκδικος">avenger</w>
<w OGNTsort="110441" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110442" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110443" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110444" strongs="3778" morph="D-GPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110445" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110446" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110447" strongs="4277" morph="V-2AAI-1P" lemma="προέπω" text="προείπαμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110448" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110449" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110450" strongs="1263" morph="V-ADI-1P" lemma="διαμαρτύρομαι" text="διεμαρτυράμεθα">testified</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:7">
<Greek>οὐ γὰρ ἐκάλεσεν ἡμᾶς ὁ Θεὸς ἐπὶ ἀκαθαρσίᾳ ἀλλ᾽ ἐν ἁγιασμῷ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>For God did not call us to uncleanness, but to holiness.</ULB>
<residue>For did not us to , but to .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110451" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110452" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110453" strongs="2564" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καλέω" text="ἐκάλεσεν">call</w>
<w OGNTsort="110454" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110455" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110456" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110457" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110458" strongs="167" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀκαθαρσία" text="ἀκαθαρσίᾳ">uncleanness</w>
<w OGNTsort="110459" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110460" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110461" strongs="38" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἁγιασμός" text="ἁγιασμῷ">holiness</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:8">
<Greek>τοιγαροῦν ὁ ἀθετῶν οὐκ ἄνθρωπον ἀθετεῖ ἀλλὰ τὸν Θεὸν τὸν καὶ διδόντα τὸ Πνεῦμα αὐτοῦ τὸ ἅγιον εἰς ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, he who rejects this rejects not people, but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, he who this not people, but , who gives his to you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110462" strongs="5105" morph="CONJ" lemma="τοιγαροῦν" text="τοιγαροῦν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110463" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110464" strongs="114" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἀθετέω" text="ἀθετῶν">rejects</w>
<w OGNTsort="110465" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110466" strongs="444" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωπον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110467" strongs="114" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἀθετέω" text="ἀθετεῖ">rejects</w>
<w OGNTsort="110468" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110469" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110470" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸν">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110471" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110472" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110473" strongs="1325" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="δίδωμι" text="διδόντα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110474" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110475" strongs="4151" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεῦμα">Holy Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="110476" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110477" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110478" strongs="40" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγιον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110479" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110480" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:9">
<Greek>Περὶ δὲ τῆς φιλαδελφίας οὐ χρείαν ἔχετε γράφειν ὑμῖν αὐτοὶ γὰρ ὑμεῖς θεοδίδακτοί ἐστε εἰς τὸ ἀγαπᾶν ἀλλήλους</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Regarding brotherly love, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.</ULB>
<residue>Regarding , you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are by God to one another.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110481" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="Περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110482" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110483" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110484" strongs="5360" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φιλαδελφία" text="φιλαδελφίας">brotherly love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110485" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110486" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110487" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110488" strongs="1125" morph="V-PAN" lemma="γράφω" text="γράφειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110489" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110490" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110491" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110492" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110493" strongs="2312" morph="A-NPM" lemma="θεοδίδακτος" text="θεοδίδακτοί">taught</w>
<w OGNTsort="110494" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110495" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110496" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110497" strongs="25" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἀγαπᾶν">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110498" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:10">
<Greek>καὶ γὰρ ποιεῖτε αὐτὸ εἰς πάντας τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς τοὺς ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ Μακεδονίᾳ Παρακαλοῦμεν δὲ ὑμᾶς ἀδελφοί περισσεύειν μᾶλλον</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>Indeed, you do this for all the brothers who are in all Macedonia. But we exhort you, brothers, to do this even more.</ULB>
<residue>Indeed, you do this for all the who are in all . But we you, , to do this .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110499" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110500" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110501" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιεῖτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110502" strongs="846" morph="P-ASN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110503" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110504" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110505" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110506" strongs="80" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὺς">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110507" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110508" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110509" strongs="3650" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ὅλος" text="ὅλῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110510" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110511" strongs="3109" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Μακεδονία" text="Μακεδονίᾳ">Macedonia</w>
<w OGNTsort="110512" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="Παρακαλοῦμεν">exhort</w>
