
2.8 KiB

John 21 Translation Questions

Q? Where were the disciples when Jesus showed himself to them again?

A. The disciples were at the Sea of Tiberias when Jesus showed himself to them again. [21:1]

Q? Which disciples were at the Sea of Tiberias?

A. Simon Peter, Thomas, called Didymus, Nathaniel from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee and two of Jesus' other disciples were at the Sea of Tiberias. [21:2]

Q? What were these disciples doing?

A. These disciples had gone fishing but had caught nothing all night. [21:3]

Q? What did Jesus tell the disciples to do?

A. Jesus told the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat and they would catch some fish. [21:6]

Q? What happened when the disciples cast their net?

A. They could not draw in their net because there were so many fish in it. [21:6]

Q? What did Simon Peter do when the disciple Jesus loved said, "It is the Lord."

A. He tucked up his outer garment about himself and threw himself into the sea. [21:7]

Q? What did the other disciples do?

A. The other disciples came in the boat pulling the net full of fish. [21:8]

Q? What did Jesus tell the disciples to do with some of the fish that they had caught?

A. Jesus told the disciples to bring some of the fish they had just caught. [21:10]

Q? How many times had Jesus now shown himself to the disciples since he had risen?

A. This was the third time Jesus had now shown himself to the disciples since he had risen. [21:14]

Q? After breakfast what was the first thing Jesus asked Simon Peter?

A. Jesus asked Simon Peter if Simon loved Jesus more than these. [21:15]

Q? How did Simon Peter answer Jesus the third time Jesus asked Peter if he loved Jesus?

A. The third time he was asked Peter responded, "Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you." [21:17]

Q? The third time Peter responds to Jesus' question, "Do you love me?" what does Jesus tell Peter to do?

A. The third time Jesus told him, "Feed my sheep." [21:17]

Q? What did Jesus tell Simon Peter was going to happen to him when Simon became old?

A. Jesus told Simon Peter that when he became old, he would stretch out his hands and another person would clothe him and carry him where he did not wish to go. [21:18]

Q? Why did Jesus tell Peter what was going to happen to Peter when he became old?

A. Jesus said this in order to signal by what kind of death Peter would glorify God. [21:19]

Q? What did Simon Peter ask Jesus concerning the disciple that Jesus loved?

A. Peter asked Jesus, "Lord, what will this man do?" [21:21]

Q? How did Jesus respond to Peter's question, "Lord, what will this man do?"

A. Jesus told Peter, "Follow me." [21:22]

Q? Who wrote this book and to what does he bear witness?

A. The disciple Jesus loved wrote this book and bears witness that the events described in the book are true. [21:24]

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