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Joshua 07 Translation Questions

Q? Why did Yahweh's anger burn against the people of Israel?

A. Yahweh's anger burned against the people of Israel because Achan took some things for himself that were dedicated to destruction. [7:1]

Q? What did the spies that were sent by Joshua to Ai report back to Joshua?

A. The spies that were sent to Ai reported to Joshua that only a small army could take Ai because there were few people there. [7:3]

Q? What happened to the smaller army of three thousand men who attacked Ai?

A. The smaller army which attacked Ai was driven away by the men of Ai and thirty-six were killed. [7:5]

Q? What did Joshua do when he learned of the defeat of his army at Ai?

A. When Joshua learned of the defeat of his army at Ai, he tore his garments, put dust on his head, and lay before the ark. [7:6]

Q? What did Yahweh tell Joshua was the reason his army was defeated at Ai?

A. Yahweh told Joshua that his army was defeated because Israel had sinned by stealing some of the things dedicated for destruction. [7:11]

Q? What did Yahweh tell Joshua to do?

A. Yahweh told Joshua to get up and consecrate the people to give over the things dedicated for destruction. [7:13]

Q? What did Yahweh say would happen to the one who had stolen the things dedicated to destruction?

A. Yahweh said that the one who had stolen the things dedicated to destruction would be burned as well as all he had. [7:15]

Q? What did Achan tell Joshua that he had taken?

A. Achan told Joshua that he had taken a beautiful coat, two hundred shekels of silver, and a bar of gold. [7:21]

Q? Where did Achan tell Joshua that he had hidden the things he had taken?

A. Achan told Joshua that he had hidden the things he had taken in the ground in the middle of his tent. [7:21]

Q? Where did Joshua and all Israel take Achan and all that he had?

A. Joshua and all Israel took Achan and all that he had to the valley of Achor. [7:24]

Q? What happened to Yahweh's burning anger?

A. Yahweh's burning anger was turned away. [7:26]

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