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2.3 KiB

## Luke 19 Translation Questions ##
Q? Who climbed up a tree to see Jesus, and what was his occupation and position in society?
A. He was Zacchaeus, a rich tax collector. [19:2]
Q? What complaint did everyone make when Jesus went to Zacchaeus' house?
A. They said, "Jesus has gone in to visit a man who is a sinner." [19:7]
Q? What did Jesus say about Zacchaeus after Zacchaeus announced his gifts to the poor?
A. He said, "Today salvation has come to this house." [19:9]
Q? What did the people expect would happen when Jesus reached Jerusalem?
A. They thought that the kingdom of God would appear immediately. [19:11]
Q? In Jesus' parable, where was the nobleman going to travel?
A. He was going to a far country to receive a kingdom, and then he would return. [19:12]
Q? What did Jesus do for the servant who had been faithful and had made ten more minas?
A. He gave them authority over ten cities. [19:16-17]
Q? What did Jesus do for the servant who had been faithful and had made five more minas?
A. He gave them authority over five cities. [19:18-19]
Q? What kind of man did the wicked servant think the nobleman was?
A. He thought the nobleman was a severe man. [19:21]
Q? What did the nobleman do with the wicked servant?
A. He took away the wicked servant's mina. [19:24]
Q? What did the nobleman do with those who didn't want him to reign over them?
A. The nobleman had them killed before him. [19:27]
Q? What kind of animal did Jesus ride on as he went into Jerusalem?
A. A colt that had never been ridden. [19:30]
Q? What did the crowd cry out as Jesus descended the Mount of Olives?
A. They said, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!" [19:38]
Q? What did Jesus say would happen if the people did not cry out rejoicing?
A. He said that the stones would cry out. [19:40]
Q? What did Jesus do as he drew near to the city?
A. He wept. [19:41]
Q? What did Jesus then prophesy would happen to the people and the city?
A. He said that the people would be struck down and that not one stone would be left upon another. [19:44]
Q? Who wanted to kill Jesus as he was teaching in the temple?
A. The chief priests and the scribes and the leaders of the people wanted to kill Jesus. [19:47]
Q? Why could they not kill him at this time?
A. Because the people were listening to him intently. [19:48]
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