<w OGNTsort="110513" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110514" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110515" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110516" strongs="4052" morph="V-PAN" lemma="περισσεύω" text="περισσεύειν">even more</w>
<w OGNTsort="110517" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:11">
<Greek>καὶ φιλοτιμεῖσθαι ἡσυχάζειν καὶ πράσσειν τὰ ἴδια καὶ ἐργάζεσθαι ταῖς ἰδίαις χερσὶν ὑμῶν καθὼς ὑμῖν παρηγγείλαμεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>We also exhort you to aspire to live quietly, take care of your own responsibilities, and labor with your hands, just as we commanded you,</ULB>
<residue>We also exhort you to aspire to live quietly, take care of your own responsibilities, and with your , we you,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110518" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110519" strongs="5389" morph="V-PNN" lemma="φιλοτιμέομαι" text="φιλοτιμεῖσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110520" strongs="2270" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἡσυχάζω" text="ἡσυχάζειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110521" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110522" strongs="4238" morph="V-PAN" lemma="πράσσω" text="πράσσειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110523" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110524" strongs="2398" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἴδια"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110525" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110526" strongs="2038" morph="V-PNN" lemma="ἐργάζομαι" text="ἐργάζεσθαι">labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="110527" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110528" strongs="2398" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίαις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110529" strongs="5495" morph="N-DPF" lemma="χείρ" text="χερσὶν">hands</w>
<w OGNTsort="110530" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110531" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110532" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110533" strongs="3853" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="παρηγγείλαμεν">commanded</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:12">
<Greek>ἵνα περιπατῆτε εὐσχημόνως πρὸς τοὺς ἔξω καὶ μηδενὸς χρείαν ἔχητε</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>so that you may walk properly before outsiders and not be in any need.</ULB>
<residue>so that you may properly before outsiders and not be in any need.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110534" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110535" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAS-2P" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατῆτε">walk</w>
<w OGNTsort="110536" strongs="2156" morph="ADV" lemma="εὐσχημόνως" text="εὐσχημόνως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110537" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110538" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110539" strongs="1854" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔξω" text="ἔξω"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110540" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110541" strongs="3367" morph="A-GSN" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδενὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110542" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110543" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAS-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχητε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:13">
<Greek>Οὐ θέλομεν δὲ ὑμᾶς ἀγνοεῖν ἀδελφοί περὶ τῶν κοιμωμένων ἵνα μὴ λυπῆσθε καθὼς καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ οἱ μὴ ἔχοντες ἐλπίδα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who sleep, so that you do not grieve like the rest, who do not have hope.</ULB>
<residue>We do not want you to uninformed, , about those who , so that you do not the rest, who do not have .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110544" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="Οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110545" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110546" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110547" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110548" strongs="50" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀγνοέω" text="ἀγνοεῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110549" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110550" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110551" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110552" strongs="2837" morph="V-PMP-GPM" lemma="κοιμάω" text="κοιμωμένων">sleep</w>
<w OGNTsort="110553" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110554" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110555" strongs="3076" morph="V-PPS-2P" lemma="λυπέω" text="λυπῆσθε">grieve</w>
<w OGNTsort="110556" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">be ... like</w>
<w OGNTsort="110557" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110558" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110559" strongs="3062" morph="A-NPM" lemma="λοιπός" text="λοιποὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110560" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110561" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110562" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110563" strongs="1680" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδα">hope</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:14">
<Greek>εἰ γὰρ πιστεύομεν ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἀπέθανεν καὶ ἀνέστη οὕτως καὶ ὁ Θεὸς τοὺς κοιμηθέντας διὰ τοῦ Ἰησοῦ ἄξει σὺν αὐτῷ</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.</ULB>
<residue>For if we that and again, even so will bring with those who have in him.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110564" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110565" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110566" strongs="4100" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύομεν">believe</w>
<w OGNTsort="110567" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110568" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110569" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀπέθανεν">died</w>
<w OGNTsort="110570" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110571" strongs="450" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἀνίστημι" text="ἀνέστη">rose</w>
<w OGNTsort="110572" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110573" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110574" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110575" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110576" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110577" strongs="2837" morph="V-APP-APM" lemma="κοιμάω" text="κοιμηθέντας">fallen asleep</w>
<w OGNTsort="110578" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110579" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110580" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110581" strongs="71" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="ἄγω" text="ἄξει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110582" strongs="4862" morph="PREP" lemma="σύν" text="σὺν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110583" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:15">
<Greek>Τοῦτο γὰρ ὑμῖν λέγομεν ἐν λόγῳ Κυρίου ὅτι ἡμεῖς οἱ ζῶντες οἱ περιλειπόμενοι εἰς τὴν παρουσίαν τοῦ Κυρίου οὐ μὴ φθάσωμεν τοὺς κοιμηθέντας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left at the coming of the Lord, will surely not go before those who have fallen asleep.</ULB>
