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NA28 / NA27 Equivalent; Open Greek New Testament Resources

Open Greek New Testament Project

Open Greek New Testament project aims to provide a bundle of high-quality and open-source materials on Greek New Testament for biblical studies.

An eclectic text, namely "Open Greek New Testament [OGNT]", is first produced as the base text for the rest of the project. The text of OPNT is built upon a group of high-quality scholarly materials. This aims to provide all bible students or scholars a free text, which is the closest equivalent to the text of NA28, for studies or research purposes.


Main File:

"" is currently the main file for practical use. [Remarks: Unzip the file before using it.]

It gives users a quick access to the main text of OpenGNT, keyed to Tyndale House' extended Strong's numbers and glosses, James Tauber's morphology, and variant markers on nine modern editions of Greek New Testament (i.e. B=Byzantine, I=NIV Greek, N=NA27, M=NA28 where words are different from NA27, R=Textus Receptus, S=SBLGNT, T=Tregelles's GNT, W=Westcott-Hort, H=Tydale House GNT).

This text is currently the closest equivalent to the text of NA28, made available for distribution under an open-license.

File format:

  • each word of the main text is placed on a single line.
  • each line starts with an order number, followed by an unique OpenGNT id, book number, chapter number and verse number, separated from each other by a [TAB] character.
  • the last column contain all current features in the following order:
  1. Base WordID for for mapping Linguisitc Annotation of the Greek New Testament's data
  2. ClauseID for for mapping Linguisitc Annotation of the Greek New Testament's data
  3. editions having the same word [B=Byzantine, I=NIV Greek, N=NA27, M=NA28 where words are different from NA27, R=Textus Receptus, S=SBLGNT, T=Tregelles's GNT, W=Westcott-Hort, H=Tydale House GNT]
  4. unaccented word
  5. accented word
  6. transliteration
  7. modern pronunciation
  8. Tyndale House's extended Strong's number
  9. morphology code
  10. description on morphology
  11. lemma
  12. Tyndale House's English gloss
  13. Louw-Nida numbers
  14. Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers
  15. BDAG catchwords
  16. EDNT catchwords
  17. variant(s), if any

    Enhanced features are gradually integrated in this file.

    Remarks: 12 lines in the file OpenGNT.csv are redundant for formatting the text of OpenGNT. They are inserted only for mapping OpenText's annotation data. Each of these lines starts with a OpenGNT id ended with a letter "o", ie. 140388o, 140395o, 140633o, 141933o, 141944o, 142827o, 143269o, 143417o, 146056o, 146353o, 146651o, 146655o.


All files produced by this project are released under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 with additional specified relaxations

You are allowed to use or distribute OpenGNT materials for non-commercial purpose (formatting is allowed, without changes in mapping data).

You are required to quote the following information, when any parts of OpenGNT materials are integrated in your own work or distributed:

Open Greek New Testament Project
Developer: Eliran Wong [Contact;],
Source at

Credits of original TANTT data:

"Tyndale House, Cambridge" [],
and "STEP Bible" []
and source at

[Remarks: Please include all links available in the credit information above.]


The text of OpenGNT is largely developed from a scholarly database, "TANTT - Tyndale Amalgamated NT Tagged texts".

Read in folder "From_TANTT_to_OpenGNT" for an introduction of TANTT and additional content, introduced by OpenGNT.

Comparison between OpenGNT and NA28

Read more in folder "CompareOpenGNTwithNA28"

Enhancement / Forthcoming additions:

Modules for Software Applications

Modules based on OpenGNT project are released gradually for use with bible applications. They are made available in folder "Modules_for_Bible_Applications"

If you are a software developer and interested in this project, you are welcomed to contact Eliran Wong.