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## 1 Corinthians 03 Translation Questions ##
Q? Why did Paul say the Corinthian believers were still fleshly?
A. Paul said they were still fleshly because jealousy and strife existed among them. [3:3]
Q? Who were Paul and Apollos to the Corinthians?
A. They were servants through whom the Corinthians came to believe in Christ. [3:5]
Q? Who gives the growth?
A. God gives the growth. [3:7]
Q? What is the foundation?
A. Jesus Christ is the foundation. [3:11]
Q? What will happen to the work of someone who builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ?
A. His work will be revealed in daylight and in fire. [3:12-13]
Q? What will the fire do to a person's work?
A. The fire will reveal the quality of what each one has done. [3:13]
Q? What will happen if anything a person builds remains after the fire?
A. That person will receive a reward. [3:14]
Q? What will happen to the person whose work is burned up?
A. That person will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, as though escaping through fire. [3:15]
Q? Who are we and what lives in us as believers in Jesus Christ?
A. We are God's temple and the Spirit of God lives in us. [3:16]
Q? What will happen if anyone destroys God's temple?
A. God will destroy the person who destroys God's temple. [3:17]
Q? What does Paul say to him who thinks he is wise in this age?
A. Paul says, "...let him become a "fool" that he may become wise." [3:18]
Q? What does the Lord know about the reasoning of the wise?
A. The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise is futile. [3:20]
Q? Why does Paul tell the Corinthian believers to stop boasting about people?
A. He told them to stop boasting, "For all things are yours," and because, "... you are Christ's, and Christ is God's".. [3:21-23]
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