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## 1 Corinthians 16 Translation Questions ##
Q? Who did Paul direct in the same way as the church at Corinth concerning the collection for the saints?
A. Paul directed the churches of Galatia in the same way as the church at Corinth. [16:1]
Q? How did Paul tell the church at Corinth to make their collection?
A. He told them that on the first day of the week, each of them was to put something aside and store it up, as each one was able, so that there would be no collections when Paul came. [16:2]
Q? To whom was the offering going?
A. It was going to the saints at Jerusalem. [16:3]
Q? When was Paul going to come to the church at Corinth?
A. He said he was going to come to them when he passed through Macedonia. [16:5]
Q? Why didn't Paul want to see the saints in Corinth immediately for a short time?
A. Paul wanted to visit with them for more than a short time, if the Lord permitted. [16:7]
Q? Why was Paul going to stay in Ephesus until Pentecost?
A. Paul stayed in Ephesus because a wide door had opened for him, and there were many adversaries. [16:8-9]
Q? What was Timothy doing?
A. He was doing the work of the Lord just as Paul was. [16:10]
Q? What did Paul command the church at Corinth to do concerning Timothy?
A. Paul told the church at Corinth to see that Timothy was with them unafraid. Paul told them not to despise Timothy and also to help Timothy on his way in peace. [16:10-11]
Q? What did Paul strongly encourage Apollos to do?
A. Paul strongly encouraged Apollos to visit the saints at Corinth. [16:12]
Q? Who among the Corinthians had set themselves to the service of the saints?
A. The household of Stephanas set themselves to the service of the saints. [16:15]
Q? What did Paul tell the Corinthian saints to do concerning the household of Stephanas?
A. Paul told them to be in submission to such people. [16:16]
Q? What did Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus do for Paul?
A. They made up for the absence of the Corinthian saints and refreshed Paul's spirit. [16:17-18]
Q? Who sent their greetings to the church at Corinth?
A. The churches of Asia, Aquila and Prisca, and all the brothers and sisters sent their greetings to the church at Corinth. [16:19-20]
Q? What did Paul say concerning those who do not love the Lord?
A. Paul said, "If any one does not love the Lord, let a curse be on him." [16:22]
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