<residue>For this we say to you by the , that we who are , who are left at the coming of the , will surely not go before those who have .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110584" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110585" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110586" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110587" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110588" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110589" strongs="3056" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγῳ">word of the Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110590" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110591" strongs="3754" morph="ADV" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110592" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110593" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110594" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντες">alive</w>
<w OGNTsort="110595" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110596" strongs="4035" morph="V-POP-NPM" lemma="περιλείπομαι" text="περιλειπόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110597" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110598" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110599" strongs="3952" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παρουσία" text="παρουσίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110600" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110601" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110602" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110603" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110604" strongs="5348" morph="V-AAS-1P" lemma="φθάνω" text="φθάσωμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110605" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110606" strongs="2837" morph="V-APP-APM" lemma="κοιμάω" text="κοιμηθέντας">fallen asleep</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:16">
<Greek>ὅτι αὐτὸς ὁ Κύριος ἐν κελεύσματι ἐν φωνῇ ἀρχαγγέλου καὶ ἐν σάλπιγγι Θεοῦ καταβήσεται ἀπ᾽ οὐρανοῦ καὶ οἱ νεκροὶ ἐν Χριστῷ ἀναστήσονται πρῶτον</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 16</preText>
<ULB>For the Lord himself will descend from heaven. He will come with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.</ULB>
<residue>For the Lord himself will descend from heaven. He will come with a shout, with the of the , and with the of , and the will first.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110607" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110608" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110609" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110610" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">in Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="110611" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110612" strongs="2752" morph="N-DSN" lemma="κέλευσμα" text="κελεύσματι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110613" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110614" strongs="5456" morph="N-DSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνῇ">voice</w>
<w OGNTsort="110615" strongs="743" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἀρχάγγελος" text="ἀρχαγγέλου">archangel</w>
<w OGNTsort="110616" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110617" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110618" strongs="4536" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σάλπιγξ" text="σάλπιγγι">trumpet</w>
<w OGNTsort="110619" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110620" strongs="2597" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="καταβαίνω" text="καταβήσεται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110621" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110622" strongs="3772" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110623" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110624" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110625" strongs="3498" morph="A-NPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκροὶ">dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="110626" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110627" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110628" strongs="450" morph="V-FMI-3P" lemma="ἀνίστημι" text="ἀναστήσονται">rise</w>
<w OGNTsort="110629" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτον"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:17">
<Greek>ἔπειτα ἡμεῖς οἱ ζῶντες οἱ περιλειπόμενοι ἅμα σὺν αὐτοῖς ἁρπαγησόμεθα ἐν νεφέλαις εἰς ἀπάντησιν τοῦ Κυρίου εἰς ἀέρα καὶ οὕτως πάντοτε σὺν Κυρίῳ ἐσόμεθα</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>Then we who are alive, who are left, will together with them be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. In this way we will always be with the Lord.</ULB>
<residue>Then we who are , who are left, will together with them be in the clouds to meet the in the air. In this way we will always be with the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110630" strongs="1899" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔπειτα" text="ἔπειτα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110631" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110632" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110633" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντες">alive</w>
<w OGNTsort="110634" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110635" strongs="4035" morph="V-POP-NPM" lemma="περιλείπομαι" text="περιλειπόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110636" strongs="260" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅμα" text="ἅμα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110637" strongs="4862" morph="PREP" lemma="σύν" text="σὺν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110638" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110639" strongs="726" morph="V-2FPI-1P" lemma="ἁρπάζω" text="ἁρπαγησόμεθα">caught up</w>
<w OGNTsort="110640" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110641" strongs="3507" morph="N-DPF" lemma="νεφέλη" text="νεφέλαις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110642" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110643" strongs="529" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπάντησις" text="ἀπάντησιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110644" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110645" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110646" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110647" strongs="109" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀήρ" text="ἀέρα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110648" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110649" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110650" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110651" strongs="4862" morph="PREP" lemma="σύν" text="σὺν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110652" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110653" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσόμεθα"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 4:18">
<Greek>Ὥστε παρακαλεῖτε ἀλλήλους ἐν τοῖς λόγοις τούτοις</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, comfort one another with these words.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, one another with these .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110654" strongs="5620" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥστε" text="Ὥστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110655" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλεῖτε">comfort</w>
