
753 B

He fought also with the king of the people of Ammon

"He also led his army to fight with the king of the people of Ammon". Jotham was able to conquer the people of Ammon because he obeyed the Lord. For Yahweh, trust in Yahweh is the key to victory in battle.

with the king of the people of Ammon

"with the king of Ammon and his army"

one hundred talents of silver

"3,300 kilograms of silver". A "talent" is equivalent to 33 kilograms.

ten thousand measures of wheat

"2,200 kiloliters of wheat". The word translated here as "measure" is "cor" and is equivalent to 220 liters.

ten thousand measures of barley

"2,200 kiloliters of barley"

in the second and third years

"in the second and third years after he defeated them"