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G1 Alpha; the first letter of the Greek alphabet.
G2 Aaron, son of Amram and Jochebed, brother of Moses.
G3 Abaddon, Destroyer (i.e. Destroying Angel) or place of destruction (personified).
G4 Not burdensome, bringing no weight or oppression upon.
G5 Abba, Father.
G6 Abel, second son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain.
G7 Abijah, (a) a king, son of Rehoboam, (b) founder of the eighth class of priests.
G8 Abiathar, a priest in King David's time.
G9 The Abilenian territory, the territory of Abila (in Syria), a small principality in the mountains of Damascus.
G10 Abiud, son of Zerubbabel and father of Eliakim.
G11 Abraham, progenitor of the Hebrew race.
G12 The abyss, unfathomable depth, an especially Jewish conception, the home of the dead and of evil spirits.
G13 Agabus, a Christian prophet.
G14 To work that which is good, perform good deeds.
G15 To do that which is good.
G16 The doing of that which is good, well-doing.
G17 A doer of that which is good.
G18 Intrinsically good, good in nature, good whether it be seen to be so or not, the widest and most colorless of all words with this meaning.
G19 Intrinsic goodness, especially as a personal quality, with stress on the kindly (rather than the righteous) side of goodness.
G20 Wild joy, ecstatic delight, exultation, exhilaration.
G21 To exult, to be full of joy.
G22 Unmarried, of a person not in a state of wedlock, whether he or she has formerly been married or not.
G23 To be angry, incensed.
G24 Feeling of anger, indignation, vexation.
G25 To love, wish well to, take pleasure in, long for; denotes the love of reason, esteem.
G26 Love, benevolence, good will, esteem; plural: love-feasts.
G27 Loved, beloved, with two special applications: the Beloved, a title of the Messiah (Christ), as beloved beyond all others by the God who sent Him; of Christians, as beloved by God, Christ, and one another.
G28 Hagar, the servant of Sarah, concubine of Abraham.
G29 To impress (into my service), send (on an errand).
G30 A vessel, flask.
G31 A message.
G32 A messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men.
G34 A flock, herd.
G35 Of unrecorded genealogy, whose descent cannot be traced.
G36 Literal: without family, hence: ignoble, base.
G37 To make holy, treat as holy, set apart as holy, sanctify, hallow, purify.
G38 The process of making or becoming holy, set apart, sanctification, holiness, consecration.
G40 Set apart by (or for) God, holy, sacred.
G41 Holiness, sanctity, as an abstract quality.
G42 A holy or sanctified state.
G43 An arm, especially as bent to receive a burden.
G44 A fish-hook.
G45 An anchor.
G46 Unshrunk, new.
G47 Purity, chastity.
G48 To cleanse, purify, either ceremonially, actually, or morally.
G49 (ceremonial) purification.
G50 To not know, to be ignorant of (a person, thing, or fact), sometimes with the idea of willful ignorance.
G51 An offence committed through ignorance, an error due to (willful or culpable) ignorance.
G52 Ignorance, inadvertence, sometimes with the idea of willful blindness.
G53 (originally, in a condition prepared for worship), pure (either ethically, or ritually, ceremonially), chaste.
G54 Purity, chastity.
G55 Purely, sincerely, with pure motives, honestly.
G56 Ignorance; specifically: willful ignorance.
G57 Unknown, unknowable.
G58 Market-place, forum, public place of assembly.
G59 To buy.
G60 A lounger in the market-place, perhaps with the idea of agitator.
G61 Catching, a catch.
G62 Unlettered, illiterate, uneducated, perhaps with the narrower idea: unacquainted with Rabbinic teaching.
G63 To spend the night in the open.
G64 To catch, capture.
G65 A wild olive tree, oleaster.
G66 Wild, fierce.
G67 Agrippa, i.e. Herod Agrippa II.
G68 A field, especially as bearing a crop; the country, lands, property in land, a country estate.
G69 To be not asleep, to be awake; especially: to be watchful, careful.
G70 The state of being awake (at night), sleeplessness, watching.
G71 To lead, lead away, bring (a person, or animal), guide, spend a day, go.
G72 A leading, guiding; hence: mode of life, conduct.
G73 An (athletic) contest; hence, a struggle (in the soul).
G74 (properly the feeling of the athlete before a contest), great fear, terror, of death; anxiety, agony.
G75 To be struggling, striving (as in an athletic contest or warfare); to contend, as with an adversary.
G76 Adam, the first man, the first parent of the human race.
G77 Without expense, for which nothing has to be paid.
G78 Addi, son of Cosam, and father of Melchi, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G79 A sister, a woman (fellow-)member of a church, a Christian woman.
G80 A brother, member of the same religious community, especially a fellow-Christian.
G81 Brotherhood (in the collective sense), the members of the Christian Church, Christendom.
G82 Unseen, not obvious, inconspicuous, indistinct.
G83 The quality of being unseen (of disappearing), indefiniteness, uncertainty.
G84 Out of sight, obscurely, inconspicuously, uncertainly, without certain aim.
G85 To feel fear, lack courage, to be distressed, troubled.
G86 Hades, the unseen world.
G87 Without uncertainty, unambiguous, undivided, whole-hearted.
G88 Unceasing, unremitting.
G89 Unceasingly, without remission.
G91 To act unjustly towards, injure, harm.
G92 A legal wrong, crime (with which one is charged), misdeed, crime against God, a sin.
G93 Injustice, unrighteousness, hurt.
G94 Unjust, unrighteous, wicked.
G95 Unjustly, undeservedly.
G96 Failing to pass the test, unapproved, counterfeit.
G97 Unadulterated, pure, guileless.
G98 Belonging to Adramyttium, a port in Mysia, in Asia Minor.
G99 The Hadria, a name given by sailors not merely to the Adriatic Sea, to which it properly belonged, but also to the open Mediterranean to the south-east of Italy, to the sea that lay between Malta, Italy, Greece, and Crete.
G100 Lavishness, lavish generosity, abundance, bounty.
G101 To be impossible; to be unable.
G102 Of persons: incapable; of things: impossible; either the inability, or that which is impossible.
G103 To sing.
G104 Always, unceasingly, perpetually; on every occasion.
G105 An eagle, bird of prey.
G106 Unleavened, the paschal feast (a feast of the Hebrews); fig: uncorrupted, sincere.
G107 Azor, son of Eliakim and father of Zadok, an ancestor of Jesus.
G108 Azotus, Ashdod, a coast town of Palestine belonging to the ancient Philistia, and part of Herod's kingdom.
G109 Air, the lower air we breathe.
G110 Immortality, imperishability, freedom from death.
G111 Illegal, unlawful, criminal, lawless.
G112 Without god, without (the only true) God, godless.
G113 Lawless, unrestrained, licentious.
G114 To annul, make of no effect, set aside, ignore, slight; to break faith with.
G115 Annulment, nullification, abrogation.
G116 Athens, the intellectual capital of Greece.
G117 Athenian, belonging to Athens.
G118 To engage, compete, in an (athletic) contest.
G119 A struggling (as in an athletic contest).
G120 To lose heart, to be despondent, to be disheartened.
G121 (sometimes: unpunished), guiltless, innocent.
G122 Of a goat.
G123 Sea-coast, (sandy) beach; shore (of sea or lake), land.
G124 Egyptian.
G125 Egypt.
G126 Eternal, everlasting.
G127 Shame, modesty.
G128 An Ethiopian, Abyssinian.
G129 Blood (especially as shed).
G130 A shedding or pouring forth of blood (in sacrifice).
G131 To suffer from a continual flow (oozing) of blood.
G132 Aeneas, a citizen of Lydda.
G133 Praise, commendation.
G134 To praise.
G135 A riddle, an enigma.
G136 Praise.
G137 Aenon; Eusebius and Jerome place this site 8 (Roman) miles south of Scythopolis near the Jordan.
G138 To choose, prefer.
G139 A self-chosen opinion, a religious or philosophical sect, discord or contention.
G140 To choose.
G141 Disposed to form sects, sectarian, heretical, factious.
G142 To raise, lift up, take away, remove.
G143 To perceive, understand.
G144 Perception, understanding, discernment.
G145 Perceptive faculty.
G146 Greedy, fond of base gain.
G147 Greedily, in a spirit of eagerness for base gain.
G148 Filthy speech, foul language.
G150 Base, disgraceful.
G151 Obscenity, indecency, baseness.
G152 Shame, shamefacedness, shameful deeds.
G153 To be ashamed, to be put to shame.
G154 To ask, request, petition, demand.
G155 A petition, request.
G156 A cause, reason, excuse; a charge, accusation; guilt; circumstances, case.
G157 A charge, accusation, complaint.
G159 The cause, author; the culprit, the accused; the crime.
G160 Unexpected, sudden.
G161 Captivity; a captive multitude.
G162 To take captive, captivate.
G163 To take captive (in war); to subdue, ensnare.
G164 A captive (in war), a prisoner.
G165 An age, a cycle (of time), especially of the present age as contrasted with the future age, and of one of a series of ages stretching to infinity.
G166 Age-long, and therefore: practically eternal, unending; partaking of the character of that which lasts for an age, as contrasted with that which is brief and fleeting.
G167 Uncleanness, impurity.
G169 Unclean, impure.
G170 To be without a suitable opportunity.
G171 Unseasonably, out of due season, inopportunely.
G172 Innocent, guileless, simple.
G173 A thorn-bush, prickly plant; a thorn.
G174 Made of thorns.
G175 Unfruitful, barren, profitless.
G176 Not open to just rebuke; irreprehensible.
G177 Unveiled, uncovered.
G178 Uncondemned, not yet tried.
G179 Indissoluble, that cannot be broken up.
G180 Not ceasing from, not abandoning (giving up).
G181 Disturbance, upheaval, revolution, almost anarchy, first in the political, and thence in the moral sphere.
G182 Unsettled, unstable (though these are hardly strong enough equivalents), almost anarchic.
G184 Akeldama (in Aramaic: field of blood).
G185 (literal: unmixed) simple, unsophisticated, sincere, blameless.
G186 Unbent, unyielding, resolute, firm.
G187 To reach maturity, become ripe, to be in full vigor.
G188 Even now.
G189 Hearing, faculty of hearing, ear; report, rumor.
G190 To accompany, attend, follow.
G191 To hear, listen, comprehend by hearing; pass: is heard, reported.
G192 Incontinence, intemperance (in wide sense), lack of restraint.
G193 Lacking self-control, powerless, inclined to excess.
G194 Unmixed, undiluted, pure.
G195 Strictness, accuracy, exactness, attention to detail, scrupulousness.
G196 Most exact, strict.
G198 To learn carefully, inquire with exactness.
G199 Carefully, exactly, strictly, distinctly.
G200 A locust.
G201 Auditorium, recitation hall, court room (for hearing cases).
G202 A hearer.
G203 (a technical word of Jewish use) foreskin, prepuce: used sometimes as a slang term by Jews, of Gentiles.
G204 In the corner (of a building); corner-(stone).
G205 (literal: top of a heap), firstfruits, spoil, treasure (taken in war).
G206 The end, extremity.
G207 The Greek way of writing the Latin Aquila, a male proper name; the husband of Priscilla (Prisca), and a Jew, of a family belonging to Pontus.
G208 To annul, make of no effect, cancel.
G209 (characteristic of legal documents), without hindrance, freely.
G210 Unwilling, generally used where English would express by an adverb: unwillingly.
G211 A phial or bottle of perfumed ointment, usually of alabaster.
G212 Boasting, show, arrogant display, ostentation; plural: occasions of ostentation.
G213 A boaster, one who gives one's self airs in a loud and flaunting way.
G214 To cry aloud, raise a war-cry; a clanging or clashing cymbal.
G215 Unutterable, that baffles words, unexpressed.
G216 Unable to speak or articulate; speechless.
G217 Salt.
G218 To anoint: festivally, in homage, medicinally, or in anointing the dead.
G219 The cockcrow, as a period of time, between midnight and 3 a.m.
G220 A rooster.
G221 An Alexandrian, a native (or resident) of Alexandria in Egypt.
G222 Alexandrian, belonging to Alexandria in Egypt.
G223 Alexander, a name of Greek origin, (a) son of Simon of Cyrene, (b) the High Priest's kinsman, (c) an Ephesian Jew, (d) the coppersmith.
G224 Meal, flour.
G225 Truth, but not merely truth as spoken; truth of idea, reality, sincerity, truth in the moral sphere, divine truth revealed to man, straightforwardness.
G226 To say (speak) truth, do truth, maintain truth (the truth).
G227 Unconcealed, true, true in fact, worthy of credit, truthful.
G228 True (literal: made of truth), real, genuine.
G229 To grind.
G230 Truly, really, certainly, surely.
G231 A fisherman.
G232 To fish.
G233 To salt, sprinkle with salt (of sacrifices or of those who offer sacrifice), keep fresh and sound, and so acceptable to God.
G234 Pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).
G235 But, except, however, rather, on the contrary.
G236 To change, alter, exchange, transform.
G237 From another place, by another way.
G238 To speak allegorically.
G239 Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.
G240 One another, each other.
G241 Of another nation, a foreigner.
G242 To leap, leap up; of water: to spring up, bubble up.
G243 Other, another (of more than two), different.
G244 One who meddles in things alien to his calling or in matters belonging to others; factious.
G245 Belonging to another person, belonging to others, foreign, strange.
G246 Foreign, of another tribe or race.
G247 Otherwise, things that are otherwise.
G248 To thresh (wheat).
G249 Without reason, irrational; contrary to reason, absurd.
G250 Aloes, the powdered fragrant aloe wood.
G251 Salt.
G252 Salty, saltine, bitter.
G253 Free from pain (grief, trouble).
G254 A (light) chain, bond.
G255 Profitless, unprofitable, ruinous, detrimental.
G256 Alphaeus; apparently two persons, (a) father of Levi, and (b) father of James.
G257 A threshing-floor.
G258 A fox; a crafty person.
G259 Capture, capturing.
G260 At the same time, therewith, along with, together with.
G261 Unlearned, ignorant.
G262 Unfading, fadeless, enduring.
G263 Unfading, enduring.
G264 Originally: to miss the mark, hence (a) to make a mistake, (b) to sin, commit a sin (against God); sometimes the idea of sinning against a fellow-creature is present.
G265 A fault, sin, evil deed.
G266 Properly: missing the mark; hence: (a) guilt, sin, (b) a fault, failure (in an ethical sense), sinful deed.
G267 Without witness, not testified to.
G268 Sinning, sinful, depraved, detestable.
G269 Peaceable, abstaining from fighting, not contentious.
G270 To mow, reap, collect.
G271 Amethyst (a kind of rock crystal: the best specimens are the color of unmixed wine, whence perhaps the name), believed to stave off drunkenness.
G272 To neglect, to be careless of, disregard.
G273 Blameless, free from fault or defect.
G274 Blamelessly.
G275 Free from anxiety (though anxiety is rather too strong a word) or care.
G276 Unchanged, unchangeable.
G277 Immovable, firm.
G278 Not to be repented of, about which no change of mind can take place, not affected by change of mind.
G279 Unrepentant, impenitent.
G280 Not measurable, immeasurable, to a limitless degree.
G281 Verily, truly, amen; at the end of sentences may be paraphrased by: So let it be.
G282 (literal: motherless), whose mother's name is not recorded (or known).
G283 Undefiled, untainted, free from contamination.
G284 Amminadab, son of Ram and father of Nahshon, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G285 Sand, sandy ground.
G286 A lamb (as a type of innocence, and with sacrificial connotation).
G287 Requital, recompense.
G288 A vine, grape-vine.
G289 A vine-dresser, gardener.
G290 A vineyard.
G291 Ampliatus (Amplias), a male member of the church at Rome, probably of the imperial household.
G292 To ward off, defend oneself against, resist, defend, assist.
G293 Properly: something thrown around; a fishing-net, drag-net.
G294 To put on, clothe.
G295 Amphipolis, a leading city of Macedonia.
