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2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
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<div type="book" osisID="1ti">
<chapter osisID="1ti.1">
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:1">
<Greek>Παῦλος ἀπόστολος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ κατ᾽ ἐπιταγὴν Θεοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τῆς ἐλπίδος ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 1 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Savior and Christ Jesus our hope,</ULB>
<residue>, an of according to the of our and our ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111803" strongs="3972" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Παῦλος" text="Παῦλος">Paul,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111804" strongs="652" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀπόστολος" text="ἀπόστολος">an apostle</w>
<w OGNTsort="111805" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">of Christ</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111806" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111807" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="111808" strongs="2003" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπιταγή" text="ἐπιταγὴν">the commandment</w>
<w OGNTsort="111809" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="111811" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111810" strongs="4990" morph="N-GSM" lemma="σωτήρ" text="Σωτῆρος">Savior</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111812" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111813" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111814" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="111817" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111815" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111816" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:2">
<Greek>Τιμοθέῳ γνησίῳ τέκνῳ ἐν πίστει Χάρις ἔλεος εἰρήνη ἀπὸ Θεοῦ πατρὸς καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 2</preText>
<ULB>to Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.</ULB>
<residue>to , a in the : Grace, , and from the and our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111818" strongs="5095" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμοθέῳ">to Timothy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111819" strongs="1103" morph="A-DSN" lemma="γνήσιος" text="γνησίῳ">a true</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111820" strongs="5043" morph="N-DSN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνῳ">son</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111821" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="111822" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">the faith:</w>
<w OGNTsort="111823" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" text="Χάρις">Grace,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111824" strongs="1656" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἔλεος" text="ἔλεος">mercy,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111825" strongs="1515" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνη">peace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111826" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111827" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111828" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατρὸς">the Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="111829" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and </w>
<w OGNTsort="111830" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="111831" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="111834" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111832" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111833" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="κυρίου">Lord.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:3">
<Greek>Καθὼς παρεκάλεσά σε προσμεῖναι ἐν Ἐφέσῳ πορευόμενος εἰς Μακεδονίαν ἵνα παραγγείλῃς τισὶν μὴ ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 3</preText>
<ULB>As I urged you to do when I was leaving for Macedonia, remain in Ephesus so that you can command certain people not to teach a different doctrine.</ULB>
<residue>As I you to do when I was leaving for , remain in so that you can certain people not to teach a different .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111835" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="Καθὼς">As</w>
<w OGNTsort="111836" strongs="3870" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρεκάλεσά">I urged</w>
<w OGNTsort="111837" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you</w>
<w>to do</w>
<w OGNTsort="111841" strongs="4198" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="πορεύω" text="πορευόμενος">when I was leaving</w>
<w OGNTsort="111842" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="111843" strongs="3109" morph="N-ASF-L" lemma="Μακεδονία" text="Μακεδονίαν">Macedonia,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111838" strongs="4357" morph="V-AAN" lemma="προσμένω" text="προσμεῖναι">remain</w>
<w OGNTsort="111839" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111840" strongs="2181" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Ἔφεσος" text="Ἐφέσῳ">Ephesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111844" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="111845" strongs="3853" morph="V-AAS-2S" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="παραγγείλῃς">you can command</w>
<w OGNTsort="111846" strongs="5100" morph="X-DPM" lemma="τις" text="τισὶν">certain people</w>
<w OGNTsort="111847" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="111848" strongs="2085" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἑτεροδιδασκαλέω" text="ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν">to teach a different doctrine.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:4">
<Greek>μηδὲ προσέχειν μύθοις καὶ γενεαλογίαις ἀπεράντοις αἵτινες ἐκζητήσεις παρέχουσιν μᾶλλον ἢ οἰκονομίαν Θεοῦ τὴν ἐν πίστει</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>Neither should they pay attention to stories and endless genealogies. These promote arguments rather than the plan of God, which is by faith.</ULB>
<residue>Neither should they pay attention to stories and endless genealogies. These promote arguments rather than the plan of , which is by .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111849" strongs="3366" morph="CONJ" lemma="μηδέ" text="μηδὲ">Neither</w>
<w OGNTsort="111850" strongs="4337" morph="V-PAN" lemma="προσέχω" text="προσέχειν">should they pay attention</w>
<w OGNTsort="111851" strongs="3454" morph="N-DPM" lemma="μῦθος" text="μύθοις">to stories</w>
<w OGNTsort="111852" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111854" strongs="562" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ἀπέραντος" text="ἀπεράντοις">endless</w>
<w OGNTsort="111853" strongs="1076" morph="N-DPF" lemma="γενεαλογία" text="γενεαλογίαις">genealogies.</w>
<w OGNTsort="111855" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="αἵτινες">These</w>
<w OGNTsort="111857" strongs="3930" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="παρέχω" text="παρέχουσιν">promote</w>
<w OGNTsort="111856" strongs="6027" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐκζήτησις" text="ἐκζητήσεις">arguments</w>
<w OGNTsort="111858" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον">rather</w>
<w OGNTsort="111859" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">than</w>
<w OGNTsort="111860" strongs="3622" morph="N-ASF" lemma="οἰκονομία" text="οἰκονομίαν">the plan</w>
<w OGNTsort="111861" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111862" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">which is</w>
<w OGNTsort="111863" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="111864" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:5">
<Greek>Τὸ δὲ τέλος τῆς παραγγελίας ἐστὶν ἀγάπη ἐκ καθαρᾶς καρδίας καὶ συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς καὶ πίστεως ἀνυποκρίτου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>Now the goal of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith.</ULB>
<residue>Now the goal of the is from a , from a , and from a sincere .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111866" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="111865" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="Τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="111867" strongs="5056" morph="N-NSN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλος">goal</w>
<w OGNTsort="111868" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111869" strongs="3852" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παραγγελία" text="παραγγελίας">commandment</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111870" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν">is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111871" strongs="26" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπη">love</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111872" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="111873" strongs="2513" morph="A-GSF" lemma="καθαρός" text="καθαρᾶς">a pure</w>
<w OGNTsort="111874" strongs="2588" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">heart,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111875" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111877" strongs="18" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῆς">from a good</w>
<w OGNTsort="111876" strongs="4893" morph="N-GSF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνειδήσεως">conscience,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111878" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111880" strongs="505" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἀνυπόκριτος" text="ἀνυποκρίτου">from a sincere</w>
<w OGNTsort="111879" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:6">
<Greek>ὧν τινες ἀστοχήσαντες ἐξετράπησαν εἰς ματαιολογίαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>Some people have gone astray from these things and have turned to worthless talk.</ULB>
<residue>Some people have gone astray from these things and have to worthless talk.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111882" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">Some people</w>
<w OGNTsort="111883" strongs="795" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ἀστοχέω" text="ἀστοχήσαντες">have gone astray</w>
<w OGNTsort="111881" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">from these things</w>
<w OGNTsort="111884" strongs="1624" morph="V-2API-3P" lemma="ἐκτρέπω" text="ἐξετράπησαν">have turned</w>
<w OGNTsort="111885" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="111886" strongs="3150" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ματαιολογία" text="ματαιολογίαν">worthless talk.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:7">
<Greek>θέλοντες εἶναι νομοδιδάσκαλοι μὴ νοοῦντες μήτε ἃ λέγουσιν μήτε περὶ τίνων διαβεβαιοῦνται</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not understand what they are saying or what they so confidently affirm.</ULB>
<residue>They want to be of the law, but they do not what they are saying or what they so confidently affirm.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111887" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλοντες">They want</w>
<w OGNTsort="111888" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="111889" strongs="3547" morph="N-NPM" lemma="νομοδιδάσκαλος" text="νομοδιδάσκαλοι">teachers of the law,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111890" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="111891" strongs="3539" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="νοέω" text="νοοῦντες">they do [1] understand</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111892" strongs="3383" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήτε" text="μήτε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111893" strongs="3739" morph="R-APN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἃ">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="111894" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγουσιν">they are saying</w>
<w OGNTsort="111895" strongs="3383" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήτε" text="μήτε">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="111896" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111897" strongs="5101" morph="I-GPN" lemma="τίς" text="τίνων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111898" strongs="1226" morph="V-PNI-3P" lemma="διαβεβαιόω" text="διαβεβαιοῦνται"></w>
<phraseWords>what they so confidently affirm.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:8">
<Greek>Οἴδαμεν δὲ ὅτι καλὸς ὁ νόμος ἐάν τις αὐτῷ νομίμως χρῆται</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully.</ULB>
<residue>But we that is if one uses it .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111900" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="111899" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-1P" lemma="εἴδω" text="Οἴδαμεν">we know</w>
<w OGNTsort="111901" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="111903" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="111904" strongs="3551" morph="N-NSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμος">law</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111902" strongs="2570" morph="A-NSM" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸς">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111905" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐάν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="111906" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">one</w>
<w OGNTsort="111909" strongs="5530" morph="V-PNS-3S" lemma="χράω" text="χρῆται">uses</w>
<w OGNTsort="111907" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">it</w>
<w OGNTsort="111908" strongs="3545" morph="ADV" lemma="νομίμως" text="νομίμως">lawfully.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:9">
<Greek>εἰδὼς τοῦτο ὅτι δικαίῳ νόμος οὐ κεῖται ἀνόμοις δὲ καὶ ἀνυποτάκτοις ἀσεβέσι καὶ ἁμαρτωλοῖς ἀνοσίοις καὶ βεβήλοις πατρολῴαις καὶ μητρολῴαις ἀνδροφόνοις</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>We know this, that law is not set in place for a righteous man, but for lawless and rebellious people, for ungodly people and sinners, and for those who are unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers and mothers, for murderers,</ULB>
<residue>We this, that is not for a man, but for and people, for people and , and for those who are and , for those who kill their and mothers, for murderers,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111910" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAP-NSM" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδὼς">We know</w>
<w OGNTsort="111911" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111912" strongs="3754" morph="ADV" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111914" strongs="3551" morph="N-NSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμος">law</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111915" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="111916" strongs="2749" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="κεῖμαι" text="κεῖται">is [1] set in place</w>
<w OGNTsort="111913" strongs="1342" morph="A-DSM" lemma="δίκαιος" text="δικαίῳ">for a righteous man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111918" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="111917" strongs="459" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἄνομος" text="ἀνόμοις">for lawless</w>
<w OGNTsort="111919" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111920" strongs="506" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἀνυπότακτος" text="ἀνυποτάκτοις">rebellious people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111921" strongs="765" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἀσεβής" text="ἀσεβέσι">for ungodly people</w>
<w OGNTsort="111922" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111923" strongs="268" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἁμαρτωλός" text="ἁμαρτωλοῖς">sinners,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111924" strongs="462" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἀνόσιος" text="ἀνοσίοις">for those who are unholy</w>
<w OGNTsort="111925" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111926" strongs="952" morph="A-DPM" lemma="βέβηλος" text="βεβήλοις">profane,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111927" strongs="3964" morph="N-DPM" lemma="πατραλῴας" text="πατρολῴαις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111928" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111929" strongs="3389" morph="N-DPM" lemma="μητραλῴας" text="μητρολῴαις"></w>
<phraseWords>for those who kill their fathers and mothers,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="111930" strongs="409" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀνδροφόνος" text="ἀνδροφόνοις">for murderers,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:10">
<Greek>πόρνοις ἀρσενοκοίταις ἀνδραποδισταῖς ψεύσταις ἐπιόρκοις καὶ εἴ τι ἕτερον τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ διδασκαλίᾳ ἀντίκειται</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>for sexually immoral people, for those who practice homosexuality, for those who kidnap people for slaves, for liars, for false witnesses, and for whatever else is opposed to truthful teaching.</ULB>
<residue>for sexually immoral people, for those who practice homosexuality, for those who kidnap people for slaves, for liars, for , and for whatever else is to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111931" strongs="4205" morph="N-DPM" lemma="πόρνος" text="πόρνοις">for sexually immoral people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111932" strongs="733" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀρσενοκοίτης" text="ἀρσενοκοίταις">for those who practice homosexuality,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111933" strongs="405" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀνδραποδιστής" text="ἀνδραποδισταῖς">for those who kidnap people for slaves,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111934" strongs="5583" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ψεύστης" text="ψεύσταις">for liars,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111935" strongs="1965" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἐπίορκος" text="ἐπιόρκοις">for false witnesses,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111936" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111937" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111938" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSN" lemma="τις" text="τι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111939" strongs="2087" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἕτερον"></w>
<phraseWords>for whatever else</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="111943" strongs="480" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἀντίκειμαι" text="ἀντίκειται">is opposed</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111940" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111941" strongs="5198" morph="V-PAP-DSF" lemma="ὑγιαίνω" text="ὑγιαινούσῃ">to truthful</w>
<w OGNTsort="111942" strongs="1319" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίᾳ">teaching.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:11">
<Greek>κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>This instruction is according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.</ULB>
<residue>This instruction is according to the of the with which I have been .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>This instruction is</w>
<w OGNTsort="111944" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="111947" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="111948" strongs="1391" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξης">glorious</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111945" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111946" strongs="2098" morph="N-ASN" lemma="εὐαγγέλιον" text="εὐαγγέλιον">gospel</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111949" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111950" strongs="3107" morph="A-GSM" lemma="μακάριος" text="μακαρίου">blessed</w>
<w OGNTsort="111951" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111952" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ">with which</w>
<w OGNTsort="111954" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγώ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="111953" strongs="4100" morph="V-API-1S" lemma="πιστεύω" text="ἐπιστεύθην">have been entrusted.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:12">
<Greek>Χάριν ἔχω τῷ ἐνδυναμώσαντί με Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ τῷ Κυρίῳ ἡμῶν ὅτι πιστόν με ἡγήσατο θέμενος εἰς διακονίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 12</preText>
<ULB>I thank Christ Jesus our Lord. He strengthened me, for he considered me faithful, and he appointed me to service.</ULB>
<residue>I thank our . He me, for he me , and he me to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111955" strongs="5485" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χάρις" text="Χάριν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111956" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχω"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<phraseWords>I thank</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="111960" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="111961" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="111964" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111962" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111963" strongs="2962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίῳ">Lord.</w>
<w OGNTsort="111957" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="111958" strongs="1743" morph="V-AAP-DSM" lemma="ἐνδυναμόω" text="ἐνδυναμώσαντί">strengthened</w>
<w OGNTsort="111959" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="με">me,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111965" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="111968" strongs="2233" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγήσατο">he considered</w>
<w OGNTsort="111967" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="με">me</w>
<w OGNTsort="111966" strongs="4103" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστόν">faithful,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111969" strongs="5087" morph="V-2AMP-NSM" lemma="τίθημι" text="θέμενος">he appointed me</w>
<w OGNTsort="111970" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="111971" strongs="1248" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διακονία" text="διακονίαν">service.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:13">
<Greek>τὸ πρότερον ὄντα βλάσφημον καὶ διώκτην καὶ ὑβριστήν ἀλλὰ ἠλεήθην ὅτι ἀγνοῶν ἐποίησα ἐν ἀπιστίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>I was a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent man. But I received mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief.</ULB>
<residue>I was a , a , and a violent man. But I mercy because I acted ignorantly in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111974" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντα">I was</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111972" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="111973" strongs="4387" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="πρότερος" text="πρότερον"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111975" strongs="989" morph="A-ASM" lemma="βλάσφημος" text="βλάσφημον">a blasphemer,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111976" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111977" strongs="1376" morph="N-ASM" lemma="διώκτης" text="διώκτην">a persecutor,</w>
<w OGNTsort="111978" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111979" strongs="5197" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὑβριστής" text="ὑβριστήν">a violent man.</w>
<w OGNTsort="111980" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="111981" strongs="1653" morph="V-API-1S" lemma="ἐλεέω, ἐλεάω" text="ἠλεήθην">I received mercy</w>
<w OGNTsort="111982" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="111984" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ἐποίησα">I acted</w>
<w OGNTsort="111983" strongs="50" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἀγνοέω" text="ἀγνοῶν">ignorantly</w>
<w OGNTsort="111985" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="111986" strongs="570" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀπιστία" text="ἀπιστίᾳ">unbelief.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:14">
<Greek>ὑπερεπλεόνασεν δὲ ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν μετὰ πίστεως καὶ ἀγάπης τῆς ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>And the grace of our Lord overflowed with the faith and the love that is in Christ Jesus.</ULB>
<residue>And the of our Lord overflowed with the and the that is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111988" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">And</w>
<w OGNTsort="111989" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111990" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάρις">grace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111993" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">of our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111991" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="111992" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="111987" strongs="5250" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὑπερπλεονάζω" text="ὑπερεπλεόνασεν">overflowed</w>
<w OGNTsort="111994" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="111995" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">the faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="111996" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="111997" strongs="26" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπης">the love</w>
<w OGNTsort="111998" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">that is</w>
<w OGNTsort="111999" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112000" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112001" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:15">
<Greek>Πιστὸς ὁ λόγος καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος ὅτι Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἁμαρτωλοὺς σῶσαι ὧν πρῶτός εἰμι ἐγώ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>This message is reliable and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.</ULB>
