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Nominative is a case. Case is the form of a word that helps someone to know the function of the word in a sentence. Case helps the reader to know what the word is doing in a sentence.

The nominative case can identify the subject of a sentence.

What types of words use case?

  • Noun - Case on a noun helps the reader to know how someone or something relates to the action of the verb.
  • Article - Case on an article helps the reader know which word the article is attached to.
  • Adjective - Case on an adjective can help the reader to know which noun the adjective is describing. If the adjective is not used to describe something and it acts like a noun, case helps the reader to know how the word relates to the action of the verb.
  • Participle - Case on a participle is used in the same way as it is with the noun or adjective.

More information about this topic

It is sometimes called the “naming case.” In Greek the subject is expressed in the verb, and in the nominative case noun. The nominative specifies the meaning of the subject, and the identification of the case of it.

In Greek, a verb always tells the reader who or what is the subject of the sentence. When a sentence also includes a noun in the nominative case, it can help the reader to know who or what is the subject of the sentence. It can also tell the reader to pay attention to the subject of the sentence.

How else can the nominative case be used in a sentence?

  • It can mean that the word is name or a title.
  • It can mean that the word is equal to the subject of the sentence in some way
  • When it is used next to another noun in the nominative case, it is used to explain or describe this other word. Both words refer to the same person or thing.
  • It can be used when the word is not connected to the rest of a sentence or is part of a group of words that do not form a sentence.
  • It can be used when someone is being directly addressed. That is, someone is being spoken to or spoken about.
  • It can mean that the word is a title or name for someone or something.
  • When a word with nominative case is used with a verb in the passive voice, it identifies the person or thing that receives the action.