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Luke 15 Translation Questions
Q? In Jesus' parable, what does the shepherd do who loses one of his hundred sheep?
A. He leaves the other ninety-nine and goes and finds the lost sheep, then brings it back, rejoicing. [15:4-5]
Q? In Jesus' parable, what does the woman do who loses one of her ten silver coins?
A. She diligently searches until she finds it, then rejoices with her friends and neighbors. [15:8-9]
Q? What happens in heaven when one sinner repents?
A. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God. [15:10]
Q? In Jesus' parable, what request did the younger son make to his father?
A. Give me now the property I am due to inherit. [15:12]
Q? What did the younger son do with his inheritance?
A. He wasted the money with wildly extravagant living. [15:13]
Q? After his money was gone, what did the younger son do in order to live?
A. He hired himself out to feed another man's pigs. [15:15]
Q? When he began to think clearly, what did the younger son decide to do?
A. He decided to go and confess his sin to his father, and ask to be hired as one of his servants. [15:18-19]
Q? What did the father do when he saw the younger son coming back home?
A. He ran and hugged and kissed him. [15:20]
Q? What did the father quickly do for the younger son?
A. The father gave him a robe, a ring, and sandals, and arranged a feast. [15:22-23]
Q? What was the older son's reaction when he was told about the feast for the younger son?
A. He was angry and would not go in to the feast. [15:28]
Q? What was the older son's complaint to his father?
A. The older son complained that he had followed his father's rules, but had never been given a goat to have a feast with his friends. [15:29]
Q? What was the father's response to the older son?
A. He said, "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours." [15:31]
Q? Why did the father say it was proper to have a feast for the younger son?
A. Because the younger son was lost and has now been found. [15:32]