<residue>This is and of all acceptance, that came into the to , of whom I am .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112003" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">This</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112004" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">message</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112002" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="Πιστὸς">reliable</w>
<w OGNTsort="112005" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112008" strongs="514" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄξιος" text="ἄξιος">worthy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112006" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης">of all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112007" strongs="594" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀποδοχή" text="ἀποδοχῆς">acceptance,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112009" strongs="3754" morph="ADV" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112010" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112011" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="112012" strongs="2064" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἦλθεν">came</w>
<w OGNTsort="112013" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="112014" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112015" strongs="2889" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμον">world</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112017" strongs="4982" morph="V-AAN" lemma="σῴζω" text="σῶσαι">to save</w>
<w OGNTsort="112016" strongs="268" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἁμαρτωλός" text="ἁμαρτωλοὺς">sinners,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112018" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">of whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="112021" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγώ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="112020" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰμι">am</w>
<w OGNTsort="112019" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτός">chief.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:16">
<Greek>ἀλλὰ διὰ τοῦτο ἠλεήθην ἵνα ἐν ἐμοὶ πρώτῳ ἐνδείξηται Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς τὴν ἅπασαν μακροθυμίαν πρὸς ὑποτύπωσιν τῶν μελλόντων πιστεύειν ἐπ᾽ αὐτῷ εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>But for this reason I was given mercy, so that in me, the chief, Christ Jesus might demonstrate all patience. He did this as an example for those who would believe in him for eternal life.</ULB>
<residue>But for this reason I was given , so that in me, the , might demonstrate all . He did this as an example for those who would in him for .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112022" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112023" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112024" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<phraseWords>for this reason</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112025" strongs="1653" morph="V-API-1S" lemma="ἐλεέω, ἐλεάω" text="ἠλεήθην">I was given mercy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112026" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112027" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112028" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐμοὶ">me,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112029" strongs="4413" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτῳ">the chief,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112031" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112032" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="112030" strongs="1731" morph="V-AMS-3S" lemma="ἐνδείκνυμι" text="ἐνδείξηται">might demonstrate</w>
<w OGNTsort="112034" strongs="537" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἅπας" text="ἅπασαν">all</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112033" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112035" strongs="3115" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μακροθυμία" text="μακροθυμίαν">patience.</w>
<w>He did this</w>
<w OGNTsort="112036" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="112037" strongs="5296" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὑποτύπωσις" text="ὑποτύπωσιν">an example</w>
<w OGNTsort="112038" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">for those</w>
<w OGNTsort="112039" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="μέλλω" text="μελλόντων">who would</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112040" strongs="4100" morph="V-PAN" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύειν">believe</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112041" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112042" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="112043" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112045" strongs="166" morph="A-ASF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰώνιον">eternal</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112044" strongs="2222" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωὴν">life.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:17">
<Greek>Τῷ δὲ Βασιλεῖ τῶν αἰώνων ἀφθάρτῳ ἀοράτῳ μόνῳ Θεῷ τιμὴ καὶ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>Now to the king of the ages, the immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.</ULB>
<residue>Now to the of the , the immortal, invisible, the only , be and and . Amen.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112047" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="112046" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Τῷ">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112048" strongs="935" morph="N-DSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="Βασιλεῖ">king</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112049" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112050" strongs="165" morph="N-GPM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰώνων">ages,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112051" strongs="862" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ἄφθαρτος" text="ἀφθάρτῳ">the immortal,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112052" strongs="517" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ἀόρατος" text="ἀοράτῳ">invisible,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112053" strongs="3441" morph="A-DSM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνῳ">the only</w>
<w OGNTsort="112054" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112055" strongs="5092" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμὴ">honor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112056" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112057" strongs="1391" morph="N-NSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξα">glory</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112058" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112059" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112060" strongs="165" morph="N-APM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112061" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112062" strongs="165" morph="N-GPM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰώνων"></w>
<phraseWords>forever and ever.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112063" strongs="281" morph="HEB" lemma="ἀμήν" text="ἀμήν">Amen.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:18">
<Greek>Ταύτην τὴν παραγγελίαν παρατίθεμαί σοι τέκνον Τιμόθεε κατὰ τὰς προαγούσας ἐπὶ σὲ προφητείας ἵνα στρατεύῃ ἐν αὐταῖς τὴν καλὴν στρατείαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 18</preText>
<ULB>I am placing this command before you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that you might fight the good fight,</ULB>
<residue>I am placing this before you, , my , in accordance with the previously made about you, that you might fight the fight,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112064" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASF" lemma="οὗτος" sub="[1]" text="Ταύτην">this</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112065" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112066" strongs="3852" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παραγγελία" sub="[2]" text="παραγγελίαν">command</w>
<w OGNTsort="112067" strongs="3908" morph="V-PMI-1S" lemma="παρατίθημι" text="παρατίθεμαί">I am placing [1] [2] before</w>
<w OGNTsort="112068" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112070" strongs="5095" morph="N-VSM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμόθεε">Timothy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112069" strongs="5043" morph="N-VSN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνον">my child,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112071" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">in accordance with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112072" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112076" strongs="4394" morph="N-APF" lemma="προφητεία" text="προφητείας">prophecies</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112073" strongs="4254" morph="V-PAP-APF" lemma="προάγω" text="προαγούσας">previously made</w>
<w OGNTsort="112074" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="112075" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σὲ">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112077" strongs="2443" morph="ADV" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112079" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112080" strongs="846" morph="P-DPF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐταῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112078" strongs="4754" morph="V-PMS-2S" lemma="στρατεύω" text="στρατεύῃ">you might fight</w>
<w OGNTsort="112081" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112082" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καλός" text="καλὴν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112083" strongs="4752" morph="N-ASF" lemma="στρατεία" text="στρατείαν">fight,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:19">
<Greek>ἔχων πίστιν καὶ ἀγαθὴν συνείδησιν ἥν τινες ἀπωσάμενοι περὶ τὴν πίστιν ἐναυάγησαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have shipwrecked their faith.</ULB>
<residue>holding and a . By this, some have shipwrecked their .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112084" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχων">holding</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112085" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112086" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112087" strongs="18" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθὴν">a good</w>
<w OGNTsort="112088" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">conscience.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112091" strongs="683" morph="V-ADP-NPM" lemma="ἀπωθέω" text="ἀπωσάμενοι">By rejecting</w>
<w OGNTsort="112089" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἥν">this,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112090" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">some</w>
<w OGNTsort="112095" strongs="3489" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="ναυαγέω" text="ἐναυάγησαν">have shipwrecked</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112092" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112093" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="112094" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 1:20">
<Greek>ὧν ἐστιν Ὑμέναιος καὶ Ἀλέξανδρος οὓς παρέδωκα τῷ Σατανᾷ ἵνα παιδευθῶσιν μὴ βλασφημεῖν</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>Such are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered over to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.</ULB>
<residue>Such are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I to so that they may be not to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112096" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">Such</w>
<w OGNTsort="112097" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="112098" strongs="5211" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ὑμεναῖος" text="Ὑμέναιος">Hymenaeus</w>
<w OGNTsort="112099" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112100" strongs="223" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀλέξανδρος" text="Ἀλέξανδρος">Alexander,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112101" strongs="3739" morph="R-APM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὓς">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="112102" strongs="3860" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="παραδίδωμι" text="παρέδωκα">I delivered over</w>
<w OGNTsort="112103" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112104" strongs="4567" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Σατανᾶς" text="Σατανᾷ">Satan</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112105" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112106" strongs="3811" morph="V-APS-3P" lemma="παιδεύω" text="παιδευθῶσιν">they may be taught</w>
<w OGNTsort="112107" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112108" strongs="987" morph="V-PAN" lemma="βλασφημέω" text="βλασφημεῖν">to blaspheme.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="1ti.2">
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:1">
<Greek>Παρακαλῶ οὖν πρῶτον πάντων ποιεῖσθαι δεήσεις προσευχάς ἐντεύξεις εὐχαριστίας ὑπὲρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 2 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, first of all, I urge that humble requests, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, , I urge that , , , and thanksgivings be made for all people,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112110" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112111" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτον">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="112112" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">of all,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112109" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="Παρακαλῶ">I urge that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112114" strongs="1162" morph="N-APF" lemma="δέησις" text="δεήσεις">humble requests,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112115" strongs="4335" morph="N-APF" lemma="προσευχή" text="προσευχάς">prayers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112116" strongs="1783" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἔντευξις" text="ἐντεύξεις">petitions,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112117" strongs="2169" morph="N-APF" lemma="εὐχαριστία" text="εὐχαριστίας">thanksgivings</w>
<w OGNTsort="112113" strongs="4160" morph="V-PEN" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιεῖσθαι">be made</w>
<w OGNTsort="112118" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112119" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112120" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">people,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:2">
<Greek>ὑπὲρ βασιλέων καὶ πάντων τῶν ἐν ὑπεροχῇ ὄντων ἵνα ἤρεμον καὶ ἡσύχιον βίον διάγωμεν ἐν πάσῃ εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.</ULB>
<residue>for and all who are in , in order that we may a and quiet in all and dignity.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112121" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112122" strongs="935" morph="N-GPM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="βασιλέων">kings</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112123" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112124" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112125" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="112128" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντων">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="112126" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112127" strongs="5247" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὑπεροχή" text="ὑπεροχῇ">authority,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112129" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">in order that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112134" strongs="1236" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="διάγω" text="διάγωμεν">we may live</w>
<w OGNTsort="112130" strongs="2263" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἤρεμος" text="ἤρεμον">a peaceful</w>
<w OGNTsort="112131" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112132" strongs="2272" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἡσύχιος" text="ἡσύχιον">quiet</w>
<w OGNTsort="112133" strongs="979" morph="N-ASM" lemma="βίος" text="βίον">life</w>
<w OGNTsort="112135" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112136" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσῃ">all</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112137" strongs="2150" morph="N-DSF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσεβείᾳ">godliness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112138" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112139" strongs="4587" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σεμνότης" text="σεμνότητι">dignity.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:3">
<Greek>τοῦτο καλὸν καὶ ἀπόδεκτον ἐνώπιον τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>This is good and acceptable before God our Savior.</ULB>
<residue>This is and acceptable before our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112140" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">This</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112141" strongs="2570" morph="A-NSN" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112142" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112143" strongs="587" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀπόδεκτος" text="ἀπόδεκτον">acceptable</w>
<w OGNTsort="112144" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112145" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112148" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112147" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
<w OGNTsort="112146" strongs="4990" morph="N-GSM" lemma="σωτήρ" text="Σωτῆρος">Savior.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:4">
<Greek>ὃς πάντας ἀνθρώπους θέλει σωθῆναι καὶ εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν ἀληθείας ἐλθεῖν</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>He desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.</ULB>
<residue>He desires all people to be and to come to the of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112149" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="112152" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλει">desires</w>
<w OGNTsort="112150" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112151" strongs="444" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπους">people</w>
<w OGNTsort="112153" strongs="4982" morph="V-APN" lemma="σῴζω" text="σωθῆναι">to be saved</w>
<w OGNTsort="112154" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112158" strongs="2064" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐλθεῖν">to come</w>
<w OGNTsort="112155" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="112156" strongs="1922" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπίγνωσις" text="ἐπίγνωσιν">the knowledge</w>
<w OGNTsort="112157" strongs="225" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείας">of the truth.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:5">
<Greek>Εἷς γὰρ Θεός εἷς καὶ μεσίτης Θεοῦ καὶ ἀνθρώπων ἄνθρωπος Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>For there is one God, and there is one mediator for God and man, the man Christ Jesus.</ULB>
<residue>For there is one , and there is one for and man, the man .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112160" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>there is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112159" strongs="1520" morph="A-NSM" lemma="εἷς" text="Εἷς">one</w>
<w OGNTsort="112161" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112163" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w>there is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112162" strongs="1520" morph="A-NSM" lemma="εἷς" text="εἷς">one</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112164" strongs="3316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="μεσίτης" text="μεσίτης">mediator</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112165" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">for God</w>
<w OGNTsort="112166" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112167" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112168" strongs="444" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωπος">the man</w>
<w OGNTsort="112169" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112170" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:6">
<Greek>ὁ δοὺς ἑαυτὸν ἀντίλυτρον ὑπὲρ πάντων τὸ μαρτύριον καιροῖς ἰδίοις</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>He gave himself as a ransom for all, as the testimony at the right time.</ULB>
<residue>He gave himself as a for all, as the at the right .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112171" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="112172" strongs="1325" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="δίδωμι" text="δοὺς">gave</w>
<w OGNTsort="112173" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτὸν">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="112174" strongs="487" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἀντίλυτρον" text="ἀντίλυτρον">as a ransom</w>
<w OGNTsort="112175" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112176" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112177" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112178" strongs="3142" morph="N-NSN" lemma="μαρτύριον" text="μαρτύριον">testimony</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112180" strongs="2398" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίοις">at the right</w>
<w OGNTsort="112179" strongs="2540" morph="N-DPM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιροῖς">time.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:7">
<Greek>εἰς ὃ ἐτέθην ἐγὼ κῆρυξ καὶ ἀπόστολος ἀλήθειαν λέγω οὐ ψεύδομαι διδάσκαλος ἐθνῶν ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀληθείᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>For this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.</ULB>
<residue>For this purpose I was a herald and an —I am telling the , I am not lying—and a of the in and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112181" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112182" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ">this purpose</w>
<w OGNTsort="112184" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="112183" strongs="5087" morph="V-API-1S" lemma="τίθημι" text="ἐτέθην">was appointed</w>
<w OGNTsort="112185" strongs="2783" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κῆρυξ" text="κῆρυξ">a herald</w>
<w OGNTsort="112186" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112187" strongs="652" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀπόστολος" text="ἀπόστολος">an apostle—</w>
<w OGNTsort="112189" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγω">I am telling</w>
<w OGNTsort="112188" strongs="225" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀλήθειαν">the truth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112190" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112191" strongs="5574" morph="V-PNI-1S" lemma="ψεύδομαι" text="ψεύδομαι">I am [1] lying—</w>
<w OGNTsort="112192" strongs="1320" morph="N-NSM" lemma="διδάσκαλος" text="διδάσκαλος">a teacher</w>
<w OGNTsort="112193" strongs="1484" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔθνος" text="ἐθνῶν">of the Gentiles</w>
<w OGNTsort="112194" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112195" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112196" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112197" strongs="225" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείᾳ">truth.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:8">
<Greek>Βούλομαι οὖν προσεύχεσθαι τοὺς ἄνδρας ἐν παντὶ τόπῳ ἐπαίροντας ὁσίους χεῖρας χωρὶς ὀργῆς καὶ διαλογισμοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 8</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, I want men in every place to pray and to lift up holy hands without anger or arguing.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, I want men in every place to and to lift up without or arguing.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112199" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112198" strongs="1014" morph="V-PNI-1S" lemma="βούλομαι" text="Βούλομαι">I want</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112201" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112202" strongs="435" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀνήρ" text="ἄνδρας">men</w>
<w OGNTsort="112203" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112204" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ">every</w>
<w OGNTsort="112205" strongs="5117" morph="N-DSM" lemma="τόπος" text="τόπῳ">place</w>
<w OGNTsort="112200" strongs="4336" morph="V-PNN" lemma="προσεύχομαι" text="προσεύχεσθαι">to pray</w>
<w OGNTsort="112206" strongs="1869" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἐπαίρω" text="ἐπαίροντας">to lift up</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112207" strongs="3741" morph="A-APF" lemma="ὅσιος" text="ὁσίους">holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112208" strongs="5495" morph="N-APF" lemma="χείρ" text="χεῖρας">hands</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112209" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112210" strongs="3709" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργῆς">anger</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112211" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112212" strongs="1261" morph="N-GSM" lemma="διαλογισμός" text="διαλογισμοῦ">arguing.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:9">
<Greek>Ὡσαύτως καὶ γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν καὶ χρυσίῳ ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>In the same way, the women are to dress with proper clothing, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothing,</ULB>
