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## 1 Chronicles 21 Translation Questions ##
Q? Why did David decide to count the people of Israel?
A. If an adversary came against Israel, and David wanted to know how many were in his army. [21:1-2]
Q? How did Joab respond to David's request to count the people?
A. He suggested that it would bring guilt on Israel. [21:3]
Q? What did Joab do when the king commanded him to go and count the people?
A. He went and reported back the total number of men that were able to fight. [21:4-5]
Q? How did God respond to David counting the soldiers of Israel?
A. God was offended and attacked Israel. [21:7]
Q? How did David feel when God attacked Israel?
A. He felt guilty for sending Joab to count the soldiers. [21:8]
Q? In response to David's confession, what did Yahweh offer him?
A. Yahweh offered him three choices. [21:9-10]
Q? What were the three choices Yahweh gave to David?
A. David could choose three years of famine, three months being sought after by his enemies, or three days of Yahweh's sword. [21:11-12]
Q? Which of the three punishments did David choose?
A. He chose the three days of Yahweh's sword. [21:13]
Q? What were the results of David's choice?
A. Yahweh sent the plague and many people died. Yahweh sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem, but Yahweh changed his mind. [21:14-15]
Q? When David saw the angel with the sword, how did he react?
A. He confessed and requested that God punish him and his family, but not punish God's people. [21:16-17]
Q? What was David commanded to do at the threshing floor of Ornan?
A. He was to build an altar for Yahweh. [21:18-19]
Q? How did Ornan react to seeing the angel?
A. He and his four sons hid themselves from the angel. [21:20]
Q? When Ornan met David, what did David ask of him?
A. He asked Ornan to sell him the threshing floor. [21:21-22]
Q? What did Ornan offer that David refused?
A. He offered to give him the threshing floor, the oxen, and wheat. [21:23-24]
Q? After David bought the threshing floor and built an altar, how did Yahweh answer his prayer?
A. Yahweh answered him with fire from heaven on the altar and told the angel to put his sword away. [21:25-27]
Q? Why did David not go to the shrine of Gibeon?
A. David was afraid of Yahweh's angel's sword. [21:29-30]
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