G296 Properly: a road around anything; the street of a village.
G297 Both (of two).
G298 Without blame or fault, unblemished.
G299 Blameless, without blemish, unblemished, faultless.
G301 Amos, son of Manasseh and father of Josiah, an ancestor of Jesus.
G302 An untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood.
G303 Prep. Rare in NT; prop: upwards, up; among, between; in turn; apiece, by; as a prefix: up, to, anew, back.
G304 A step, a flight of steps; the well-known stairs leading up from the temple to the tower of Antonia at Jerusalem.
G305 To go up, mount, ascend; of things: to rise, spring up, come up.
G306 To postpone, defer, especially: to postpone the trial of.
G307 To draw up, as a net to shore.
G308 To look up, recover my sight.
G309 Recovery of sight.
G310 To shout upwards, cry out, raise my voice.
G311 Postponement, delay, putting off.
G312 To bring back word, report; to announce, declare.
G313 To beget again, beget into a new life.
G314 To read, know again, know certainly, recognize, discern.
G315 To force, compel, constrain, urge.
G316 Necessary, essential, intimate, right, proper.
G317 By way of compulsion, unwillingly, by force, necessarily.
G318 Necessity, constraint, compulsion; there is need to; force, violence.
G319 To recognize; pass: to be made known, cause oneself to be recognized.
G320 Recognition, reading; public reading (of the law and prophets in synagogue or church).
G321 To lead up, bring up, offer, produce, put to sea, set sail.
G322 To show forth, show clearly; hence: to proclaim (a person's appointment to an office), appoint.
G323 The proclamation of an appointment (to an office); perhaps rather admission to membership of a society.
G324 To welcome, receive kindly; to undertake, assume the responsibility of.
G325 To send up, deliver, hand over, yield.
G326 To come to life again, revive, regain life.
G327 To seek out, search for (implying the difficulty of the task).
G328 To gird up, brace up (with a view to active exertion); a metaphor from the girding of the flowing tunic, to prevent its hampering one in active work.
G329 To stir up the fire, fan the flame of.
G330 To thrive or flourish again, revive.
G331 A votive offering, a thing devoted to God; a curse, the thing cursed.
G332 To curse, invoke curses, devote to destruction.
G333 To look at attentively, gaze at, consider.
G334 An offering dedicated (hung up in a temple) by a worshipper; a gift or offering consecrated to God.
G335 Shamelessness, shameless persistence (e.g. in greed).
G336 Taking away (of life), killing, slaying, murder.
G337 To take up, take away the life of, make an end of, murder.
G338 Guiltless, innocent.
G339 To sit up.
G340 To make fresh again, renew, restore.
G341 To renew, make new again.
G342 Renewing; a renewal or change of heart and life.
G343 To unveil, uncover.
G344 To bend or turn back; to return.
G345 To recline, especially at a dinner-table.
G346 To sum up, summarize, recapitulate, gather up in one.
G347 To lay upon, lean against, lay down, make to recline; pass: to lie back, recline.
G349 To shout aloud, cry out.
G350 To examine, inquire into, investigate, question.
G351 Judicial examination, preliminary inquiry.
G352 To raise oneself, look up, to be elated.
G353 To take up, raise; to pick up, take on board; to carry off, lead away.
G354 A taking up, lifting up.
G355 To destroy, annihilate, expend, consume.
G356 Proportion, measure, analogy.
G357 To think upon, consider attentively.
G358 Saltless, tasteless, flat.
G359 A loosing, departing, departure (from this life); (Probably a metaphor from the yoking and unyoking of transport animals).
G360 To unloose, unloose for departure, depart, return.
G361 Without blame, faultless, unerring.
G362 To await (one whose coming is expected).
G363 To remind, admonish, to be reminded, remind myself; pass: to remember, recall.
G364 A recalling, remembrance, memory.
G365 To renew; to renew oneself, to be renewed.
G366 To become sober again, recover sound sense.
G367 Ananias, (a) husband of Sapphira, a member of the early church at Jerusalem, (b) a member of the church at Damascus, (c) the high priest at Jerusalem.
G368 Indisputable, undeniable, not to be contradicted.
G369 Without contradiction, without hesitation, promptly.
G370 Unworthy, inadequate.
G371 Unworthily, in an unworthy manner.
G372 Rest, cessation from labor, refreshment.
G373 To make to rest, give rest to; mid. and pass: to rest, take my ease.
G374 To persuade, incite, seduce, tempt.
G375 To send up (to a higher tribunal), send back.
G376 Crippled, maimed.
G377 To lie down, recline (at a dinner-table), fall back upon (the breast of another person reclining at dinner).
G378 To fill up, make up, complete the measure of, fulfill, carry out the commands (provisions, etc.) of.
G379 Without (ground of) defense, indefensible, inexcusable.
G380 To unroll, roll back, unfold.
G381 To kindle, set on fire, light.
G382 Uncountable, innumerable, that cannot be numbered.
G383 To shake up, stir up, excite.
G384 To pervert, subvert, dismantle, unsettle, overthrow, destroy.
G385 To drag up, pull up, draw up, draw out.
G386 A rising again, resurrection.
G387 (perhaps a political metaphor), to turn upside down, upset, unsettle.
G388 To impede, crucify (again).
G389 To groan or sigh deeply.
G390 To overturn; to turn back, return; to turn hither and thither; pass: to turn oneself about; to sojourn, dwell; to conduct oneself, behave, live.
G391 Dealing with other men, conduct, life, behavior, manner of life.
G392 To arrange, draw up, compose, but perhaps: to set down from memory, restore from memory.
G393 To make to rise, to rise, shine (generally of the sun).
G394 To lay (a case) before, impart, communicate, declare, relate (with a view to consulting).
G395 (a) rising of the sun, hence (b) the quarter whence the sun rises, the East.
G396 To overturn, subvert, overthrow, corrupt.
G397 To rear, bring up, nourish, educate.
G398 (a) a nautical term: to sight (a place), (b) to appear (as it were, out of the unseen), (c) to bring to light, make to appear.
G399 (a) to carry up, lead up, (b) to offer up (on a high altar) as a sacrifice, offer up to God on high.
G400 To call out, shout, exclaim.
G401 Outpouring, excess, overflow, a pouring out.
G402 To return, retire, withdraw, depart (underlying idea perhaps of taking refuge from danger or of going into retirement).
G403 A refreshing, refreshment.
G404 To refresh, revive, comfort.
G405 An enslaver, one who forcibly enslaves, a kidnapper.
G406 Andrew, brother of Simon Peter, and one of the apostles of Jesus, belonging to Bethsaida.
G407 To act like a man, to be brave.
G408 Andronicus, a member of the Roman church, and a kinsman or fellow-tribesman of Paul.
G409 A murderer, man-slayer.
G410 Irreproachable, blameless.
G411 Indescribable, that cannot be thoroughly related, inexpressible.
G412 Unspeakable.
G413 Unfailing.
G414 Endurable, tolerable.
G415 Unpitying, unmerciful, without compassion, cruel.
G416 To be blown with the wind (referring to the gentler motions of the air).
G417 The wind; fig: applied to empty doctrines.
G418 Impossible, inadmissible.
G419 That cannot be searched into, inscrutable, unfathomable.
G420 Enduring evil, patient of evil, patiently forbearing.
G421 That cannot be explored, incomprehensible.
G422 Having no cause to be ashamed.
G423 Irreproachable, never caught doing wrong.
G424 To come up, go up, ascend.
G425 Relief, remission, indulgence, freedom, rest.
G426 To examine (a person on trial, a witness) judicially (frequently by the aid of torture).
G427 Without, without the cooperation (or knowledge) of.
G428 Unfitted, unsuitable, inconvenient, not well placed.
G429 To find by seeking out, discover.
G430 To endure, bear with, have patience with, suffer, admit, persist.
G431 A cousin, nephew.
G432 Anise, dill.
G433 Is due, becoming, suitable, proper.
G434 Not tame, fierce, savage.
G435 A male human being; a man, husband.
G436 To set against; to withstand, resist, oppose.
G437 To make a mutual agreement; to confess, acknowledge, formally admit, give thanks to.
G438 Bloom, possibly a reference to the bright flowers, such as poppies (among the grass).
G439 A coal-fire, a heap of burning coals.
G440 Coal, charcoal, a burning coal.
G441 Desirous of pleasing men, a renderer of service to human beings (as opposed to God).
G442 Belonging to human beings (especially as contrasted with God), human (as contrasted with divine).
G443 A murderer, man-slayer.
G444 A man, one of the human race.
G446 A proconsul.
G447 To send up, produce, send back; to let go; to relax, loosen, hence to give up, desist from.
G448 Without mercy, merciless.
G449 Unwashed, ceremonially unclean.
G450 To raise up, set up; to rise from among (the) dead; to arise, appear.
G451 Anna, a prophetess, who visited the infant Jesus.
G452 Annas, high priest at Jerusalem.
G453 Foolish, thoughtless.
G454 Folly, madness, foolishness.
G455 To open.
G456 To rebuild, build up (what has fallen or been razed to the ground), sometimes merely: to build.
G457 The act of opening.
G458 Lawlessness, iniquity, disobedience, sin.
G459 Lawless, wicked, without law.
G460 Without law, lawlessly.
G461 To make upright (straight) again, rear again, restore.
G462 Unholy, profane.
G463 Forbearance, suspense or delay (of punishment), patience.
G464 To resist, strive against, contend.
G465 An exchange, purchasing price.
G466 To fill up in place of someone else, complete, supply.
G467 To give in return, recompense.
G468 A gift in return (for another), a return, recompense, requital.
G469 A reward, recompense.
G470 To contradict, reply against, give a hostile answer.
G472 To hold against; to withstand; to hold out against, hold firmly to, cleave to.
G473 (a) instead of, in return for, over against, opposite, in exchange for, as a substitute for, (b) on my behalf, (c) wherefore, because.
G474 To throw at in opposition, exchange (words) with, perhaps: to compare.
G475 To set oneself against, oppose.
G476 An opponent (at law), an adversary.
G477 A proposition, tenet, opinion advanced by one party against another; opposition.
G478 To resist, supersede, replace, oppose.
G479 To invite in return.
G480 To resist, oppose, withstand, lie opposite to.
G481 Right opposite, off (nautical sense), over against.
G482 To take hold of, help, share in, partake of, enjoy.
G483 To speak or say in opposition, contradict (oppose, resist).
G484 Help, ministration; one who aids.
G485 Contradiction, contention, rebellion.
G486 To abuse in return, give abuse for abuse.
G487 A ransom.
G488 To measure in return, give equivalent measure.
G489 A reward, recompense, retribution.
G490 Antioch, (a) Antioch on the river Orontes, capital of the Province Syria, (b) Pisidian Antioch, not in Pisidia, but near Pisidia, in the Roman Province Galatia.
G491 An Antiochian, an inhabitant of Antioch.
G492 To pass opposite, on the opposite side of the road.
G493 Antipas, a Christian martyr of Pergamum.
G494 Antipatris, a town, where was a Roman colony, on the road between Caesarea and Jerusalem.
G495 On the opposite side or shore.
G496 To resist, oppose, fall against or upon.
G497 To campaign against, war against.
G498 To set oneself against, resist (the attack of).
G499 Typical of, representing by type (or pattern), corresponding to, an image.
G500 Antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah.
G501 To draw (generally water from a deep well in the ground); perhaps: to draw out.
G502 What is drawn; a vessel or bucket to draw with.
G503 To face (literal: to present my eye to), resist, withstand; as nautical term: to bear up against the wind.
G504 Without water, dry; dry places, desert.
G505 Unfeigned, without hypocrisy, sincere.
G506 Not subject to rule, unruly.
G507 Up, above, up to the top, up to the brim, things above, heaven, the heavenly region.
G508 An upper room.
G509 (a) from above, from heaven, (b) from the beginning, from their origin (source), from of old, (c) again, anew.
G510 Upper, higher-lying, inland.
G511 Higher, to a more honorable place (at the dinner table); previously, in an earlier passage (or a book), above.
G512 Useless, unprofitable.
G513 An axe.
G514 Worthy, worthy of, deserving, comparable, suitable.
G515 To account or treat as worthy.
G516 Worthily, in a manner worthy of.
G517 Unseen, invisible.
G518 To report (from one place to another), bring a report, announce, declare.
G519 To choke, strangle; to strangle or hang myself.
G520 To lead, carry, take away; to be led astray, seduced.
G521 Untrained, uneducated, showing a want of training or education, ignorant.
G522 To take away, remove; pass: to be taken away, withdrawn.
G523 To ask back, ask what is due, demand back.
G524 (literal: to cease to feel [my] pain), to be past feeling, cease to care (suggesting sometimes despair, sometimes recklessness), become callous, reckless.
G525 To free (a person) from (anything), oftener in the middle voice: to be released from, to be rid of (a person or thing), depart.
G526 To estrange, alienate; pass: to be alienated from.
G527 Soft, tender, as a shoot of a tree.
G528 To go to meet, meet, encounter.
G529 The act of meeting, to meet (a phrase seemingly almost technical for the reception of a newly arrived official).
G530 Once, once for all.
G531 Inviolable, unchangeable.
G532 Unprepared.
G533 To deny, disown, repudiate (either another person or myself), disregard.
G535 Completion, perfection.
G536 The firstfruits, the earliest crop of the year, for example, of the earliest converts in a district; there is evidence in favor of rendering in some passages merely by: sacrifice, gift.
G537 All, the whole, altogether.
G538 To deceive, cheat, lead into error.
G539 Deceit, deception, deceitfulness, delusion.
G540 Without (recorded) father, of unknown father.
G541 A light flashing forth (from), radiation, gleam.
G543 Willful unbelief, obstinacy, disobedience.
G544 To disobey, rebel, to be disloyal, refuse conformity.
G545 Unbelieving, disobedient, who will not be persuaded.
G546 To threaten, forbid by threatening.
G547 A threatening, threat.
G548 To be absent.
G549 To go away, depart.
G550 To renounce, disown, forbid, refuse.
G551 Untried, inexperienced, untempted, incapable of being tempted.
G552 Inexperienced, unskillful, ignorant.
G553 To expect eagerly, wait for eagerly, look for.
G554 To strip, divest, renounce.
G555 A putting off (as of a garment), a casting off.
G556 To drive away.
G557 Refutation, rejection, hence: disrepute, contempt.
G558 A freedman, one who has been a slave but has been manumitted by his master.
G559 Apelles, a Christian (man) in Rome.
G560 To give up in despair, despair of; to hope to receive from or in return.
G561 Against, over against, opposite, in view of, in the presence of.
G562 Unaccomplished, unending, endless.
G563 Without distraction, without being distracted.
G564 Uncircumcised.
G565 To come or go away from, depart, return, arrive, go after, follow.
G568 To have in full, to be far, it is enough.
G569 To be unfaithful, disbelieve, refuse belief, prove false.
G570 Unbelief, unfaithfulness, distrust.
G571 Unbelieving, incredulous, unchristian; sometimes unbeliever.
G572 Simplicity, sincerity, purity, graciousness.
G573 Single, simple, sound, perfect.
G574 Simply, sincerely, graciously, bountifully.
G575 From, away from.
G576 To go or come out of, disembark, turn out, result, become, happen.
G577 To throw away from, throw overboard, cast aside.
G578 To look away from all else at one object, look steadfastly.
G579 Worthy to be cast away, worthless, regarded as vile.
G580 A casting away, rejection, a loss.
G581 To be away, to be removed from, depart life, die.
G582 An enrollment, census-taking, record.
G583 To enroll, inscribe in a register; to give my name for registration (or census-taking).
G584 To show by proof, demonstrate, set forth, proclaim to an officer.
G585 Demonstration, proof; a showing off.
G586 To take off (deduct) a tenth part (of my property) (and give it away), pay tithe.
G587 Worthy to be received (welcomed), acceptable, welcome, pleasant.
G588 To receive, welcome, entertain (with hospitality), embrace.