<residue>In , the women are to dress with proper clothing, with modesty and , not with braided hair or or pearls or clothing,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112213" strongs="5615" morph="ADV" lemma="ὡσαύτως" text="Ὡσαύτως">In the same way,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112214" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112215" strongs="1135" morph="N-APF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναῖκας">the women</w>
<w OGNTsort="112223" strongs="2885" morph="V-PAN" lemma="κοσμέω" text="κοσμεῖν">are to dress</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112224" strongs="1438" morph="F-3APF" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτάς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112216" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112218" strongs="2887" morph="A-DSF" lemma="κόσμιος" text="κοσμίῳ">proper</w>
<w OGNTsort="112217" strongs="2689" morph="N-DSF" lemma="καταστολή" text="καταστολῇ">clothing,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112219" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112220" strongs="127" morph="N-GSF" lemma="αἰδώς" text="αἰδοῦς">modesty</w>
<w OGNTsort="112221" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112222" strongs="4997" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωφροσύνη" text="σωφροσύνης">self-control,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112225" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112226" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112227" strongs="4117" morph="N-DPN" lemma="πλέγμα" text="πλέγμασιν">braided hair</w>
<w OGNTsort="112228" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">or</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112229" strongs="5553" morph="N-DSN" lemma="χρυσίον" text="χρυσίῳ">gold</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112230" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112231" strongs="3135" morph="N-DPM" lemma="μαργαρίτης" text="μαργαρίταις">pearls</w>
<w OGNTsort="112232" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112234" strongs="4185" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πολυτελής" text="πολυτελεῖ">expensive</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112233" strongs="2441" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἱματισμός" text="ἱματισμῷ">clothing,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:10">
<Greek>ἀλλ᾽ ὃ πρέπει γυναιξὶν ἐπαγγελλομέναις θεοσέβειαν δι᾽ ἔργων ἀγαθῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>but with what is proper for women who proclaim godliness through good works.</ULB>
<residue>but with what is for women who through good .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112235" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112236" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ">with what</w>
<w OGNTsort="112237" strongs="4241" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="πρέπω" text="πρέπει">is proper</w>
<w OGNTsort="112238" strongs="1135" morph="N-DPF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναιξὶν">for women</w>
<w OGNTsort="112239" strongs="1861" morph="V-PNP-DPF" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπαγγελλομέναις">who proclaim</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112240" strongs="2317" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θεοσέβεια" text="θεοσέβειαν">godliness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112241" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="112243" strongs="18" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῶν">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="112242" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">works.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:11">
<Greek>Γυνὴ ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ μανθανέτω ἐν πάσῃ ὑποταγῇ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>A woman should learn in silence and with all submission.</ULB>
<residue>A woman should learn in silence and with all .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112244" strongs="1135" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γυνή" text="Γυνὴ">A woman</w>
<w OGNTsort="112247" strongs="3129" morph="V-PAM-3S" lemma="μανθάνω" text="μανθανέτω">should learn</w>
<w OGNTsort="112245" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112246" strongs="2271" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἡσυχία" text="ἡσυχίᾳ">silence</w>
<w OGNTsort="112248" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112249" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσῃ">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112250" strongs="5292" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὑποταγή" text="ὑποταγῇ">submission.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:12">
<Greek>διδάσκειν δὲ γυναικὶ οὐκ ἐπιτρέπω οὐδὲ αὐθεντεῖν ἀνδρός ἀλλ᾽ εἶναι ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to live in quietness.</ULB>
<residue>I do not permit a woman to or to exercise over a man, but to live in quietness.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="112252" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112254" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112255" strongs="2010" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἐπιτρέπω" text="ἐπιτρέπω">I do [1] permit</w>
<w OGNTsort="112253" strongs="1135" morph="N-DSF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναικὶ">a woman</w>
<w OGNTsort="112251" strongs="1321" morph="V-PAN" lemma="διδάσκω" text="διδάσκειν">to teach</w>
<w OGNTsort="112256" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112257" strongs="831" morph="V-PAN" lemma="αὐθεντέω" text="αὐθεντεῖν">to exercise authority</w>
<w OGNTsort="112258" strongs="435" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἀνήρ" text="ἀνδρός">over a man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112259" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112260" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">to live</w>
<w OGNTsort="112261" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112262" strongs="2271" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἡσυχία" text="ἡσυχίᾳ">quietness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:13">
<Greek>Ἀδὰμ γὰρ πρῶτος ἐπλάσθη εἶτα Εὕα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 13</preText>
<ULB>For Adam was formed first, then Eve.</ULB>
<residue>For was formed first, then .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112264" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112263" strongs="76" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀδάμ" text="Ἀδὰμ">Adam</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112266" strongs="4111" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="πλάσσω" text="ἐπλάσθη">was formed</w>
<w OGNTsort="112265" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτος">first,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112267" strongs="1534" morph="ADV" lemma="εἶτα" text="εἶτα">then</w>
<w OGNTsort="112268" strongs="2096" morph="N-NSF-P" lemma="Εὖα" text="Εὕα">Eve.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:14">
<Greek>καὶ Ἀδὰμ οὐκ ἠπατήθη ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἐξαπατηθεῖσα ἐν παραβάσει γέγονεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.</ULB>
<residue>was not , but the woman was and became a .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="112269" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112270" strongs="76" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀδάμ" text="Ἀδὰμ">Adam</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112271" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112272" strongs="538" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="ἀπατάω" text="ἠπατήθη">was [1] deceived,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112274" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112273" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112275" strongs="1135" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυνὴ">woman</w>
<w OGNTsort="112276" strongs="1818" morph="V-APP-NSF" lemma="ἐξαπατάω" text="ἐξαπατηθεῖσα">was deceived</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112277" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112279" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γέγονεν">became</w>
<w OGNTsort="112278" strongs="3847" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παράβασις" text="παραβάσει">a transgressor.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 2:15">
<Greek>σωθήσεται δὲ διὰ τῆς τεκνογονίας ἐὰν μείνωσιν ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀγάπῃ καὶ ἁγιασμῷ μετὰ σωφροσύνης</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>However, she will be saved through bearing children, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with self-control.</ULB>
<residue>However, she will be through bearing , if they continue in and and with .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112281" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">However,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112280" strongs="4982" morph="V-FPI-3S" lemma="σῴζω" text="σωθήσεται">she will be saved</w>
<w OGNTsort="112282" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112283" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112284" strongs="5042" morph="N-GSF" lemma="τεκνογονία" text="τεκνογονίας">bearing children,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112285" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="112286" strongs="3306" morph="V-AAS-3P" lemma="μένω" text="μείνωσιν">they continue</w>
<w OGNTsort="112287" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112288" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112289" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112290" strongs="26" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπῃ">love</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112291" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112292" strongs="38" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἁγιασμός" text="ἁγιασμῷ">sanctification</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112293" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112294" strongs="4997" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωφροσύνη" text="σωφροσύνης">self-control.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="1ti.3">
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:1">
<Greek>Πιστὸς ὁ λόγος εἴ τις ἐπισκοπῆς ὀρέγεται καλοῦ ἔργου ἐπιθυμεῖ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 3 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>This saying is trustworthy: If someone desires to be an overseer, he desires a good work.</ULB>
<residue>This saying is : If someone to be an , he a .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112296" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">This</w>
<w OGNTsort="112297" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">saying</w>
<w OGNTsort="112295" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="Πιστὸς">trustworthy:</w>
<w OGNTsort="112298" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἴ">If</w>
<w OGNTsort="112299" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">someone</w>
<w OGNTsort="112301" strongs="3713" morph="V-PMI-3S" lemma="ὀρέγω" text="ὀρέγεται">desires to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112300" strongs="1984" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπισκοπή" text="ἐπισκοπῆς">an overseer,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112304" strongs="1937" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἐπιθυμέω" text="ἐπιθυμεῖ">he desires</w>
<w OGNTsort="112302" strongs="2570" morph="A-GSN" lemma="καλός" text="καλοῦ">a good</w>
<w OGNTsort="112303" strongs="2041" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργου">work.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:2">
<Greek>δεῖ οὖν τὸν ἐπίσκοπον ἀνεπίλημπτον εἶναι μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα νηφάλιον σώφρονα κόσμιον φιλόξενον διδακτικόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>Therefore the overseer must have a good reputation. He must be a husband of one wife. He must be moderate, sensible, orderly, and hospitable. He must be able to teach.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore the must have a good reputation. He must be a husband of one wife. He must be moderate, , orderly, and hospitable. He must be able to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112306" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="112307" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112308" strongs="1985" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἐπίσκοπος" text="ἐπίσκοπον">overseer</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112305" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ">must</w>
<w OGNTsort="112310" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">have</w>
<w OGNTsort="112309" strongs="423" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἀνεπίληπτος" text="ἀνεπίλημπτον">a good reputation.</w>
<w>He must be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112313" strongs="435" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀνήρ" text="ἄνδρα">a husband</w>
<w OGNTsort="112311" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSF" lemma="εἷς" text="μιᾶς">of one</w>
<w OGNTsort="112312" strongs="1135" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναικὸς">wife.</w>
<w>He must be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112314" strongs="3524" morph="A-ASM" lemma="νηφαλέος" text="νηφάλιον">moderate,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112315" strongs="4998" morph="A-ASM" lemma="σώφρων" text="σώφρονα">sensible,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112316" strongs="2887" morph="A-ASM" lemma="κόσμιος" text="κόσμιον">orderly,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112317" strongs="5382" morph="A-ASM" lemma="φιλόξενος" text="φιλόξενον">hospitable.</w>
<w>He must be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112318" strongs="1317" morph="A-ASM" lemma="διδακτικός" text="διδακτικόν">able to teach.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:3">
<Greek>μὴ πάροινον μὴ πλήκτην ἀλλὰ ἐπιεικῆ ἄμαχον ἀφιλάργυρον</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>He must not be addicted to wine, not a brawler, but instead, gentle, peaceful. He must not be a lover of money.</ULB>
<residue>He must not be addicted to , not a brawler, but instead, gentle, . He must not be a lover of money.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112319" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w>He must [1] be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112320" strongs="3943" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πάροινος" text="πάροινον">addicted to wine,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112321" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112322" strongs="4131" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πλήκτης" text="πλήκτην">a brawler,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112323" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112324" strongs="1933" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἐπιεικής" text="ἐπιεικῆ">gentle,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112325" strongs="269" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἄμαχος" text="ἄμαχον">peaceful.</w>
<w sub="[2]">He must</w>
<w sub="[3]">be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112326" strongs="866" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἀφιλάργυρος" text="ἀφιλάργυρον">[2] not [3] a lover of money.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:4">
<Greek>τοῦ ἰδίου οἴκου καλῶς προϊστάμενον τέκνα ἔχοντα ἐν ὑποταγῇ μετὰ πάσης σεμνότητος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>He should manage his own household well, and he should make sure his children obey and respect him in every way.</ULB>
<residue>He should his own , and he should make sure his and respect him in every way.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112331" strongs="4291" morph="V-PMP-ASM" lemma="προΐστημι" text="προϊστάμενον">He should manage</w>
<w OGNTsort="112328" strongs="2398" morph="A-GSM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίου">his own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112327" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112329" strongs="3624" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκου">household</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112330" strongs="2573" morph="ADV" lemma="καλῶς" text="καλῶς">well,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112333" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντα">he should make sure</w>
<w OGNTsort="112332" strongs="5043" morph="N-APN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνα">his children</w>
<w OGNTsort="112334" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112335" strongs="5292" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὑποταγή" text="ὑποταγῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112336" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112337" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112338" strongs="4587" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σεμνότης" text="σεμνότητος"></w>
<phraseWords>obey and respect him in every way.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:5">
<Greek>εἰ δέ τις τοῦ ἰδίου οἴκου προστῆναι οὐκ οἶδεν πῶς ἐκκλησίας Θεοῦ ἐπιμελήσεται</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>For if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for a church of God?</ULB>
<residue>For if a man does not how to his own , how will he care for a of ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112340" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112339" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="112341" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">a man</w>
<w OGNTsort="112346" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112347" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="εἴδω" text="οἶδεν">does [1] know how</w>
<w OGNTsort="112345" strongs="4291" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="προΐστημι" text="προστῆναι">to manage</w>
<w OGNTsort="112343" strongs="2398" morph="A-GSM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίου">his own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112342" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112344" strongs="3624" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκου">household,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112348" strongs="4459" morph="ADV" lemma="πως" text="πῶς">how</w>
<w OGNTsort="112351" strongs="1959" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="ἐπιμελέομαι" text="ἐπιμελήσεται">will he care for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112349" strongs="1577" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησίας">a church</w>
<w OGNTsort="112350" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:6">
<Greek>μὴ νεόφυτον ἵνα μὴ τυφωθεὶς εἰς κρίμα ἐμπέσῃ τοῦ διαβόλου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>He should not be a new convert, so that he does not swell with pride and might fall into condemnation as the devil.</ULB>
<residue>He should not be a new convert, so that he does not swell with and might fall into as the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112352" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w>He should [1] be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112353" strongs="3504" morph="A-ASM" lemma="νεόφυτος" text="νεόφυτον">a new convert,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112354" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112355" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[2]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112356" strongs="5187" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="τυφόω" text="τυφωθεὶς">he does [2] swell with pride</w>
<w OGNTsort="112359" strongs="1706" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="ἐμπίπτω" text="ἐμπέσῃ">might fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="112357" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112358" strongs="2917" morph="N-ASN" lemma="κρίμα" text="κρίμα">condemnation</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112360" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112361" strongs="1228" morph="A-GSM" lemma="διάβολος" text="διαβόλου">devil.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:7">
<Greek>δεῖ δὲ καὶ μαρτυρίαν καλὴν ἔχειν ἀπὸ τῶν ἔξωθεν ἵνα μὴ εἰς ὀνειδισμὸν ἐμπέσῃ καὶ παγίδα τοῦ διαβόλου</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>He must also have a good reputation with those outside, so that he does not fall into disgrace and the trap of the devil.</ULB>
<residue>He must also have a with those outside, so that he does not fall into and the of the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="112363" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112362" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ">He must</w>
<w OGNTsort="112364" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="112367" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν">have</w>
<w OGNTsort="112366" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καλός" text="καλὴν">a good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112365" strongs="3141" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μαρτυρία" text="μαρτυρίαν">reputation</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112368" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112369" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="112370" strongs="1855" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔξωθεν" text="ἔξωθεν">outside,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112371" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112372" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112375" strongs="1706" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="ἐμπίπτω" text="ἐμπέσῃ">he does [1] fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="112373" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112374" strongs="3680" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὀνειδισμός" text="ὀνειδισμὸν">disgrace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112376" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112377" strongs="3803" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παγίς" text="παγίδα">the trap</w>
<w OGNTsort="112378" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112379" strongs="1228" morph="A-GSM" lemma="διάβολος" text="διαβόλου">devil.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:8">
<Greek>Διακόνους ὡσαύτως σεμνούς μὴ διλόγους μὴ οἴνῳ πολλῷ προσέχοντας μὴ αἰσχροκερδεῖς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>In the same way, deacons should be dignified, not double-talkers. They should not drink too much wine or be greedy.</ULB>
<residue>In , should be , not double-talkers. They should not drink too much or be greedy.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112381" strongs="5615" morph="ADV" lemma="ὡσαύτως" text="ὡσαύτως">In the same way,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112380" strongs="1249" morph="N-APM" lemma="διάκονος" text="Διακόνους">deacons</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>should be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112382" strongs="4586" morph="A-APM" lemma="σεμνός" text="σεμνούς">dignified,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112383" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112384" strongs="1351" morph="A-APM" lemma="δίλογος" text="διλόγους">double-talkers.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112385" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112388" strongs="4337" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="προσέχω" text="προσέχοντας">They should [1] drink</w>
<w OGNTsort="112387" strongs="4183" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῷ">too much</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112386" strongs="3631" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶνος" text="οἴνῳ">wine</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112389" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112390" strongs="146" morph="A-APM" lemma="αἰσχροκερδής" text="αἰσχροκερδεῖς">be greedy.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:9">
<Greek>ἔχοντας τὸ μυστήριον τῆς πίστεως ἐν καθαρᾷ συνειδήσει</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>They should keep the mystery of the faith with a clean conscience.</ULB>
<residue>They should keep the of the with a .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112391" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντας">They should keep</w>
<w OGNTsort="112392" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112393" strongs="3466" morph="N-ASN" lemma="μυστήριον" text="μυστήριον">mystery</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112394" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112395" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112396" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112397" strongs="2513" morph="A-DSF" lemma="καθαρός" text="καθαρᾷ">a clean</w>
<w OGNTsort="112398" strongs="4893" morph="N-DSF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνειδήσει">conscience.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:10">
<Greek>καὶ οὗτοι δὲ δοκιμαζέσθωσαν πρῶτον εἶτα διακονείτωσαν ἀνέγκλητοι ὄντες</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>They should also be approved first, and then they should serve because they are blameless.</ULB>
<residue>They should also be approved first, and then they should because they are .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112399" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112400" strongs="3778" morph="D-NPM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112401" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112402" strongs="1381" morph="V-PPM-3P" lemma="δοκιμάζω" text="δοκιμαζέσθωσαν">They should [1] be approved</w>
<w OGNTsort="112403" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτον">first,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112404" strongs="1534" morph="ADV" lemma="εἶτα" text="εἶτα">and then</w>
<w OGNTsort="112405" strongs="1247" morph="V-PAM-3P" lemma="διακονέω" text="διακονείτωσαν">they should serve</w>
<w OGNTsort="112407" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντες">because they are</w>
<w OGNTsort="112406" strongs="410" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἀνέγκλητος" text="ἀνέγκλητοι">blameless.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:11">
