667 B
667 B
- en:tw:biblicaltimeday
- en:tw:decree
- en:tw:earth
- en:tw:falsegod
- en:tw:father
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:life
- en:tw:nation
- en:tw:possess
- en:tw:promisedland
- en:tw:statute
- en:tw:worship
- en:tw:yahweh
- Moses is still talking to the people of Israel.
- you will keep - "you must obey"
- all the days that you live on the earth - AT: "for as long as you live on that ground" (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_idiom)
- You will surely destroy - "You must destroy"
- the nations that you will dispossess - AT: "the people whose land you will take"