
922 B

desolate, desolation


The terms "desolate" and "desolation" refer to destroying an inhabited region so that it becomes uninhabited.

  • When referring to a person, the term desolate describes a condition of ruin, loneliness, and grief.
  • If a field where crops are growing is made desolate, it means that something has destroyed the crops, such as insects or an invading army.
  • A "desolate region" refers to an area of land where few crops or vegetation grow and so few people live there.
  • A "desolate land" or "wilderness" was often where outcasts (such as lepers) and dangerous animals lived.
  • If a city is "made desolate" it means that its buildings and goods have been destroyed or stolen, and its people have been killed or captured. The city becomes "empty" and "ruined."
  • Depending on the context, this term could be translated as "ruined" or "destroyed" or "laid waste" or "lonely and outcast."