
1.2 KiB

Purpose of Map

  • to show the size of the Assyrian Empire as it threatened Israel.
    • Bodies of water help with this. Mediterranean, Jordan, Euphrates , Tigris
  • to show the location of Assyria's capital, Nineveh
  • to show the location of Israel and its capital, Samaria

Some Notes for the Annotations.
Assyria and the northern kingdom of Israel

  • The people of Israel and Judah sinned against God, so God sent the Assyrians to punish them. (2 Kings 17:7) Israel
  • The Assyrian army invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel, but the king of Israel taxed his people and gave the money to the king of Assyria. So the Assyrians left Israel. (2 Kings 15:19). The Assyrian army invaded Israel again and took some of the people of Israel to Assyria. (2 Kings 15:29)
  • The Assyrian army invaded Israel again and took more people to Assyria. (2 Kings 17:6)

Assyria and the southern kingdom of Judah

  • The Assyrian army captured some cities of Judah (2 Kings 18:13). The king of Judah gave the Assyrian king silver and gold.
  • The Assyrian king threatened Judah. (2 Kings 18:17)
  • Places the Israelites were taken to: Halah (2Ki 17:6)

Places Assyrians were taken from and settled in Samaria: Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Spharvaim (2Ki 17:24)