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Numbers 10 Translation Questions

Q? Why did Yahweh tell Moses to make two silver trumpets?

A. Yahweh told Moses to make two silver trumpets to call the community together or to move their camps. [10:2]

Q? Who was to blow the trumpets?

A. The priests were to blow the trumpets. [10:3]

Q? What was the signal for only the leaders to gather to Moses?

A. When the priests blew only one trumpet, that was the signal for only the leaders to gather to Moses. [10:4]

Q? What was the signal for people on the east side to begin their journey?

A. The signal for people on the east side to begin their journey was a loud trumpet blow. [10:5]

Q? What was the signal for the camps on the south side to begin their journey?

A. The signal for the camps on the south side to begin their journey was a second loud signal. [10:6]

Q? What did a soft blow of the trumpet signal?

A. The community was to gather together. [10:7]

Q? Who was always to blow the trumpets?

A. The sons of Aaron, the priests, were the only ones to blow the trumpets. [10:8]

Q? When they went to war and sounded an alarm with the trumpets, what would Yahweh do?

A. When they went to war and sounded an alarm with the trumpet, Yahweh would remember them and save them from their enemies. [10:9]

Q? What was a reminder to God, at the times of celebration, that Yahweh was their God?

A. They would blow the trumpets in honor of their burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. [10:10]

Q? What happened in the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month?

A. In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud lifted from the tabernacle. [10:11]

Q? Where did the people of Israel go after leaving the wilderness of Sinai?

A. The people went from the wilderness of Sinai to the wilderness of Paran. [10:12]

Q? What camp moved first?

A. The camp of Judah moved out first. [10:14]

Q? Who cared for the tabernacle?

A. The descendants of Gershon and of Merari. [10:17]

Q? Who carried the sanctuary's holy equipment?

A. The Kohathites carried the holy equipment. [10:21]

Q? Under what banner were the next armies to set out?

A. The armies under the banner of Ephraim were the next to set out. [10:22]

Q? Under what banner was the last army that set out?

A. The armies that camped under the banner of Dan's descendants were the last that set out. [10:25]

Q? Who was Reuel?

A. Reuel was the father of Moses' wife. [10:29]

Q? Who did Moses invite to come with the people of Israel?

A. Moses invited Hobab his wife's father's son. [10:29]

Q? Where did Hobab want to go instead?

A. Hobab wanted to go to his own land and to his own people. [10:30]

Q? Why did Moses want Hobab to go with them?

A. Moses wanted Hobab to go with them because he knew how to camp in the wilderness. [10:31]

Q? What was over them as they journeyed in the daylight with the ark of the covenant?

A. Yahweh's cloud was over as they journeyed in the daylight with the ark of the covenant. [10:33-34]

Q? What did Moses ask Yahweh to do as they set out on their journey?

A. He asked Yahweh to scatter his enemies and make those who hated him run from him. [10:35]

Q? What did Moses say to Yahweh when they stopped?

A. He asked Yahweh to return to Israel's many tens of thousands. [10:36]

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