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2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
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<div type="book" osisID="2jn">
<chapter osisID="2jn.1">
<verse name="2 John 1:1">
<Greek>Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Ἐκλεκτῇ κυρίᾳ καὶ τοῖς τέκνοις αὐτῆς οὓς ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ καὶ οὐκ ἐγὼ μόνος ἀλλὰ καὶ πάντες οἱ ἐγνωκότες τὴν ἀλήθειαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 1 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>From the elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth—and not only I, but also all those who have known the truth—</ULB>
<residue>From the to the lady and her , whom I in —and not only I, but also all those who have the —</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127242" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127243" strongs="4245" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" text="πρεσβύτερος">elder</w>
<w OGNTsort="127244" strongs="1588" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ἐκλεκτός" text="Ἐκλεκτῇ">chosen</w>
<w OGNTsort="127245" strongs="2959" morph="N-DSF" lemma="Κυρία" text="κυρίᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127246" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127247" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127248" strongs="5043" morph="N-DPN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνοις">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="127249" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127250" strongs="3739" morph="R-APM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὓς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127251" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127252" strongs="25" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἀγαπῶ">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="127253" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127254" strongs="225" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείᾳ">truth</w>
<w OGNTsort="127255" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127256" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127257" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127258" strongs="3441" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127259" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127260" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127261" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127262" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127263" strongs="1097" morph="V-RAP-NPM" lemma="γινώσκω" text="ἐγνωκότες">known</w>
<w OGNTsort="127264" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127265" strongs="225" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀλήθειαν">truth</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:2">
<Greek>διὰ τὴν ἀλήθειαν τὴν μένουσαν ἐν ἡμῖν καὶ μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν ἔσται εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>because of the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever.</ULB>
<residue>because of the that remains in us and will be with us .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127266" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127267" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127268" strongs="225" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀλήθειαν">truth</w>
<w OGNTsort="127269" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127270" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="μένω" text="μένουσαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127271" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127272" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127273" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127274" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μεθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127275" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127276" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127277" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127278" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127279" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα">forever</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:3">
<Greek>Ἔσται μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν χάρις ἔλεος εἰρήνη παρὰ Θεοῦ Πατρός καὶ παρὰ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τοῦ Υἱοῦ τοῦ Πατρός ἐν ἀληθείᾳ καὶ ἀγάπῃ</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 3</preText>
<ULB>Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.</ULB>
<residue>Grace, , and will be with us from and from , of the , in and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127280" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="Ἔσται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127281" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μεθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127282" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127283" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάρις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127284" strongs="1656" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἔλεος" text="ἔλεος">mercy</w>
<w OGNTsort="127285" strongs="1515" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνη">peace</w>
<w OGNTsort="127286" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127287" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">the Son</w>
<w OGNTsort="127288" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρός">God the Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="127289" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127290" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127291" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="127292" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="127293" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127294" strongs="5207" morph="N-GSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127295" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127296" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρός">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="127297" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127298" strongs="225" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείᾳ">truth</w>
<w OGNTsort="127299" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127300" strongs="26" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπῃ">love</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:4">
<Greek>Ἐχάρην λίαν ὅτι εὕρηκα ἐκ τῶν τέκνων σου περιπατοῦντας ἐν ἀληθείᾳ καθὼς ἐντολὴν ἐλάβομεν παρὰ τοῦ Πατρός</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 4</preText>
<ULB>I rejoice greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, just as we have received this commandment from the Father.</ULB>
<residue>I greatly that I have found some of your in , we have this from the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127301" strongs="5463" morph="V-2AOI-1S" lemma="χαίρω" text="Ἐχάρην">rejoice</w>
<w OGNTsort="127302" strongs="3029" morph="ADV" lemma="λίαν" text="λίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127303" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127304" strongs="2147" morph="V-RAI-1S" lemma="εὑρίσκω" text="εὕρηκα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127305" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127306" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127307" strongs="5043" morph="N-GPN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνων">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="127308" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127309" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατοῦντας">walking</w>
<w OGNTsort="127310" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127311" strongs="225" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείᾳ">truth</w>
<w OGNTsort="127312" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="127313" strongs="1785" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολὴν">commandment</w>
<w OGNTsort="127314" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAI-1P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="ἐλάβομεν">received</w>
<w OGNTsort="127315" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127316" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127317" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρός">Father</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:5">
<Greek>καὶ νῦν ἐρωτῶ σε κυρία οὐχ ὡς ἐντολὴν γράφων σοι καινὴν ἀλλὰ ἣν εἴχομεν ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς ἵνα ἀγαπῶμεν ἀλλήλους</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>Now I plead with you, lady—not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but one that we have had from the beginning—that we should love one another.</ULB>
<residue>Now I with you, lady—not as though I were writing to you a new , but one that we have had from the beginning—that we should one another.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127318" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127319" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127320" strongs="2065" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἐρωτάω" text="ἐρωτῶ">plead</w>