<w OGNTsort="110656" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110657" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110658" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110659" strongs="3056" morph="N-DPM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγοις">words</w>
<w OGNTsort="110660" strongs="3778" morph="D-DPM" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτοις"></w>
<chapter osisID="1th.5">
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:1">
<Greek>Περὶ δὲ τῶν χρόνων καὶ τῶν καιρῶν ἀδελφοί οὐ χρείαν ἔχετε ὑμῖν γράφεσθαι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 5 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Now concerning the times and seasons, brothers, you have no need that anything be written to you.</ULB>
<residue>Now concerning the and seasons, , you have no need that anything be written to you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110661" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="Περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110662" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110663" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110664" strongs="5550" morph="N-GPM" lemma="χρόνος" text="χρόνων">times</w>
<w OGNTsort="110665" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110666" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110667" strongs="2540" morph="N-GPM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιρῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110668" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110669" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110670" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110671" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110672" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110673" strongs="1125" morph="V-PPN" lemma="γράφω" text="γράφεσθαι"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:2">
<Greek>αὐτοὶ γὰρ ἀκριβῶς οἴδατε ὅτι ἡμέρα Κυρίου ὡς κλέπτης ἐν νυκτὶ οὕτως ἔρχεται</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night.</ULB>
<residue>For you yourselves perfectly well that the is coming like a in the night.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110674" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110675" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110676" strongs="199" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀκριβῶς" text="ἀκριβῶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110677" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἴδατε">know</w>
<w OGNTsort="110678" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110679" strongs="2250" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρα">day of the Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110680" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110681" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110682" strongs="2812" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κλέπτης" text="κλέπτης">thief</w>
<w OGNTsort="110683" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110684" strongs="3571" morph="N-DSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110685" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110686" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχεται"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:3">
<Greek>ὅταν λέγωσιν Εἰρήνη καὶ ἀσφάλεια τότε αἰφνίδιος αὐτοῖς ἐφίσταται ὄλεθρος ὥσπερ ἡ ὠδὶν τῇ ἐν γαστρὶ ἐχούσῃ καὶ οὐ μὴ ἐκφύγωσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>When they say, "Peace and safety," then sudden destruction will come on them. It will be like birth pains in a pregnant woman. They will in no way escape.</ULB>
<residue>When they say, "Peace and ," then sudden will come on them. It will in a woman. They will in no way escape.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110687" strongs="3752" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅταν" text="ὅταν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110688" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAS-3P" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγωσιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110689" strongs="1515" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="Εἰρήνη">safety</w>
<w OGNTsort="110690" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110691" strongs="803" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀσφάλεια" text="ἀσφάλεια"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110692" strongs="5119" morph="ADV" lemma="τότε" text="τότε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110693" strongs="160" morph="A-NSM" lemma="αἰφνίδιος" text="αἰφνίδιος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110694" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110695" strongs="2186" morph="V-PMI-3S" lemma="ἐφίστημι" text="ἐφίσταται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110696" strongs="3639" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ὄλεθρος" text="ὄλεθρος">destruction</w>
<w OGNTsort="110697" strongs="5618" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥσπερ" text="ὥσπερ">be ... like</w>
<w OGNTsort="110698" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110699" strongs="5604" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ὠδίν" text="ὠδὶν">birth pains</w>
<w OGNTsort="110700" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110701" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110702" strongs="1064" morph="N-DSF" lemma="γαστήρ" text="γαστρὶ">pregnant</w>
<w OGNTsort="110703" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-DSF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἐχούσῃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110704" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110705" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110706" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110707" strongs="1628" morph="V-2AAS-3P" lemma="ἐκφεύγω" text="ἐκφύγωσιν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:4">
<Greek>Ὑμεῖς δέ ἀδελφοί οὐκ ἐστὲ ἐν σκότει ἵνα ἡ ἡμέρα ὑμᾶς ὡς κλέπτης καταλάβῃ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that the day would overtake you like a thief.</ULB>
<residue>But you, , are not in so that the would you like a .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110708" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="Ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110709" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110710" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110711" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110712" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110713" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110714" strongs="4655" morph="N-DSN" lemma="σκότος" text="σκότει">darkness</w>
<w OGNTsort="110715" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110716" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110717" strongs="2250" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρα">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="110718" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110719" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110720" strongs="2812" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κλέπτης" text="κλέπτης">thief</w>
<w OGNTsort="110721" strongs="2638" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="καταλαμβάνω" text="καταλάβῃ">overtake</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:5">