<Greek>Γυναῖκας ὡσαύτως σεμνάς μὴ διαβόλους νηφαλίους πιστὰς ἐν πᾶσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>In the same way, their wives should be dignified, not slanderers, but sober and faithful in all things.</ULB>
<residue>In , their wives should be , not , but sober and in all things.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112409" strongs="5615" morph="ADV" lemma="ὡσαύτως" text="ὡσαύτως">In the same way,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112408" strongs="1135" morph="N-APF" lemma="γυνή" text="Γυναῖκας">their wives</w>
<w>should be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112410" strongs="4586" morph="A-APF" lemma="σεμνός" text="σεμνάς">dignified,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112411" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112412" strongs="1228" morph="A-APF" lemma="διάβολος" text="διαβόλους">slanderers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112413" strongs="3524" morph="A-APF" lemma="νηφαλέος" text="νηφαλίους">sober</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112414" strongs="4103" morph="A-APF" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὰς">faithful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112415" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112416" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν">all things.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:12">
<Greek>Διάκονοι ἔστωσαν μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρες τέκνων καλῶς προϊστάμενοι καὶ τῶν ἰδίων οἴκων</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>Deacons must be husbands of one wife. They must manage well their children and household.</ULB>
<residue>Deacons must be husbands of one wife. They must their and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112417" strongs="1249" morph="N-NPM" lemma="διάκονος" text="Διάκονοι">Deacons</w>
<w OGNTsort="112418" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAM-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστωσαν">must be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112421" strongs="435" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἀνήρ" text="ἄνδρες">husbands</w>
<w OGNTsort="112419" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSF" lemma="εἷς" text="μιᾶς">of one</w>
<w OGNTsort="112420" strongs="1135" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναικὸς">wife.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112424" strongs="4291" morph="V-PMP-NPM" lemma="προΐστημι" text="προϊστάμενοι">They must manage</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112423" strongs="2573" morph="ADV" lemma="καλῶς" text="καλῶς">well</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112426" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112427" strongs="2398" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112422" strongs="5043" morph="N-GPN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνων">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="112425" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112428" strongs="3624" morph="N-GPM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκων">household.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:13">
<Greek>οἱ γὰρ καλῶς διακονήσαντες βαθμὸν ἑαυτοῖς καλὸν περιποιοῦνται καὶ πολλὴν παρρησίαν ἐν πίστει τῇ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>For those who have served well acquire for themselves a good standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.</ULB>
<residue>For those who have acquire for themselves a standing and great in the that is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112430" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112429" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="112432" strongs="1247" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="διακονέω" text="διακονήσαντες">have served</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112431" strongs="2573" morph="ADV" lemma="καλῶς" text="καλῶς">well</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112436" strongs="4046" morph="V-PMI-3P" lemma="περιποιέω" text="περιποιοῦνται">acquire</w>
<w OGNTsort="112434" strongs="1438" morph="F-3DPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῖς">for themselves</w>
<w OGNTsort="112435" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASM" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">a good</w>
<w OGNTsort="112433" strongs="898" morph="N-ASM" lemma="βαθμός" text="βαθμὸν">standing</w>
<w OGNTsort="112437" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112438" strongs="4183" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλὴν">great</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112439" strongs="3954" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παρρησία" text="παρρησίαν">confidence</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112440" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112441" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">the faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="112442" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">that is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112443" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112444" strongs="5547" morph="N-DSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστῷ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112445" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:14">
<Greek>Ταῦτά σοι γράφω ἐλπίζων ἐλθεῖν πρὸς σὲ ἐν τάχει</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 14</preText>
<ULB>As I write these things to you, I hope to come to you soon.</ULB>
<residue>As I write these things to you, I to come to you soon.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112448" strongs="1125" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="γράφω" text="γράφω">As I write</w>
<w OGNTsort="112446" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Ταῦτά">these things</w>
<w OGNTsort="112447" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">to you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112449" strongs="1679" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἐλπίζων">I hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="112450" strongs="2064" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐλθεῖν">to come</w>
<w OGNTsort="112451" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="112452" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σὲ">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="112453" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112454" strongs="5034" morph="N-DSN" lemma="τάχος" text="τάχει"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:15">
<Greek>ἐὰν δὲ βραδύνω ἵνα εἰδῇς πῶς δεῖ ἐν οἴκῳ Θεοῦ ἀναστρέφεσθαι ἥτις ἐστὶν ἐκκλησία Θεοῦ ζῶντος στῦλος καὶ ἑδραίωμα τῆς ἀληθείας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>But if I delay, I am writing so that you may know how to conduct yourself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.</ULB>
<residue>But if I delay, I am writing so that you may how to yourself in the of , which is the of , the and support of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112456" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112455" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="112457" strongs="1019" morph="V-PAS-1S" lemma="βραδύνω" text="βραδύνω">I delay,</w>
<w>I am writing</w>
<w OGNTsort="112458" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112459" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAS-2S" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδῇς">you may know</w>
<w OGNTsort="112460" strongs="4459" morph="ADV" lemma="πως" text="πῶς">how</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112461" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112465" strongs="390" morph="V-PPN" lemma="ἀναστρέφω" text="ἀναστρέφεσθαι">to conduct yourself</w>
<w OGNTsort="112462" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112463" strongs="3624" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκῳ">the household</w>
<w OGNTsort="112464" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112466" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="112467" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112468" strongs="1577" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησία">the church</w>
<w OGNTsort="112470" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντος">of the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="112469" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112471" strongs="4769" morph="N-NSM" lemma="στῦλος" text="στῦλος">the pillar</w>
<w OGNTsort="112472" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112473" strongs="1477" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἑδραίωμα" text="ἑδραίωμα">support</w>
<w OGNTsort="112474" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112475" strongs="225" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείας">truth.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 3:16">
<Greek>Καὶ ὁμολογουμένως μέγα ἐστὶν τὸ τῆς εὐσεβείας μυστήριον Ὃς ἐφανερώθη ἐν σαρκί ἐδικαιώθη ἐν πνεύματι ὤφθη ἀγγέλοις ἐκηρύχθη ἐν ἔθνεσιν ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ ἀνελήμφθη ἐν δόξῃ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 16</preText>
<ULB>We all agree that the mystery of godliness is great: <usfm>\q</usfm> "He was revealed in the flesh, <usfm>\q</usfm> was vindicated by the Spirit, <usfm>\q</usfm> was seen by angels, <usfm>\q</usfm> was proclaimed among nations, <usfm>\q</usfm> was believed on in the world, <usfm>\q</usfm> and was taken up in glory."</ULB>
<residue>We all agree that the of is : "He was in the , was by the , was seen by , was among , was on in the , and was taken up in ."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="112476" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112477" strongs="3672" morph="ADV" lemma="ὁμολογουμένως" text="ὁμολογουμένως">We all agree</w>
<w OGNTsort="112480" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112483" strongs="3466" morph="N-NSN" lemma="μυστήριον" text="μυστήριον">mystery</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112481" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112482" strongs="2150" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσεβείας">of godliness</w>
<w OGNTsort="112479" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112478" strongs="3173" morph="A-NSN" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγα">great:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112484" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="Ὃς">"He</w>
<w OGNTsort="112485" strongs="5319" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="φανερόω" text="ἐφανερώθη">was revealed</w>
<w OGNTsort="112486" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112487" strongs="4561" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκί">the flesh,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112488" strongs="1344" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="δικαιόω" text="ἐδικαιώθη">was vindicated</w>
<w OGNTsort="112489" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="112490" strongs="4151" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύματι">the Spirit,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112491" strongs="3708" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὤφθη">was seen</w>
<w OGNTsort="112492" strongs="32" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλοις">by angels,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112493" strongs="2784" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="κηρύσσω" text="ἐκηρύχθη">was proclaimed</w>
<w OGNTsort="112494" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">among</w>
<w OGNTsort="112495" strongs="1484" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ἔθνος" text="ἔθνεσιν">nations,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112496" strongs="4100" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="πιστεύω" text="ἐπιστεύθη">was believed on</w>
<w OGNTsort="112497" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112498" strongs="2889" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμῳ">the world,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112499" strongs="353" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="ἀναλαμβάνω" text="ἀνελήμφθη">was taken up</w>
<w OGNTsort="112500" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112501" strongs="1391" morph="N-DSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξῃ">glory."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="1ti.4">
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:1">
<Greek>Τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ῥητῶς λέγει ὅτι ἐν ὑστέροις καιροῖς ἀποστήσονταί τινες τῆς πίστεως προσέχοντες πνεύμασιν πλάνοις καὶ διδασκαλίαις δαιμονίων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 4 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Now the Spirit clearly says that in later times some people will leave the faith and pay attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons</ULB>
<residue>Now the Spirit clearly says that in later some people will leave the and pay attention to and the of</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112503" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="112502" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="Τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112504" strongs="4151" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεῦμα">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="112505" strongs="4490" morph="ADV" lemma="ῥητῶς" text="ῥητῶς">clearly</w>
<w OGNTsort="112506" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says</w>
<w OGNTsort="112507" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112508" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112509" strongs="5306" morph="A-DPM-C" lemma="ὕστερος" text="ὑστέροις">later</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112510" strongs="2540" morph="N-DPM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιροῖς">times</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112512" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">some people</w>
<w OGNTsort="112511" strongs="868" morph="V-FDI-3P" lemma="ἀφίστημι" text="ἀποστήσονταί">will leave</w>
<w OGNTsort="112513" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112514" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112515" strongs="4337" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="προσέχω" text="προσέχοντες">pay attention</w>
<w OGNTsort="112517" strongs="4108" morph="A-DPN" lemma="πλάνος" sub="[1]" text="πλάνοις">deceitful</w>
<w OGNTsort="112516" strongs="4151" morph="N-DPN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύμασιν">to [1] spirits</w>
<w OGNTsort="112518" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112519" strongs="1319" morph="N-DPF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίαις">the teachings</w>
<w OGNTsort="112520" strongs="1140" morph="N-GPN" lemma="δαιμόνιον" text="δαιμονίων">of demons</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:2">
<Greek>ἐν ὑποκρίσει ψευδολόγων κεκαυστηριασμένων τὴν ἰδίαν συνείδησιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>by the hypocrisy of liars, their own consciences having been seared.</ULB>
<residue>by the of liars, their own having been seared.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112521" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="112522" strongs="5272" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὑπόκρισις" text="ὑποκρίσει">the hypocrisy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112523" strongs="5573" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ψευδολόγος" text="ψευδολόγων">of liars,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112525" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="112526" strongs="2398" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίαν">own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112527" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">consciences</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112524" strongs="2743" morph="V-RPP-GPM" lemma="καυτηριάζω" text="κεκαυστηριασμένων">having been seared.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:3">
<Greek>κωλυόντων γαμεῖν ἀπέχεσθαι βρωμάτων ἃ ὁ Θεὸς ἔκτισεν εἰς μετάλημψιν μετὰ εὐχαριστίας τοῖς πιστοῖς καὶ ἐπεγνωκόσι τὴν ἀλήθειαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>They will forbid people to marry and require them to abstain from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.</ULB>
<residue>They will forbid people to marry and require them to from foods that to be with thanksgiving by those who and the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112528" strongs="2967" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="κωλύω" text="κωλυόντων">They will forbid</w>
<w OGNTsort="112529" strongs="1060" morph="V-PAN" lemma="γαμέω" text="γαμεῖν">to marry</w>
<w>and require them</w>
<w OGNTsort="112530" strongs="568" morph="V-PMN" lemma="ἀπέχω" text="ἀπέχεσθαι">to abstain</w>
<w OGNTsort="112531" strongs="1033" morph="N-GPN" lemma="βρῶμα" text="βρωμάτων">from foods</w>
<w OGNTsort="112532" strongs="3739" morph="R-APN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἃ">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112533" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112534" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="112535" strongs="2936" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="κτίζω" text="ἔκτισεν">created</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112536" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112537" strongs="3336" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μετάληψις" text="μετάλημψιν"></w>
<phraseWords>to be received</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112538" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112539" strongs="2169" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐχαριστία" text="εὐχαριστίας">thanksgiving</w>
<w OGNTsort="112540" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">by those</w>
<w OGNTsort="112541" strongs="4103" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστοῖς">who believe</w>
<w OGNTsort="112542" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112543" strongs="1921" morph="V-RAP-DPM" lemma="ἐπιγινώσκω" text="ἐπεγνωκόσι">know</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112544" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112545" strongs="225" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀλήθειαν">truth.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:4">
<Greek>ὅτι πᾶν κτίσμα Θεοῦ καλόν καὶ οὐδὲν ἀπόβλητον μετὰ εὐχαριστίας λαμβανόμενον</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>For every creation of God is good, and nothing received with thanksgiving is to be rejected.</ULB>
<residue>For every of is , and nothing with thanksgiving is to be .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112546" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112547" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶν">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112548" strongs="2938" morph="N-NSN" lemma="κτίσμα" text="κτίσμα">creation</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112549" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="112550" strongs="2570" morph="A-NSN" lemma="καλός" text="καλόν">good,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112551" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112552" strongs="3762" morph="A-NSN" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδὲν">nothing</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112556" strongs="2983" morph="V-PPP-NSN" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβανόμενον">received</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112554" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112555" strongs="2169" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐχαριστία" text="εὐχαριστίας">thanksgiving</w>
<w>is to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112553" strongs="579" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀπόβλητος" text="ἀπόβλητον">rejected.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:5">
<Greek>ἁγιάζεται γὰρ διὰ λόγου Θεοῦ καὶ ἐντεύξεως</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.</ULB>
<residue>For it is by the and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112558" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112557" strongs="37" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιάζεται">it is sanctified</w>
<w OGNTsort="112559" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="112560" strongs="3056" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγου">the word</w>
<w OGNTsort="112561" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="112562" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112563" strongs="1783" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἔντευξις" text="ἐντεύξεως">prayer.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:6">
<Greek>Ταῦτα ὑποτιθέμενος τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς καλὸς ἔσῃ διάκονος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ ἐντρεφόμενος τοῖς λόγοις τῆς πίστεως καὶ τῆς καλῆς διδασκαλίας ᾗ παρηκολούθηκας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 6</preText>
<ULB>If you place these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ. For you are being nourished by the words of faith and by the good teaching that you have followed.</ULB>
<residue>If you place these things before the , you will be a of . For you are being nourished by the of and by the that you have followed.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112565" strongs="5294" morph="V-PMP-NSM" lemma="ὑποτίθημι" text="ὑποτιθέμενος">If you place</w>
<w OGNTsort="112564" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Ταῦτα">these things</w>
<w OGNTsort="112566" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">before the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112567" strongs="80" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοῖς">brothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112569" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-2S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσῃ">you will be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112568" strongs="2570" morph="A-NSM" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸς">a good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112570" strongs="1249" morph="N-NSM" lemma="διάκονος" text="διάκονος">servant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112572" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">of Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="112571" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ.</w>
<w>For you</w>
<w OGNTsort="112573" strongs="1789" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="ἐντρέφω" text="ἐντρεφόμενος">are being nourished</w>
<w OGNTsort="112574" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">by the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112575" strongs="3056" morph="N-DPM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγοις">words</w>
<w OGNTsort="112576" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112577" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">of faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="112578" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112579" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">by the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112580" strongs="2570" morph="A-GSF" lemma="καλός" text="καλῆς">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="112581" strongs="1319" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίας">teaching</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112582" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾗ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112583" strongs="3877" morph="V-RAI-2S" lemma="παρακολουθέω" text="παρηκολούθηκας">you have followed.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:7">
<Greek>Τοὺς δὲ βεβήλους καὶ γραώδεις μύθους παραιτοῦ γύμναζε δὲ σεαυτὸν πρὸς εὐσέβειαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>But reject profane stories loved by old women. Instead, train yourself in godliness.</ULB>
<residue>But stories loved by old women. Instead, train yourself in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112585" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112590" strongs="3868" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="παραιτέομαι" text="παραιτοῦ">reject</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112584" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="Τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112586" strongs="952" morph="A-APM" lemma="βέβηλος" text="βεβήλους"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112587" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112588" strongs="1126" morph="A-APM" lemma="γραώδης" text="γραώδεις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112589" strongs="3454" morph="N-APM" lemma="μῦθος" text="μύθους"></w>
<phraseWords>profane stories loved by old women.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112592" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112591" strongs="1128" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="γυμνάζω" text="γύμναζε">train</w>
<w OGNTsort="112593" strongs="4572" morph="F-2ASM" lemma="σεαυτοῦ" text="σεαυτὸν">yourself</w>
<w OGNTsort="112594" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112595" strongs="2150" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβειαν">godliness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:8">
<Greek>ἡ γὰρ σωματικὴ γυμνασία πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶν ὠφέλιμος ἡ δὲ εὐσέβεια πρὸς πάντα ὠφέλιμός ἐστιν ἐπαγγελίαν ἔχουσα ζωῆς τῆς νῦν καὶ τῆς μελλούσης</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>For bodily training is a little useful, but godliness is useful for all things. It holds promise for this life now and the life to come.</ULB>
<residue>For bodily training is a little useful, but is useful for all things. It holds for this now and the life to come.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112597" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112596" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112598" strongs="4984" morph="A-NSF" lemma="σωματικός" text="σωματικὴ">bodily</w>
<w OGNTsort="112599" strongs="1129" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γυμνασία" text="γυμνασία">training</w>
<w OGNTsort="112602" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστὶν">is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112600" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112601" strongs="3641" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ὀλίγος" text="ὀλίγον">a little</w>
