
4.1 KiB


best, better, fair, good things, goodness, improved, prefer, proper, well


The word "good" has different meanings depending on the context. Many languages will use different words to translate these different meanings.

  • In general, something is good if it fits with God's character, purposes, and will.
  • Something that is "good" could be pleasing, excellent, helpful, suitable, profitable, or morally right.
  • Land that is "good" could be called "fertile" or "productive."
  • A "good" crop could be a "plentiful" crop.
  • A person can be "good" at what they do if they are skillful at their task or profession, as in, the expression, "a good farmer."
  • In the Bible, the general meaning of "good" is often contrasted with "evil."
  • The term "goodness" usually refers to being morally good or righteous in thoughts and actions.
  • The goodness of God refers to how he blesses people by giving them good and beneficial things. It also can refer to his moral perfection.
  • Actions that are "proper" are those that are good and right for the situation in which they are done.
  • "Goods" are good things, valuable possessions.
  • To "prefer" something is to think it is better than other things.

Translation Suggestions:

  • The general term for "good" in the target language should be used wherever this general meaning is accurate and natural, especially in contexts where it is contrasted to evil.
  • Depending on the context, other ways to translate this term could include "kind" or "excellent" or "pleasing to God" or "righteous" or "morally upright" or "profitable."
  • "Good land" could be translated as "fertile land" or "productive land"; a "good crop" could be translated as a "plentiful harvest" or "large amount of crops."
  • The phrase "do good to" means to do something that benefits others and could be translated as "be kind to" or "help" or "benefit" someone.
  • To "do good on the Sabbath" means to "do things that help others on the Sabbath."
  • Depending on the context, ways to translate the term "goodness" could include "blessing" or "kindness" or "moral perfection" or "righteousness" or "purity."

(See also: evil, holy, profit, righteous)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 01:04 God saw that what he had created was good.
  • 01:11 God planted…the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
  • 01:12 Then God said, "It is not good for man to be alone."
  • 02:04 "God just knows that as soon as you eat it, you will be like God and will understand good and evil like he does."
  • 08:12 "You tried to do evil when you sold me as a slave, but God used the evil for good!"
  • 14:15 Joshua was a good leader because he tTable of Contentsrusted and obeyed God.
  • 18:13 Some of these kings were good men who ruled justly and worshiped God.
  • 28:01 "Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me 'good?' There is only one who is good, and that is God."

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H155, H410, H1580, H1926, H2532, H2617, H2623, H2895, H2896, H2898, H3190, H3191, H3276, H3787, H3966, H4399, H5232, H6743, H7368, H7399, H7521, H7999, H8231, H8232, G14, G15, G18, G19, G515, G744, G865, G979, G1342, G1380, G1832, G2095, G2097, G2106, G2107, G2108, G2109, G2140, G2163, G2293, G2565, G2567, G2570, G2573, G2986, G3140, G4147, G4632, G4851, G5224, G5358, G5543, G5544, G5623

Forms Found in the English ULB:

best, better, do ... good, fair, good, good things, goodness, goods, improved, made ... better, prefer, proper, seemed good, well