G589 To be away from home, go into another country, to be away, to be abroad.
G590 Away from home, sojourning in another country.
G591 (a) to give back, return, restore, (b) to give, render, as due, (c) to sell.
G592 To make a logical distinction, make an invidious distinction.
G593 To reject after testing (examination), disqualify.
G594 (properly: reception, welcome, of guests), acceptance, appreciation, approbation.
G595 A putting off, a laying down.
G596 A repository, granary, barn, storehouse.
G597 To store up, treasure up.
G598 (literal: to rub), jostle, press hard, crowd.
G599 To be dying, to be about to die, wither, decay.
G600 To set up again, restore to its original position or condition; hence: to restore, give back.
G601 To uncover, bring to light, reveal.
G602 An unveiling, uncovering, revealing, revelation.
G603 Eager expectation.
G604 To reconcile, change from one state of feeling to another.
G605 Restitution, reestablishment, restoration.
G606 To have been put away, to be stored, to be reserved for.
G607 To behead.
G608 To shut fast, close, shut up.
G609 To smite, cut off, cut loose; to emasculate, castrate, mutilate myself.
G610 An answer, a judicial decision.
G611 To answer, reply, take up the conversation.
G612 An answer, reply.
G613 To hide away, conceal, keep secret.
G614 Hidden away, secret, stored up.
G615 To put to death, kill; fig: to abolish.
G616 To bring forth, give birth to (a child), a medical or physical word, marking the close of pregnancy.
G617 To roll away.
G618 (a) to get back, receive back, (b) to get (receive) as due (deserved), (c) to draw aside, separate.
G619 The faculty or experience of enjoyment.
G620 To leave, leave behind; pass: to be reserved, remain; to desert, abandon.
G621 To lick off, lick clean, lick up.
G622 (a) to kill, destroy, (b) to lose, to be perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).
G623 Apollyon, The Destroying One, a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon.
G624 Apollonia, a city of Macedonia.
G625 Apollos, a Jew of Alexandria.
G626 To give a defense, defend oneself (especially in a law court): it can take an object of what is said in defense.
G627 A verbal defense (particularly in a law court).
G628 To wash off, to wash away (my sins, in baptism).
G629 Release effected by payment of ransom; redemption, deliverance.
G630 To release, let go, send away, divorce, to be rid; to depart.
G631 To wipe off, wipe clean; to wipe oneself off.
G632 To assign, apportion, render what is due.
G633 To wash dirt off.
G634 To fall away (from), fall off.
G635 To cause to go astray; pass: to be led astray.
G636 To sail away.
G638 (a) to suffocate, choke, drown, (b) to stop the growth of.
G639 To be at a loss, to be perplexed; to be in doubt.
G640 Perplexity, anxiety, doubt.
G641 To throw away from, throw overboard.
G642 To separate from someone, to be bereaved.
G643 To prepare for a journey, depart.
G644 Either a shadow cast by an object, or a faint image or copy of an object.
G645 Literal: to wrench away from, drag away, but perhaps sometimes in the well-attested weakened sense: to be parted or withdrawn.
G646 Defection, apostasy, revolt.
G647 Repudiation, divorce; bill of divorce.
G648 To take the roof off.
G649 To send forth, send (as a messenger, commission, etc.), send away, dismiss.
G650 To defraud, deprive of, despoil; to endure deprivation; pass: to be bereft of.
G651 Commission, duty of apostle, apostleship.
G652 A messenger, envoy, delegate, one commissioned by another to represent him in some way, especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel; an apostle.
G653 To draw out by questioning.
G654 To turn away, pervert, remove; to restore, replace; to desert, reject.
G655 To detest, abhor.
G656 Away from the synagogue, expelled from the synagogue, excommunicated.
G657 To withdraw from, take leave of, renounce, send away.
G658 To complete, accomplish, form fully, perfect, bring to maturity.
G659 To lay off or aside, renounce, stow away, put.
G660 To shake off.
G661 To repay, pay what is due (by way of punishment or fine), make good.
G662 To assume boldness.
G663 (literal: sheerness, of a rock), abruptness, harshness, severity, rigor.
G664 Sharply, severely.
G665 To turn away from, shun.
G666 Absence, deficiency, waste.
G667 To carry, bear away (sometimes with violence).
G668 To flee from, escape.
G669 To speak out, declare.
G670 To unload, discharge.
G671 Using up, abuse, misuse.
G672 To go away, depart, withdraw.
G673 To separate from; to part; pass: to be swept aside.
G674 To faint, breathe out life, die, to be dismayed.
G675 The township Appi Forum on the Appian Way, 43 Roman miles from Rome, was named.
G676 Unapproachable.
G677 (free from hurt or harm, hence) not offending, not causing offence, blameless.
G678 (literary and Jewish), without any preference (undue favor, partiality) for a person.
G679 Without stumbling or falling, sure-footed.
G680 Properly: to fasten to; to lay hold of, touch, know carnally.
G681 To kindle, light.
G682 Apphia, a Christian lady of Colossae, either wife or sister of Philemon.
G683 To push (thrust) away, repulse, reject, refuse.
G684 Destruction, ruin, loss, perishing; eternal ruin.
G685 A prayer; more commonly: a prayer for evil, a curse, imprecation.
G686 Then, therefore, since.
G687 A particle asking a question, to which a negative answer is expected.
G688 Arabia, the district south of Palestine.
G689 Ram, son of Hezron and father of Amminadab.
G690 An Arabian.
G691 To linger, delay, to be idle.
G692 Idle, lazy, thoughtless, unprofitable, injurious.
G693 Made of silver.
G694 Silver, a piece of silver, a shekel, money in general.
G695 (literal: silver-cutter), a silversmith.
G696 Silver as a metal.
G697 Areopagus, or Mars Hill, an open space on a hill in Athens where the supreme court was held.
G698 Member of the Council of the Areopagus, an Areopagite.
G699 Pleasing, willing service.
G700 To please, with the idea of willing service rendered to others; hence almost: to serve.
G701 Pleasing, satisfactory, acceptable.
G702 Aretas IV, King of the Nabataeans.
G703 Goodness, a gracious act, virtue, uprightness.
G704 A lamb, sheep.
G705 To number, count.
G706 A number, total.
G707 Arimathea, a place in Palestine.
G708 Aristarchus, a Christian, belonging to Thessalonica in Macedonia.
G709 To breakfast, dine.
G710 On the left hand.
G711 Aristobulus, a Christian in Rome.
G712 Breakfast or a mid-day meal.
G713 Sufficient, enough.
G714 To keep off, assist; to suffice; pass: to be satisfied.
G715 A bear.
G716 A chariot, vehicle.
G717 Armageddon.
G718 To fit, join; (the middle indicating deep personal interest) to espouse, betroth; to take a wife, give in marriage.
G719 A joint of the body.
G720 (a) to deny (a statement), (b) to repudiate (a person, or belief).
G721 (originally: a little lamb, but diminutive force was lost), a lamb.
G722 To plow.
G723 A plow.
G724 The act of plundering; plunder, spoil, robbery.
G725 Spoil, an object of eager desire, a prize.
G726 To seize, snatch, obtain by robbery.
G727 Rapacious, ravenous; a robber, an extortioner.
G728 An earnest, earnest-money, a large part of the payment, given in advance as a security that the whole will be paid afterwards.
G729 Not sewed, seamless.
G730 Male.
G731 Not to be uttered (because too sacred), secret, unspeakable, unspoken.
G732 Infirm, sick, ill, feeble, sickly.
G733 A male engaging in same-gender sexual activity; a sodomite, pederast.
G734 Artemas, a Christian in Rome.
G735 Artemis, a goddess, worshipped principally at Ephesus, typifying fertility (she had no relation with the other Artemis, the maiden huntress, to whom corresponded the Latin Diana).
G736 A foresail, set on the bow.
G737 Now, just now, at this moment.
G738 Newly begotten, newly born.
G739 Perfect, complete, fitted, ready.
G740 Bread, a loaf, food.
G741 Properly: to arrange, make ready; to season, flavor.
G742 Arphaxad, son of Shem, and father of Cainan.
G743 A ruler of angels, a superior angel, an archangel.
G744 Original, primitive, ancient.
G745 Archelaus, Herod Archelaus, son and successor of Herod I, reigned over Judea from 4 B.C. to A.D. 6 and died before A.D. 18.
G746 (a) rule (kingly or magisterial), (b) plural: in a quasi-personal sense, almost: rulers, magistrates, (c) beginning.
G747 Originator, author, founder, prince, leader.
G748 High priestly, to which the chief priest belongs.
G749 High priest, chief priest.
G750 The chief shepherd.
G751 Archippus, a Christian of Colossae.
G752 A leader of the synagogue, a leader connected with the synagogue: sometimes there was only one, and the name was in some cases merely honorary.
G753 Master-builder, architect.
G754 Head of a custom-house, chief tax-gatherer or publican.
G755 Master of ceremonies at a dinner, master of the feast.
G756 To begin.
G757 To reign, rule.
G758 A ruler, governor, leader, leading man; with the Jews, an official member (a member of the executive) of the assembly of elders.
G759 Spice, perfume.
G760 Asa, son of Abijah and father of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah about 900 B.C. for 41 years.
G761 Unshaken, immovable.
G762 Inextinguishable, unquenchable.
G763 Impiety, irreverence, ungodliness, wickedness.
G764 To be ungodly, act profanely.
G765 Impious, ungodly, wicked.
G766 (outrageous conduct, conduct shocking to public decency, a wanton violence), wantonness, lewdness.
G767 (literal: unmarked, unstamped), undistinguished, obscure, unknown.
G768 Asher, one of the sons of Jacob, and founder of one of the Twelve Tribes.
G769 Want of strength, weakness, illness, suffering, calamity, frailty.
G770 To be weak (physically: then morally), to be sick.
G771 Weakness, infirmity, doubt, hesitation.
G772 (literal: not strong), (a) weak (physically, or morally), (b) infirm, sick.
G773 The Roman province of Asia, roughly the western third of Asia Minor.
G774 Belonging to the Roman province Asia.
G775 An Asiarch, an official connected with the worship of Rome and the Emperor in the Roman province Asia.
G776 Either: lack or wheat, lack of food (the literal meaning), or: abstinence from food, a fast, loss of appetite, sea-sickness (the extended meaning).
G777 Fasting, without eating.
G778 To train, practice, exercise.
G779 A wine-skin, leather bottle.
G780 Joyfully, with delight, gladly.
G781 Unskilled, unwise, foolish.
G782 To greet, salute, pay my respects to, welcome.
G783 A greeting, salutation.
G784 Unstained, undefiled, spotless, pure.
G785 An asp (hooded-snake, cobra).
G786 Implacable, not to be bound by truce.
G787 A small coin equal to the tenth part of a drachma.
G788 Nearer, close by.
G789 Assos, a port of Mysia, in the Roman province Asia.
G790 To be unsettled, have no fixed abode, lead a vagabond life.
G791 (literal: belonging to the city; then: witty, clever), elegant, pretty, fair, fine, beautiful.
G792 A star.
G793 (literal: unpropped), unsteady, unstable, unsettled.
G794 Unloving, devoid of affection.
G795 To miss the mark, miss my aim, make a false aim, fail.
G796 A flash of lightning, brightness, luster.
G797 To flash (with, then like, lightning), to be lustrous.
G798 A star.
G799 Asyncritus, a Christian in Rome.
G800 Dissonant, discordant; at variance.
G801 Unintelligent, without wisdom, unwise, undiscerning (implying probably moral defect).
G802 Not covenanting, untrue to an agreement, treacherous.
G803 Safety, security, reliability, firmness.
G804 (literal: unfailing), safe, reliable, trustworthy, certain, sure.
G805 To make safe (secure, fast).
G806 Safely, securely, assuredly, certainly.
G807 To act improperly, to be unseemly, behave unbecomingly (or even dishonorably); perhaps: to consider (something) unseemly.
G808 Unseemly behavior, unseemliness, indecency, shame, nakedness, an indecent (lewd) act.
G809 Unseemly, indecent.
G810 Wantonness, profligacy, wastefulness.
G811 Prodigally, with prodigal living, wastefully.
G812 (literal: to march out of order; then: to riot, rebel), behave disorderly, neglect my duty, to be careless (or idle) in habits.
G813 (literal: out of order), disorderly, slack (in performance of duty).
G814 In a disorderly manner, irregularly.
G815 Childless.
G816 To direct my gaze, look steadily.
G817 Apart from, without.
G818 To disgrace, treat disgracefully, dishonor, insult; to despise.
G819 Disgrace, dishonor; a dishonorable use.
G820 Without honor, despised.
G822 Breath, steam, vapor.
G823 (literal: that cannot be cut), an indivisible part of time, a moment.
G824 (literal: out of place, unusual, unbecoming), improper, unrighteous, perverse.
G825 Attalia, the port of Perga in Pamphylia.
G826 To flash, gleam, shine forth, appear white, bright; but perhaps: to see, see clearly, discern.
G827 Brightness, daylight, dawn.
G828 Augustus, a title conferred on the first Roman Emperor, C. Iulius Octauianus, denoting sanctity (almost divinity).
G829 Self-satisfied, arrogant, stubborn.
G830 Of one's own accord, self-chosen.
G831 To domineer, govern, have mastery over.
G832 To play the flute, pipe.
G833 Court-yard, fore-court, sheep-fold; but it may be understood as: palace, house.
G834 A flute-player.
G835 To lodge in the open, lodge, pass the night.
G836 A flute, pipe.
G837 (a) to cause to increase, become greater (b) to increase, grow.
G838 Increasing, increase, growth.
G839 Tomorrow.
G840 Grim, severe, strict, exacting, harsh, rigid.
G841 Self-sufficiency, independence, contentment.
G842 Self-sufficient, contented, satisfied, independent.
G843 (perhaps a new coinage), self-condemned.
G844 Of its own accord.
G845 An eye-witness.
G846 He, she, it, they, them, same.
G847 Here, there.
G848 Her own, his own, their own, themselves, they.
G849 With one's own hand.
G850 (poetical, literal: dry and parched; then: squalid and rough), dingy, murky, obscure, dark, funereal.
G851 To take away, smite off.
G852 Invisible, unseen, hidden.
G853 To cause to disappear, hide, remove; to disfigure (probably by leaving unwashed for a long period), destroy.
G854 Disappearing, disappearance, obliteration.
G855 Disappearing, invisible, hidden.
G856 A drain, latrine.
G857 Severity, severe treatment.
G858 Simplicity, sincerity.
G859 A sending away, a letting go, a release, pardon, complete forgiveness.
G860 A band, fastening (hence, possibly: a ligament), joint.
G861 Indestructibility, incorruptibility; hence: immortality.
G862 Indestructible, imperishable, incorruptible; hence: immortal.
G863 (a) to send away, (b) to let go, release, permit to depart, (c) to remit, forgive, (d) to permit, suffer.
G864 To arrive at, reach, come to.
G865 Not loving that which is good.
G866 Not loving money, not avaricious.
G867 Arrival, departure.
G868 To make to stand away, draw away, repel, take up a position away from, withdraw from, leave, abstain from.
G869 Suddenly.
G870 Fearlessly, shamelessly, securely, tranquilly.
G871 To assimilate, make like to.
G872 To look away from (something else) to, see distinctly.
G873 To rail off, separate, place apart.
G874 (a) a starting, a start, (b) cause, occasion, opportunity.
G875 To foam (at the mouth), froth.
G876 Foam, froth.
G877 Want of sense, foolishness, impiety, wickedness.
G878 Senseless, foolish, inconsiderate.
G879 To fall asleep.
G880 Soundless, voiceless, speechless, dumb.
G881 Ahaz, son of Jotham and father of Hezekiah.
G882 The Roman Province Achaia, governed by a proconsul, and practically conterminous with modern Greece before 1912.
G883 Achaicus, a Corinthian Christian.
G884 Ungrateful, ungracious, unpleasing.
G885 Achim, son of Zadok and father of Eliud.
G886 Not made with hands.
