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## 1 Corinthians 08 Translation Questions ##
Q? What subject does Paul begin to address in this chapter?
A. Paul addresses the subject of food sacrificed to idols. [8:1]
Q? What results do knowledge and love cause?
A. Knowledge makes one proud, but love builds up. [8:1]
Q? Is an idol equal to God?
A. No. An idol in this world is nothing, and there is no God but one. [8:4]
Q? Who is the one God?
A. There is only one God the Father. From him are all things, and we live for him. [8:6]
Q? Who is the one Lord?
A. There is one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things exist, and through whom we exist. [8:6]
Q? What happens when some who practiced idol worship eat food as if it had been sacrificed to an idol?
A. Their conscience is corrupted because it is weak. [8:7]
Q? Does the food we eat make us better or worse to God?
A. Food will not recommend us to God. We are not worse if we do not eat, nor better if we do eat it. [8:8]
Q? What should we be careful that our freedom does not become?
A. We should be careful that our freedom does not become a reason for someone who is weak in faith to stumble. [8:9]
Q? What can happen to a brother or sister with a weak conscience if those with an understanding of the true nature of idols are not careful in using their freedom?
A. A brother or sister with a weak conscience can be destroyed. [8:11]
Q? Who do we sin against when we knowingly cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble because of their weak conscience?
A. We sin against the brother or sister that caused to stumble and we sin against Christ. [8:11-12]
Q? What does Paul say he will do if food causes his brother or sister to stumble?
A. Pauls says if his food causes his brother or sister to stumble, he will never eat meat again. [8:13]
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