en_map/Paul's Second Missionary Jo.../Annotations.md

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Paul's Second Missionary Journey

  1. Acts 15:36-41 Paul and Barnabas parted ways in Asia Minor because John Mark has left them when there were at Pamphylia (see 15:38).
    a. Barnabas took John Mark with him and they sailed to Cyprus (15:39)
    b. Paul and Silas departed and went through Syria and Cilicia
  2. Paul came to Derbe and Lystra
    a. Paul meets Timothy (16:1).
    b. Timothy joined Paul
    i. Paul circumcised Timothy because his mother was Jewish.
    ii. Paul and Timothy went to several churches telling them of the decisions reached in Jerusalem (16:4, that church membership would not require circumcision by non-Jews)
  3. Phrygia and Galatia (16:4-10)
    a. They were forbidden to go to Asia (16:6)
    b. Travelled near to Mysia (16:7) attempted to go to Bithynia (16:7) but were not permitted
    c. Went to Troas (16:8)
    d. Macedonian Call to them to “Come to Macedonia and help us.” (16:9)
  4. Macedonian ministry at Philippi (16:11-40)
    a. From Troas to Samothrace, to Neapolis (16:11).
    b. To Philippi, leading city of Macedonia and a Roman colony (16:12)
    c. Met Lydia, from Thyatira
    i. Seller of purple goods, a worshiper of God (16:14)
    ii. She and her household were baptized (16:15)
    d. Paul and Silas met a person with an evil spirit (over many days the man annoyed them, 16:18)
    e. The man was freed of the spirit, but his owners sought justice because Paul cast out the spirit, and they brought Paul and Silas to the marketplace (16:19-20)
    f. Paul and Silas were imprisoned (16:23), and then delivered by an earthquake (16:26)
    g. The jailor was saved by believing in the Lord Jesus (16:30)
    h. Paul and Silas were released (16:35-40) because Paul and Silas were Roman citizens (16:38)
  5. To Thessalonica (17:1-9)
    a. Passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, arriving at Thessalonica (17:1)
    b. Paul spoke at the Synagogue in Thessalonica
    c. Staying at the house of Jason (17:6), but when their opponents tried to arrest Paul and Silas, the could not find them, but Jason and some Christians were arrested.
    d. Jason and the others gave a bond of money to the officials, and they were released.
    e. Paul and Silas left in the night (17:1 0)
  6. To Berea
    a. Paul and Silas traveled by night and arrive at Berea (17:10)
    i. The Jews from Thessalonica came to Berea and stirred up trouble for them in Berea.
    ii. Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea.
  7. To Athens (17:16-34)
    a. Paul waited for Silas and Timothy to come to Athens to be with him (17:16)
    b. Paul at the Areopagus (17:22)
    c. Paul was joined by Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris (17:34)
  8. To Corinth (18:1-17)
    a. Met Aquila and Priscilla (18:1-3)
    b. Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia (18:5)
    c. Went to Titius Justus, Crispus (18:5-11)
    d. Jews made an attack against Paul and brought him before the court (18:12-17). Gallio was the proconsul (government leader), but the leader paid no attention to the charges against Paul.
    e. Stayed for a while in Corinth (18:18)
  9. Return to Antioch (18:18-21)
    a. Sailed for Syria, with Priscilla and Aquila (18:18)
    b. At Cenchreae (Paul cut his hair for a vow (18:18)
    c. Came to Ephesus, where he argued with the Jews (18:19), then he set sail from Ephesus and travelled to Caesarea.

End of the Second Missionary Journey