<Greek>πάντες γὰρ ὑμεῖς υἱοὶ φωτός ἐστε καὶ υἱοὶ ἡμέρας Οὐκ ἐσμὲν νυκτὸς οὐδὲ σκότους</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We are not sons of the night or the darkness.</ULB>
<residue>For you are all of the and of the . We are not sons of the night or the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110722" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110723" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110724" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110725" strongs="5207" morph="N-NPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοὶ">sons</w>
<w OGNTsort="110726" strongs="5457" morph="N-GSN" lemma="φῶς" text="φωτός">light</w>
<w OGNTsort="110727" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110728" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110729" strongs="5207" morph="N-NPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοὶ">sons</w>
<w OGNTsort="110730" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="110731" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="Οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110732" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσμὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110733" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110734" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110735" strongs="4655" morph="N-GSN" lemma="σκότος" text="σκότους">darkness</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:6">
<Greek>ἄρα οὖν μὴ καθεύδωμεν ὡς οἱ λοιποί ἀλλὰ γρηγορῶμεν καὶ νήφωμεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>So then, let us not sleep as the rest do. Instead, let us keep watch and be sober.</ULB>
<residue>So then, let us not as the rest do. Instead, let us and be .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110736" strongs="686" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἄρα" text="ἄρα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110737" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110738" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110739" strongs="2518" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="καθεύδω" text="καθεύδωμεν">sleep</w>
<w OGNTsort="110740" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110741" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110742" strongs="3062" morph="A-NPM" lemma="λοιπός" text="λοιποί"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110743" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110744" strongs="1127" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="γρηγορέω" text="γρηγορῶμεν">keep ... watch</w>
<w OGNTsort="110745" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110746" strongs="3525" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="νήφω" text="νήφωμεν">sober</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:7">
<Greek>οἱ γὰρ καθεύδοντες νυκτὸς καθεύδουσιν καὶ οἱ μεθυσκόμενοι νυκτὸς μεθύουσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>For those who sleep do so at night, and those who get drunk do so at night.</ULB>
<residue>For those who do so at night, and those who do so at night.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110747" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110748" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110749" strongs="2518" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="καθεύδω" text="καθεύδοντες">sleep</w>
<w OGNTsort="110750" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110751" strongs="2518" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="καθεύδω" text="καθεύδουσιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110752" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110753" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110754" strongs="3182" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="μεθύσκω" text="μεθυσκόμενοι">get drunk</w>
<w OGNTsort="110755" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110756" strongs="3184" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="μεθύω" text="μεθύουσιν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:8">
<Greek>ἡμεῖς δὲ ἡμέρας ὄντες νήφωμεν ἐνδυσάμενοι θώρακα πίστεως καὶ ἀγάπης καὶ περικεφαλαίαν ἐλπίδα σωτηρίας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>But since we belong to the day, we must stay sober and put on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation for our helmet.</ULB>
<residue>But since we belong to the , we must stay and and as a , and the of for our helmet.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110757" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110758" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110759" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="110760" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110761" strongs="3525" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="νήφω" text="νήφωμεν">sober</w>
<w OGNTsort="110762" strongs="1746" morph="V-AMP-NPM" lemma="ἐνδύω" text="ἐνδυσάμενοι">put ... on</w>
<w OGNTsort="110763" strongs="2382" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θώραξ" text="θώρακα">breastplate</w>
<w OGNTsort="110764" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="110765" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110766" strongs="26" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπης">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110767" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110768" strongs="4030" morph="N-ASF" lemma="περικεφαλαία" text="περικεφαλαίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110769" strongs="1680" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδα">hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="110770" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίας">salvation</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:9">
<Greek>ὅτι οὐκ ἔθετο ἡμᾶς ὁ Θεὸς εἰς ὀργὴν ἀλλὰ εἰς περιποίησιν σωτηρίας διὰ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>For God did not appoint us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,</ULB>
<residue>For did not us for , but to obtain through our ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110771" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110772" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110773" strongs="5087" morph="V-2AMI-3S" lemma="τίθημι" text="ἔθετο">appoint</w>
<w OGNTsort="110774" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110775" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110776" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110777" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110778" strongs="3709" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργὴν">wrath</w>
<w OGNTsort="110779" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110780" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110781" strongs="4047" morph="N-ASF" lemma="περιποίησις" text="περιποίησιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110782" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίας">salvation</w>
<w OGNTsort="110783" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110784" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110785" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110786" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110787" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110788" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:10">
<Greek>τοῦ ἀποθανόντος περὶ ἡμῶν ἵνα εἴτε γρηγορῶμεν εἴτε καθεύδωμεν ἅμα σὺν αὐτῷ ζήσωμεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>who died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.</ULB>