G887 A mist, dimness, darkening.
G888 Unprofitable, useless, unworthy.
G889 (literal: to become sour, to turn, of milk), to be good for nothing, render useless; to become corrupt.
G890 Unprofitable, useless, detrimental.
G891 As far as, up to, until, during.
G892 Chaff.
G893 Not guilty of falsehood, truthful.
G894 Wormwood.
G895 Lifeless, inanimate.
G896 Baal, chief deity of the Phoenicians and other Semitic nations.
G897 (a) Babylon, the ancient city on the Euphrates, to which the people of Jerusalem, etc., were transported, (b) hence allegorically of Rome, from the point of view of the Christian people.
G898 A step (of a stairway); hence: a stage in a career, a position.
G899 Depth; deep water; fullness, immensity; an extreme degree; profundities, deep-laid plans.
G900 To deepen, excavate.
G901 Deep; in the depths of the early morning, while still very early; profound.
G902 A palm branch.
G903 Balaam, son of Beor of Pethor on the Euphrates, a soothsayer in the Old Testament.
G904 Balak, son of Zippor, King of Moab.
G905 A purse, money-bag.
G906 (a) to cast, throw, rush, (b) often, in the weaker sense: to place, put, drop.
G907 Literal: to dip, submerge, but specifically of ceremonial dipping; to baptize.
G908 The rite or ceremony of baptism.
G909 Dipping, washing (of a ceremonial character).
G910 The baptizer, the Baptist, epithet used only of John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, forerunner of Jesus.
G911 (a) to dip, (b) to dye.
G912 Barabbas.
G913 Barak, one of the judges of Israel.
G914 Barachiah; his identity is uncertain, perhaps father of the Zechariah killed by the Zealots in the last Jewish War.
G915 A foreigner, barbarian one who speaks neither Greek nor Latin; as adj: foreign.
G916 To weight, load, burden.
G917 Heavily, with difficulty.
G918 Bartholomew, surname of Nathanael, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
G919 Bar-Jesus, the name of the magician and false prophet at Paphos in Cyprus; he is also called Elymas.
G920 Bar-Jonas, son of Jonas, the surname of Simon Peter.
G921 Barnabas, a Cypriote Jew, uncle of John Mark; his other name was Joseph.
G922 A weight, burden.
G923 Barsabbas, son of Sabbas, a surname of Joseph and Judas.
G924 Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus.
G926 Heavy, weighty, burdensome, violent, oppressive.
G927 Of great price.
G928 To examine, as by torture; to torment; to buffet, as of waves.
G929 Torture, torment.
G930 One who tortures, a tormentor, jailor.
G931 Torture, torment, examination by torture.
G932 Kingship, sovereignty, authority, rule, especially of God, both in the world, and in the hearts of men; hence: kingdom, in the concrete sense.
G934 Courtiers, palaces, a body of kings, royal.
G935 A king, ruler, but in some passages clearly to be translated: emperor.
G936 (a) to rule, reign, (b) to reign over.
G937 Connected with a king, royal, regal, (a) an officer in the service of the king, (b) the king's country.
G938 A queen.
G939 A step; hence: a foot.
G940 To give the evil eye to, fascinate, bewitch, overpower.
G941 (a) to carry, bear, (b) to carry (take) away.
G942 A thorn bush or bramble.
G943 A bath, a liquid measure among the Jews, containing 72 sextarii, that is, between eight and nine gallons.
G944 A frog.
G945 To chatter, to be long-winded, utter empty words, stammer, repeat.
G946 An abominable thing, an accursed thing.
G947 Abominable, detestable.
G948 To abhor, detest, loathe.
G949 Firm, steadfast, enduring, sure, certain.
G950 To confirm, ratify, secure, establish; pass: to guarantee.
G951 Confirmation, ratification, establishment.
G952 Permitted to be trodden, accessible.
G953 To profane, pollute, violate.
G954 Beelzebul, a name of Satan, the chief of evil spirits.
G955 Belial, a demon, and in fact a name for Satan.
G956 A missile, dart, javelin, arrow.
G957 Better; adv: very well.
G958 Benjamin, youngest son of Jacob, founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
G959 Bernice, daughter of Agrippa to and Kypros, and sister of M. Julius Agrippa II.
G960 Berea, a town of the province Macedonia.
G961 Belonging to Berea, Berean.
G963 (a) Bethany, the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, near Jerusalem, (b) Bethany, beyond Jordan.
G964 Bethesda, name of a pool in Jerusalem.
G965 Bethlehem, a town of Judea.
G966 Bethsaida, (a) a city of Galilee, (b) a city east of the Jordan.
G967 Bethphage, a village in the neighborhood of Jerusalem, on the Mt. of Olives.
G968 An elevated place ascended by steps, a throne, tribunal.
G969 A beryl, a precious stone of various colors, the best known being sea-green.
G970 Force, violence, strength.
G971 (a) to use force, force my way, come forward violently, (b) pass: to be forcibly treated, suffer violence.
G972 Strong, violent.
G973 A forceful, violent man; one who is eager in pursuit.
G974 A little papyrus roll.
G975 A papyrus roll.
G976 A written book, roll, or volume, sometimes with a sacred connotation.
G977 To eat.
G978 Bithynia, a Roman province, north-west of Asia Minor and south-west of the Black Sea.
G979 (a) life, (b) manner of life; livelihood.
G980 To live, pass my life.
G981 Manner of life.
G982 Belonging to ordinary life, worldly.
G983 Injurious, hurtful.
G984 To hurt, injure.
G985 To sprout; to cause to sprout, make to grow up.
G986 Blastus, chamberlain of King Herod Agrippa I.
G987 To speak evil against, blaspheme, use abusive or scurrilous language about (God or men).
G988 Abusive or scurrilous language, blasphemy.
G989 Slanderous; a blasphemer.
G990 A look, glance; sight and hearing.
G991 To look, see, perceive, discern.
G992 A verbal adj: one must put, that ought to be put.
G993 Boanerges, sons of thunder.
G994 To shout, call aloud, proclaim.
G995 A shout, cry.
G996 (a) assistance, (b) (a technical term of nautical language), a help.
G997 To come to the rescue of, come to help, help.
G998 A helper.
G999 A pit, ditch.
G1000 A casting, throw; measure of distance.
G1001 To cast the line (for sounding), to sound.
G1003 Boaz, son of Salmon and Rahab, husband of Ruth, father of Obed.
G1004 Mud, mire, filth.
G1005 The north wind, hence: the North.
G1006 To feed, pasture.
G1007 Bosor, father of Balaam.
G1008 Fodder, food, herbage.
G1009 A cluster (bunch) of grapes.
G1010 A member of a city council, in NT of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem.
G1011 To deliberate, take counsel, determine.
G1012 Counsel, deliberate wisdom, decree.
G1013 Will, counsel, purpose.
G1014 To will, intend, desire, wish.
G1015 A hillock, hill.
G1016 An ox, cow, bull.
G1017 A prize.
G1018 (literal: to act as arbiter in the games), to rule, arbitrate.
G1019 To be slow, to delay, tarry.
G1020 To sail slowly.
G1021 Slow, slow of understanding.
G1022 Tardiness, slowness, delay.
G1023 The arm, strength.
G1024 Short, little, few.
G1025 Infant, babe, child in arms.
G1026 To moisten, rain, send rain.
G1027 Thunder.
G1028 A wetting, a heavy rain.
G1029 A noose or snare; a cord.
G1030 A grinding or gnashing.
G1031 To grind or gnash, as with the teeth for rage or pain.
G1032 To cause to gush forth, send forth.
G1033 Food of any kind.
G1034 Eatable, suitable for food.
G1035 (a) eating, (b) food, a meal, (c) rust.
G1036 To cause to sink; to sink, submerge, drown.
G1037 The deep sea, the bottom.
G1038 A tanner.
G1039 Of fine linen, cotton.
G1040 Fine linen, cotton.
G1041 An altar, platform; a slightly-elevated spot.
G1042 Gabbatha, a sort of paved square, on which the procurator had his judgment seat.
G1043 The angel Gabriel, a messenger of God.
G1044 Gangrene, mortification.
G1045 Gad, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
G1046 Gadarene, belonging to Gadara (an important Hellenized town, one of the Decapolis, and south-east of the Sea of Galilee).
G1047 Treasure, treasury.
G1048 Gaza, an old town in the south of Palestine, on the sea-coast.
G1049 A treasury.
G1050 Gaius, (a) a Corinthian, (b) a Macedonian, (c) a citizen of Derbe, (d) an Ephesian.
G1051 Milk.
G1052 A Galatian (meaning any inhabitant of the Roman province Galatia).
G1053 Galatia, a large Roman province in central Asia Minor, comprising the districts of Paphlagonia, Pontus Galaticus, Galatia (in the narrower sense, which some still think is intended in the NT), Phrygia Galatica, Lycaonia Galatica, Pisidia and Isaurica.
G1054 Galatic, belonging to the province Galatia.
G1055 A calm.
G1056 Galilee, a district towards the southern end of the Roman province Syria; the northern division of Palestine.
G1057 A Galilean, an inhabitant of Galilee.
G1058 Gallio, Lucius Iunius Gallio, who received this name by adoption into another family, but was born brother of the philosopher Seneca and originally named L. Annaeus Nouatus; proconsul of the Roman province Achaia from spring A.D. 52 to spring 53.
G1059 Gamaliel, a noted Pharisee, teacher of Saul.
G1060 To marry, used of either sex.
G1061 To give in marriage.
G1062 A marriage, wedding, wedding-ceremony; plural: a wedding-feast.
G1063 For.
G1064 The womb, stomach; of a woman: to be with child (literal: to have [a child] in the belly).
G1065 An enclitic, emphasizing particle: at least, indeed, really, but generally too subtle to be represented in English.
G1066 Gideon, one of the Judges of Israel.
G1067 Gehenna, and originally the name of a valley or cavity near Jerusalem, a place underneath the earth, a place of punishment for evil.
G1068 Gethsemane, a small place between the brook Kidron and the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem.
G1069 A neighbor.
G1070 To laugh, smile.
G1071 Laughter.
G1072 To fill, load.
G1073 To be full of.
G1074 A generation; if repeated twice or with another time word, practically indicates infinity of time.
G1075 To put into a genealogy, reckon my descent.
G1076 Genealogy.
G1077 A birthday celebration.
G1078 Birth, lineage, descent.
G1079 Birth.
G1080 To beget (of the male), (of the female) to bring forth, give birth to.
G1081 Offspring, child, fruit.
G1082 Gennesaret, a fertile district by the lake of Tiberias, which was in consequence sometimes called the Lake of Gennesaret.
G1084 Begotten, born.
G1085 Offspring, family, race, nation, kind.
G1086 From Gerasene.
G1087 The assembly or body of elders.
G1088 An old man.
G1089 (a) to taste, (b) to experience.
G1090 To work the soil, cultivate the earth.
G1091 A tilled field, cultivation, husbandry.
G1092 A worker of the soil, husbandman, farmer, farm-laborer, vine-dresser.
G1093 The earth, soil, land, region, country, inhabitants of a region.
G1094 Old age.
G1095 To become old, grow old.
G1096 To come into being, to be born, become, come about, happen.
G1097 To take in knowledge, come to know, learn; ascertain, realize.
G1098 The unfermented juice of grapes; hence: sweet new wine.
G1099 Sweet.
G1100 The tongue, a language, a nation (usually distinguished by their speech).
G1101 Bag, purse; some prefer to take as: box, chest.
G1102 A fuller, cloth-dresser, one who cleans woolen cloth.
G1103 (literal: born in wedlock), hence: real, true, genuine; with definite article: the true, genuine element.
G1104 Truly, genuinely, honorably, sincerely.
G1105 Darkness, gloom; a thick cloud.
G1106 Opinion, counsel, judgment, intention, decree.
G1107 To make known, declare, know, discover.
G1108 Knowledge, doctrine, wisdom.
G1109 One who knows, an expert.
G1110 Known, an acquaintance.
G1111 To whisper, murmur, grumble (generally of smoldering discontent).
G1112 Murmuring, grumbling.
G1113 A murmurer, grumbler.
G1114 A conjuror, juggler, sorcerer; a tricky (crafty) deceiver, imposter.
G1115 Golgotha, a knoll outside the wall of Jerusalem.
G1116 Gomorrah, one of the destroyed cities on the Dead Sea.
G1117 A cargo, freight.
G1118 A begetter, father; plural: parents.
G1119 The knee.
G1120 To fall on my knees before (in supplication), supplicate, entreat.
G1121 A letter of the alphabet; collectively: written (revelation); (a) a written document, a letter, an epistle, (b) writings, literature, learning.
G1122 (a) in Jerusalem, a scribe, one learned in the Jewish Law, a religious teacher, (b) at Ephesus, the town-clerk, the secretary of the city, (c) a man of learning generally.
G1123 Written.
G1124 (a) a writing, (b) a passage of scripture; plural: the scriptures.
G1125 To write; pass: it is written, it stands written (in the scriptures).
G1126 Belonging to old women, such as old women tell.
G1127 (a) to be awake (in the night), watch, (b) to be watchful, on the alert, vigilant.
G1128 To train by physical exercise; hence: train, in the widest sense.
G1129 (Physical) exercise, in a wide sense.
G1130 To be poorly clad; to be habitually wearing an under-garment only.
G1131 Rarely: stark-naked; generally: wearing only the under-garment; bare, open, manifest; mere.
G1132 Nakedness.
G1133 A woman, with all a woman's weakness, a poor weak woman, a silly woman.
G1134 Belonging to woman, of woman, female.
G1135 A woman, wife, my lady.
G1136 Gog, in Ezekiel a king of Magog, a land of the remote north; hence, in Revelation, of a people far remote from Palestine.
G1137 A corner; a secret place.
G1138 David, King of Israel.
G1139 To be possessed, to be under the power of an evil-spirit or demon.
G1140 An evil-spirit, demon; a heathen deity.
G1141 Demon-like, such as demons have.
G1142 An evil-spirit, demon.
G1143 To bite; hence: to backbite, harm seriously.
G1144 A tear.
G1145 To shed tears, weep.
G1146 A ring.
G1147 A finger.
G1148 Dalmanutha, a town or village near Magdala.
G1149 Dalmatia, a province of the Roman Empire, east of the Adriatic, a later name for part of what was earlier called Illyricum.
G1150 To tame, subdue, involving obedience and restraint.
G1151 A heifer, young cow.
G1152 Damaris, an Athenian woman.
G1153 A Damascene, an inhabitant of Damascus.
G1154 Damascus.
G1155 To lend; to borrow.
G1156 A loan, debt.
G1157 A money-lender, creditor.
G1158 Daniel.
G1159 To spend, bear expense, waste, squander.
G1160 Cost, expense.
G1161 A weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and.
G1162 Supplication, prayer, entreaty.
G1163 It is necessary, inevitable; less frequently: it is a duty, what is proper.
G1164 An example, type; a thing shown.
G1165 To hold up as an example, make a show of, expose.
G1166 To point out, show, exhibit; to teach, demonstrate, make known.
G1167 Cowardice, timidity.
G1168 To shrink, to be fearful, timid, cowardly.
G1169 Cowardly, timid, fearful.
G1170 So and so, such a one, where the name of the person is known but not used.
G1171 Vehemently, terribly, grievously.
G1172 To dine, sup, eat.
G1173 A dinner, an afternoon or evening meal.
G1174 Respectful of what is divine; religious, perhaps, rather than superstitious (the usual meaning).
G1175 Religion in general; in a bad sense: superstition.
G1176 Ten.
G1178 Fifteen.
G1179 Decapolis, meaning a group or district of ten cities (of the Greek type) in Palestine, mostly south-east of the Lake of Tiberias; the names and number vary in ancient authorities.
G1180 Fourteen.
G1181 A tenth part, a tithe.
G1182 Tenth.
G1183 To tithe, collect tithe from.
G1184 Acceptable, accepted.
G1185 To allure, entice (by a bait).
