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Psalm 023 Translation Questions

Q? Who is David's shepherd?

A. David's shepherd is Yahweh. [23:1]

Q? Where does Yahweh make David lie down?

A. Yahweh makes David lie down in green pastures. [23:2]

Q? Where does Yahweh lead David?

A. Yahweh leads David beside tranquil water. [23:2]

Q? What does Yahweh restore?

A. Yahweh restores David's soul. [23:3]

Q? Where does Yahweh guide David?

A. Yahweh guides David along right paths. [23:3]

Q? When David walks through a valley of darkest shadow, who is with him?

A. Yahweh is with David. [23:4]

Q? What does Yahweh prepare before David?

A. Yahweh prepares a table in the presence of David's enemies. [23:5]

Q? What does Yahweh annoint?

A. Yahweh annoints David's head with oil. [23:5]

Q? What will pursue David all the days of his life?

A. Goodness and covenant faithfulness will pursue David. [23:6]

Q? Where will David live all the days of his life?

A. David will live in the house of Yahweh for a very long time. [23:6]

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