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## Luke 22 Translation Questions ##
Q? At this time, which Jewish feast was drawing near?
A. The feast of unleavened bread, called the Passover. [22:1]
Q? In what circumstances was Judas looking for an opportunity to deliver Jesus to the chief priests?
A. He was looking for an opportunity when Jesus was away from the crowd. [22:6]
Q? Where did Jesus and the disciples eat the Passover meal?
A. They ate it in a guest room in Jerusalem. [22:10-11]
Q? When did Jesus say he would eat the Passover meal again?
A. He would eat the Passover meal again when it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. [22:16]
Q? What did Jesus say when he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples?
A. He said, "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." [22:19]
Q? What did Jesus say when he gave the cup to the disciples?
A. He said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." [22:20]
Q? Did the disciples know who was about to betray Jesus?
A. No. [22:23]
Q? Was it God's plan that Jesus be betrayed?
A. Yes. [22:22]
Q? Who did Jesus say was the greatest among his disciples?
A. The greatest is the one who serves. [22:26]
Q? How did Jesus live among his disciples?
A. He lived as one who serves. [22:27]
Q? Where did Jesus promise his disciples they would sit?
A. He said they would sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [22:30]
Q? What did Jesus predict that Peter would do?
A. He said that Peter would deny that he knows Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. [22:34]
Q? What written prediction about Jesus was being fulfilled in these events?
A. The prediction in scripture says, "And he was considered as one of the lawless." [22:37]
Q? On the Mount of Olives, for what did Jesus tell his disciples to pray?
A. He wanted them to pray that they would not enter into temptation. [22:40]
Q? On the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus pray?
A. He prayed, "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will, but yours be done." [22:42]
Q? What were the disciples doing when Jesus returned from praying?
A. They were sleeping. [22:45]
Q? How did Judas betray Jesus in front of the crowd?
A. He betrayed Jesus with a kiss. [22:47-48]
Q? What did Jesus do with the man whose ear was cut off?
A. He touched his ear, and healed him. [22:51]
Q? Where did Jesus say he was daily with the chief priests?
A. He was in the temple. [22:53]
Q? After seizing him, where did they take Jesus?
A. The took him to the high priest's house. [22:54]
Q? What did Peter say when a certain maid said that Peter had been with Jesus?
A. He said, "Woman, I do not know him." [22:57]
Q? What happened immediately after Peter denied knowing Jesus for the third time?
A. A rooster crowed. [22:60]
Q? What did Peter do after Jesus looked at him?
A. He went outside and wept bitterly. [22:62]
Q? What did the men guarding Jesus do to him?
A. They mocked and beat him, and blasphemed him. [22:63-65]
Q? When the council demanded that Jesus tell them if he is the Christ, Jesus said that if he told them, they would not do what?
A. They would not believe. [22:67]
Q? Why did the council say that they did not need witnesses to prove that Jesus claimed to be the Christ?
A. Because they had heard it from Jesus' own mouth. [22:71]
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