<w OGNTsort="112603" strongs="5624" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ὠφέλιμος" text="ὠφέλιμος">useful,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112605" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112604" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112606" strongs="2150" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβεια">godliness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112610" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112609" strongs="5624" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ὠφέλιμος" text="ὠφέλιμός">useful</w>
<w OGNTsort="112607" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112608" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">all things.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112612" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσα">It holds</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112611" strongs="1860" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίαν">promise</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112614" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">for this</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112613" strongs="2222" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωῆς">life</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112615" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="112616" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112617" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112618" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GSF" lemma="μέλλω" text="μελλούσης"></w>
<phraseWords>the life to come.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:9">
<Greek>πιστὸς ὁ λόγος καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>This message is trustworthy and worthy of full acceptance.</ULB>
<residue>This is and of full acceptance.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112620" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">This</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112621" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">message</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112619" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸς">trustworthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112622" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112625" strongs="514" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄξιος" text="ἄξιος">worthy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112623" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης">of full</w>
<w OGNTsort="112624" strongs="594" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀποδοχή" text="ἀποδοχῆς">acceptance.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:10">
<Greek>Εἰς τοῦτο γὰρ κοπιῶμεν καὶ ἀγωνιζόμεθα ὅτι ἠλπίκαμεν ἐπὶ Θεῷ ζῶντι ὅς ἐστιν Σωτὴρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων μάλιστα πιστῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For it is for this that we labor and struggle. For we hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, but especially of believers.</ULB>
<residue>For it is for this that we and . For we in , who is the of all people, but especially of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112628" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112626" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="Εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112627" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="112629" strongs="2872" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="κοπιάω" text="κοπιῶμεν">we labor</w>
<w OGNTsort="112630" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112631" strongs="75" morph="V-PNI-1P" lemma="ἀγωνίζομαι" text="ἀγωνιζόμεθα">struggle.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112632" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112633" strongs="1679" morph="V-RAI-1P" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἠλπίκαμεν">we hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="112634" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112636" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντι">the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="112635" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112637" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὅς">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="112638" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112639" strongs="4990" morph="N-NSM" lemma="σωτήρ" text="Σωτὴρ">the Savior</w>
<w OGNTsort="112640" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">of all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112641" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112642" strongs="3122" morph="ADV" lemma="μάλιστα" text="μάλιστα">but especially</w>
<w OGNTsort="112643" strongs="4103" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστῶν">of believers.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:11">
<Greek>Παράγγελλε ταῦτα καὶ δίδασκε</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>Instruct the people and teach these things.</ULB>
<residue>Instruct the people and these things.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112644" strongs="3853" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="Παράγγελλε">Instruct</w>
<w>the people</w>
<w OGNTsort="112646" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112647" strongs="1321" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="διδάσκω" text="δίδασκε">teach</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112645" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">these things.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:12">
<Greek>Μηδείς σου τῆς νεότητος καταφρονείτω ἀλλὰ τύπος γίνου τῶν πιστῶν ἐν λόγῳ ἐν ἀναστροφῇ ἐν ἀγάπῃ ἐν πίστει ἐν ἁγνείᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>Let no one despise your youth, but be an example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.</ULB>
<residue>Let no one despise your youth, but be an example for the in speech, conduct, , , and purity.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112648" strongs="3367" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μηδείς" sub="[1]" text="Μηδείς">no one</w>
<w OGNTsort="112652" strongs="2706" morph="V-PAM-3S" lemma="καταφρονέω" text="καταφρονείτω">Let [1] despise</w>
<w OGNTsort="112649" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112650" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112651" strongs="3503" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νεότης" text="νεότητος">youth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112653" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112655" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνου">be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112654" strongs="5179" morph="N-NSM" lemma="τύπος" text="τύπος">an example</w>
<w OGNTsort="112656" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">for the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112657" strongs="4103" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστῶν">believers</w>
<w OGNTsort="112658" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112659" strongs="3056" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγῳ">speech,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112660" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112661" strongs="391" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀναστροφή" text="ἀναστροφῇ">conduct,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112662" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112663" strongs="26" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπῃ">love,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112664" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112665" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">faithfulness,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112666" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112667" strongs="47" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἁγνεία" text="ἁγνείᾳ">purity.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:13">
<Greek>ἕως ἔρχομαι πρόσεχε τῇ ἀναγνώσει τῇ παρακλήσει τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>Until I come, attend to the reading, to the exhortation, and to the teaching.</ULB>
<residue>Until I come, attend to the reading, to the , and to the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112668" strongs="2193" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἕως" text="ἕως">Until</w>
<w OGNTsort="112669" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNI-1S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχομαι">I come,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112670" strongs="4337" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="προσέχω" text="πρόσεχε">attend</w>
<w OGNTsort="112671" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">to the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112672" strongs="320" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀνάγνωσις" text="ἀναγνώσει">reading,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112673" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">to the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112674" strongs="3874" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παράκλησις" text="παρακλήσει">exhortation,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112675" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">to the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112676" strongs="1319" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίᾳ">teaching.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:14">
<Greek>Μὴ ἀμέλει τοῦ ἐν σοὶ χαρίσματος ὃ ἐδόθη σοι διὰ προφητείας μετὰ ἐπιθέσεως τῶν χειρῶν τοῦ πρεσβυτερίου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 14</preText>
<ULB>Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the elders.</ULB>
<residue>Do not neglect the that is in you, which was given to you through , with the laying on of the of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112677" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="Μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112678" strongs="272" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ἀμελέω" text="ἀμέλει">Do [1] neglect</w>
<w OGNTsort="112679" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112682" strongs="5486" morph="N-GSN" lemma="χάρισμα" text="χαρίσματος">gift</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>that is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112680" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112681" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοὶ">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112683" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="112684" strongs="1325" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="δίδωμι" text="ἐδόθη">was given</w>
<w OGNTsort="112685" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">to you</w>
<w OGNTsort="112686" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="112687" strongs="4394" morph="N-GSF" lemma="προφητεία" text="προφητείας">prophecy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112688" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112689" strongs="1936" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπίθεσις" text="ἐπιθέσεως">the laying on</w>
<w OGNTsort="112690" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112691" strongs="5495" morph="N-GPF" lemma="χείρ" text="χειρῶν">hands</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112692" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112693" strongs="4244" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πρεσβυτέριον" text="πρεσβυτερίου">elders.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:15">
<Greek>ταῦτα μελέτα ἐν τούτοις ἴσθι ἵνα σου ἡ προκοπὴ φανερὰ ᾖ πᾶσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>Care for these things. Be in them, so that your progress may be evident to all people.</ULB>
<residue>Care for these things. Be in them, so that your progress may be evident to all people.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112695" strongs="3191" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="μελετάω" text="μελέτα">Care for</w>
<w OGNTsort="112694" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">these things.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112698" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἴσθι">Be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112696" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112697" strongs="3778" morph="D-DPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτοις">them,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112699" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112700" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112701" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112702" strongs="4297" morph="N-NSF" lemma="προκοπή" text="προκοπὴ">progress</w>
<w OGNTsort="112704" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ᾖ">may be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112703" strongs="5318" morph="A-NSF" lemma="φανερός" text="φανερὰ">evident</w>
<w OGNTsort="112705" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν">to all people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 4:16">
<Greek>ἔπεχε σεαυτῷ καὶ τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ ἐπίμενε αὐτοῖς τοῦτο γὰρ ποιῶν καὶ σεαυτὸν σώσεις καὶ τοὺς ἀκούοντάς σου</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>Give careful attention to yourself and to the teaching. Continue in these things. For by doing so, you will save yourself and those who listen to you.</ULB>
<residue>Give careful attention to yourself and to the . Continue in these things. For by doing so, you will yourself and those who to you.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112706" strongs="1907" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ἐπέχω" text="ἔπεχε">Give careful attention</w>
<w OGNTsort="112707" strongs="4572" morph="F-2DSM" lemma="σεαυτοῦ" text="σεαυτῷ">to yourself</w>
<w OGNTsort="112708" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112709" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">to the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112710" strongs="1319" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίᾳ">teaching.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112711" strongs="1961" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ἐπιμένω" text="ἐπίμενε">Continue</w>
<w OGNTsort="112712" strongs="846" morph="P-DPN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς">in these things.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112714" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112715" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῶν">by doing</w>
<w OGNTsort="112713" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">so,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112716" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112718" strongs="4982" morph="V-FAI-2S" lemma="σῴζω" text="σώσεις">you will save</w>
<w OGNTsort="112717" strongs="4572" morph="F-2ASM" lemma="σεαυτοῦ" text="σεαυτὸν">yourself</w>
<w OGNTsort="112719" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112720" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">those who</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112721" strongs="191" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούοντάς">listen</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112722" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">to you.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="1ti.5">
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:1">
<Greek>Πρεσβυτέρῳ μὴ ἐπιπλήξῃς ἀλλὰ παρακάλει ὡς πατέρα νεωτέρους ὡς ἀδελφούς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 5 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Do not rebuke an older man. Instead, exhort him as if he were a father. Exhort younger men as brothers,</ULB>
<residue>Do not an older man. Instead, him as if he were a . Exhort younger men as ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112724" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112725" strongs="1969" morph="V-AAS-2S" lemma="ἐπιπλήσσω" text="ἐπιπλήξῃς">Do [1] rebuke</w>
<w OGNTsort="112723" strongs="4245" morph="A-DSM-C" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" text="Πρεσβυτέρῳ">an older man.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112726" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112727" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακάλει">exhort him</w>
<w OGNTsort="112728" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as if</w>
<w>he were</w>
<w OGNTsort="112729" strongs="3962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατέρα">a father.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112730" strongs="3501" morph="A-APM-C" lemma="νέος" text="νεωτέρους">younger men</w>
<w OGNTsort="112731" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="112732" strongs="80" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφούς">brothers,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:2">
<Greek>πρεσβυτέρας ὡς μητέρας νεωτέρας ὡς ἀδελφὰς ἐν πάσῃ ἁγνείᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, in all purity.</ULB>
<residue>older women as mothers, and younger women as , in all purity.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112733" strongs="4245" morph="A-APF-C" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" text="πρεσβυτέρας">older women</w>
<w OGNTsort="112734" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="112735" strongs="3384" morph="N-APF" lemma="μήτηρ" text="μητέρας">mothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112736" strongs="3501" morph="A-APF-C" lemma="νέος" text="νεωτέρας">younger women</w>
<w OGNTsort="112737" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="112738" strongs="79" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἀδελφή" text="ἀδελφὰς">sisters,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112739" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112740" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσῃ">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112741" strongs="47" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἁγνεία" text="ἁγνείᾳ">purity.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:3">
<Greek>Χήρας τίμα τὰς ὄντως χήρας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>Honor widows, the real widows.</ULB>
<residue>Honor widows, the real widows.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112743" strongs="5091" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="τιμάω" text="τίμα">Honor</w>
<w OGNTsort="112742" strongs="5503" morph="A-APF" lemma="χήρα" text="Χήρας">widows,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112744" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112745" strongs="3689" morph="ADV" lemma="ὄντως" text="ὄντως">real</w>
<w OGNTsort="112746" strongs="5503" morph="A-APF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήρας">widows.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:4">
<Greek>εἰ δέ τις χήρα τέκνα ἢ ἔκγονα ἔχει μανθανέτωσαν πρῶτον τὸν ἴδιον οἶκον εὐσεβεῖν καὶ ἀμοιβὰς ἀποδιδόναι τοῖς προγόνοις τοῦτο γάρ ἐστιν ἀπόδεκτον ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show honor in their own household. Let them repay their parents, because this is pleasing to God.</ULB>
<residue>But if a widow has or grandchildren, let them first learn to show in their own . Let them their parents, because this is pleasing to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112748" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112747" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="112749" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSF" lemma="τις" text="τις">a</w>
<w OGNTsort="112750" strongs="5503" morph="A-NSF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήρα">widow</w>
<w OGNTsort="112754" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει">has</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112751" strongs="5043" morph="N-APN" lemma="τέκνον" text="τέκνα">children</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112752" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112753" strongs="1549" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἔκγονος" text="ἔκγονα">grandchildren,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112756" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" sub="[1]" text="πρῶτον">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="112755" strongs="3129" morph="V-PAM-3P" lemma="μανθάνω" text="μανθανέτωσαν">let them [1] learn</w>
<w OGNTsort="112760" strongs="2151" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εὐσεβέω" text="εὐσεβεῖν">to show honor in</w>
<w OGNTsort="112758" strongs="2398" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἴδιον">their own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112757" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112759" strongs="3624" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκον">household.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112763" strongs="591" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀποδίδωμι" text="ἀποδιδόναι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112761" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112762" strongs="287" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἀμοιβή" text="ἀμοιβὰς"></w>
<phraseWords>Let them repay</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112764" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="112765" strongs="4269" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πρόγονος" text="προγόνοις">parents,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112767" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="112766" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="112768" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112769" strongs="587" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀπόδεκτος" text="ἀπόδεκτον">pleasing</w>
<w OGNTsort="112770" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112771" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112772" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:5">
<Greek>Ἡ δὲ ὄντως χήρα καὶ μεμονωμένη ἤλπικεν ἐπὶ Θεὸν καὶ προσμένει ταῖς δεήσεσιν καὶ ταῖς προσευχαῖς νυκτὸς καὶ ἡμέρας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>But she who is a real widow, who is left all alone, has set her hope in God and continues in offering earnest appeals and prayers night and day,</ULB>
<residue>But she who is a real widow, who is all , has set her in and continues in offering and night and ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112774" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112773" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ">she</w>
<w OGNTsort="112775" strongs="3689" morph="ADV" lemma="ὄντως" text="ὄντως">who is a real</w>
<w OGNTsort="112776" strongs="5503" morph="A-NSF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήρα">widow,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112777" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112778" strongs="3443" morph="V-RPP-NSF" lemma="μονόω" text="μεμονωμένη">who is left all alone,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112779" strongs="1679" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἤλπικεν">has set her hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="112780" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112781" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸν">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112782" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112783" strongs="4357" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="προσμένω" text="προσμένει">continues in offering</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112784" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112785" strongs="1162" morph="N-DPF" lemma="δέησις" text="δεήσεσιν">earnest appeals</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112786" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112787" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112788" strongs="4335" morph="N-DPF" lemma="προσευχή" text="προσευχαῖς">prayers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112789" strongs="3571" morph="N-GSF" lemma="νύξ" text="νυκτὸς">night</w>
<w OGNTsort="112790" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112791" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:6">
<Greek>ἡ δὲ σπαταλῶσα ζῶσα τέθνηκεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>but the woman who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives.</ULB>
<residue>but the woman who for pleasure is even while she .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112793" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112792" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112794" strongs="4684" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="σπαταλάω" text="σπαταλῶσα">woman who lives for pleasure</w>
<w OGNTsort="112796" strongs="2348" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="θνῄσκω" text="τέθνηκεν">is dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="112795" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶσα">even while she lives.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:7">
<Greek>Καὶ ταῦτα παράγγελλε ἵνα ἀνεπίλημπτοι ὦσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>Instruct them in these things as well, so that they may be blameless.</ULB>
<residue>Instruct them in these things as well, so that they may be .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112799" strongs="3853" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="παράγγελλε">Instruct them</w>
<w OGNTsort="112798" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">in these things</w>
<w OGNTsort="112797" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ">as well,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112800" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112802" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAS-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὦσιν">they may be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112801" strongs="423" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἀνεπίληπτος" text="ἀνεπίλημπτοι">blameless.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:8">
<Greek>εἰ δέ τις τῶν ἰδίων καὶ μάλιστα οἰκείων οὐ προνοεῖ τὴν πίστιν ἤρνηται καὶ ἔστιν ἀπίστου χείρων</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>But if someone does not provide for his own relatives, especially for those of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.</ULB>
