
1.8 KiB

Joshua 05 Translation Questions

Q? What happened to the hearts of the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites when they heard how Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan until the people of Israel had crossed over?

A. When the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites heard how Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them. [5:1]

Q? What did Yahweh command Joshua to do with flint knives?

A. Yahweh commanded Joshua to circumcise all the males of Israel. [5:2]

Q? Why was Joshua commanded to circumcise all the males of Israel?

A. Joshua was commanded to circumcise all the males of Israel because the boys who had been born during the wanderings in the wilderness had not been circumcised. [5:6-7]

Q? What did the people of Israel keep on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, on the plains of Jericho?

A. The Israelites kept Passover on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, on the plains of Jericho. [5:10]

Q? What stopped coming on the day after the people of Israel ate from the produce of the land?

A. Manna stopped coming on the day after the people of Israel ate produce from the land. [5:12]

Q? Who did Joshua meet standing in front of him near Jericho?

A. Joshua met a man with a drawn sword in his hand. [5:13]

Q? What did Joshua say to the man with the drawn sword?

A. Joshua said to the man with the drawn sword, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" [5:14]

Q? Who did the man with the drawn sword say that he was?

A. The man with the drawn sword told Joshua that he was the commander of the army of Yahweh. [5:14]

Q? What did the commander of the army of Yahweh tell Joshua to do?

A. The commander of the army of Yahweh told Joshua to remove his sandals, because he was on holy ground. [5:15]

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