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## 1 Samuel 16 Translation Questions ##
Q? From what did Yahweh tell Samuel he had rejected Saul?
A. Yahweh had rejected Saul from being king over Israel. [16:1]
Q? What did Samuel fear if Saul heard of his travel to Bethlehem?
A. He feared that Saul would kill him. [16:2]
Q? How did Yahweh say that Samuel would know who to anoint?
A. He told Samuel that he would anoint the one whom Yahweh told him. [16:3]
Q? How did the elders of Bethlehem act when Samuel arrived at their city?
A. They were trembling as they came to meet him. [16:4]
Q? What did Samuel say to himself when he looked at Eliab?
A. He said to himself that Yahweh's anointed was certainly standing before him. [16:6]
Q? How did Yahweh explain to Samuel that he does not see as man sees?
A. Yahweh said that man looks on the outward appearance, but Yahweh looks on the heart. [16:7]
Q? What did Samuel say to Jesse after he made seven sons pass before him?
A. Samuel said that Yahweh had not chosen any of them. [16:10]
Q? Where was the youngest son before Samuel called for him?
A. The youngest son was tending the sheep. [16:11]
Q? When did the Spirit of Yahweh rush on David?
A. The Spirit of Yahweh rushed on David from that day forward. [16:13]
Q? What spirit troubled Saul instead of the Spirit of Yahweh?
A. A harmful spirit from Yahweh troubled Saul. [16:14]
Q? What did Saul's servants say that a skillful player could do when the harmful spirit was on Saul?
A. The player of the harp would play it and Saul would be well. [16:16]
Q? How did Saul say which of Jesse's sons he wanted sent to him?
A. Saul sent messengers to Jesse, saying to send him Jesse's son David, who was with the sheep. [16:19]
Q? What assignment did Saul give David since he loved him greatly?
A. Saul made David his armor bearer. [16:21]
Q? What would depart from Saul so he would be refreshed and well, when David played the harp?
A. The harmful spirit would depart from Saul. [16:23]
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