<w OGNTsort="127321" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127322" strongs="2959" morph="N-VSF" lemma="Κυρία" text="κυρία"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127323" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127324" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127325" strongs="1785" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολὴν">commandment</w>
<w OGNTsort="127326" strongs="1125" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="γράφω" text="γράφων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127327" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127328" strongs="2537" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καινός" text="καινὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127329" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127330" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127331" strongs="2192" morph="V-IAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="εἴχομεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127332" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127333" strongs="746" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127334" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127335" strongs="25" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἀγαπῶμεν">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="127336" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους"></w>
<verse name="2 John 1:6">
<Greek>καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ ἀγάπη ἵνα περιπατῶμεν κατὰ τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ αὕτη ἡ ἐντολή ἐστιν καθὼς ἠκούσατε ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς ἵνα ἐν αὐτῇ περιπατῆτε</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>This is love, that we should walk according to his commandments. This is the commandment, just as you heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.</ULB>
<residue>This is , that we should his . This is the , just as you from the beginning, that you should in it.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127337" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127338" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="αὕτη"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127339" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127340" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127341" strongs="26" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπη">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="127342" strongs="2443" morph="ADV" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127343" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατῶμεν">walk</w>
<w OGNTsort="127344" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127345" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127346" strongs="1785" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολὰς">commandments</w>
<w OGNTsort="127347" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127348" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="αὕτη"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127349" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127350" strongs="1785" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολή">commandment</w>
<w OGNTsort="127351" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127352" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="127353" strongs="191" morph="V-AAI-2P" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἠκούσατε">heard</w>
<w OGNTsort="127354" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127355" strongs="746" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127356" strongs="2443" morph="ADV" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127357" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127358" strongs="846" morph="P-DSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127359" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAS-2P" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατῆτε">walk</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:7">
<Greek>Ὅτι πολλοὶ πλάνοι ἐξῆλθον εἰς τὸν κόσμον οἱ μὴ ὁμολογοῦντες Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν ἐρχόμενον ἐν σαρκί οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ πλάνος καὶ ὁ ἀντίχριστος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>For many deceivers have gone out into the world, and they do not confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.</ULB>
<residue>For many have gone out into the , and they do not that came in the . This is the and the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127360" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="Ὅτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127361" strongs="4183" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλοὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127362" strongs="4108" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πλάνος" text="πλάνοι">deceivers</w>
<w OGNTsort="127363" strongs="1831" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξῆλθον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127364" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127365" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127366" strongs="2889" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμον">world</w>
<w OGNTsort="127367" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127368" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127369" strongs="3670" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ὁμολογέω" text="ὁμολογοῦντες">confess</w>
<w OGNTsort="127370" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="127371" strongs="5547" morph="N-ASM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸν">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="127372" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐρχόμενον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127373" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127374" strongs="4561" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκί">flesh</w>
<w OGNTsort="127375" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτός"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127376" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127377" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127378" strongs="4108" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πλάνος" text="πλάνος">deceiver</w>
<w OGNTsort="127379" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127380" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127381" strongs="500" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀντίχριστος" text="ἀντίχριστος">antichrist</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:8">
<Greek>βλέπετε ἑαυτούς ἵνα μὴ ἀπολέσητε ἃ εἰργασάμεθα ἀλλὰ μισθὸν πλήρη ἀπολάβητε</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>Look to yourselves, that you do not lose the things for which we have labored, but so that you may receive a full reward.</ULB>
<residue>Look to yourselves, that you do not lose the things for which we have , but so that you may a full .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127382" strongs="991" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλέπετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127383" strongs="1438" morph="F-2APM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτούς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127384" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127385" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127386" strongs="622" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="ἀπολλύω" text="ἀπολέσητε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127387" strongs="3739" morph="R-APN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127388" strongs="2038" morph="V-ADI-1P" lemma="ἐργάζομαι" text="εἰργασάμεθα">labored</w>
<w OGNTsort="127389" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127390" strongs="3408" morph="N-ASM" lemma="μισθός" text="μισθὸν">reward</w>
<w OGNTsort="127391" strongs="4134" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πλήρης" text="πλήρη"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127392" strongs="618" morph="V-2AAS-2P" lemma="ἀπολαμβάνω" text="ἀπολάβητε">receive</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:9">
<Greek>πᾶς ὁ προάγων καὶ μὴ μένων ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ τοῦ Χριστοῦ Θεὸν οὐκ ἔχει ὁ μένων ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ οὗτος καὶ τὸν Πατέρα καὶ τὸν Υἱὸν ἔχει</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Whoever goes on ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ does not have God. The one who remains in the teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son.</ULB>