G1186 A tree.
G1187 One posted on the right hand, a spear-man.
G1188 On the right hand, right hand, right.
G1189 To want for myself; to want, need; to beg, request, beseech, pray.
G1190 Derbean, belonging to Derbe.
G1191 Derbe, a town in Lycaonia and in the southern part of the Roman province Galatia.
G1192 The skin or hide of an animal.
G1193 Made of hide, leathern.
G1194 To flay, flog, scourge, beat.
G1195 To bind, put in chains, tie together.
G1197 A bundle.
G1198 One bound, a prisoner.
G1199 A bond, chain, imprisonment; a string or ligament, an impediment, infirmity.
G1200 A keeper of a prison, a jailer.
G1201 A prison.
G1202 A prisoner, captive.
G1203 A lord, master, or prince.
G1204 (originally: hither, hence) (a) exclamatory: come, (b) temporal: now, the present.
G1205 Come hither, come, hither, an exclamatory word.
G1206 On the second day, on the next day.
G1208 Second; with the article: in the second place, for the second time.
G1209 To take, receive, accept, welcome.
G1210 To bind, tie, fasten; to impel, compel; to declare to be prohibited and unlawful.
G1211 (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly.
G1212 Clear, manifest, evident.
G1213 To show, make clear, reveal.
G1214 Demas, a helper of Paul in Rome.
G1215 To make a public speech, address a multitude.
G1216 Demetrius, a silversmith of Ephesus.
G1217 An artisan, builder, maker; one who labors for the public.
G1218 Properly: the people, especially citizens of a Greek city in popular assembly, but in NT, multitude, rabble.
G1219 Public, publicly.
G1220 A denarius, a small Roman silver coin.
G1221 Even at that time, whenever.
G1223 (a) genitive: through, throughout, by the instrumentality of, (b) accusative: through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of.
G1224 To cross, pass through, step across.
G1225 To thrust through, slander, complain of, accuse.
G1226 To assert emphatically.
G1227 To see through, see clearly.
G1228 (adj. used often as a noun), slanderous; with the article: the Slanderer (par excellence), the Devil.
G1229 To announce throughout (the world), spread the news of, give notice of, teach.
G1230 To pass (of time); to continue through, intervene.
G1231 To know accurately, examine, decide.
G1233 Judicial examination, decision; an act of discernment.
G1234 To murmur greatly, continue murmuring.
G1235 To awake out of sleep, to be thoroughly awake.
G1236 to spend time, pass time, live.
G1237 To receive in my turn, receive through another.
G1238 A head-wreath, crown, diadem.
G1239 To offer here and there, distribute, divide, hand over.
G1240 A successor.
G1241 To gird, tie around; to gird round myself.
G1242 (a) a covenant between two parties, (b) (the ordinary, everyday sense [found a countless number of times in papyri]) a will, testament.
G1243 Division, distribution, difference, distinction.
G1244 To divide into parts, cut asunder, distribute.
G1245 To cleanse thoroughly.
G1246 To effectively (utterly) refute.
G1247 To wait at table (particularly of a slave who waits on guests); to serve (generally).
G1248 Waiting at table; in a wider sense: service, ministration.
G1249 A waiter, servant; then of any one who performs any service, an administrator.
G1250 Two hundred.
G1251 To hear throughout, of a judicial hearing.
G1252 To separate, distinguish, discern one thing from another; to doubt, hesitate, waver.
G1253 Distinguishing; hence: deciding, passing sentence on; the act of judgment, discernment.
G1254 To obstinately prevent, hinder.
G1255 To converse together, talk of; of conversation passing from mouth to mouth.
G1256 To converse, address, preach, lecture; to argue, reason.
G1257 To cease, give over, give up.
G1258 Language, speech, conversation, manner of speaking.
G1259 To change, exchange; to reconcile, change enmity for friendship.
G1260 To reason (with), debate (with), consider.
G1261 A calculation, reasoning, thought, movement of thought, deliberation, plotting.
G1262 To break up, disperse, dissolve.
G1263 To give solemn evidence, testify (declare) solemnly.
G1264 To strive greatly, contend fiercely.
G1265 To remain, continue.
G1266 To divide up into parts, break up; to distribute.
G1267 Breaking up; discord, hostility.
G1268 To divide into portions, distribute; pass: to be spread about.
G1269 To nod continually, beckon.
G1270 A reasoning, thought, cogitation.
G1271 Understanding, intellect, mind, insight.
G1272 To open fully.
G1273 To spend the whole night.
G1274 To finish, complete, accomplish fully.
G1276 To cross over, pass over.
G1277 To sail over (across).
G1278 To be greatly troubled.
G1279 To journey through (past).
G1280 To be in trouble, doubt, difficulty; to be at a loss.
G1281 To gain by business (trading).
G1282 (literal: to saw through), to cut to the quick (with indignation and envy).
G1283 To plunder, rob thoroughly.
G1284 To tear asunder, burst, rend.
G1285 To make clear, explain fully.
G1286 To blackmail, extort from, intimidate.
G1287 To scatter, winnow, disperse, waste.
G1288 To tear apart, burst.
G1289 To scatter (like seed), disperse.
G1290 Literal: scattering abroad of seed by the sower, hence: dispersion, used especially of the Jews who had migrated and were scattered over the ancient world.
G1291 To give a commission (instructions), order; to admonish, prohibit.
G1292 An interval of time, distance.
G1293 Distinction, difference, separation.
G1294 To pervert, corrupt, oppose, distort.
G1295 To save (rescue) through (some danger), bring safely to, escaped to.
G1296 Ordaining, ordinance, disposition.
G1297 A mandate, decree, edict.
G1298 To trouble greatly, agitate.
G1299 To give orders to, prescribe, arrange.
G1300 To continue, persevere, finish.
G1301 To keep safe, hold fast.
G1303 (a) to appoint, make (of a covenant), (b) to make (a will).
G1304 To tarry, continue, stay in a place.
G1305 Nourishment, food.
G1306 To shine through, dawn (of the light coming through the shadows).
G1308 (a) to carry through, hither and thither, (b) to be different, differ, and sometimes: to surpass, excel.
G1309 To escape by flight.
G1310 To report, publish abroad.
G1311 To destroy, waste; hence to corrupt.
G1312 Destruction, decay, corruption.
G1313 Differing, different; hence: excellent.
G1314 To guard carefully, protect, defend.
G1315 To lay my hands upon, and so: to slay, kill.
G1316 To separate oneself from, part from, go away.
G1317 Able to teach, apt to teach.
G1318 Taught, instructed.
G1319 Instruction, teaching.
G1320 A teacher, master.
G1321 To teach, direct, admonish.
G1322 Teaching, doctrine, what is taught.
G1323 A double-drachma, two drachmae, a Greek silver coin.
G1324 The Twin; Didymus, the Greek name equivalent to Thomas.
G1325 To offer, give; to put, place.
G1326 To wake out of sleep, arouse in general, stir up.
G1327 A meeting-place of roads, a public spot in a city.
G1328 An interpreter.
G1329 To translate, interpret, explain.
G1330 To pass through, spread (as a report).
G1331 To find by inquiry.
G1332 Two years old, lasting two years.
G1333 A period of two years, two years; according to ancient practice this means any period between one and two years.
G1334 To relate in full, describe, narrate.
G1335 A narrative.
G1336 Continuous, continually, unbroken.
G1337 Between two seas, which has sea on both sides.
G1338 To pass through (to), come through (to), pierce.
G1339 To put apart, separate, put some distance between.
G1340 To assert emphatically, lean upon.
G1341 Just judging, just judgment.
G1342 Just; especially, just in the eyes of God; righteous; the elect (a Jewish idea).
G1343 (usually if not always in a Jewish atmosphere), justice, justness, righteousness, righteousness of which God is the source or author, but practically: a divine righteousness.
G1344 To make righteous, defend the cause of, plead for the righteousness (innocence) of, acquit, justify; hence: to regard as righteous.
G1345 A thing pronounced (by God) to be righteous (just, the right); or the restoration of a criminal, a fresh chance given him; a righteous deed, an instance of perfect righteousness.
G1346 Justly, righteously.
G1347 Acquittal, justifying, justification, a process of absolution.
G1348 A judge.
G1349 (a) right, justice, (b) process of law, judicial hearing, (c) execution of sentence, penalty, (d) justice, vengeance.
G1350 A fishing net.
G1351 Double-tongued, deceitful.
G1352 Wherefore, on which account, therefore.
G1353 To journey through, go about.
G1354 Dionysius, an Athenian.
G1355 Wherefore (emphatically), for which very reason.
G1356 Fallen from the sky.
G1357 Amendment, improvement, reformation.
G1358 To dig through, break through.
G1359 The Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda, and patrons of sailors.
G1360 On this account, because, for.
G1361 Diotrephes.
G1362 Double, two-fold.
G1363 To double, render back double.
G1364 Twice, entirely, utterly.
G1365 To waver, doubt, hesitate.
G1366 (literal: twain-mouthed; hence: of a sword, as a drinker of blood), two-edged.
G1367 Two thousand.
G1368 To strain, put through a sieve.
G1369 To cut asunder; to set at variance, make to be hostile.
G1370 Division, dissension, standing apart.
G1371 To cut in two, perhaps: scourge severely.
G1372 To thirst for, desire earnestly.
G1373 Thirst.
G1374 (literal: of two souls, of two selves), double-minded, wavering.
G1375 Chase, pursuit; persecution.
G1376 A persecutor.
G1377 To pursue, hence: to persecute.
G1378 A decree, edict, ordinance.
G1379 To subject to regulations, decree; to subject oneself to regulations, to be decree-ridden.
G1380 To think, seem, appear, it seems.
G1381 To put to the test, prove, examine; to distinguish by testing, approve after testing; to be fit.
G1382 A trial, proof; tried, approved character.
G1383 A test, trial, what is genuine.
G1384 Approved, acceptable, tried.
G1385 A beam or spar of timber.
G1386 Treacherous, deceitful, fraudulent.
G1387 To act deceitfully, deceive, use fraud.
G1388 Deceit, guile, treachery.
G1389 To adulterate, corrupt, ensnare.
G1390 A gift, present.
G1391 Honor, renown; glory, an especially divine quality, the unspoken manifestation of God, splendor.
G1392 To glorify, honor, bestow glory on.
G1393 Dorcas, the Greek name of Tabitha.
G1394 A giving, gift, donation.
G1395 A giver.
G1396 To bring into subjection, enslave, treat as a slave.
G1397 Slavery, bondage.
G1398 To be a slave, to be subject to, obey, to be devoted.
G1399 A female slave, bonds-maid.
G1401 (a) (as adj.) enslaved, (b) (as noun) a (male) slave.
G1402 To enslave.
G1403 A feast, banquet, reception.
G1404 A dragon or huge serpent; Satan.
G1405 To take hold of, grasp, catch.
G1406 A drachma, a Greek silver coin.
G1407 A sickle, pruning-hook.
G1408 A running, course, career, race.
G1409 Drusilla (born A.D. 39), daughter of Herod Agrippa I.
G1410 (a) to be powerful, have (the) power, (b) to be able.
G1411 (a) physical power, force, might, ability, efficacy, energy, meaning (b) plural: powerful deeds, deeds showing (physical) power, marvelous works.
G1412 To empower, fill with power, strengthen.
G1413 (literal: a man who rules by force), a ruler, potentate; also: courtier, member of the court.
G1414 To be powerful, have power, to be able, to be mighty.
G1415 (a) of persons: powerful, able, (b) of things: possible.
G1416 To sink, set (as the sun).
G1417 Two.
G1419 Difficult to carry, oppressive.
G1420 Dysentery.
G1421 Difficult to interpret, hard to be understood.
G1422 Difficult, hard; of persons: hard to please.
G1423 With difficulty, hardly.
G1424 A setting (of the sun), hence: the West.
G1425 Hard to understand.
G1426 Evil report, defamation, words of ill omen.
G1427 Twelve; the usual way in which the Twelve apostles of Jesus are referred to.
G1428 Twelfth.
G1429 The Twelve Tribes (of Israel).
G1430 The roof (of a house), the top of the house.
G1431 A (free) gift, a gift (without repayment).
G1432 As a free gift, without payment, freely.
G1433 To give, grant, donate.
G1434 A gift, bounty.
G1435 A gift, present, specifically a sacrifice.
G1436 An interjection, Ho! Ah! Ha! It is supposed to imply surprise, fear and indignation.
G1437 if.
G1438 Himself, herself, itself.
G1439 To allow, permit, let alone, leave.
G1440 Seventy.
G1441 Seventy times.
G1442 Seventh.
G1443 Eber, father of Peleg and son of Shelah.
G1444 Hebrew.
G1445 A Hebrew, particularly one who speaks Hebrew (Aramaic).
G1446 The Hebrew language, or rather: Aramaic.
G1447 In the Hebrew, or rather, in the Aramaic dialect.
G1448 To bring near; to come near, approach.
G1449 To write, inscribe.
G1450 A surety, security.
G1451 Near.
G1452 Nearer.
G1453 (a) to wake, arouse, (b) to raise up.
G1454 A waking up, resurrection.
G1455 A spy.
G1456 A renewal, dedication; the feast of rededication.
G1457 To consecrate, dedicate, renovate.
G1458 To bring a charge against, accuse.
G1459 To leave in the lurch, abandon (one who is in straits), desert.
G1460 To dwell in, among.
G1461 To graft in, ingraft.
G1462 An accusation, charge.
G1463 To clothe oneself (originally: to tie round in a knot).
G1464 An incision, a cutting, break; an interruption, a hindrance.
G1465 To interrupt, hinder.
G1466 Self-mastery, self-restraint, self-control, continence.
G1467 To exercise self-control, to be continent.
G1468 Self-controlled.
G1469 To count among.
G1470 To hide in, mix with.
G1471 With child, pregnant.
G1472 To rub in, anoint.
G1473 I, the first-person pronoun.
G1474 To dash to the ground, level with the ground.
G1475 The base, ground, bottom.
G1476 Sitting, seated; steadfast, firm.
G1477 A foundation, stay, support.
G1478 Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, father of Manasseh, and king of Judah (727-686 [?] B.C.).
G1479 Arbitrary worship, self-imposed worship.
G1480 To accustom.
G1481 A tribal lord, a subordinate ruler.
G1482 Pagan, heathen, gentile; a Gentile, non-Jew.
G1483 In the manner of Gentiles, like the rest of the world.
G1484 A race, people, nation; the nations, heathen world, Gentiles.
G1485 A custom, habit; an institute, rite.
G1486 To be accustomed, custom, what was customary.
G1487 If.
G1490 But if not, else, otherwise.
G1491 Visible form, shape, appearance, outward show, kind, species, class.
G1492 To know, remember, appreciate.
G1493 A temple for (containing) an image (an idol).
G1494 (of meat), sacrificed to an image (or an idol).
G1495 Service (worship) of an image (an idol).
G1496 A server (worshipper) of an image (an idol).
G1497 An idol, false god.
G1500 Without a cause, purpose; purposelessly, in vain, for nothing.
G1501 Twenty.
G1502 To give way, yield, submit.
G1503 To be like, resemble.
G1504 An image, likeness, bust.
G1505 Clearness, sincerity, purity.
G1506 (originally: unmixed), pure, uncontaminated, sincere.
G1510 To be, exist. Am, was, come, is, there is, to be, was.
G1512 If indeed, if so.
G1514 To be peaceful, keep the peace, to be at peace.
G1515 Peace, peace of mind; invocation of peace a common Jewish farewell, in the Hebraistic sense of the health (welfare) of an individual.
G1516 Peaceable, disposed to peace, profitable.
G1517 To make peace, reconcile.
G1518 Pacific, loving peace, a peace-maker.
G1519 Into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among.
G1520 One.
G1521 To lead in, bring in, introduce.
G1522 To hear, listen to, heed.
G1523 To welcome in, admit, receive.
G1524 To go in, enter (originally: to shall go in).
G1525 To go in, come in, enter.
