
1.8 KiB


charge against, go to find, look out for, measured, required, search, try


The term "seek" means to look for something or someone. The past tense is "sought." It can also mean "try hard" or "make an effort" to do something.

  • To "seek" or "look for" an opportunity to do something can mean to "try to find a time" to do it.
  • To "seek Yahweh" means to "spend time and energy getting to know Yahweh and learning to obey him."
  • To "seek protection" means to "try to find a person or place that will protect you from danger."
  • To "seek justice" means to "make an effort to see that people are treated justly or fairly."
  • To "seek the truth" means to "make an effort to find out what the truth is."
  • To "search out" something is to look for the truth about that thing.
  • To "seek favor" means to "try to get favor" or to "do things to cause someone to help you."
  • To "charge someone for something" is to hold that person responsible for the damage that person has done.

(See also: just, true)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H579, H1156, H1239, H1243, H1245, H1556, H1875, H2470, H2603, H2658, H2664, H2713, H3289, H7125, H7592, H7760, H7836, H8446, G327, G1567, G1934, G2045, G2052, G2212, G3987, G4648

Forms Found in the English ULB:

charged against, diligently seek, go to find, look out for, looked for, looking for, looks for, measured, required, search, search carefully, search for, searched, searched for, searched out, searches ... out, searches for, searching, searching for, seek, seek ... out, seeking, seeks, sought, tried, try, trying