<residue>who for us so that, whether we are awake or , we may together with him.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110789" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110790" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAP-GSM" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθανόντος">died</w>
<w OGNTsort="110791" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110792" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110793" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110794" strongs="1535" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἴτε" text="εἴτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110795" strongs="1127" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="γρηγορέω" text="γρηγορῶμεν">live</w>
<w OGNTsort="110796" strongs="1535" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἴτε" text="εἴτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110797" strongs="2518" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="καθεύδω" text="καθεύδωμεν">asleep</w>
<w OGNTsort="110798" strongs="260" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅμα" text="ἅμα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110799" strongs="4862" morph="PREP" lemma="σύν" text="σὺν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110800" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110801" strongs="2198" morph="V-AAS-1P" lemma="ζάω" text="ζήσωμεν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:11">
<Greek>Διὸ παρακαλεῖτε ἀλλήλους καὶ οἰκοδομεῖτε εἷς τὸν ἕνα καθὼς καὶ ποιεῖτε</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>Therefore comfort one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore one another and build each other up, you are already doing.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110802" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110803" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλεῖτε">comfort</w>
<w OGNTsort="110804" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110805" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110806" strongs="3618" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="οἰκοδομέω" text="οἰκοδομεῖτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110807" strongs="1520" morph="A-NSM" lemma="εἷς" text="εἷς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110808" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110809" strongs="1520" morph="A-ASM" lemma="εἷς" text="ἕνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110810" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="110811" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110812" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιεῖτε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:12">
<Greek>Ἐρωτῶμεν δὲ ὑμᾶς ἀδελφοί εἰδέναι τοὺς κοπιῶντας ἐν ὑμῖν καὶ προϊσταμένους ὑμῶν ἐν Κυρίῳ καὶ νουθετοῦντας ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 12</preText>
<ULB>We earnestly appeal to you, brothers, to acknowledge those who labor among you and who rule over you in the Lord and who instruct you,</ULB>
<residue>We to you, , to those who among you and who over you and who you,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110813" strongs="2065" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἐρωτάω" text="Ἐρωτῶμεν">earnestly appeal</w>
<w OGNTsort="110814" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110815" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110816" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110817" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδέναι">acknowledge</w>
<w OGNTsort="110818" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110819" strongs="2872" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="κοπιάω" text="κοπιῶντας">labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="110820" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110821" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110822" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110823" strongs="4291" morph="V-PMP-APM" lemma="προΐστημι" text="προϊσταμένους">rule</w>
<w OGNTsort="110824" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110825" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110826" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">in the Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110827" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110828" strongs="3560" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="νουθετέω" text="νουθετοῦντας">instruct</w>
<w OGNTsort="110829" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:13">
<Greek>καὶ ἡγεῖσθαι αὐτοὺς ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ ἐν ἀγάπῃ διὰ τὸ ἔργον αὐτῶν εἰρηνεύετε ἐν ἑαυτοῖς</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>and to esteem them highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.</ULB>
<residue>and to them highly in because of their . Be at among yourselves.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110830" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110831" strongs="2233" morph="V-PNN" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγεῖσθαι">esteem</w>
<w OGNTsort="110832" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110833" strongs="6087" morph="ADV" lemma="ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ" text="ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110834" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110835" strongs="26" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπῃ">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="110836" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110837" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110838" strongs="2041" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργον">work</w>
<w OGNTsort="110839" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110840" strongs="1514" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="εἰρηνεύω" text="εἰρηνεύετε">peace</w>
<w OGNTsort="110841" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110842" strongs="1438" morph="F-2DPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῖς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:14">
<Greek>Παρακαλοῦμεν δὲ ὑμᾶς ἀδελφοί νουθετεῖτε τοὺς ἀτάκτους παραμυθεῖσθε τοὺς ὀλιγοψύχους ἀντέχεσθε τῶν ἀσθενῶν μακροθυμεῖτε πρὸς πάντας</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>We exhort you, brothers: Warn those who are lazy, encourage the discouraged, help the weak, and be patient toward all.</ULB>
<residue>We exhort you, : Warn those who are lazy, encourage the , help the weak, and be toward all.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110843" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="Παρακαλοῦμεν">discouraged</w>
<w OGNTsort="110844" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110845" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110846" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110847" strongs="3560" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="νουθετέω" text="νουθετεῖτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110848" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110849" strongs="813" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἄτακτος" text="ἀτάκτους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110850" strongs="3888" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="παραμυθέομαι" text="παραμυθεῖσθε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110851" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110852" strongs="3642" morph="A-APM" lemma="ὀλιγόψυχος" text="ὀλιγοψύχους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110853" strongs="472" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="ἀντέχω" text="ἀντέχεσθε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110854" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110855" strongs="772" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἀσθενής" text="ἀσθενῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110856" strongs="3114" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="μακροθυμέω" text="μακροθυμεῖτε">patient</w>