<residue>But if someone does not provide for his own relatives, especially for those of his own , he has the and is worse than an .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112804" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112803" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="112805" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">someone</w>
<w OGNTsort="112811" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112812" strongs="4306" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="προνοέω" text="προνοεῖ">does [1] provide</w>
<w OGNTsort="112806" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112807" strongs="2398" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίων"></w>
<phraseWords>for his own</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112808" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112809" strongs="3122" morph="ADV" lemma="μάλιστα" text="μάλιστα">especially</w>
<w OGNTsort="112810" strongs="3609" morph="A-GPM" lemma="οἰκεῖος" text="οἰκείων">for those of his own household,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112815" strongs="720" morph="V-RDI-3S" lemma="ἀρνέομαι" text="ἤρνηται">he has denied</w>
<w OGNTsort="112813" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112814" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112816" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112817" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112819" strongs="5501" morph="A-NSM-C" lemma="χείρων" text="χείρων">worse than</w>
<w OGNTsort="112818" strongs="571" morph="A-GSM" lemma="ἄπιστος" text="ἀπίστου">an unbeliever.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:9">
<Greek>Χήρα καταλεγέσθω μὴ ἔλαττον ἐτῶν ἑξήκοντα γεγονυῖα ἑνὸς ἀνδρὸς γυνή</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Let a woman be enrolled as a widow who is not younger than sixty years old, a wife of one husband.</ULB>
<residue>Let a woman be enrolled as a widow who is not younger than sixty old, a wife of one husband.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">a woman</w>
<w OGNTsort="112821" strongs="2639" morph="V-PPM-3S" lemma="καταλέγω" text="καταλεγέσθω">Let [1] be enrolled</w>
<w OGNTsort="112820" strongs="5503" morph="A-NSF" lemma="χήρα" text="Χήρα">as a widow</w>
<w OGNTsort="112826" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAP-NSF" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγονυῖα">who is</w>
<w OGNTsort="112822" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112823" strongs="1640" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="ἐλάσσων" text="ἔλαττον">younger than</w>
<w OGNTsort="112825" strongs="1835" morph="A-GPN-NUI" lemma="ἑξήκοντα" text="ἑξήκοντα">sixty</w>
<w OGNTsort="112824" strongs="2094" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔτος" text="ἐτῶν">years old,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112829" strongs="1135" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυνή">a wife</w>
<w OGNTsort="112827" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSM" lemma="εἷς" text="ἑνὸς">of one</w>
<w OGNTsort="112828" strongs="435" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἀνήρ" text="ἀνδρὸς">husband.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:10">
<Greek>ἐν ἔργοις καλοῖς μαρτυρουμένη εἰ ἐτεκνοτρόφησεν εἰ ἐξενοδόχησεν εἰ ἁγίων πόδας ἔνιψεν εἰ θλιβομένοις ἐπήρκεσεν εἰ παντὶ ἔργῳ ἀγαθῷ ἐπηκολούθησεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>She must have a reputation for doing good deeds, whether it is that she has cared for children, or has been hospitable to strangers, or has washed the feet of God's holy people, or has relieved the afflicted, or has been devoted to every good work.</ULB>
<residue>She must have a for doing , whether it is that she has cared for , or has been hospitable to strangers, or has washed the feet of God's people, or has relieved the , or has been devoted to every .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112833" strongs="3140" morph="V-PPP-NSF" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυρουμένη">She must have a reputation</w>
<w OGNTsort="112830" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">for doing</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112832" strongs="2570" morph="A-DPN" lemma="καλός" text="καλοῖς">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112831" strongs="2041" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργοις">deeds,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112834" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">whether it is that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112835" strongs="5044" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="τεκνοτροφέω" text="ἐτεκνοτρόφησεν">she has cared for children,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112836" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112837" strongs="3580" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ξενοδοχέω" text="ἐξενοδόχησεν">has been hospitable to strangers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112838" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112841" strongs="3538" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="νίπτω" text="ἔνιψεν">has washed</w>
<w OGNTsort="112840" strongs="4228" morph="N-APM" lemma="πούς" text="πόδας">the feet</w>
<w OGNTsort="112839" strongs="40" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων">of God's holy people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112842" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112844" strongs="1884" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἐπαρκέω" text="ἐπήρκεσεν">has relieved</w>
<w OGNTsort="112843" strongs="2346" morph="V-PPP-DPM" lemma="θλίβω" text="θλιβομένοις">the afflicted,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112845" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112849" strongs="1872" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἐπακολουθέω" text="ἐπηκολούθησεν">has been devoted</w>
<w OGNTsort="112846" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ">to every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112848" strongs="18" morph="A-DSN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῷ">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112847" strongs="2041" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργῳ">work.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:11">
<Greek>Νεωτέρας δὲ χήρας παραιτοῦ ὅταν γὰρ καταστρηνιάσωσιν τοῦ Χριστοῦ γαμεῖν θέλουσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>But as for younger widows, refuse to enroll them in the list. For when they give in to bodily desires against Christ, they want to marry.</ULB>
<residue>But as for younger widows, to enroll them in the list. For when they give in to bodily desires against , they want to marry.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112851" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="112850" strongs="3501" morph="A-APF-C" lemma="νέος" text="Νεωτέρας">as for younger</w>
<w OGNTsort="112852" strongs="5503" morph="A-APF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήρας">widows,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112853" strongs="3868" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="παραιτέομαι" text="παραιτοῦ">refuse</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>to enroll them in the list.</w>
<w OGNTsort="112855" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112854" strongs="3752" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅταν" text="ὅταν">when</w>
<w OGNTsort="112856" strongs="2691" morph="V-AAS-3P" lemma="καταστρηνιάω" text="καταστρηνιάσωσιν">they give in to bodily desires</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112857" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112858" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">against Christ,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112860" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλουσιν">they want</w>
<w OGNTsort="112859" strongs="1060" morph="V-PAN" lemma="γαμέω" text="γαμεῖν">to marry.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:12">
<Greek>ἔχουσαι κρίμα ὅτι τὴν πρώτην πίστιν ἠθέτησαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>In this way they incur condemnation because they set aside their first commitment.</ULB>
<residue>In this way they incur because they their first .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>In this way</w>
<w OGNTsort="112861" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσαι">they incur</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112862" strongs="2917" morph="N-ASN" lemma="κρίμα" text="κρίμα">condemnation</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112863" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="112867" strongs="114" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="ἀθετέω" text="ἠθέτησαν">they set aside</w>
<w OGNTsort="112864" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="112865" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτην">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="112866" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">commitment.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:13">
<Greek>ἅμα δὲ καὶ ἀργαὶ μανθάνουσιν περιερχόμεναι τὰς οἰκίας οὐ μόνον δὲ ἀργαὶ ἀλλὰ καὶ φλύαροι καὶ περίεργοι λαλοῦσαι τὰ μὴ δέοντα</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>At the same time, they also learn to be lazy and they go around from house to house. They not only become lazy, but they also talk nonsense and are busybodies, saying things they should not say.</ULB>
<residue>At the same time, they also learn to be lazy and they go around from to house. They not only become lazy, but they also talk nonsense and are busybodies, saying things they should not say.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112868" strongs="260" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅμα" text="ἅμα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112869" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<phraseWords>At the same time,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112870" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="112872" strongs="3129" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="μανθάνω" text="μανθάνουσιν">they [1] learn</w>
<w>to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112871" strongs="692" morph="A-NPF" lemma="ἀργός" text="ἀργαὶ">lazy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112873" strongs="4022" morph="V-PNP-NPF" lemma="περιέρχομαι" text="περιερχόμεναι">they go around</w>
<w OGNTsort="112874" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112875" strongs="3614" morph="N-APF" lemma="οἰκία" text="οἰκίας"></w>
<phraseWords>from house to house.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112878" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112876" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112877" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" sub="[2]" text="μόνον">only</w>
<w>They [1] [2] become</w>
<w OGNTsort="112879" strongs="692" morph="A-NPF" lemma="ἀργός" text="ἀργαὶ">lazy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112880" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="112881" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[3]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="112882" strongs="5397" morph="A-NPF" lemma="φλύαρος" text="φλύαροι">they [3] talk nonsense</w>
<w OGNTsort="112883" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112884" strongs="4021" morph="A-NPF" lemma="περίεργος" text="περίεργοι">are busybodies,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112885" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAP-NPF" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦσαι">saying</w>
<w OGNTsort="112886" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">things</w>
<w OGNTsort="112888" strongs="1163" morph="V-PAP-APN" lemma="δεῖ" text="δέοντα">they should</w>
<w OGNTsort="112887" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:14">
<Greek>Βούλομαι οὖν νεωτέρας γαμεῖν τεκνογονεῖν οἰκοδεσποτεῖν μηδεμίαν ἀφορμὴν διδόναι τῷ ἀντικειμένῳ λοιδορίας χάριν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 14</preText>
<ULB>I therefore want younger women to marry, to bear children, to manage the household, and to give no opportunity for the enemy to slander us.</ULB>
<residue>I therefore want younger women to marry, to bear , to manage the , and to give no opportunity for the to us.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112890" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" sub="[1]" text="οὖν">therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="112889" strongs="1014" morph="V-PNI-1S" lemma="βούλομαι" text="Βούλομαι">I [1] want</w>
<w OGNTsort="112891" strongs="3501" morph="A-APF-C" lemma="νέος" text="νεωτέρας">younger women</w>
<w OGNTsort="112892" strongs="1060" morph="V-PAN" lemma="γαμέω" text="γαμεῖν">to marry,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112893" strongs="5041" morph="V-PAN" lemma="τεκνογονέω" text="τεκνογονεῖν">to bear children,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112894" strongs="3616" morph="V-PAN" lemma="οἰκοδεσποτέω" text="οἰκοδεσποτεῖν">to manage the household,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112897" strongs="1325" morph="V-PAN" lemma="δίδωμι" text="διδόναι">to give</w>
<w OGNTsort="112895" strongs="3367" morph="A-ASF" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδεμίαν">no</w>
<w OGNTsort="112896" strongs="874" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀφορμή" text="ἀφορμὴν">opportunity</w>
<w OGNTsort="112898" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">for the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112899" strongs="480" morph="V-PNP-DSM" lemma="ἀντίκειμαι" text="ἀντικειμένῳ">enemy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112900" strongs="3059" morph="N-GSF" lemma="λοιδορία" text="λοιδορίας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112901" strongs="5484" morph="PREP" lemma="χάριν" text="χάριν"></w>
<phraseWords>to slander us.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:15">
<Greek>ἤδη γάρ τινες ἐξετράπησαν ὀπίσω τοῦ Σατανᾶ</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>For some have already turned aside after Satan.</ULB>
<residue>For some have already aside after .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112903" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112904" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPF" lemma="τις" text="τινες">some</w>
<w OGNTsort="112902" strongs="2235" morph="ADV" lemma="ἤδη" sub="[1]" text="ἤδη">already</w>
<w OGNTsort="112905" strongs="1624" morph="V-2API-3P" lemma="ἐκτρέπω" text="ἐξετράπησαν">have [1] turned aside</w>
<w OGNTsort="112906" strongs="3694" morph="PREP" lemma="ὀπίσω" text="ὀπίσω">after</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112907" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112908" strongs="4567" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Σατανᾶς" text="Σατανᾶ">Satan.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:16">
<Greek>Εἴ τις πιστὴ ἔχει χήρας ἐπαρκείτω αὐταῖς καὶ μὴ βαρείσθω ἡ ἐκκλησία ἵνα ταῖς ὄντως χήραις ἐπαρκέσῃ</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>If any believing woman has widows, let her help them, so that the church will not be burdened, so that it might help the real widows.</ULB>
<residue>If any woman has widows, let her help them, so that the will not be , so that it might help the real widows.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112909" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἴ">If</w>
<w OGNTsort="112910" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSF" lemma="τις" text="τις">any</w>
<w OGNTsort="112911" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὴ">believing woman</w>
<w OGNTsort="112912" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει">has</w>
<w OGNTsort="112913" strongs="5503" morph="A-APF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήρας">widows,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112914" strongs="1884" morph="V-PAM-3S" lemma="ἐπαρκέω" text="ἐπαρκείτω">let her help</w>
<w OGNTsort="112915" strongs="846" morph="P-DPF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐταῖς">them,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112916" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112919" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the </w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112920" strongs="1577" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησία">church</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112917" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112918" strongs="916" morph="V-PPM-3S" lemma="βαρέω" text="βαρείσθω">will [1] be burdened,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112921" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="112925" strongs="1884" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="ἐπαρκέω" text="ἐπαρκέσῃ">it might help</w>
<w OGNTsort="112922" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112923" strongs="3689" morph="ADV" lemma="ὄντως" text="ὄντως">real</w>
<w OGNTsort="112924" strongs="5503" morph="A-DPF" lemma="χήρα" text="χήραις">widows.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:17">
<Greek>Οἱ καλῶς προεστῶτες πρεσβύτεροι διπλῆς τιμῆς ἀξιούσθωσαν μάλιστα οἱ κοπιῶντες ἐν λόγῳ καὶ διδασκαλίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 17</preText>
<ULB>Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor with the word and in teaching.</ULB>
<residue>Let the who be considered of double honor, especially those who with the and in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112926" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="Οἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112929" strongs="4245" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" sub="[2]" text="πρεσβύτεροι">elders</w>
<w OGNTsort="112928" strongs="4291" morph="V-RAP-NPM" lemma="προΐστημι" sub="[3]" text="προεστῶτες">who rule</w>
<w OGNTsort="112927" strongs="2573" morph="ADV" lemma="καλῶς" sub="[4]" text="καλῶς">well</w>
<w OGNTsort="112932" strongs="515" morph="V-PPM-3P" lemma="ἀξιόω" text="ἀξιούσθωσαν">Let [1] [2] [3] [4] be considered worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112930" strongs="1362" morph="A-GSF" lemma="διπλοῦς" text="διπλῆς">of double</w>
<w OGNTsort="112931" strongs="5092" morph="N-GSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμῆς">honor,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112933" strongs="3122" morph="ADV" lemma="μάλιστα" text="μάλιστα">especially</w>
<w OGNTsort="112934" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those who</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112935" strongs="2872" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="κοπιάω" text="κοπιῶντες">labor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112936" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="112937" strongs="3056" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγῳ">the word</w>
<w OGNTsort="112938" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112939" strongs="1319" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίᾳ">in teaching.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:18">
<Greek>λέγει γὰρ ἡ γραφή Βοῦν ἀλοῶντα οὐ φιμώσεις καί Ἄξιος ὁ ἐργάτης τοῦ μισθοῦ αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>For the scripture says, "You must not put a muzzle on an ox while it threshes the grain" and "The laborer is worthy of his wages."</ULB>
<residue>For the scripture says, "You must not put a muzzle on an while it the grain" and "The is of his ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112941" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="112942" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112943" strongs="1124" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γραφή" text="γραφή">scripture</w>
<w OGNTsort="112940" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112946" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112947" strongs="5392" morph="V-FAI-2S" lemma="φιμόω" text="φιμώσεις">"You must [1] put a muzzle on</w>
<w OGNTsort="112944" strongs="1016" morph="N-ASM" lemma="βοῦς" text="Βοῦν">an ox</w>
<w OGNTsort="112945" strongs="248" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="ἀλοάω" text="ἀλοῶντα">while it threshes</w>
<w>the grain"</w>
<w OGNTsort="112948" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καί">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112950" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">"The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112951" strongs="2040" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἐργάτης" text="ἐργάτης">laborer</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112949" strongs="514" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄξιος" text="Ἄξιος">worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="112954" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112952" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112953" strongs="3408" morph="N-GSM" lemma="μισθός" text="μισθοῦ">wages."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:19">
<Greek>Κατὰ πρεσβυτέρου κατηγορίαν μὴ παραδέχου ἐκτὸς εἰ μὴ ἐπὶ δύο ἢ τριῶν μαρτύρων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 19</preText>
<ULB>Do not receive an accusation against an elder unless there are two or three witnesses.</ULB>
<residue>Do not an against an unless there are two or three .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112958" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="112959" strongs="3858" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="παραδέχομαι" text="παραδέχου">Do [1] receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="112957" strongs="2724" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατηγορία" text="κατηγορίαν">an accusation</w>
<w OGNTsort="112955" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="Κατὰ">against</w>
<w OGNTsort="112956" strongs="4245" morph="A-GSM" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" text="πρεσβυτέρου">an elder</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112960" strongs="1622" morph="ADV" lemma="ἐκτός" text="ἐκτὸς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112961" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112962" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w>there are</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112963" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112964" strongs="1417" morph="A-GPM-NUI" lemma="δύο" text="δύο">two</w>
<w OGNTsort="112965" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="112966" strongs="5140" morph="A-GPM" lemma="τρεῖς, τρία" text="τριῶν">three</w>
<w OGNTsort="112967" strongs="3144" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μαρτύρων">witnesses.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:20">
<Greek>Τοὺς ἁμαρτάνοντας ἐνώπιον πάντων ἔλεγχε ἵνα καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ φόβον ἔχωσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>Correct sinners before all so that the rest may be afraid.</ULB>
<residue>Correct before all so that the rest may be .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112972" strongs="1651" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ἐλέγχω" text="ἔλεγχε">Correct</w>
<w OGNTsort="112968" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="Τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112969" strongs="264" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἁμαρτάνω" text="ἁμαρτάνοντας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112970" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
<w OGNTsort="112971" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="112973" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112974" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112975" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="112976" strongs="3062" morph="A-NPM" lemma="λοιπός" text="λοιποὶ">rest</w>
<w OGNTsort="112978" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAS-3P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχωσιν">may be</w>
<w OGNTsort="112977" strongs="5401" morph="N-ASM" lemma="φόβος" text="φόβον">afraid.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:21">
<Greek>Διαμαρτύρομαι ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ καὶ τῶν ἐκλεκτῶν ἀγγέλων ἵνα ταῦτα φυλάξῃς χωρὶς προκρίματος μηδὲν ποιῶν κατὰ πρόσκλισιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 21</preText>
<ULB>I solemnly command you, before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels, to keep these commands without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism.</ULB>
<residue>I solemnly command you, before and and the , to these without , and to do nothing out of favoritism.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112979" strongs="1263" morph="V-PNI-1S" lemma="διαμαρτύρομαι" text="Διαμαρτύρομαι">I solemnly command you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112980" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112981" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112982" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112983" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112984" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="112985" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="112986" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="112987" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112988" strongs="1588" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἐκλεκτός" text="ἐκλεκτῶν">chosen</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112989" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">angels,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112990" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="112992" strongs="5442" morph="V-AAS-2S" lemma="φυλάσσω" text="φυλάξῃς"></w>
<phraseWords>to keep</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="112991" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">these commands</w>
<w OGNTsort="112993" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="112994" strongs="4299" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πρόκριμα" text="προκρίματος">partiality,</w>
<w OGNTsort="112996" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῶν">to do</w>
<w OGNTsort="112995" strongs="3367" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδὲν">nothing</w>
<w OGNTsort="112997" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">out of</w>
<w OGNTsort="112998" strongs="4346" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πρόσκλισις" text="πρόσκλισιν">favoritism.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:22">
<Greek>Χεῖρας ταχέως μηδενὶ ἐπιτίθει μηδὲ κοινώνει ἁμαρτίαις ἀλλοτρίαις σεαυτὸν ἁγνὸν τήρει</Greek>
