
1.1 KiB


slanderer, slanderous, speak evil about


Slander consists of negative, defaming things spoken (not written) about another person. To say such things (not to write them) about someone is to slander that person. The person saying such things is a slanderer.

  • Slander may be a true report or a false accusation, but its effect is to cause others to think negatively of the person being slandered.
  • To "slander" could be translated as to "speak against" or to "spread an evil report" or to "defame."
  • The word "slanderer" could also be translated as "tale-bearer."

(See also: blasphemy)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H1681, H1696, H1848, H3960, H5791, H7270, H7400, H8267, G987, G988, G1228, G1426, G2635, G2636, G2637, G3059, G3060

Forms Found in the English ULB:

slander, slandered, slanderer, slanderers, slandering, slanderous, slanders, speak evil about, spoken of as evil