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Two Major Files:

Two files are described on this page:


  • unzip the zip file to unpack "OpenGNT_version3.csv"
  • open "OpenGNT_version3.csv" with a text editor
  • locate columns of data, separated from one another with a [TAB] character.

1st Column - OGNTsort

This column contains sort numbers of all words of the base text of OGNT.

2nd Column - TANTTsort

This column of sort numbers represent the order of "M" variants in TANTT.
These are important bridges for mapping key features in file

3rd Column - FEATURESsort1

Sort numbers as in the first column of the file "OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv"

4th Column - LevinsohnClauseID

Clause ID assigned to each word, corresponding to main cluase features as keyed in "OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv"

5th Column - BGBsortILTsortSTsort

  1. BGBsortI = Sort number of BGB (inclusive) as in original "berean_tables5.xlsx".
  2. LTsort = Sort number of Literal Translation, LT, described below.
  3. STsort = Sort number of Study Translation, ST, described below.

6th Column - BookChapterVerse

  1. Book = Book number, ranging from 40 to 66, representing books from Matthew to the book of Revelation.
  2. Chpter = Chapter number
  3. Verse = Verse number

7th Column - OGNTuOGNTalexemesnrmac

  1. OGNTk = Greek word of OGNT in Koine Greek; used with KoineGreek Font
  2. OGNTu = Greek word of OGNT in unaccented form
  3. OGNTa = Greek word of OGNT in accented form
  4. lexeme = Greek word of OGNT in lexical form
  5. sn = Extended Strong's number, according to conventions of TBESG - Tyndale Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek
  6. rmac = Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes, morphological analysis combining James Tauber's work in TANTT and data in Berean translation table

8th Column - BDAGentryEDNTentryMounceEntryGoodrickKohlenbergerNumbersLN-LouwNidaNumbers

  1. BDAGentry = Lexical entry for lookup in A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed.
  2. EDNTentry = Lexical entry for lookup in Eerdman's Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament
  3. MounceEntry = Lexical entry for lookup in Mounce's Greek NT dictionary
  4. GoodrickKohlenbergerNumbers = GK number for lookup in GK-keyed dictionary
  5. LN-LouwNidaNumbers = LN number for lookup in Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains.

9th Column - transSBLcaptransSBLmodernGreekFonética_Transliteración

  1. transSBLcap = transliteration according to SBL's conventions; with capitalisation
  2. transSBL = transliteration according to SBL's conventions
  3. modernGreek = modern Greek pronunciation
  4. Fonética_Transliteración = modern Greek pronunciation with phonetic pronunciation in Spanish

10th Column - TBESGBIBBLBBSBEspañol

  1. TBESG = Tyndale House's glosses, taken from TBESG (context-insensitive)
  2. IT = Interlinear Translation (context-sensitive);
    adapted from Berean Interlinear Bible, with changes made where OGNT is different from BGB.
  3. LT = Literal Translation (context-sensitive);
    adapted from Berean Literal Bible, with changes made where OGNT is different from BGB.
  4. ST = Study Translation (context-sensitive);
    adapted from Berean Study Bible, with changes made where OGNT is different from BGB.
  5. Español = Spanish literal translation

11th Column - PMpWordPMfWord

  1. PMpWord = punctuation mark(s) preceding the main word
  2. PMfWord = punctuation mark(s) following the main word
    Remarks: Punctuation marks were adapted from data available in TANTT - Tyndale Amalgamated NT Tagged texts.

12th Column - NoteMvarMlexemeMsnMrmac

  1. Note = Notes on a specific word
    (3 Types:
    '' means Greek word, which are not in original Berean Greek data, 3 words adapted from Byzantine text, 2 words adapted from BHP;
    '' means the main word is different from NA28;
    '' means the main word is identical to the corresponding word in NA28, with minor orthographical difference)
  2. Mvar = Greek variant in accented form, taken from TANTT database, applied only where '' or '' appear in 'Note' on the same row.
  3. Mlexeme = lexical form of the Greek variant, Mvar, applied only where '' or '' appear in 'Note' on the same row.
  4. Msn = Extended Strong's number of the Greek variant, Mvar, applied only where '' or '' appear in 'Note' on the same row.
  5. Mrmac = Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes of the Greek variant, Mvar,, applied only where '' or '' appear in 'Note' on the same row.


  • unzip the zip file to unpack "OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv"
  • open "OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv" with a text editor
  • locate columns of data, separated from one another with a [TAB] character.

1st Column - FEATURESsort1
This sort number is used to sort word order (TANTT) mapped in GNT features.

2nd Column - FEATURESsort2
This sort number is used to sort word order (OGNT) mapped in GNT features.

3rd Column - mapIDV2
This is a set of mapping ID, used to map resources, e.g. check the 1st column in file, mapping Levinsohn GNT discourse features to OGNT.

4th Column - mapIDV1
This is a old set of mapping ID, used to map an early version of TANTT's data.

5th Column - bookchapterverse

  1. Book number
  2. Chapter number
  3. Verse number

    6th Column - TANTTsortOpenTextWord_KEY
  4. OGNTsort - It is same as the "OGNTsort" in file; this number is used as a mapping id in this file, to map the base text of OGNT to various GNT features.
  5. TANTTsort - It is same as the "TANTTsort" in file; this number is used as a mapping id in this file, to map the base text of OGNT to various GNT features.
  6. OpenTextWordID - Base Word IDs for for mapping Linguisitc Annotation of the Greek New Testament's data
    (Remarks: OpenText's GNT annotations places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)

    7th Column - Mapping to Levinsohn GNTDF's Data:
  7. LevinsohnWordID - Word IDs for mapping Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features
    Full mapping is available in the file
    (Remarks: Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)
  8. noteMarker - Note marker, mapped to notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features
  9. noteMarkerNoClause - Note marker, mapped to notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [without clauses]
  10. clause - Clause markers, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features
  11. clauseID - ClauseID, assigned for each word
  12. otQuotation - Old Testament Quotations, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [ means "beginning of an OT quotation"; * means a word within an OT quotation; means "end of an OT quotation"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.
  13. reportedSpeech - Reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [ means "beginning of a reported speech"; * means a word within a reported speech; means "end of a reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.
  14. embeddedReportedSpeech - Embedded reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [ means "beginning of an embedded reported speech"; * means a word within an embedded reported speech; means "end of an embedded reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.

    8th Column - Corresponding TANTT data:
    Corresponding TANTT data aligned with OGNT

    9th Column - Gloss & Translation:
  15. MounceGloss - English glosses (Context-insensitive) -
    English glosses selected from Mounce's Concise Greek-English dictionary
  16. TyndaleHouseGloss - English glosses (Context-insensitive) -
    Generated from glosses of TBESG, produced by Tyndale House, Cambridge UK
  17. OpenGNTGloss - English glosses (Context-sensitive) -
    A full set of context-sensitive glosses for OpenGNT, worked out by Eliran Wong [initial data are drawn from "TyndaleHouseGloss" mentioned above; every gloss will be checked against its context; on-going updates are gradually integrated HERE; please check regularly]

  • Lines / Entries starting with the following numbers are created for mapping purpose only (mapping resouces based on NA27, e.g. Levinsohn Discource Features):
    122580, 122586, 122796, 123928, 123948, 124712, 125108, 125238, 127544, 127800, 128058, 128061.