G1526 Agree, are, be, were.
G1528 To call in (to my house), invite.
G1529 (act of) entering, an entrance, entry.
G1530 To leap into, rush into.
G1531 To journey in(to), to go in(to), enter, intervene.
G1532 To run in, run into.
G1533 To lead into, bring in, announce.
G1534 Then, thereafter, next (marking a fresh stage); therefore, then, furthermore.
G1535 And if, whether.
G1537 From out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards.
G1538 Each (of more than two), every one.
G1539 At every time, always.
G1540 One hundred.
G1541 A hundred years old.
G1542 A hundredfold.
G1543 A centurion of the Roman army.
G1544 To throw (cast, put) out; to banish; to bring forth, produce.
G1545 (a) a way out, escape, (b) result, issue.
G1546 A throwing out, a jettisoning of cargo to lighten a ship.
G1549 Descended, a descendant.
G1550 To spend (give out) completely, exhaust.
G1551 To wait for, expect.
G1552 Perfectly evident, manifest.
G1553 To go abroad, to be absent.
G1554 To give out, let; middle: to let out for my own advantage.
G1555 To narrate at length, declare.
G1556 To give justice over, defend, avenge, vindicate.
G1557 (a) a defense, avenging, vindication, vengeance, (b) full (complete) punishment.
G1558 Avenging, an avenger (the word occurs frequently in the sense of a special advocate [champion] of a city).
G1559 To persecute, expel by persecuting, drive out, vex, harass.
G1560 Given up, delivered up.
G1561 A waiting for, expectation.
G1562 To put off, take off, strip off, with acc. of person or garment or both.
G1563 (a) there, yonder, in that place, (b) thither, there.
G1564 Thence, from that place.
G1565 That, that one there, yonder.
G1566 Thither, there, at that place.
G1567 To seek out, seek out after, require.
G1568 To be greatly astonished, to be awe-struck.
G1569 Full of astonishment, amazed.
G1570 Cast out, exposed (to the elements), abandoned.
G1571 To clean (cleanse) out, clean thoroughly.
G1572 To blaze out, to be inflamed.
G1573 To be faint, to be weary.
G1574 To pierce through (or deeply), transfix.
G1575 To break off.
G1576 To shut out, exclude, separate.
G1577 An assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers.
G1578 (literal: to bend away from), to fall away from, turn away (from), deviate.
G1579 To swim out (of the water).
G1580 To carry out (of the city gate for burial).
G1581 To cut out (off, away), remove, prevent.
G1582 To hang out, to hang upon.
G1583 To speak out, disclose, divulge.
G1584 To shine forth (out).
G1585 To forget entirely, make to forget.
G1586 To pick out for oneself, choose, elect, select.
G1587 To fail, die out, come to an end, to be defunct.
G1588 Chosen out, elect, choice, select, sometimes as of those chosen out by God for the rendering of special service to Him (of the Hebrew race, particular Hebrews, the Messiah, and the Christians).
G1589 A (divine) selection.
G1590 To loose, release, unloose (as a bow-string), relax, enfeeble; pass: to be faint, grow weary.
G1591 To wipe, wipe (off) thoroughly.
G1592 To deride, scoff at, mock greatly.
G1593 To escape, get clear of, deviate, withdraw.
G1594 To return to soberness of mind.
G1595 Willing, with right good will, voluntary, spontaneous.
G1596 Willingly, of one's own accord, spontaneously.
G1597 From of old, long since.
G1598 To put to the test, make trial of, tempt, try.
G1599 To send out, send forth.
G1600 To spread (stretch) out, expand, extend.
G1601 To fall out, fall off, fall away; hence in nautical language: to fall off from the straight course; of flowers: to fade away, wither away; to fall from, lose, forfeit; to be cast ashore; to be fruitless.
G1602 To sail out (of harbor), sail away.
G1603 To fill completely, fulfill in every particular (to the utmost), make good.
G1604 A completion, fulfillment, accomplishment.
G1605 To strike with panic or shock; to amaze, astonish.
G1606 (literal: to breathe out), to breathe my last, expire.
G1607 To depart from; to be voided, cast out; to proceed from, to be spoken; to burst forth, flow out, to be spread abroad.
G1608 To be guilty of fornication.
G1609 To spit out, disdain, reject, loathe.
G1610 To root out, pluck up by the roots.
G1611 (properly: distraction or disturbance of mind caused by shock), bewilderment, amazement; a trance.
G1612 To change for the worse, corrupt, pervert.
G1613 To disturb (trouble) greatly (exceedingly).
G1614 To stretch out (forth), cast forth (as of an anchor), lay hands on.
G1615 To complete, bring to completion, carry out, perform.
G1616 Earnestness, strenuousness, intentness, zeal.
G1617 More earnestly.
G1618 Intent, constant, strenuous, intense; earnest, zealous.
G1619 Earnestly, strenuously, fervently.
G1620 (a) to put out or expose a child, (b) to set forth, expound, explain.
G1621 To shake off; to shake off from myself.
G1622 (a) adv: (1) without, outside, beyond, (2) except, (3) the outside, (b) prep: outside, apart from.
G1623 Sixth.
G1624 (literal: to turn out from); mid. and pass: to turn aside (from the right road), wander, forsake, and with an object: to remove from oneself, shun, avoid.
G1625 To nourish, nurture, bring up.
G1626 (strictly: a lifeless abortion) an untimely birth.
G1627 To bring out, carry out, sometimes out of the city for burial; to bring forth, bear, produce.
G1628 To flee out, away, escape; to escape something.
G1629 To frighten away, terrify.
G1630 Greatly terrified, horrified.
G1631 To put forth, cause to sprout.
G1632 To pour out (liquid or solid); to shed, bestow liberally.
G1633 To go out, depart from, withdraw, flee.
G1634 To breathe my last, die, expire.
G1635 Willing, willingly, voluntarily.
G1636 An olive tree; the Mount of Olives.
G1637 Olive oil, oil.
G1638 Olive-grove, Olive-yard, the mount Olivet.
G1639 An Elamite, one of a people living to the north of the Persian Gulf in the southern part of Persia.
G1640 Less, smaller; poorer, inferior.
G1641 To have less, lack.
G1642 To make less (inferior).
G1643 (a) to drive (on), propel, (b) to row.
G1644 Levity, fickleness, lightness.
G1645 Light, not burdensome.
G1646 Least, smallest, but perhaps oftener in the weaker sense: very little, very small.
G1647 The smallest, least important.
G1648 Eleazar, son of Eliud, and father of Matthan.
G1649 Rebuke, reproof, refutation.
G1650 A proof, possibly: a persuasion; reproof.
G1651 (a) to reprove, rebuke, discipline, (b) to expose, show to be guilty.
G1652 Merciful, pitiful, miserable.
G1653 To pity, have mercy on.
G1654 Alms-giving, charity; alms.
G1655 Full of pity, merciful, compassionate.
G1656 Pity, mercy, compassion.
G1657 Freedom, liberty, especially: a state of freedom from slavery.
G1658 Free, delivered from obligation.
G1659 To free, set free, liberate.
G1660 A coming, arrival, advent.
G1661 Made of ivory, ivory.
G1662 Eliakim, son of Abiud and father of Azor; son of Melea and father of Jonam.
G1663 Eliezer, son of Joram and father of Joshua.
G1664 Eliud, son of Achim, and father of Eleazar.
G1665 Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptizer.
G1666 Elisha.
G1667 To roll, roll up, fold up.
G1668 A (festering) sore, a wound, an ulcer.
G1669 To afflict with sores; pass: to be afflicted with sores.
G1670 To drag, draw, pull, persuade, unsheathe.
G1671 Hellas, the native name for Greece.
G1672 A Hellene, the native word for a Greek; it is, however, a term wide enough to include all Greek-speaking (i.e. educated) non-Jews.
G1673 Greek, the Greek language.
G1674 A female Greek.
G1675 A Hellenist, Grecian Jew, a Greek-speaking Jew, that is one who can speak Greek only and not Hebrew (or Aramaic).
G1676 In the Greek language.
G1677 To charge to, put to one's account, impute.
G1678 Elmadam, father of Cosam, son of Er.
G1679 To hope, hope for, expect, trust.
G1680 Hope, expectation, trust, confidence.
G1681 Elymas, the name of the sorcerer at Paphos.
G1682 (Aramaic), my God.
G1683 Of myself.
G1684 To step in; to go onboard a ship, embark.
G1685 To cast in, throw in.
G1686 To dip into.
G1687 To enter, set foot on, intrude, pry into.
G1688 To embark, put on board, step into.
G1689 To look into (upon); to consider; to see clearly.
G1690 To snort (with the notion of coercion springing out of displeasure, anger, indignation, antagonism), express indignant displeasure with some one; to charge sternly.
G1692 To vomit forth.
G1693 To be madly enraged with.
G1694 Emmanuel, a Messianic title derived from Isaiah 7:14 = God with us.
G1695 Emmaus, a village not far from Jerusalem.
G1696 To remain (abide) in, abide by, maintain, persevere in.
G1697 Hamor, a man whose sons sold a field at Shechem to Jacob.
G1699 My, mine.
G1701 Mockery, scoffing, scorn.
G1702 To mock, ridicule.
G1703 A mocker, scoffer.
G1704 To walk about in a place, live among, to be conversant with.
G1705 To fill up, satisfy.
G1706 To fall in, to be cast in, to be involved in.
G1707 To enfold, entangle; pass: to be involved in.
G1708 A plaiting, braiding.
G1709 To breathe, breathe into, inhale.
G1710 To travel as a merchant, engage in trade; to traffic in, make gain or business of.
G1711 Trading, trade, trafficking, business.
G1712 A place of traffic, mart, market, market-house.
G1713 A merchant, trader; one on a journey.
G1714 To burn, set on fire, suffer inflammation.
G1715 In front, before the face; sometimes made a subst. by the addition of the article: in front of, before the face of.
G1716 To spit upon.
G1717 Manifest, visible, comprehended.
G1718 To make visible (manifest); hence: to report (inform) against; pass: to appear before.
G1719 Full of fear, terrified.
G1720 To breathe into, breathe upon.
G1721 Inborn, ingrown, congenital, natural, rooted, implanted.
G1722 In, on, among.
G1723 To take (fold) in my arms.
G1724 Marine, living in the sea.
G1725 Before, in the presence of.
G1726 Before, in the presence of, in the eyes of.
G1727 Opposite, opposed, contrary; the adversary.
G1728 To begin (in), make a beginning, commence.
G1729 In need, needy, poor.
G1730 (A thing proved, hence) a plain token (sign, proof).
G1731 To show forth, prove.
G1732 A showing, proof, demonstration, sign, token.
G1733 Eleven.
G1734 Eleventh.
G1735 To allow, it is possible.
G1736 To be at home, live in a place.
G1737 (somewhat rare) (of clothing: to put on another); to put on (myself).
G1738 Righteous, just.
G1739 The material of a building, a structure.
G1740 To glorify, acknowledge the glory belonging to, recognize as glorious; pass: to be glorified in.
G1741 Highly esteemed, splendid, glorious.
G1742 A garment, raiment, clothing.
G1743 To fill with power, strengthen, make strong.
G1744 To clothe; to enter, creep into.
G1745 A putting on of clothing.
G1746 To put on, clothe (another).
G1747 An ambush, plot, treachery, fraud.
G1748 To lie in wait (ambush) for, seek to entrap (hence: to defraud, deceive).
G1750 To wrap up, roll up in (something), wind in.
G1751 To be in, within.
G1752 For the sake of, on account of, on account of which, wherefore, on account of what, why.
G1753 Working, action, productive work, activity; in the NT, confined to superhuman activity.
G1754 To work, to be operative, to be at work, to be made to work, accomplish; to work, display activity.
G1755 A working, an effect, operation.
G1756 Effective, productive of due result, at work.
G1757 To bless (of God).
G1758 (a) to have a grudge against, to be angry (with), (b) to be entangled, entangle oneself.
G1759 Here, in this place.
G1760 To meditate upon, reflect upon, ponder.
G1761 Inward thought, reflection, plural: thoughts.
G1762 There is in, is present.
G1763 A year, cycle of time.
G1764 To place in or upon; only in the intrans. tenses: to impend, to be at hand, to be present, threaten; as adj: present.
G1765 To invigorate, strengthen.
G1766 Ninth.
G1767 Nine.
G1768 Ninety.
G1769 Dumb, speechless (as with amazement).
G1770 To make a sign to by nodding.
G1771 Thinking, consideration; a thought, purpose, design, intention.
G1772 (a) legal, statutory, duly constituted, (b) under the law, obedient to the law.
G1773 In the night.
G1774 To dwell in, to be settled (stationary) in; to be indwelling.
G1775 Oneness, unity, unanimity.
G1776 To disturb, cause tumult, trouble, annoy.
G1777 Involved in, held in, hence: liable of the punishment.
G1778 An injunction, ordinance, precept.
G1779 To embalm, prepare for burial.
G1780 Embalming, preparation of a body for burial.
G1781 To give orders (injunctions, instructions, commands).
G1782 Hence, from this place, on this side and on that.
G1783 (literal: approaching the king, hence a technical term), a petition, prayer, intercession.
G1784 (held precious, hence) precious, honored, honorable in rank.
G1785 An ordinance, injunction, command, law.
G1786 Belonging to the place, native, resident; a citizen.
G1787 Within, inside, the inside.
G1788 (a) to turn to confusion, put to shame, (b) to reverence, regard.
G1789 To nourish (sustain) on, to be educated in.
G1790 Trembling with fear, terrified.
G1791 Shame.
G1792 To revel (in), live luxuriously, riot.
G1793 (a) to meet, encounter, hence: (b) to call (upon), make a petition, make suit, supplication.
G1794 To wrap up, roll round, envelop.
G1795 To engrave, imprint.
G1796 To insult, outrage, treat contemptuously, mock at.
G1797 To dream (see visions) in my sleep.
G1798 A dream, vision.
G1799 Before the face of, in the presence of, in the eyes of.
G1800 Enosh (also Enos), son of Seth, and father of Cainan.
G1801 To take into my ear, give ear to, listen to.
G1802 Enoch, son of Jared and father of Methuselah.
G1803 Six.
G1804 To announce publicly, proclaim.
G1805 To buy out, buy away from, ransom; to purchase out, buy, redeem, choose.
G1806 To lead out, sometimes to death, execution.
G1807 To take out, remove; sometimes (mid): to choose, sometimes: to rescue.
G1808 To lift up, remove, eject.
G1809 To demand of, ask for, beg earnestly for.
G1810 Suddenly, unexpectedly.
G1811 To follow after, imitate.
G1812 Six hundred.
G1813 To plaster, wash over; to wipe off, wipe out, obliterate.
G1814 To leap up (for joy).
G1815 A rising up and out, resurrection.
G1816 To rise (spring) up out (of the ground).
G1817 (a) in trans. tenses: to raise up, cause to grow, (b) in intrans. tenses: to rise up from.
G1818 To deceive thoroughly.
G1819 Suddenly, unexpectedly.
G1820 To be utterly without resource, to be in despair.
G1821 To send away, send forth (a person qualified for a task).
G1822 (a) to fit up, completely furnish, equip, furnish, supply, (b) to accomplish, finish.
G1823 To flash forth like lightning, gleam, to be radiant.
G1824 Immediately, instantly, at once.
G1825 To raise up, arouse.
G1826 (originally: to shall go out), to go out (away), depart.
G1828 (literal: to draw out of the right place, or to draw aside out of the right way), to entice.
G1829 Vomit.
G1830 To search diligently, to examine carefully (minutely).
G1831 To go out, come out.
G1832 It is permitted, lawful, possible.
G1833 To examine, question, inquire at, search out.
G1834 To lead, show the way; to unfold, narrate, declare.
G1835 Sixty.
G1836 Next in order, the next day, the following day, at the period immediately following.
G1837 To sound out (forth) (referring either to the clearness or to the loudness of the sound).