<residue>Whoever goes on ahead and does not remain in the of does not have . The one who remains in the , this one has both the and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127393" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127394" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127395" strongs="4254" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="προάγω" text="προάγων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127396" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127397" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127398" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="μένω" text="μένων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127399" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127400" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127401" strongs="1322" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδαχή" text="διδαχῇ">teaching</w>
<w OGNTsort="127402" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127403" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="127404" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸν">the Son</w>
<w OGNTsort="127405" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127406" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127407" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127408" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="μένω" text="μένων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127409" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127410" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127411" strongs="1322" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδαχή" text="διδαχῇ">teaching</w>
<w OGNTsort="127412" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127413" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127414" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127415" strongs="3962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατέρα">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="127416" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127417" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127418" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱὸν">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="127419" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει"></w>
<verse name="2 John 1:10">
<Greek>Εἴ τις ἔρχεται πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ ταύτην τὴν διδαχὴν οὐ φέρει μὴ λαμβάνετε αὐτὸν εἰς οἰκίαν καὶ χαίρειν αὐτῷ μὴ λέγετε</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not greet him.</ULB>
<residue>If anyone comes to you and does not bring this , do not him into your and do not him.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127420" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127421" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127422" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχεται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127423" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127424" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127425" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127426" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτην"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127427" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127428" strongs="1322" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διδαχή" text="διδαχὴν">teaching</w>
<w OGNTsort="127429" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127430" strongs="5342" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="φέρω" text="φέρει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127431" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127432" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνετε">receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="127433" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127434" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127435" strongs="3614" morph="N-ASF" lemma="οἰκία" text="οἰκίαν">house</w>
<w OGNTsort="127436" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127437" strongs="5463" morph="V-PAN" lemma="χαίρω" text="χαίρειν">greet</w>
<w OGNTsort="127438" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127439" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127440" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγετε"></w>
<verse name="2 John 1:11">
<Greek>ὁ λέγων γὰρ αὐτῷ χαίρειν κοινωνεῖ τοῖς ἔργοις αὐτοῦ τοῖς πονηροῖς</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>For the one who speaks a greeting to him participates in his evil deeds.</ULB>
<residue>For the one who speaks a to him participates in his .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127441" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127442" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127443" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127444" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127445" strongs="5463" morph="V-PAN" lemma="χαίρω" text="χαίρειν">greeting</w>
<w OGNTsort="127446" strongs="2841" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="κοινωνέω" text="κοινωνεῖ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127447" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127448" strongs="2041" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργοις">deeds</w>
<w OGNTsort="127449" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127450" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127451" strongs="4190" morph="A-DPN" lemma="πονηρός" text="πονηροῖς">evil</w>
<verse name="2 John 1:12">
<Greek>Πολλὰ ἔχων ὑμῖν γράφειν οὐκ ἐβουλήθην διὰ χάρτου καὶ μέλανος ἀλλὰ ἐλπίζω γενέσθαι πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλῆσαι ἵνα ἡ χαρὰ ἡμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 12</preText>
<ULB>I have many things to write to you, but I did not wish to write them with paper and ink. However, I hope to come to you and speak face to face, so that our joy will be complete.</ULB>
<residue>I have many things to write to you, but I did not wish to write them with paper and ink. However, I to come to you and speak to , so that our will be complete.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127452" strongs="4183" morph="A-APN" lemma="πολύς" text="Πολλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127453" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127454" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127455" strongs="1125" morph="V-PAN" lemma="γράφω" text="γράφειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127456" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127457" strongs="1014" morph="V-AOI-1S" lemma="βούλομαι" text="ἐβουλήθην"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127458" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127459" strongs="5489" morph="N-GSM" lemma="χάρτης" text="χάρτου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127460" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127461" strongs="3188" morph="N-GSN" lemma="μέλαν" text="μέλανος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127462" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127463" strongs="1679" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἐλπίζω">hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="127464" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADN" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενέσθαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127465" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127466" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127467" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127468" strongs="4750" morph="N-ASN" lemma="στόμα" text="στόμα">face</w>
<w OGNTsort="127469" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127470" strongs="4750" morph="N-ASN" lemma="στόμα" text="στόμα">face</w>
<w OGNTsort="127471" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλῆσαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127472" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127473" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127474" strongs="5479" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρὰ">joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="127475" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127476" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ᾖ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127477" strongs="4137" morph="V-RPP-NSF" lemma="πληρόω" text="πεπληρωμένη"></w>
<verse name="2 John 1:13">
<Greek>Ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ἐκλεκτῆς</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>The children of your chosen sister greet you.</ULB>
<residue>The of your you.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="127478" strongs="782" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἀσπάζομαι" text="Ἀσπάζεταί">greet</w>
<w OGNTsort="127479" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127480" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127481" strongs="5043" morph="N-NPN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνα">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="127482" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127483" strongs="79" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀδελφή" text="ἀδελφῆς">sister</w>
<w OGNTsort="127484" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127485" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="127486" strongs="1588" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἐκλεκτός" text="ἐκλεκτῆς">chosen</w>