<preText>\v 22</preText>
<ULB>Place hands hastily on no one. Do not share in the sins of another person. You should keep yourself pure.</ULB>
<residue>Place hastily on no one. Do not share in the of another person. You should yourself .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113002" strongs="2007" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ἐπιτίθημι" text="ἐπιτίθει">Place</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="112999" strongs="5495" morph="N-APF" lemma="χείρ" text="Χεῖρας">hands</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113000" strongs="5030" morph="ADV" lemma="ταχέως" text="ταχέως">hastily</w>
<w OGNTsort="113001" strongs="3367" morph="A-DSM" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδενὶ">on no one.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113003" strongs="3366" morph="CONJ" lemma="μηδέ" sub="[1]" text="μηδὲ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113004" strongs="2841" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="κοινωνέω" text="κοινώνει">Do [1] share</w>
<w OGNTsort="113005" strongs="266" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίαις">in the sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="113006" strongs="245" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ἀλλότριος" text="ἀλλοτρίαις">of another person.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113009" strongs="5083" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="τηρέω" text="τήρει">You should keep</w>
<w OGNTsort="113007" strongs="4572" morph="F-2ASM" lemma="σεαυτοῦ" text="σεαυτὸν">yourself</w>
<w OGNTsort="113008" strongs="53" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἁγνός" text="ἁγνὸν">pure.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:23">
<Greek>Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει ἀλλὰ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχον καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 23</preText>
<ULB>You should no longer drink water. Instead, you should take a little wine for the stomach and your frequent sicknesses.</ULB>
<residue>You should no longer drink . Instead, you should take a little for the stomach and your frequent sicknesses.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113010" strongs="3371" morph="ADV" lemma="μηκέτι" sub="[1]" text="Μηκέτι">no longer</w>
<w OGNTsort="113011" strongs="5202" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ὑδροποτέω" text="ὑδροπότει">You should [1] drink water.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113012" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113015" strongs="5530" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="χράω" text="χρῶ">you should take</w>
<w OGNTsort="113014" strongs="3641" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ὀλίγος" text="ὀλίγῳ">a little</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113013" strongs="3631" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶνος" text="οἴνῳ">wine</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113016" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="113017" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113018" strongs="4751" morph="N-ASM" lemma="στόμαχος" text="στόμαχον">stomach</w>
<w OGNTsort="113019" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113022" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113020" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113021" strongs="4437" morph="A-APF" lemma="πυκνός" text="πυκνάς">frequent</w>
<w OGNTsort="113023" strongs="769" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἀσθένεια" text="ἀσθενείας">sicknesses.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:24">
<Greek>Τινῶν ἀνθρώπων αἱ ἁμαρτίαι πρόδηλοί εἰσιν προάγουσαι εἰς κρίσιν τισὶν δὲ καὶ ἐπακολουθοῦσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>The sins of some people are openly known, and they go before them into judgment. But some sins follow later.</ULB>
<residue>The of some people are openly known, and they go before them into . But some sins follow later.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113026" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPF" lemma="ὁ" text="αἱ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113027" strongs="266" morph="N-NPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίαι">sins</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113024" strongs="5100" morph="X-GPM" lemma="τις" text="Τινῶν">of some</w>
<w OGNTsort="113025" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">people</w>
<w OGNTsort="113029" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="113028" strongs="4271" morph="A-NPF" lemma="πρόδηλος" text="πρόδηλοί">openly known,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113030" strongs="4254" morph="V-PAP-NPF" lemma="προάγω" text="προάγουσαι">they go before them</w>
<w OGNTsort="113031" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="113032" strongs="2920" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κρίσις" text="κρίσιν">judgment.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113034" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113035" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113033" strongs="5100" morph="X-DPM" lemma="τις" text="τισὶν">some</w>
<w OGNTsort="113036" strongs="1872" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἐπακολουθέω" text="ἐπακολουθοῦσιν">follow later.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 5:25">
<Greek>ὡσαύτως καὶ τὰ ἔργα τὰ καλὰ πρόδηλα καὶ τὰ ἄλλως ἔχοντα κρυβῆναι οὐ δύνανται</Greek>
<preText>\v 25</preText>
<ULB>In the same way, some good works are openly known, but even the others cannot be hidden.</ULB>
<residue>In , some are openly known, but even the others be hidden.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113037" strongs="5615" morph="ADV" lemma="ὡσαύτως" text="ὡσαύτως">In the same way,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113038" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113041" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">some</w>
<w OGNTsort="113042" strongs="2570" morph="A-NPN" lemma="καλός" text="καλὰ">good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113039" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113040" strongs="2041" morph="N-NPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργα">works</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113043" strongs="4271" morph="A-NPN" lemma="πρόδηλος" text="πρόδηλα">openly known,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113044" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="113045" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113046" strongs="247" morph="ADV" lemma="ἄλλως" text="ἄλλως">others</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113047" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντα"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113049" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113050" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3P" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύνανται"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113048" strongs="2928" morph="V-2APN" lemma="κρύπτω" text="κρυβῆναι">be hidden.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="1ti.6">
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:1">
<Greek>Ὅσοι εἰσὶν ὑπὸ ζυγὸν δοῦλοι τοὺς ἰδίους δεσπότας πάσης τιμῆς ἀξίους ἡγείσθωσαν ἵνα μὴ τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἡ διδασκαλία βλασφημῆται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 6 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Let all who are under the yoke as slaves regard their own masters as worthy of all honor. They should do this so that the name of God and the teaching might not be blasphemed.</ULB>
<residue>Let all who are under the as regard their own as of all . They should do this so that the of and the might not be .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113051" strongs="3745" morph="K-NPM" lemma="ὅσος" sub="[1]" text="Ὅσοι">all who</w>
<w OGNTsort="113052" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" sub="[2]" text="εἰσὶν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="113053" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" sub="[3]" text="ὑπὸ">under</w>
<w OGNTsort="113054" strongs="2218" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ζυγός" sub="[4]" text="ζυγὸν">the yoke</w>
<w OGNTsort="113055" strongs="1401" morph="N-NPM" lemma="δοῦλος" sub="[5]" text="δοῦλοι">as slaves</w>
<w OGNTsort="113062" strongs="2233" morph="V-PNM-3P" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγείσθωσαν">Let [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] regard</w>
<w OGNTsort="113056" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113057" strongs="2398" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίους"></w>
<phraseWords>their own</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113058" strongs="1203" morph="N-APM" lemma="δεσπότης" text="δεσπότας">masters</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113061" strongs="514" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἄξιος" text="ἀξίους">as worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="113059" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης">of all</w>
<w OGNTsort="113060" strongs="5092" morph="N-GSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμῆς">honor.</w>
<w>They should do this</w>
<w OGNTsort="113063" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="113065" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113066" strongs="3686" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ὄνομα" text="ὄνομα">name</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113067" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113068" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113069" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113070" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113071" strongs="1319" morph="N-NSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλία">teaching</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113064" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[6]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113072" strongs="987" morph="V-PPS-3S" lemma="βλασφημέω" text="βλασφημῆται">might [6] be blasphemed.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:2">
<Greek>οἱ δὲ πιστοὺς ἔχοντες δεσπότας μὴ καταφρονείτωσαν ὅτι ἀδελφοί εἰσιν ἀλλὰ μᾶλλον δουλευέτωσαν ὅτι πιστοί εἰσιν καὶ ἀγαπητοὶ οἱ τῆς εὐεργεσίας ἀντιλαμβανόμενοι Ταῦτα δίδασκε καὶ παρακάλει</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>The slaves who have believing masters should not show them disrespect because they are brothers. Instead, they should serve them all the more. For those who receive the benefit are believers and beloved. Teach and declare these things.</ULB>
<residue>The who have should not show them disrespect because they are . Instead, they should serve them all the more. For those who receive the benefit are and . Teach and these things.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="113074" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113073" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">The</w>
<w OGNTsort="113076" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντες">who have</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113075" strongs="4103" morph="A-APM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστοὺς">believing</w>
<w OGNTsort="113077" strongs="1203" morph="N-APM" lemma="δεσπότης" text="δεσπότας">masters</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113078" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113079" strongs="2706" morph="V-PAM-3P" lemma="καταφρονέω" text="καταφρονείτωσαν">should [1] show them disrespect</w>
<w OGNTsort="113080" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="113082" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">they are</w>
<w OGNTsort="113081" strongs="80" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113083" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113085" strongs="1398" morph="V-PAM-3P" lemma="δουλεύω" text="δουλευέτωσαν">they should serve them</w>
<w OGNTsort="113084" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον">all the more.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113086" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="113091" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="113094" strongs="482" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="ἀντιλαμβάνω" text="ἀντιλαμβανόμενοι">receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="113092" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113093" strongs="2108" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐεργεσία" text="εὐεργεσίας">benefit</w>
<w OGNTsort="113088" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">are</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113087" strongs="4103" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστοί">believers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113089" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113090" strongs="27" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἀγαπητός" text="ἀγαπητοὶ">beloved.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113096" strongs="1321" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="διδάσκω" text="δίδασκε">Teach</w>
<w OGNTsort="113097" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113098" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακάλει">declare</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113095" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Ταῦτα">these things.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:3">
<Greek>Εἴ τις ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖ καὶ μὴ προσέρχεται ὑγιαίνουσιν λόγοις τοῖς τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ καὶ τῇ κατ᾽ εὐσέβειαν διδασκαλίᾳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 3</preText>
<ULB>If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the truthful words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with godly teaching,</ULB>
<residue>If anyone teaches false and does not agree with the of our and with ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113099" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἴ">If</w>
<w OGNTsort="113100" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">anyone</w>
<w OGNTsort="113101" strongs="2085" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἑτεροδιδασκαλέω" text="ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖ">teaches false doctrine</w>
<w OGNTsort="113102" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113103" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113104" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσέρχεται">does [1] agree</w>
<w OGNTsort="113107" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">with the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113105" strongs="5198" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="ὑγιαίνω" text="ὑγιαίνουσιν">truthful</w>
<w OGNTsort="113106" strongs="3056" morph="N-DPM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγοις">words</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113110" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">of our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113108" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113109" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="113111" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="113112" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113113" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113115" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113116" strongs="2150" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβειαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113114" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113117" strongs="1319" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διδασκαλία" text="διδασκαλίᾳ"></w>
<phraseWords>with godly teaching,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:4">
<Greek>τετύφωται μηδὲν ἐπιστάμενος ἀλλὰ νοσῶν περὶ ζητήσεις καὶ λογομαχίας ἐξ ὧν γίνεται φθόνος ἔρις βλασφημίαι ὑπόνοιαι πονηραί</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>he is proud and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and arguments about words that result in envy, strife, insults, evil suspicions,</ULB>
<residue>he is and nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and arguments about words that result in , , , suspicions,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113118" strongs="5187" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="τυφόω" text="τετύφωται">he is proud</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113120" strongs="1987" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="ἐπίσταμαι" text="ἐπιστάμενος">understands</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113119" strongs="3367" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδὲν">nothing.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113121" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113122" strongs="3552" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="νοσέω" text="νοσῶν">He has an unhealthy interest</w>
<w OGNTsort="113123" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="113124" strongs="2214" morph="N-APF" lemma="ζήτησις" text="ζητήσεις">controversies</w>
<w OGNTsort="113125" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113126" strongs="3055" morph="N-APF" lemma="λογομαχία" text="λογομαχίας">arguments about words</w>
<w OGNTsort="113127" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113128" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113129" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνεται"></w>
<phraseWords>that result in</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="113130" strongs="5355" morph="N-NSM" lemma="φθόνος" text="φθόνος">envy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113131" strongs="2054" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἔρις" text="ἔρις">strife,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113132" strongs="988" morph="N-NPF" lemma="βλασφημία" text="βλασφημίαι">insults,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113134" strongs="4190" morph="A-NPF" lemma="πονηρός" text="πονηραί">evil</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113133" strongs="5283" morph="N-NPF" lemma="ὑπόνοια" text="ὑπόνοιαι">suspicions,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:5">
<Greek>διαπαρατριβαὶ διεφθαρμένων ἀνθρώπων τὸν νοῦν καὶ ἀπεστερημένων τῆς ἀληθείας νομιζόντων πορισμὸν εἶναι τὴν εὐσέβειαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>and constant conflict between people who have morally corrupt minds. They have lost the truth and they think that godliness is a way to get more money. <usfm>\f + \ft Some old copies add the exhortation, \fqa Stay away from such things. \fqa* But the best ancient copies do not. \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>and constant conflict between people who have morally minds. They have lost the and they that is a way to get more money.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113135" strongs="3859" morph="N-NPF" lemma="παραδιατριβή" text="διαπαρατριβαὶ">constant conflict</w>
<w OGNTsort="113137" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">between people</w>
<w OGNTsort="113136" strongs="1311" morph="V-RPP-GPM" lemma="διαφθείρω" text="διεφθαρμένων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113138" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113139" strongs="3563" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νοῦς" text="νοῦν">think</w>
<phraseWords>who have morally corrupt minds.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113140" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113141" strongs="650" morph="V-RPP-GPM" lemma="ἀποστερέω" text="ἀπεστερημένων">They have lost</w>
<w OGNTsort="113142" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113143" strongs="225" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείας">truth</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113144" strongs="3543" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="νομίζω" text="νομιζόντων">they think that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113147" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113148" strongs="2150" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβειαν">godliness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113146" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="113145" strongs="4200" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πορισμός" text="πορισμὸν">a way to get more money.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some old copies add the exhortation, \fqa Stay away from such things. \fqa* But the best ancient copies do not. \f*</usfm>
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:6">
<Greek>Ἔστιν δὲ πορισμὸς μέγας ἡ εὐσέβεια μετὰ αὐταρκείας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>Now godliness with contentment is great gain,</ULB>
<residue>Now with contentment is gain,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113150" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113153" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113154" strongs="2150" morph="N-NSF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβεια">godliness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113155" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="113156" strongs="841" morph="N-GSF" lemma="αὐτάρκεια" text="αὐταρκείας">contentment</w>
<w OGNTsort="113149" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="Ἔστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="113152" strongs="3173" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγας">great</w>
<w OGNTsort="113151" strongs="4200" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πορισμός" text="πορισμὸς">gain,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:7">
<Greek>οὐδὲν γὰρ εἰσηνέγκαμεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ὅτι οὐδὲ ἐξενεγκεῖν τι δυνάμεθα</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.</ULB>
<residue>for we brought nothing into the , and we take nothing out of it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113158" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="113159" strongs="1533" morph="V-AAI-1P" lemma="εἰσφέρω" text="εἰσηνέγκαμεν">we brought</w>
<w OGNTsort="113157" strongs="3762" morph="A-ASN" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδὲν">nothing</w>
<w OGNTsort="113160" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="113161" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113162" strongs="2889" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμον">world,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113163" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113167" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-1P" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμεθα">we can</w>
<w OGNTsort="113164" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113166" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" text="τι"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">nothing</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="113165" strongs="1627" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἐκφέρω" text="ἐξενεγκεῖν">take [1] out of it.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:8">
<Greek>ἔχοντες δὲ διατροφὰς καὶ σκεπάσματα τούτοις ἀρκεσθησόμεθα</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>Instead, let us be satisfied with food and clothing.</ULB>
<residue>Instead, let us be satisfied with food and clothing.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113169" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113174" strongs="714" morph="V-FPI-1P" lemma="ἀρκέω" text="ἀρκεσθησόμεθα">let us be satisfied</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113173" strongs="3778" morph="D-DPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτοις"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113168" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113170" strongs="1305" morph="N-APF" lemma="διατροφή" text="διατροφὰς">with food</w>
<w OGNTsort="113171" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113172" strongs="4629" morph="N-APN" lemma="σκέπασμα" text="σκεπάσματα">clothing.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:9">
<Greek>Οἱ δὲ βουλόμενοι πλουτεῖν ἐμπίπτουσιν εἰς πειρασμὸν καὶ παγίδα καὶ ἐπιθυμίας πολλὰς ἀνοήτους καὶ βλαβεράς αἵτινες βυθίζουσιν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους εἰς ὄλεθρον καὶ ἀπώλειαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Now those who desire to become wealthy fall into temptation, into a trap. They fall into many foolish and harmful desires, and into whatever else sinks people into ruin and destruction.</ULB>
<residue>Now those who to become wealthy fall into , into a . They fall into many and , and into whatever else sinks people into ruin and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113176" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="113175" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="Οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="113177" strongs="1014" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="βούλομαι" text="βουλόμενοι">who desire</w>
<w OGNTsort="113178" strongs="4147" morph="V-PAN" lemma="πλουτέω" text="πλουτεῖν">to become wealthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="113179" strongs="1706" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἐμπίπτω" text="ἐμπίπτουσιν">fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="113180" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="113181" strongs="3986" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πειρασμός" text="πειρασμὸν">temptation,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113182" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113183" strongs="3803" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παγίς" text="παγίδα">into a trap.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113184" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>They fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="113186" strongs="4183" morph="A-APF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλὰς">into many</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113187" strongs="453" morph="A-APF" lemma="ἀνόητος" text="ἀνοήτους">foolish</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113188" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113189" strongs="983" morph="A-APF" lemma="βλαβερός" text="βλαβεράς">harmful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113185" strongs="1939" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐπιθυμία" text="ἐπιθυμίας">desires,</w>
