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## 1 Corinthians 06 Translation Questions ##
Q? Who will the saints judge?
A. The saints will judge the world and the angels. [6:2-3]
Q? What does Paul say the saints at Corinth should be able to judge?
A. Paul says they should be able to judge disputes between saints concerning to the matters of this life. [6:1-3]
Q? How are the Corinthian Christians handling their disputes with one another?
A. One believer goes to court against another believer, and that case is placed before a judge who is an unbeliever. [6:6]
Q? What does the fact that there are disputes among the Corinthian Christians indicate?
A. It indicates that this is a defeat for them. [6:7]
Q? Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?
A. The unrighteous; the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, those who practice homosexuality, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. [6:9-10]
Q? What happened to the Corinthian believers who previously practiced unrighteousness?
A. They were cleansed and made holy; made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. [6:11]
Q? What are the two things Paul says he will not allow to master him?
A. Paul says he will not be mastered by food or sex. [6:12-13]
Q? The bodies of believers are members of what?
A. Their bodies are members of Christ. [6:15]
Q? Should believers join themselves to prostitutes?
A. No. May it never be. [6:15]
Q? What happens when someone joins himself to a prostitute?
A. He becomes one flesh with her. [6:16]
Q? What happens when someone joins himself to the Lord?
A. He becomes one spirit with him. [6:17]
Q? Who do people sin against when they are sexually immoral?
A. They sin against their own bodies when they are sexually immoral. [6:18]
Q? Why should believers glorify God with their bodies?
A. They should glorify God with their bodies because their bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and because they were bought with a price. [6:19-20]
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