<w OGNTsort="110857" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110858" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:15">
<Greek>Ὁρᾶτε μή τις κακὸν ἀντὶ κακοῦ τινι ἀποδῷ ἀλλὰ πάντοτε τὸ ἀγαθὸν διώκετε καὶ εἰς ἀλλήλους καὶ εἰς πάντας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>See that no one pays back evil for evil to anyone. Instead, pursue what is good for one another and for all.</ULB>
<residue>See that no one for to anyone. Instead, pursue what is for one another and for all.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110859" strongs="3708" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="ὁράω" text="Ὁρᾶτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110860" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110861" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110862" strongs="2556" morph="A-ASN" lemma="κακός" text="κακὸν">evil</w>
<w OGNTsort="110863" strongs="473" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀντί" text="ἀντὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110864" strongs="2556" morph="A-GSN" lemma="κακός" text="κακοῦ">evil</w>
<w OGNTsort="110865" strongs="5100" morph="X-DSM" lemma="τις" text="τινι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110866" strongs="591" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="ἀποδίδωμι" text="ἀποδῷ">pays ... back</w>
<w OGNTsort="110867" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110868" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110869" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110870" strongs="18" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθὸν">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="110871" strongs="1377" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="διώκω" text="διώκετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110872" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110873" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110874" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110875" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110876" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110877" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:16">
<Greek>Πάντοτε χαίρετε</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>Rejoice always.</ULB>
<residue>Rejoice always.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110878" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" text="Πάντοτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110879" strongs="5463" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="χαίρω" text="χαίρετε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:17">
<Greek>ἀδιαλείπτως προσεύχεσθε</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>Pray without ceasing.</ULB>
<residue>Pray without ceasing.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110880" strongs="89" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀδιαλείπτως" text="ἀδιαλείπτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110881" strongs="4336" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="προσεύχομαι" text="προσεύχεσθε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:18">
<Greek>ἐν παντὶ εὐχαριστεῖτε τοῦτο γὰρ θέλημα Θεοῦ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ εἰς ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>In everything give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.</ULB>
<residue>In everything give thanks. For this is the for you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110882" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110883" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110884" strongs="2168" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="εὐχαριστέω" text="εὐχαριστεῖτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110885" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110886" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110887" strongs="2307" morph="N-NSN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημα">will of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110888" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110889" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110890" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">in Christ Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110891" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110892" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110893" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:19">
<Greek>Τὸ Πνεῦμα μὴ σβέννυτε</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 19</preText>
<ULB>Do not quench the Spirit.</ULB>
<residue>Do not the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110894" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="Τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110895" strongs="4151" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεῦμα">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="110896" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110897" strongs="4570" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="σβέννυμι" text="σβέννυτε">quench</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:20">
<Greek>προφητείας μὴ ἐξουθενεῖτε</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>Do not despise prophecies.</ULB>
<residue>Do not .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110898" strongs="4394" morph="N-APF" lemma="προφητεία" text="προφητείας">prophecies</w>
<w OGNTsort="110899" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110900" strongs="1848" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="ἐξουθενέω" text="ἐξουθενεῖτε">despise</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:21">
<Greek>πάντα δὲ δοκιμάζετε τὸ καλὸν κατέχετε</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>Test all things. Hold firmly to what is good.</ULB>
<residue>Test all things. Hold firmly to what is .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110901" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110902" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110903" strongs="1381" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="δοκιμάζω" text="δοκιμάζετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110904" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110905" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASN" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="110906" strongs="2722" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="κατέχω" text="κατέχετε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:22">
<Greek>ἀπὸ παντὸς εἴδους πονηροῦ ἀπέχεσθε</Greek>
<preText>\v 22</preText>
<ULB>Keep away from every kind of evil.</ULB>
<residue>Keep away from every kind of .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110907" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110908" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110909" strongs="1491" morph="N-GSN" lemma="εἶδος" text="εἴδους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110910" strongs="4190" morph="A-GSN" lemma="πονηρός" text="πονηροῦ">evil</w>
<w OGNTsort="110911" strongs="568" morph="V-PMM-2P" lemma="ἀπέχω" text="ἀπέχεσθε"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:23">
