
1.6 KiB

Isaiah 48 Translation Questions

Q? What is the House of Jacob called and from whom do they descend?

A. They are called Israel and they are descended from Judah. [48:1]

Q? What is Israel doing insincerely and in unrighteousness?

A. Israel is swearing by the name of Yahweh and invoking the God of Israel insincerely and in unrighteousness. [48:1]

Q? What did Yahweh do, knowing that Israel was obsinate?

A. He declared things from long ago and made them known, he suddenly did them and they came to pass. [48:3-4]

Q? By declaring these things to Israel before hand what did Yahweh hope to prevent?

A. Yahweh wanted prevent Israel from saying, "My idol has done them," or "my carved figure, or my cast metal figure has ordained these things." [48:5]

Q? Why will Yahweh defer his anger and hold back from destroying Israel?

A. He will do this for the sake of his own name. [48:9]

Q? How did Yahweh purify Israel?

A. He purified them in the furnace of affliction. [48:10]

Q? Who did Yahweh summon and for what purpose?

A. Yahweh summoned his ally to accomplish his purpose against Babylon. [48:14-15]

Q? What would have happened if Israel had obeyed Yahweh's commandments?

A. If they had obeyed their peace and prosperity would have flowed like a river and their deliverance like the waves of the sea. [48:18]

Q? What announcement is to be made to go to the ends of the earth?

A. The announcement is, "Yahweh has redeemed his servant Jacob". [48:20]

Q? Who did Yahweh say would receive no peace?

A. Yahweh said there was no peace for the wicked. [48:22]

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