G1838 Condition, state, habit, use, especially: good condition of body or soul.
G1839 (literal: to remove from a standing position), (a) in trans. tenses: to astonish, amaze, (b) in intrans. tenses: to be astonished, amazed; to be out of my mind, to be mad.
G1840 To have strength for (a difficult task), to be perfectly able.
G1841 (a) an exit, going out, departure from a place; the exodus, (b) death.
G1842 To destroy utterly, annihilate, exterminate, root out.
G1843 (a) to consent fully, agree out and out, (b) to confess, admit, acknowledge (cf. the early Hellenistic sense of the middle: to acknowledge a debt), (c) to give thanks, praise.
G1844 To adjure, put to oath; to exorcise.
G1845 An exorcist, a caster out of evil spirits by the use of names or spells.
G1846 (a) to dig out, hence: to open up, (b) to gouge.
G1847 To set at naught, ignore, despise.
G1848 To set at naught, ignore, despise.
G1849 (a) power, authority, weight, especially: moral authority, influence, (b) in a quasi-personal sense, derived from later Judaism, of a spiritual power, and hence of an earthly power.
G1850 To exercise (wield) power (authority), pass: to be ruled, to be held under authority.
G1851 Eminence, distinction, excellence.
G1852 To wake out of sleep.
G1853 Roused out of sleep.
G1854 Without, outside.
G1855 (a) from outside, from without, (b) outside, both as adj. and prep; with article: the outside.
G1856 To drive out, expel, propel, thrust out; to drive out of the sea, drive on shore.
G1857 Outmost, outer, external.
G1858 To take part in a festival, keep a feast (allegorically).
G1859 A festival, feast, periodically recurring.
G1860 A promise.
G1861 To promise, profess.
G1862 A promise.
G1863 To bring upon; to cause to be imputed to.
G1864 To contend earnestly for.
G1865 To gather together, pass: to crowd upon (some one), press around.
G1866 Epaenetus, a Christian of Rome.
G1867 To praise, commend, applaud.
G1868 Commendation, praise, approval.
G1869 To raise, lift up.
G1870 To be ashamed, to be ashamed of.
G1871 To beg, to be a beggar, ask alms.
G1872 To follow close after, accompany, dog; to imitate, pursue, to be studious of.
G1873 To listen to, hear favorably.
G1874 To listen to, hear, hearken to.
G1875 After, when, as soon as.
G1876 Necessarily; as necessary things.
G1877 (a) nautical: to put out (from the shore), (literal: to take up a ship on to the high seas), (b) to go up, possibly: to go up again, return.
G1878 To remind, possibly: to remind again.
G1879 To rest upon, rely on, trust in.
G1880 To return, come back again.
G1881 To rise up against.
G1882 Correction, reformation, setting straight (right) again.
G1883 (a) adv: on the top, above, (b) prep: on the top of, above, over, on, above, more than, superior to.
G1884 To aid, relieve, do service, render help, to be strong enough for.
G1885 Sphere of duty, province.
G1886 A farm, estate, dwelling, habitation.
G1887 Tomorrow.
G1888 In the very act.
G1889 Epaphras, Epaphroditus, a Colossian Christian, in captivity with Paul in Rome.
G1890 To foam out (a metaphor from the seaweed and refuse borne on the crest of waves), vomit forth.
G1891 Epaphras, Epaphroditus, a Colossian Christian, in captivity with Paul in Rome.
G1892 To arouse, stimulate, excite against.
G1893 Of time: when, after; of cause: since, because; otherwise: else.
G1894 Of time: when, now, after that; of cause: seeing that, forasmuch as.
G1895 Since, forasmuch as.
G1896 To looked upon, regarded.
G1898 Bringing in (besides or in addition), introduction, importation.
G1899 Then, thereafter, afterwards.
G1900 Beyond, on yonder side.
G1901 To strain after, stretch forward.
G1902 To have on over (as a garment); to put on oneself in addition.
G1903 A coat, outer wrap or tunic.
G1904 To come to, arrive, come on, come upon, attack.
G1905 To interrogate, question, demand of.
G1906 Inquiry, request, appeal, demand; a profession, pledge.
G1907 (a) to hold forth, (b) to mark, pay attention (heed), note; to delay, stay, wait.
G1908 To insult, treat wrongfully, molest, revile.
G1909 On, to, against, on the basis of, at.
G1910 (a) to set foot on, step on, (b) to mount (a horse), board (a vessel).
G1911 (a) to throw upon, cast over, (b) to place upon, (c) to lay, (d) to strike upon, rush.
G1912 To put a burden on, to be burdensome.
G1913 To place upon (a horse, mule).
G1914 To look with favor on, regard.
G1915 A patch on a garment.
G1917 A plot, design against.
G1918 To take to wife after, marry a deceased brother's wife.
G1919 (a) on the earth, belonging to the earth (as opposed to the sky), (b) in a spiritual sense, belonging to the earthly sphere, earthly (as opposed to heavenly).
G1920 To arise, spring up, arrive, come on.
G1921 To come to know by directing my attention to him or it, to perceive, discern, recognize; to find out.
G1922 Knowledge of a particular point (directed towards a particular object); perception, discernment, recognition, intuition.
G1923 An inscription, title, label.
G1924 To write upon, inscribe, imprint a mark on.
G1925 To show, display, point out, indicate; to prove, demonstrate.
G1926 To accept, admit, welcome.
G1927 To sojourn, to be resident (temporarily, in a foreign city).
G1928 To make an additional testamentary disposition, to furnish with additions.
G1929 (a) to hand in, give up, (b) to give way (to the wind).
G1930 To set in order besides, put in order, correct.
G1931 To sink, set, set during, go down.
G1932 Considerateness, forbearance, fairness, gentleness, mildness.
G1933 Gentle, mild, forbearing, fair, reasonable, moderate.
G1934 To seek after, desire, search for, make inquiries about.
G1935 At the point of death, condemned to death.
G1936 A laying on; an attack, assault.
G1937 To long for, covet, lust after, set the heart upon.
G1938 An eager desirer of.
G1939 Desire, eagerness for, inordinate desire, lust.
G1940 To sit upon, cause to sit upon.
G1941 (a) to call (name) by a supplementary (additional, alternative) name, (b) to call upon, appeal to, address.
G1942 A covering, cloak, veil, pretext.
G1943 To put a cover on, cover up.
G1944 On whom a curse has been invoked, accursed, doomed to destruction.
G1945 (a) to be placed upon, to be laid upon, lie upon, to be imposed; to press upon, (b) to press hard, to be insistent, insist.
G1946 An Epicurean, one who holds the tenets of Epicurus.
G1947 Succor (against foes), help, aid, assistance.
G1948 To decree, give sentence, decide.
G1949 To lay hold of, take hold of, seize (sometimes with beneficent, sometimes with hostile, intent).
G1950 To forget, neglect.
G1951 To call; to choose for myself; pass: to be named.
G1952 To fail, fall short.
G1953 Forgetfulness, oblivion.
G1954 Remaining, that is left over, still left.
G1955 Solution, explanation, interpretation; release.
G1956 To loose, release; to solve, settle, explain, interpret, decide.
G1957 To testify earnestly, bear witness to.
G1958 Care, attention.
G1959 To take care of, attend to.
G1960 Carefully, diligently.
G1961 (a) to remain, tarry, (b) to remain in, persist in.
G1962 To nod to, assent to, consent.
G1963 Thought, purpose, design, intent.
G1964 To take an oath, swear falsely.
G1965 Perjured, sworn falsely.
G1966 The next day.
G1967 For the morrow, necessary, sufficient.
G1968 To fall upon, press upon, light upon, come over.
G1969 To rebuke, chide, reprove, strike at.
G1971 To long for, strain after, desire greatly, have affection for.
G1972 Eager longing (desire), strong affection.
G1973 Longed for, missed, greatly desired.
G1974 Longing, eager desire.
G1975 To travel, journey (to).
G1976 To sew (on).
G1977 To throw (cast) (upon), as of cares.
G1978 Notable, conspicuous.
G1979 Provision, nourishment, food.
G1980 To look upon, visit, look out, select.
G1981 To raise a tent (over), dwell, spread a tabernacle over.
G1982 To overshadow, envelop.
G1983 To exercise oversight, care for, visit.
G1984 (a) visitation (of judgment), (b) oversight, supervision, overseership.
G1985 (used as an official title in civil life), overseer, supervisor, ruler, especially used with reference to the supervising function exercised by an elder or presbyter of a church or congregation.
G1986 (literal: to draw over), to become as uncircumcised.
G1987 To know, know of, understand.
G1988 Master, teacher, chief, commander.
G1989 To write, send by letter to.
G1990 Skillful, experienced, knowing.
G1991 To prop up, uphold, support, confirm, make stronger.
G1992 A letter, dispatch, epistle, message.
G1993 To muzzle, silence, stop the mouth.
G1994 (a) to turn (back) to (towards), (b) to turn (back) (to [towards]); to come to myself.
G1995 A turning (to God), conversion.
G1996 To collect, gather together, assemble.
G1997 A gathering (collecting) together, assembling.
G1998 To run together again.
G1999 A gathering, concourse, tumult.
G2000 Dangerous, likely to fall.
G2001 To persist, insist, to be more urgent.
G2002 To heap up, obtain a multitude of.
G2003 Instruction, command, order, authority.
G2004 To give order, command, charge.
G2005 To complete, accomplish, perfect.
G2006 Necessary, suitable, fit.
G2007 To put, place upon, lay on; to add, give in addition.
G2008 (a) to rebuke, chide, admonish, (b) to warn.
G2009 Punishment, penalty.
G2010 To turn to, commit, entrust; to allow, yield, permit.
G2011 Power to decide, authority, commission.
G2012 (a) (procurator) a steward, (b) (tutor) a guardian.
G2013 To attain, obtain, acquire.
G2014 To appear (as of a light in the heavens or from the heavens), shine upon.
G2015 Appearing, manifestation, glorious display.
G2016 Manifest, glorious, illustrious.
G2017 To shine upon, give light to.
G2018 To bring forward (against), impose, inflict.
G2019 To call out, shout, clamor at.
G2020 To dawn, to be near commencing.
G2021 To take in hand, attempt.
G2022 To pour upon.
G2023 To supply, provide (perhaps lavishly), furnish.
G2024 Supply, provision, equipment, support.
G2025 To spread on, anoint.
G2026 To build upon (above) a foundation.
G2027 To force forward, run (a ship) aground.
G2028 To name, impose a name on; pass: am named.
G2029 To be an eyewitness of, behold, look upon.
G2030 An eyewitness, spectator, looker-on.
G2031 A word, so to speak.
G2032 Heavenly, celestial, in the heavenly sphere, the sphere of spiritual activities; divine, spiritual.
G2033 Seven.
G2034 Seven times.
G2035 Seven thousand.
G2036 Answer, bid, bring word, command.
G2037 Erastus, steward of Corinth, a Christian.
G2038 To work, trade, perform, do, practice, commit, acquire by labor.
G2039 Working, activity, work, service, trade, business, gains of business, performance, practice.
G2040 A field-laborer; then: a laborer, workman in general.
G2041 Work, task, employment; a deed, action; that which is wrought or made, a work.
G2042 To stir up, arouse to anger, provoke, irritate, incite.
G2043 To stick fast, prop, fix firmly.
G2044 (literal: to belch forth, hence) to utter, declare.
G2045 To search diligently, examine.
G2046 (denoting speech in progress), (a) to say, speak; to mean, mention, tell, (b) to call, name, especially in the pass., (c) to tell, command.
G2047 A desert place, desert, uninhabited region.
G2048 Deserted, desolate, waste; hence: the desert, to the east and south of Palestine; of a person: deserted, abandoned, desolate.
G2049 (a) to make desolate, bring to desolation, destroy, waste, (b) of a person: to strip, rob.
G2050 A desolation, devastation.
G2051 To contend, dispute, wrangle, strive.
G2052 (the seeking of followers and adherents by means of gifts, the seeking of followers, hence) ambition, rivalry, self-seeking; a feud, faction.
G2053 Wool.
G2054 Contention, strife, wrangling.
G2055 A little young goat.
G2056 A goat.
G2057 Hermas, a Roman Christian.
G2058 Translation, interpretation, explanation.
G2059 (a) to translate, explain, (b) to interpret the meaning of.
G2060 (a) Hermes, the messenger and herald of the Greek gods, or rather the corresponding Lycaonian deity, (b) Hermes, a Roman Christian.
G2061 Hermogenes, a man of Rome.
G2062 A creeping creature, reptile, especially a serpent.
G2063 Red.
G2064 To come, go.
G2065 (a) to ask (a question), question, (b) to request, make a request to, pray.
G2066 Clothing, raiment, vestment, robe.
G2068 To eat, partake of food; to devour, consume (e.g. as rust does).
G2069 Esli, son of Naggai and father of Nahum.
G2072 A mirror, looking-glass (made of highly polished metal).
G2073 Evening.
G2074 Hezron, son of Perez, father of Ram.
G2078 Last, at the last, finally, till the end.
G2079 Extremely, utterly; to be at the extremity, to be in extremis, to be at the last grasp.
G2080 Within, inside, with verbs either of rest or of motion; prep: within, to within, inside.
G2081 (a) from within, from inside, (b) within, inside; with the article: the inner part, the inner element, (c) the mind, soul.
G2082 Inner; with the article: the part that is within.
G2083 A companion, comrade, friend.
G2084 Speaking another language; one who speaks another language.
G2085 To teach different things, that is, different from the true or necessary teaching.
G2086 To be yoked with one different from oneself, unequally yoked.
G2087 (a) of two: another, a second, (b) other, different, (c) one's neighbor.
G2088 Otherwise, differently.
G2089 (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition.
G2090 To make ready, prepare.
G2091 Foundation, firm footing; preparation, readiness.
G2092 Ready, prepared.
G2093 Readily.
G2094 A year.
G2095 Well, well done, good, rightly; also used as an exclamation.
G2096 Eve, the first woman; wife of first man Adam.
G2097 To bring good news, preach good tidings, with or without an object, expressing either the persons who receive the good news or the good news itself (the good news being sometimes expressed as a person).
G2098 The good news of the coming of the Messiah, the gospel; the gen. after it expresses sometimes the giver (God), sometimes the subject (the Messiah, etc.), sometimes the human transmitter (an apostle).
G2099 An evangelist, a missionary, bearer of good tidings.
G2100 To give pleasure to, please (perhaps with the added idea of: rendering good service to).
G2101 Acceptable, well-pleasing (especially to God), grateful.
G2102 Acceptably, in a well-pleasing way.
G2103 Eubulus, a Christian with Paul in Rome.
G2104 (a) of noble birth, of high birth, (b) noble in nature.
G2105 Fair weather, good weather.
G2106 To be well-pleased, think it good, to be resolved.
G2107 (a) good-will (good-pleasure), favor, feeling of complacency of God to man, (b) good-pleasure, satisfaction, happiness, delight of men.
G2108 Good action, well-doing, benefiting, kind service.
G2109 To do good deeds, perform kind service, benefit.
G2110 A benefactor, well-doer.
G2111 Suitable, fit, useful.
G2112 Immediately, soon, at once.
G2113 To run a straight course.
G2114 To keep up spirit, to be cheerful, to be of good courage.
G2115 Cheerful, having good courage.
G2116 (a) to make straight (of the direction, not the surface, of a road), (b) to guide, steer.
G2117 Adj: (a) straight of direction, as opposed to crooked, (b) upright; adv: immediately.
G2118 Straightness, uprightness.
G2119 To have a good (favorable) opportunity, have leisure; to devote my leisure to.
G2120 A convenient time, opportunity, fitting time.
G2121 Opportune, timely, suitable; perhaps sometimes: holiday, festival.
G2122 Opportunely, in season, conveniently.
G2123 Easier.
G2124 Reverence, fear of God, piety.
G2125 To fear, to be anxious, to be cautious; to reverence.
G2126 (literal: handling well, hence) cautious, circumspect; hence: God-fearing, pious.
