2.1 KiB
Luke 5 Translation Questions
Q? After using Simon's boat as a place to teach the people, what did Jesus ask Simon to do with his boat?
A. Take the boat out to deeper water and let his nets down into the water to catch some fish. [5:4]
Q? Even though Peter had caught nothing the previous night, what did he do?
A. He obeyed and let down the nets. [5:5]
Q? What happened when they let down the nets?
A. They gathered a very large number of fish, so much that their nets were breaking. [5:6]
Q? What did Simon then want Jesus to do? Why?
A. Simon wanted Jesus to go away from him because Simon knew that he (Simon) was a sinful man. [5:8]
Q? What did Jesus say to Simon about his future work?
A. Jesus said that from now on he would be catching men. [5:10]
Q? At this time, how many people were coming to hear Jesus teach and to be healed of their sicknesses?
A. Great crowds of people were coming to Jesus. [5:15]
Q? What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man whose friends let him down through the housetop?
A. Man, your sins are forgiven you. [5:20]
Q? Why did the scribes and the Pharisees think that this statement was blasphemy?
A. Because God alone can forgive sins. [5:21]
Q? Jesus healed the paralytic man in this way to demonstrate that he had authority on earth to do what?
A. Jesus healed the man to demonstrate that he had authority on earth to forgive sins. [5:24]
Q? When Jesus was eating and drinking at Levi's house, what did Jesus say that he came to do?
A. He came to call sinners to repentance. [5:32]
Q? When did Jesus say that his disciples would fast?
A. His disciples would fast after Jesus was taken away from them. [5:35]
Q? In Jesus' parable, what would happen if a new piece of cloth is used to mend an old garment?
A. The new cloth would tear, and would not fit the old garment. [5:36]
Q? In Jesus' second parable, what would happen if new wine is put into old wine skins?
A. The old wine skins would burst and the new wine would be spilled. [5:37]
Q? What did Jesus say must be done to keep new wine properly?
A. New wine must be put into fresh wine skins. [5:38]