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Luke 6 Translation Questions

Q? What were Jesus' disciples doing on the Sabbath that the Pharisees said was against the law?

A. They were picking heads of grain, rubbing them between their hands, and eating the grain. [6:1]

Q? What title did Jesus claim for himself that gave him the authority to say what was lawful to do on the Sabbath?

A. Jesus claimed the title, Lord of the Sabbath. [6:5]

Q? When Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand on the Sabbath, how did the scribes and Pharisees react?

A. They were filled with anger, and talked about what they might do to Jesus. [6:11]

Q? What was the name given to the twelve men that Jesus chose on the mountain?

A. Jesus called them "apostles." [6:13]

Q? What kind of people did Jesus say were blessed?

A. Those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and hated for the Son of Man's sake are blessed. [6:20-21]

Q? According to Jesus, why should such people rejoice and leap for joy?

A. Because they will have a great reward in heaven. [6:23]

Q? How did Jesus say his disciples should treat their enemies and those who hate them?

A. They should love their enemies and do good to those who hate them. [6:27]

Q? What is the Most High Father's attitude toward unthankful and evil people?

A. He is kind and merciful toward them. [6:35-36]

Q? Before removing the speck from our brother's eye, what did Jesus say we must do first?

A. First, we must remove the log from our own eyes so that we are not hypocrites. [6:42]

Q? What comes forth from the good treasure in a good man's heart?

A. What comes forth from a good man's heart is good. [6:45]

Q? What comes forth from the evil treasure in an evil man's heart?

A. What comes forth from an evil man's heart is evil. [6:45]

Q? The man who builds a house on the solid rock does what with Jesus' words?

A. He hears Jesus' words and obeys them. [6:47]

Q? The man who builds a house without a foundation does what with Jesus' words?

A. He hears Jesus' words and does not obey them. [6:49]