<Greek>Αὐτὸς δὲ ὁ Θεὸς τῆς εἰρήνης ἁγιάσαι ὑμᾶς ὁλοτελεῖς καὶ ὁλόκληρον ὑμῶν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα ἀμέμπτως ἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τηρηθείη</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 23</preText>
<ULB>May the God of peace sanctify you completely. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.</ULB>
<residue>May the of you completely. May your whole , , and be preserved for the coming of our .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110912" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="Αὐτὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110913" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110914" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110915" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="110916" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110917" strongs="1515" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνης">peace</w>
<w OGNTsort="110918" strongs="37" morph="V-AAO-3S" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιάσαι">sanctify</w>
<w OGNTsort="110919" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110920" strongs="3651" morph="A-APM" lemma="ὁλοτελής" text="ὁλοτελεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110921" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110922" strongs="3648" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ὁλόκληρος" text="ὁλόκληρον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110923" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110924" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110925" strongs="4151" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεῦμα">spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="110926" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110927" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110928" strongs="5590" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχὴ">soul</w>
<w OGNTsort="110929" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110930" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110931" strongs="4983" morph="N-NSN" lemma="σῶμα" text="σῶμα">body</w>
<w OGNTsort="110932" strongs="274" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀμέμπτως" text="ἀμέμπτως">blameless</w>
<w OGNTsort="110933" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110934" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110935" strongs="3952" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παρουσία" text="παρουσίᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110936" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110937" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110938" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110939" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110940" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="110941" strongs="5083" morph="V-APO-3S" lemma="τηρέω" text="τηρηθείη"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:24">
<Greek>πιστὸς ὁ καλῶν ὑμᾶς ὃς καὶ ποιήσει</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>Faithful is he who calls you, the one who will also do it.</ULB>
<residue>Faithful is he who you, the one who will also do it.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110942" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110943" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110944" strongs="2564" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="καλέω" text="καλῶν">calls</w>
<w OGNTsort="110945" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110946" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110947" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110948" strongs="4160" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιήσει"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:25">
<Greek>Ἀδελφοί προσεύχεσθε καὶ περὶ ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 25</preText>
<ULB>Brothers, pray also for us.</ULB>
<residue>Brothers, also for us.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110949" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="Ἀδελφοί"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110950" strongs="4336" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="προσεύχομαι" text="προσεύχεσθε">pray</w>
<w OGNTsort="110951" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110952" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110953" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:26">
<Greek>Ἀσπάσασθε τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς πάντας ἐν φιλήματι ἁγίῳ</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 26</preText>
<ULB>Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.</ULB>
<residue>Greet all the with a .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110954" strongs="782" morph="V-ADM-2P" lemma="ἀσπάζομαι" text="Ἀσπάσασθε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110955" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110956" strongs="80" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὺς">brothers</w>
<w OGNTsort="110957" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110958" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110959" strongs="5370" morph="N-DSN" lemma="φίλημα" text="φιλήματι">kiss</w>
<w OGNTsort="110960" strongs="40" morph="A-DSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίῳ">holy</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:27">
<Greek>Ἐνορκίζω ὑμᾶς τὸν Κύριον ἀναγνωσθῆναι τὴν ἐπιστολὴν πᾶσιν τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς</Greek>
<preText>\v 27</preText>
<ULB>I command you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.</ULB>
<residue>I command you by the to have this read to all the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110961" strongs="6034" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἐνορκίζομαι" text="Ἐνορκίζω"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110962" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110963" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110964" strongs="2962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριον">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110965" strongs="314" morph="V-APN" lemma="ἀναγινώσκω" text="ἀναγνωσθῆναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110966" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110967" strongs="1992" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπιστολή" text="ἐπιστολὴν">letter</w>
<w OGNTsort="110968" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110969" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110970" strongs="80" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοῖς">brothers</w>
<verse name="1 Thessalonians 5:28">
<Greek>Ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ μεθ᾽ ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 28</preText>
<ULB>The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.</ULB>
<residue>The of our be with you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="110971" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110972" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάρις">grace</w>
<w OGNTsort="110973" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110974" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="110975" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110976" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="110977" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="110978" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μεθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="110979" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>