2.6 KiB
Luke 21 Translation Questions
Q? Why did Jesus say that the poor widow put more into the treasury than all of the others?
A. Because she gave out of her poverty and the others gave out of their abundance. [21:4]
Q? What did Jesus say would happen to the temple in Jerusalem?
A. He said that it would be torn down and not one stone would be left on another. [21:6]
Q? What two questions did the people ask Jesus about the temple?
A. They asked, "When will these things happen, and what will be the sign that they are about to happen?" [21:7]
Q? Jesus warned that many deceivers will come. What will these deceivers say?
A. They will say, "I am he," and "The time is near." [21:8]
Q? What terrible events did Jesus say would happen before the end?
A. There will be wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and great signs from heaven. [21:10-11]
Q? What opportunity will the persecution of believers create?
A. It will create an opportunity for their testimony. [21:13]
Q? Who will hate Jesus' followers?
A. Parents, brothers, relatives, friends, and "everyone" will hate them. [21:16-17]
Q? What event would indicate that Jerusalem's destruction was near?
A. When Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, its destruction is near. [21:20]
Q? What did Jesus tell people to do who saw that the destruction of Jerusalem was near?
A. He told them to flee to the mountains, to leave the city, and to not enter the city. [21:21]
Q? What did Jesus call the days of the destruction of Jerusalem?
A. He called them the days of vengeance, fulfilling all the things written. [21:22]
Q? How long will Jerusalem be trampled by the Gentiles?
A. Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. [21:24]
Q? What signs did Jesus say would precede his coming with power and great glory?
A. He said there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and distress of the nations on the earth. [21:25]
Q? What example did Jesus give of how his listeners knew when a season had come?
A. He referred to the fig tree - when it sprouts buds they knew that summer was near. [21:30]
Q? What did Jesus say will pass away?
A. Heaven and earth will pass away. [21:33]
Q? What will never pass away?
A. Jesus' words will never pass away. [21:33]
Q? What did Jesus warn his listeners not to do since that day will come suddenly?
A. He warned them to not let their hearts become burdened with debauchery, drunkenness, and the worries of life. [21:34]
Q? What did Jesus warn his listeners to do since that day will come suddenly?
A. He warned them to be alert and praying. [21:36]