1.6 KiB
Luke 3 Translation Questions
Q? What message did John preach throughout the region around the Jordan River?
A. John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. [3:3]
Q? For whom did John say he was making ready the way?
A. John said he was making ready the way of the Lord. [3:4]
Q? John told the people not to trust in the fact that Abraham was their father, but to do what instead?
A. John told them to produce fruits that come from repentance. [3:8]
Q? What did John say happens to the tree that does not produce good fruit?
A. John said that it is chopped down and thrown into the fire. [3:9]
Q? What did John tell the tax collectors they must do to show true repentance?
A. John said that they must not collect more money than they are supposed to. [3:13]
Q? John told the people that he baptized with water, but that someone was coming who would baptize with what?
A. John said someone was coming who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. [3:16]
Q? Why did John rebuke Herod?
A. John rebuked Herod because Herod had married his own brother's wife, and for doing many other evil things. [3:19]
Q? Who put John into prison?
A. Herod put John into prison. [3:20]
Q? What happened right away after John baptized Jesus?
A. After John baptized Jesus, the heavens opened up and the Holy Spirit came down on him like a dove. [3:21-22]
Q? What did the voice from heaven say?
A. The voice from heaven said, "You are my beloved son. I am very pleased with you". [3:22]
Q? About how old was Jesus when he began to teach?
A. Jesus was about thirty years old when he began to teach. [3:23]