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## 1 Samuel 02 Translation Questions ##
Q? Why did Hannah speak boldly over her enemies?
A. Hannah spoke boldly because she rejoices in Yahweh's salvation. [2:1]
Q? Why does Hannah say that we should not boast or speak arrogantly?
A. We should not boast or speak arrogantly because Yahweh is a God of knowledge and by him all actions are weighed. [2:3]
Q? In Hannah's song, who is the one who is filled with sorrow?
A. The woman who has many children is filled with sorrow. [2:5]
Q? Who decides death and life, if one goes down to Sheol or is raised up?
A. Yahweh is the one who decides death and life, and Sheol or raised up. [2:6]
Q? Who makes the poor and the rich?
A. Yahweh makes the poor, and he makes the rich. [2:7]
Q? Who raises up the poor and lifts the needy to sit in the seat of honor?
A. Yahweh raises them up to sit at the seat of honor. [2:8]
Q? Who does Hannah say will guard the feet of his faithful people and silence the wicked in darkness?
A. Yahweh will guard their feet and silence the wicked. [2:9]
Q? Who judges the ends of the earth and gives strength to his king?
A. Yahweh judges the ends of the earth and gives strength to his king. [2:10]
Q? What child served Yahweh in the presence of Eli the priest?
A. Samuel served Yahweh in the presence of Eli the priest. [2:11]
Q? Whose sons were evil men?
A. Eli the priest's sons were evil men. [2:12]
Q? What was the custom of the priests with the people at the time of sacrifice?
A. Their custom was for the priests' servant come with a three pronged fork to get the meat for the priest to take for himself. [2:13-14]
Q? What evil thing did the priest's sons instruct their servants?
A. Instead of eating the boiled meat, Eli's sons instructed their servants tell the people they only ate raw meat. [2:15-16]
Q? Why was the sin of Eli's sons so great?
A. Their sin was great before Yahweh because they despised Yahweh's offering. [2:17]
Q? What would Samuel's mother make for him form year to year to cloth him?
A. She world make him a linen ephod robe. [2:18-19]
Q? How would Eli bless Elkanah and his wife?
A. Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife by praying for them to have more children by Hannah. [2:20]
Q? What was Yahweh's response to Eli's prayer for Samuel's parents to have more children?
A. Yahweh once more helped Hannah and she bore three more sons and two daughters. [2:21]
Q? What did Eli say to his sons as he was getting very old?
A. Eli told his sons that they were doing evil things and they caused Yahweh's people to disobey. [2:23-24]
Q? Why did Eli's sons not listen to his voice?
A. Eli's sons did not listen to his voice because Yahweh intended to kill them. [2:25]
Q? Who grew up and increased in favor with Yahweh and also with men?
A. Samuel grew up and increased in favor with Yahweh and with men. [2:26]
Q? Who told Eli that Yahweh chose Eli's ancestors out of all the tribes of Israel to be Yahweh's priest?
A. A man of God told Eli that Yahweh chose Eli's ancestors. [2:27-28]
Q? How had Eli scorned Yahweh's sacrifices and offerings?
A. He scorned the sacrifices and offerings by honoring his sons above Yahweh. [2:29]
Q? What did Yahweh tell Eli would happen to the men in his family?
A. Yahweh told Eli that all the men born in Eli's family would die. [2:33]
Q? What did Yahweh say would be a sign that all the men in Eli's family would die?
A. Both of Eli's sons would die on the same day. [2:34]
Q? Who will walk before Yahweh's anointed king forever?
A. A faithful priest who Yahweh raises up will walk before Yahweh's anointed king forever. [2:35]
Q? Why will everyone in Eli's family come and bow down to the faithful priest?
A. They will ask him for a position as a priest so that they can have food to eat. [2:35]
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