
2.7 KiB


lie, deal falsely, deceit, deception, deceptive, delusion, entice, error, false, falsehood, flatter, illusion, trick


The word "deceive" means to cause someone to believe something that is not true.

  • The words "deceit" and "deception" can refer to an act or habit of deceiving others or to a message that is not truthful.
  • A "deceiver" is someone who causes others to believe something that is not true. For example, Satan is called a "deceiver." The evil spirits that he controls are also deceivers.
  • The words “deceitful” and “deceptive” can describe people who deceive others or to messages or actions that are meant to deceive others.
  • To “entice” someone is to deceive him into thinking that he will enjoy doing something evil.
  • To “defraud” someone is to use deceit to get from him something that he would not give if he knew the truth.
  • To “flatter” someone is to praise him falsely so that he will do what the speaker wants him to do.
  • To “lie” to someone or to tell a “lie” is not the same as to lie down to go to sleep.

Translation Suggestions:

  • Depending on the context, “deceive” could be translated as "lie to," "mislead," "trick," or "fool."
  • "Deceiver" could be translated as "liar" or "one who misleads" or "someone who deceives."
  • Depending on the context, the terms "deception" or "deceit" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "falsehood" or "lying" or "trickery" or "dishonesty."
  • The terms "deceptive" or "deceitful" could be translated as "untruthful" or "misleading" or "lying" to describe a person who speaks or acts in a way that causes other people to believe things that are not true.

(See also: true)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H898, H2048, H2505, H3577, H3584, H3868, H4123, H4604, H4820, H4860, H5230, H5377, H5558, H6121, H6231, H6601, H7411, H7423, H7683, H7686, H7723, H7952, H8267, H8496, H8582, H8591, H8649, G538, G539, G1386, G1387, G1388, G1818, G3884, G4105, G2296, G4106, G4108, G5422, G5423, G5571

Forms Found in the English ULB:

a lie, deal falsely, deceit, deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness, deceive, deceived, deceiver, deceivers, deceives, deceiving, deception, deceptive, defraud, defrauded, delusion, entice, error, false, falsehood, falsely, flatter, flattering, flatters, flattery, illusions, liar, liars, lies, trick