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- en:tw:afflict
- en:tw:chief
- en:tw:father
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:hand
- en:tw:korah
- en:tw:nation
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:psalm
- en:tw:works
- For the chief musician - "This is for the director of music to use in worship."
- A psalm of the sons of Korah - "This is a psalm that the sons of Korah wrote."
- A maschil - This may refer to a style of music. See how you translated this in en:bible:notes:psa:032:001.
- did in their days, in the days of old - Both of these phrases use the word "days" to refer to the time period when the ancestors of the people of Israel were alive. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_parallelism)
- drove out the nations - "caused the people from other nations to leave"
- planted our people - The word "planted" compares when Yahweh gave Israel to his people as their home to putting a plants roots in the soil so it can grow there. (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)