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Proclaim (Proclamation)

The word “proclaim” is used to talk about the act of speaking a message publicly. The message could be from a king or other ruler. A “proclamation” is the message that someone speaks publicly. God often gave a message to a messenger. God wanted the messenger to proclaim this message. Jesus proclaimed the gospel of God (see: Mark 1:14).

See: Herald; Gospel

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God told Jonah to go proclaim a message against the great city of Nineveh (see: Jonah 1:2; 3:1-4). The people of Nineveh repented because of Jonahs proclamation (see: Matthew 12:41; Luke 11:32). God used the prophet Joel to proclaim to the Israelites to prepare for the day of the Lord (see: Joel 3:9). The Israelites were supposed to proclaim to their children and to others all the good things God had done (see: Psalm 107:22; 145:4).

Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would make proclamations. TheMessiah would proclaim good news to people who were suffering. The Messiah would proclaim that God would show his favor to them (see: Isaiah 61:2; see also: Luke 4:18-19). Jesus went around proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom (see: Matthew 4:23).

The Apostle Paul said that he proclaimed Jesus as Lord (see: 2 Corinthians 4:5). He did not proclaim himself except that he was a servant for Jesus sake. Paul used the words from Isaiah 52:7 to tell that the people who proclaim the gospel to others are wonderful (see: Romans 10:14-15).

See: Israel; Repent (Repentance); Day of the Lord; Prophecy (Prophesy); Messiah (Christ); Kingdom of God; Lord