<w>and into</w>
<w OGNTsort="113190" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="αἵτινες">whatever else</w>
<w OGNTsort="113191" strongs="1036" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="βυθίζω" text="βυθίζουσιν">sinks</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113192" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113193" strongs="444" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπους">people</w>
<w OGNTsort="113194" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="113195" strongs="3639" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὄλεθρος" text="ὄλεθρον">ruin</w>
<w OGNTsort="113196" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113197" strongs="684" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπώλεια" text="ἀπώλειαν">destruction.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:10">
<Greek>ῥίζα γὰρ πάντων τῶν κακῶν ἐστιν ἡ φιλαργυρία ἧς τινες ὀρεγόμενοι ἀπεπλανήθησαν ἀπὸ τῆς πίστεως καὶ ἑαυτοὺς περιέπειραν ὀδύναις πολλαῖς</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people who desire it have been misled away from the faith and have pierced themselves with much grief.</ULB>
<residue>For the of money is a root of all kinds of . Some people who it have been misled away from the and have themselves with much grief.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113199" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="113204" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113205" strongs="5365" morph="N-NSF" lemma="φιλαργυρία" text="φιλαργυρία">love of money</w>
<w OGNTsort="113203" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="113198" strongs="4491" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ῥίζα" text="ῥίζα">a root</w>
<w OGNTsort="113200" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">of all kinds</w>
<w OGNTsort="113201" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113202" strongs="2556" morph="A-GPN" lemma="κακός" text="κακῶν"></w>
<phraseWords>of evil.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="113207" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">Some people </w>
<w OGNTsort="113208" strongs="3713" morph="V-PMP-NPM" lemma="ὀρέγω" text="ὀρεγόμενοι">who desire</w>
<w OGNTsort="113206" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">it</w>
<w OGNTsort="113209" strongs="635" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="ἀποπλανάω" text="ἀπεπλανήθησαν">have been misled away</w>
<w OGNTsort="113210" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="113211" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113212" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113213" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113215" strongs="4044" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="περιπείρω" text="περιέπειραν">have pierced</w>
<w OGNTsort="113214" strongs="1438" morph="F-3APM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοὺς">themselves</w>
<w OGNTsort="113217" strongs="4183" morph="A-DPF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλαῖς">with much</w>
<w OGNTsort="113216" strongs="3601" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ὀδύνη" text="ὀδύναις">grief.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:11">
<Greek>Σὺ δέ ὦ ἄνθρωπε Θεοῦ ταῦτα φεῦγε δίωκε δὲ δικαιοσύνην εὐσέβειαν πίστιν ἀγάπην ὑπομονήν πραϋπαθίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 11</preText>
<ULB>But you, man of God, flee from these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness.</ULB>
<residue>But you, , from these things. Pursue , , , , , and gentleness.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113219" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="113218" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="Σὺ">you,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113220" strongs="5599" morph="INJ" lemma="ὦ" text="ὦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113221" strongs="444" morph="N-VSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωπε">man</w>
<w OGNTsort="113222" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113224" strongs="5343" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="φεύγω" text="φεῦγε">flee</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113223" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">from these things.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113226" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113225" strongs="1377" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="διώκω" text="δίωκε">Pursue</w>
<w OGNTsort="113227" strongs="1343" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνην">righteousness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113228" strongs="2150" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐσέβεια" text="εὐσέβειαν">godliness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113229" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faithfulness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113230" strongs="26" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπην">love,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113231" strongs="5281" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὑπομονή" text="ὑπομονήν">endurance,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113232" strongs="6073" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πραϋπαθία" text="πραϋπαθίαν">gentleness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:12">
<Greek>ἀγωνίζου τὸν καλὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς πίστεως ἐπιλαβοῦ τῆς αἰωνίου ζωῆς εἰς ἣν ἐκλήθης καὶ ὡμολόγησας τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν ἐνώπιον πολλῶν μαρτύρων</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the everlasting life to which you were called, and about which you gave the good confession before many witnesses.</ULB>
<residue>Fight the fight of . Take hold of the to which you were , and about which you gave the before many .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113233" strongs="75" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="ἀγωνίζομαι" text="ἀγωνίζου">Fight</w>
<w OGNTsort="113234" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113235" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASM" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113236" strongs="73" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀγών" text="ἀγῶνα">fight</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113237" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113238" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">of faith.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113239" strongs="1949" morph="V-2ADM-2S" lemma="ἐπιλαμβάνω" text="ἐπιλαβοῦ">Take hold</w>
<w OGNTsort="113240" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113241" strongs="166" morph="A-GSF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίου">everlasting</w>
<w OGNTsort="113242" strongs="2222" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωῆς">life</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113243" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="113244" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="113245" strongs="2564" morph="V-API-2S" lemma="καλέω" text="ἐκλήθης">you were called,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113246" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w>about which</w>
<w OGNTsort="113247" strongs="3670" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="ὁμολογέω" text="ὡμολόγησας">you gave</w>
<w OGNTsort="113248" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113249" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καλός" text="καλὴν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113250" strongs="3671" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁμολογία" text="ὁμολογίαν">confession</w>
<w OGNTsort="113251" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
<w OGNTsort="113252" strongs="4183" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῶν">many</w>
<w OGNTsort="113253" strongs="3144" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μαρτύρων">witnesses.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:13">
<Greek>Παραγγέλλω σοι ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ ζωογονοῦντος τὰ πάντα καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ μαρτυρήσαντος ἐπὶ Ποντίου Πιλάτου τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 13</preText>
<ULB>I give these orders to you before God, who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus, who testified before Pontius Pilate and made the good confession,</ULB>
<residue>I give these to you before , who gives to all things, and before , who before and made the ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113254" strongs="3853" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="Παραγγέλλω">I give these orders</w>
<w OGNTsort="113255" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">to you</w>
<w OGNTsort="113256" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113257" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113258" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113259" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="113260" strongs="2225" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="ζωογονέω" text="ζωογονοῦντος">gives life</w>
<w OGNTsort="113261" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113262" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<phraseWords>to all things,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="113263" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113264" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">before Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="113265" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113266" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">who</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113267" strongs="3140" morph="V-AAP-GSM" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυρήσαντος">testified</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113268" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">before</w>
<w OGNTsort="113269" strongs="4194" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Πόντιος" text="Ποντίου">Pontius</w>
<w OGNTsort="113270" strongs="4091" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Πιλᾶτος" text="Πιλάτου">Pilate</w>
<w>and made</w>
<w OGNTsort="113271" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113272" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καλός" text="καλὴν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113273" strongs="3671" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁμολογία" text="ὁμολογίαν">confession,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:14">
<Greek>τηρῆσαί σε τὴν ἐντολὴν ἄσπιλον ἀνεπίλημπτον μέχρι τῆς ἐπιφανείας τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>to keep the command without spot or blame until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ.</ULB>
<residue>to the without spot or blame until the appearance of our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113274" strongs="5083" morph="V-AAN" lemma="τηρέω" text="τηρῆσαί">to keep</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113275" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113276" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113277" strongs="1785" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολὴν">command</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113278" strongs="784" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἄσπιλος" text="ἄσπιλον">without spot</w>
<w OGNTsort="113279" strongs="423" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀνεπίληπτος" text="ἀνεπίλημπτον">blame</w>
<w OGNTsort="113280" strongs="3360" morph="PREP" lemma="μέχρι" text="μέχρι">until</w>
<w OGNTsort="113281" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113282" strongs="2015" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπιφάνεια" text="ἐπιφανείας">appearance</w>
<w OGNTsort="113285" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">of our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113283" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113284" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="113286" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113287" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:15">
<Greek>ἣν καιροῖς ἰδίοις δείξει ὁ μακάριος καὶ μόνος Δυνάστης ὁ Βασιλεὺς τῶν βασιλευόντων καὶ Κύριος τῶν κυριευόντων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>God will reveal Christ's appearing at the right time—God, the blessed and only Sovereign, the King who reigns and the Lord who rules.</ULB>
<residue>will reveal Christ's appearing at the —God, the and only Sovereign, the King who and the who .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113291" strongs="1166" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="δεικνύω" text="δείξει">will reveal</w>
<w OGNTsort="113288" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">Christ's appearing</w>
<w OGNTsort="113290" strongs="2398" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίοις">at the right</w>
<w OGNTsort="113289" strongs="2540" morph="N-DPM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιροῖς">time—</w>
<w OGNTsort="113292" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113293" strongs="3107" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μακάριος" text="μακάριος">blessed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113294" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113295" strongs="3441" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνος">only</w>
<w OGNTsort="113296" strongs="1413" morph="N-NSM" lemma="δυνάστης" text="Δυνάστης">Sovereign,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113297" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113298" strongs="935" morph="N-NSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="Βασιλεὺς">King</w>
<w OGNTsort="113299" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">who</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113300" strongs="936" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="βασιλεύω" text="βασιλευόντων">reigns</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113301" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113302" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="113303" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="113304" strongs="2961" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="κυριεύω" text="κυριευόντων">rules.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:16">
<Greek>ὁ μόνος ἔχων ἀθανασίαν φῶς οἰκῶν ἀπρόσιτον ὃν εἶδεν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων οὐδὲ ἰδεῖν δύναται ᾧ τιμὴ καὶ κράτος αἰώνιον ἀμήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>Only he has immortality and dwells in inapproachable light. No man sees him or is able to view him. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.</ULB>
<residue>Only he has immortality and dwells in inapproachable . No man sees him or to view him. To him be and . Amen.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113306" strongs="3441" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνος">Only</w>
<w OGNTsort="113305" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="113307" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχων">has</w>
<w OGNTsort="113308" strongs="110" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀθανασία" text="ἀθανασίαν">immortality</w>
<w OGNTsort="113310" strongs="3611" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="οἰκέω" text="οἰκῶν">dwells</w>
<w OGNTsort="113311" strongs="676" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀπρόσιτος" text="ἀπρόσιτον">in inapproachable</w>
<w OGNTsort="113309" strongs="5457" morph="N-ASN" lemma="φῶς" text="φῶς">light.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113314" strongs="3762" morph="A-NSM" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδεὶς">No</w>
<w OGNTsort="113315" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">man</w>
<w OGNTsort="113313" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἶδεν">sees</w>
<w OGNTsort="113312" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="113316" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="113318" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύναται">is able</w>
<w OGNTsort="113317" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδεῖν">to view</w>
<w OGNTsort="113319" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">To him</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113320" strongs="5092" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμὴ">honor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113321" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113323" strongs="166" morph="A-NSN" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰώνιον">eternal</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113322" strongs="2904" morph="N-NSN" lemma="κράτος" text="κράτος">dominion.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113324" strongs="281" morph="HEB" lemma="ἀμήν" text="ἀμήν">Amen.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:17">
<Greek>Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι ἀλλ᾽ ἐπὶ Θεῷ τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 17</preText>
<ULB>Instruct the rich in this world not to be proud and not to hope in riches, which are uncertain. Instead, they should hope in God. He offers to us all the true riches to enjoy.</ULB>
<residue>Instruct the rich in this not to be and not to in riches, which are uncertain. Instead, they should hope in . He offers to us all the true riches to enjoy.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113331" strongs="3853" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="παραγγέλλω" text="παράγγελλε">Instruct</w>
<w OGNTsort="113325" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="Τοῖς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113326" strongs="4145" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πλούσιος" text="πλουσίοις">rich</w>
<w OGNTsort="113327" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="113328" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113329" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113330" strongs="165" morph="N-DSM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνι">world</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113332" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113333" strongs="5309" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ὑψηλοφρονέω" text="ὑψηλοφρονεῖν">to be proud</w>
<w OGNTsort="113334" strongs="3366" morph="CONJ" lemma="μηδέ" text="μηδὲ">and not</w>
<w OGNTsort="113335" strongs="1679" morph="V-RAN" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἠλπικέναι">to hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="113336" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="113337" strongs="4149" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πλοῦτος" text="πλούτου">riches,</w>
<w>which are</w>
<w OGNTsort="113338" strongs="83" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀδηλότης" text="ἀδηλότητι">uncertain.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113339" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">Instead,</w>
<w>they should hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="113340" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="113341" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113342" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="113343" strongs="3930" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="παρέχω" text="παρέχοντι">offers</w>
<w OGNTsort="113344" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">to us</w>
<w OGNTsort="113345" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="113346" strongs="4146" morph="ADV" lemma="πλουσίως" text="πλουσίως">the true riches</w>
<w OGNTsort="113347" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="113348" strongs="619" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπόλαυσις" text="ἀπόλαυσιν"></w>
<phraseWords>to enjoy.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:18">
<Greek>ἀγαθοεργεῖν πλουτεῖν ἐν ἔργοις καλοῖς εὐμεταδότους εἶναι κοινωνικούς</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>Tell them to do good, to be rich in good works, and to be generous and willing to share.</ULB>
<residue>Tell them to , to be rich in , and to be generous and willing to share.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>Tell them</w>
<w OGNTsort="113349" strongs="14" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀγαθοεργέω" text="ἀγαθοεργεῖν">to do good,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113350" strongs="4147" morph="V-PAN" lemma="πλουτέω" text="πλουτεῖν">to be rich</w>
<w OGNTsort="113351" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="113353" strongs="2570" morph="A-DPN" lemma="καλός" text="καλοῖς">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="113352" strongs="2041" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργοις">works,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113355" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="113354" strongs="2130" morph="A-APM" lemma="εὐμετάδοτος" text="εὐμεταδότους">generous</w>
<w OGNTsort="113356" strongs="2843" morph="A-APM" lemma="κοινωνικός" text="κοινωνικούς">willing to share.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:19">
<Greek>ἀποθησαυρίζοντας ἑαυτοῖς θεμέλιον καλὸν εἰς τὸ μέλλον ἵνα ἐπιλάβωνται τῆς ὄντως ζωῆς</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>In that way they will store up for themselves a good foundation for what is to come, so that they will take hold of real life.</ULB>
<residue>In that way they will store up for themselves a for what is to come, so that they will take hold of real .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>In that way</w>
<w OGNTsort="113357" strongs="597" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἀποθησαυρίζω" text="ἀποθησαυρίζοντας">they will store up</w>
<w OGNTsort="113358" strongs="1438" morph="F-3DPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῖς">for themselves</w>
<w OGNTsort="113360" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASM" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">a good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113359" strongs="2310" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεμέλιος" text="θεμέλιον">foundation</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113361" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="113362" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="113363" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-ASN" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλον">is to come,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113364" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="113365" strongs="1949" morph="V-2ADS-3P" lemma="ἐπιλαμβάνω" text="ἐπιλάβωνται">they will take hold</w>
<w OGNTsort="113367" strongs="3689" morph="ADV" lemma="ὄντως" text="ὄντως">of real</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113366" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113368" strongs="2222" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωῆς">life.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:20">
<Greek>Ὦ Τιμόθεε τὴν παραθήκην φύλαξον ἐκτρεπόμενος τὰς βεβήλους κενοφωνίας καὶ ἀντιθέσεις τῆς ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 20</preText>
<ULB>Timothy, protect what was given to you. Avoid the profane and empty talk and the conflicting ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.</ULB>
<residue>, protect what was given to you. Avoid the and empty talk and the conflicting ideas of what is falsely .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="113369" strongs="5599" morph="INJ" lemma="ὦ" text="Ὦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113370" strongs="5095" morph="N-VSM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμόθεε">Timothy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="113373" strongs="5442" morph="V-AAM-2S" lemma="φυλάσσω" text="φύλαξον">protect</w>
<w OGNTsort="113371" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="113372" strongs="3866" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παραθήκη" text="παραθήκην">was given to you.</w>
<w OGNTsort="113374" strongs="1624" morph="V-PMP-NSM" lemma="ἐκτρέπω" text="ἐκτρεπόμενος">Avoid</w>
<w OGNTsort="113375" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113376" strongs="952" morph="A-APF" lemma="βέβηλος" text="βεβήλους">profane</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113377" strongs="2757" morph="N-APF" lemma="κενοφωνία" text="κενοφωνίας">empty talk</w>
<w OGNTsort="113378" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="113379" strongs="477" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἀντίθεσις" text="ἀντιθέσεις">the conflicting ideas</w>
<w OGNTsort="113380" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of what</w>
<w OGNTsort="113381" strongs="5581" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ψευδώνυμος" text="ψευδωνύμου">is falsely called</w>
<w OGNTsort="113382" strongs="1108" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γνῶσις" text="γνώσεως">knowledge.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="1 Timothy 6:21">
<Greek>ἥν τινες ἐπαγγελλόμενοι περὶ τὴν πίστιν ἠστόχησαν Ἡ χάρις μεθ᾽ ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>Some men proclaim these things and so they have gone astray from the faith. May grace be with you.</ULB>
<residue>Some men these things and so they have gone astray from the . May be with you.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113384" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">Some men</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113385" strongs="1861" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπαγγελλόμενοι">proclaim</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113383" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἥν">these things</w>
<w>and so</w>
<w OGNTsort="113389" strongs="795" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="ἀστοχέω" text="ἠστόχησαν">they have gone astray</w>
<w OGNTsort="113386" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="113387" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="113388" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113390" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="113391" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" sub="[1]" text="χάρις">grace</w>
<w>May [1] be</w>
<w OGNTsort="113392" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μεθ᾽">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="113393" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">you.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00