G2127 (literal: to speak well of) to bless; pass: to be blessed.
G2128 (used only of God), blessed (as entitled to receive blessing from man), worthy of praise.
G2129 Adulation, praise, blessing, gift.
G2130 Willingly sharing, ready to impart, generous.
G2131 Eunice, mother of Timothy.
G2132 To be favorable, to be kindly-disposed.
G2133 Good-will, kindliness; enthusiasm.
G2134 To make into a eunuch, emasculate, castrate.
G2135 (a) a chamberlain, keeper of the bed-chamber of an eastern potentate, eunuch, (b) a eunuch, castrated person, or one who voluntarily abstains from marriage.
G2136 Euodia, a Christian woman of Philippi.
G2137 To cause to prosper, pass: to have a happy (successful) journey, hence: to prosper.
G2138 Compliant, ready to obey.
G2139 Easily surrounding, encircling, easily distracted.
G2140 Good-doing, doing of good.
G2141 To have means, to be prosperous, enjoy plenty.
G2142 Wealth, gain, plenty.
G2143 Beauty, gracefulness, comeliness.
G2144 Well-received, acceptable, welcome, pleasing.
G2145 Constantly attending to, devoted.
G2146 To look well, make a fair show (a good outward appearance, and so win good opinion).
G2147 To find, learn, discover, especially after searching.
G2148 An east-north-east wind.
G2149 Broad, spacious, wide.
G2150 Piety (towards God), godliness, devotion, godliness.
G2151 To be dutiful, pious, show piety towards, worship.
G2152 Pious, God-fearing, devout.
G2153 Piously, religiously.
G2154 With clear meaning, intelligible, clear to the understanding.
G2155 Tender-hearted, merciful, compassionate.
G2156 Becomingly, decorously, decently.
G2157 Decorum, becomingness, embellishment.
G2158 (a) comely, seemly, decorous, (b) of honorable position (in society), wealthy, influential.
G2159 Vehemently, powerfully, vigorously.
G2160 Low jesting, ribaldry.
G2161 Eutychus, a young hearer of Paul at Troas.
G2162 Commendation, good report, praise.
G2163 Well reported of, spoken in a kindly spirit, laudable, reputable.
G2164 To bear well, bring a good harvest, yield abundantly.
G2165 To cheer, make glad; generally mid. or pass: to be glad, make merry, revel, feast.
G2166 The Euphrates, boundary river of the province Syria.
G2167 Joy, gladness, rejoicing.
G2168 To thank, give thanks; pass. 3 sing: is received with thanks.
G2169 Thankfulness, gratitude; giving of thanks, thanksgiving.
G2170 Thankful, grateful.
G2171 A prayer comprising a vow; a prayer, vow.
G2172 To pray, wish.
G2173 Useful, serviceable, very profitable.
G2174 To be of good cheer.
G2175 A sweet smell, fragrance.
G2176 (literal: well-named, to avoid the evil omen attaching to the left), on the left-hand side, left.
G2177 To leap upon, assault.
G2178 Once, once for all; at once.
G2180 Ephesian, of Ephesus.
G2181 Ephesus, a coast city, capital of the Roman province Asia.
G2182 An inventor, contriver, discoverer.
G2183 A class of priests who served for a stated number of days.
G2184 For the day, daily, necessary for every day.
G2185 To come to, reach as far as.
G2186 To stand by, to be urgent, befall one (as of evil), to be at hand, impend.
G2187 Ephraim, a city.
G2188 (Aramaic, meaning) be opened up.
G2189 Enmity, hostility, alienation.
G2190 Hated, hostile; an enemy.
G2191 A serpent, snake, viper.
G2192 To have, hold, possess.
G2193 (a) conj: until, (b) prep: as far as, up to, as much as, until.
G2194 Zebulun, one of the sons of Jacob, and founder of one of the twelve tribes.
G2195 Zacchaeus, a Jewish tax-gatherer.
G2196 Zerah, son of Judah and Tamar.
G2197 Zechariah, (a) a priest referred to as a son of Jehoiada, (b) another priest, father of John the Baptist.
G2198 To live, to be alive.
G2199 Zebedee, father of the apostles James and John.
G2200 Boiling hot; fervent.
G2201 A yoke, team; hence: a pair.
G2202 A band, fastening.
G2203 Zeus, the Greek god of the sky in all its manifestations, corresponding to the Roman Jupiter and to the leading god of the native Lycaonians.
G2204 (literal: to boil, to be boiling), to burn (in spirit), to be fervent.
G2205 (a) eagerness, zeal, enthusiasm, (b) jealousy, rivalry.
G2206 (a) to be jealous, (b) to be jealous of, with acc. of a person; to be eager for, to be eager to possess, with acc. of a thing.
G2207 One who is eagerly devoted to a person or a thing, a zealot.
G2209 Damage, loss, detriment.
G2210 To inflict loss (damage) upon, fine, punish, sometimes with the acc. of the penalty, even when the verb is passive.
G2211 Zenas, a Christian lawyer in Rome.
G2212 To seek, search for, desire, require, demand.
G2213 A question, subject of inquiry, dispute.
G2214 A question, debate, controversy; a seeking, search.
G2215 Spurious wheat, darnel; a plant that grows in Palestine which resembles wheat in many ways but is worthless.
G2216 Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel (Salathiel) and father of Abiud and Rhesa.
G2217 Darkness, murkiness, gloom.
G2218 A yoke; hence (a Jewish idea) of a heavy burden, comparable to the heavy yokes resting on the bullocks' necks; a balance, pair of scales.
G2219 Leaven, ferment.
G2220 To leaven, ferment.
G2221 To capture alive, capture for life, enthrall.
G2222 Life, both of physical (present) and of spiritual (particularly future) existence.
G2223 A girdle, belt, waistband; because the purse was kept there, also: a purse.
G2224 To gird, put on the girdle, especially as preparatory to active work.
G2225 To preserve alive (literal: bring to birth), save.
G2226 An animal, living creature.
G2227 To make that which was dead to live, cause to live, quicken.
G2228 Or, than.
G2230 To govern.
G2231 Rule, authority, sovereignty; a reign.
G2232 A leader, guide; a commander; a governor (of a province); plural: leaders.
G2233 (a) to lead, (b) to think, to be of opinion, suppose, consider.
G2234 Gladly, pleasantly, with pleasure.
G2235 Already; now at length, now after all this waiting.
G2236 Most gladly, most pleasantly.
G2237 Pleasure, a pleasure, especially sensuous pleasure; a strong desire, passion.
G2238 Mint, peppermint.
G2239 Habit, manner, custom, morals.
G2240 To have come, to be present, have arrived.
G2241 Eli, my God (Hebrew).
G2242 Heli, an ancestor of Jesus.
G2243 Elijah, the prophet.
G2244 Age, term of life; full age, maturity; stature.
G2245 Of which size, of what size, how small, how much.
G2246 The sun, sunlight.
G2247 A nail.
G2250 A day, the period from sunrise to sunset.
G2251 Our, our own.
G2253 Half-dead.
G2255 Half.
G2256 Half an hour.
G2259 When, whenever, at which time.
G2260 Than.
G2261 Placid, gentle, mild.
G2262 Er, son of Joshua and father of Elmadam.
G2263 Quiet, tranquil.
G2264 Herod; four persons are called by this name: Herod the Great, Herod Antipas, Herod Agrippa, and Herod Agrippa the younger.
G2265 The Herodians, the partisans of Herod (Antipas).
G2266 Herodias (died after A.D. 40), daughter of Aristobulus and granddaughter of Herod I, wife, first, of her uncle Herod, second, of his half-brother, her uncle Herod Antipas.
G2267 Herodion, a Christian in Rome, a relative of Paul.
G2268 Isaiah, the prophet.
G2269 Esau, elder son of Isaac the patriarch, brother of Jacob.
G2270 To rest from work, cease from altercation, to be silent, live quietly.
G2271 Quietness, stillness, silence.
G2272 Quiet, tranquil, peaceful.
G2273 Whether.
G2274 To be defeated, to be overcome, to be made inferior.
G2275 Defect, loss, defeat, failure, shortcoming.
G2276 Lesser, inferior, weaker.
G2278 To make a sound, give forth a sound, sound (when struck); to roar (as the sea).
G2279 (a) a sound, noise, (b) a rumor, report.
G2280 Thaddaeus, one of the twelve apostles.
G2281 (a) the sea, in contrast to the land, (b) a particular sea or lake, e.g. the Sea of Galilee (Tiberias), the Red Sea.
G2282 (properly: to warm, then) to cherish, nourish, foster, comfort.
G2283 Tamar, mother of Perez and Zerah by Judah, son of Jacob.
G2284 To amaze; pass: to be amazed (almost terrified).
G2285 Astonishment, amazement (allied to terror or awe).
G2286 Deadly, mortal, fatal.
G2287 Death-bringing, deadly.
G2288 Death, physical or spiritual.
G2289 To put to death, subdue; pass: to be in danger of death, to be dead to, to be rid of, to be parted from.
G2290 To bury.
G2291 Terah, the father of Abraham.
G2292 To be courageous, confident, of good cheer.
G2293 To be of good courage, good cheer, to be bold.
G2294 Courage, confidence.
G2295 (a) concr: a marvel, wonder, (b) abstr: wonder, amazement.
G2296 (a) to wonder, marvel, (b) to wonder at, admire.
G2297 Wonderful, admirable; a wonder.
G2298 To be wondered at, wonderful, marvelous.
G2299 A goddess.
G2300 To see, behold, contemplate, look upon, view; to see, visit.
G2301 To make a public show of, expose to public shame.
G2302 (a) a theatre, a semi-circular stone building, generally open to the sky, (b) a spectacle, show.
G2303 Brimstone, sulfur.
G2304 Divine; the Deity.
G2305 Divinity, divine nature.
G2306 Of brimstone, sulfurous.
G2307 An act of will, will; plural: wishes, desires.
G2308 A willing, will.
G2309 To will, wish, desire, to be willing, intend, design.
G2310 (properly, an adj: belonging to the foundation), a foundation stone.
G2311 To found, lay the foundation.
G2312 Taught by God, divinely instructed.
G2313 To fight against God.
G2314 Fighting against God.
G2315 God-breathed, inspired by God, due to the inspiration of God.
G2316 (a) God, (b) a god, generally.
G2317 Reverence for God, fear of God, godliness, piety.
G2318 Devout, pious, God-fearing.
G2319 Hating God, hateful to God.
G2320 Deity, Godhead.
G2321 Theophilus, a friend of Luke of equestrian rank, to whom the Gospel and Acts are dedicated.
G2322 Care, attention, especially medical attention (treatment); hence almost: healing; those who render service.
G2323 To care for, attend, serve, treat, especially of a physician; hence: to heal.
G2324 A servant, attendant, minister.
G2325 To reap, gather, harvest.
G2326 Reaping, harvest; the harvest, crop.
G2327 A reaper, harvester.
G2328 To warm; to warm myself.
G2329 Heat.
G2330 Summer.
G2331 A Thessalonian.
G2332 Thessalonica (modern Saloniki), an important city of the Roman province Macedonia.
G2333 Theudas, a Jewish pretender of date about 4 B.C., otherwise unknown.
G2334 To look at, gaze, behold; to see, experience, discern; to partake of.
G2335 A sight, spectacle.
G2336 A repository, receptacle; a case, sheath, scabbard.
G2337 To suckle.
G2338 Female.
G2339 Hunting, entrapping; prey, game; a net, means of capture.
G2340 To hunt, seek to catch or entrap; to lay hold of.
G2341 To fight with wild beasts (i.e. wild beasts in human form); to be exposed to fierce hostility.
G2342 Properly: a wild beast, hence: any animal; a brute.
G2343 To store up, treasure up, save, lay up.
G2344 A store-house for precious things; hence: a treasure, a store.
G2345 To touch, handle, injure, harm.
G2346 (a) to make narrow (strictly: by pressure); to press upon, (b) to persecute, press hard.
G2347 Persecution, affliction, distress, tribulation.
G2348 To die, to be dying, to be dead.
G2349 Mortal, subject to death.
G2350 To disturb greatly, terrify, strike with panic; to show agitation of mind.
G2351 (a) din, hubbub, confused noise, outcry, (b) riot, disturbance.
G2352 To crush, break, shatter; to break down.
G2353 (literal: a nursling, hence probably) plural: cattle.
G2354 To lament, wail; to bewail.
G2356 (underlying sense: reverence or worship of the gods), worship as expressed in ritual acts, religion.
G2357 (refers probably to a careful observance of religious restrictions), religious (probably in a limited sense), devout.
G2358 (properly: to lead one as my prisoner in a triumphal procession, hence) to lead around, make a show (spectacle) of, cause to triumph.
G2359 Hair (of the head or of animals).
G2360 To disturb, agitate; pass: to be troubled, alarmed.
G2361 A clot, large drop (of blood).
G2362 A (king's) throne, seat; power, dominion; a potentate.
G2363 Thyatira, a city of the old district Lydia, in the Roman province Asia.
G2364 A daughter; hence, of any female descendent, however far removed; even of one unrelated: my young lady.
G2365 A little (young) daughter.
G2366 A storm, tempest, whirlwind.
G2367 Of the sandarach (so-called citron) tree.
G2368 Incense.
G2369 (ordinarily: censer, but) either the altar of incense, or the shovel, on which the high-priest poured the coals, when he entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement.
G2370 To burn incense.
G2371 (literal: to fight desperately, hence) to be furiously angry with.
G2372 An outburst of passion, wrath.
G2373 To provoke to anger; pass: to be very angry.
G2374 (a) a door, (b) an opportunity.
G2375 The heavy oblong Roman shield.
G2376 A small opening, window.
G2377 A door-keeper, porter.
G2378 Sacrifice; a sacrifice, offering.
G2379 An altar (for sacrifice).
G2380 To sacrifice, generally an animal; hence: to kill.
G2381 Thomas, also called Didymus, one of the Twelve.
G2382 A breast-plate, cuirass.
G2383 Jairus, a Jewish ruler of the synagogue.
G2384 (Hebrew), Jacob, (a) the patriarch, son of Isaac, (b) father of Joseph, the husband of Mary.
G2385 James, (a) the Small, son of Alphaeus, and one of the Twelve, (b) half-brother of Jesus, (c) father (?) of Jude, (d) son of Zebedee, and brother of John, one of the Twelve, killed A.D. 44.
G2386 Healing, curing, remedy.
G2387 Jambres, a sorcerer at the court of the Pharaoh.
G2388 Jannai, an ancestor of Jesus; Jannai was the son of Joseph, and father of Melchi.
G2389 Jannes, a sorcerer at the court of the Pharaoh.
G2390 To heal, generally of the physical, sometimes of spiritual, disease.
G2391 (Hebrew), Jared, son of Mahalalel and father of Enoch.
G2392 A cure, healing.
G2393 Jasper; a precious stone.
G2394 Jason, a Christian of Thessalonica, perhaps the same as the relative of Paul.
G2395 A physician.
G2397 Form, outward appearance.
G2398 One's own, belonging to one, private, personal; one's own people, one's own family, home, property.
G2399 (unofficial, hence) an amateur, an unprofessional man, a layman; an ungifted person.
G2400 See! Lo! Behold! Look!.
G2401 Idumea, Edom, a district of Arabia, immediately south of Judea.
G2402 Sweat, perspiration.
G2403 Jezebel, name given to a false prophetess of Thyatira, possibly borrowed from the name of Ahab's wife, queen of Israel.
G2405 The duty (office) of a priest, priesthood.
G2406 The act or office of priesthood.
G2407 To serve as priest.
G2408 Jeremiah, Hebrew prophet.
G2409 A priest, one who offers sacrifice to a god (in Jewish and pagan religions; of Christians only met.).
G2410 Jericho, a city a little north of the Dead Sea.
G2411 A temple, either the whole building, or specifically the outer courts, open to worshippers.
G2412 Suitable to a sacred character, reverent.
G2413 Sacred, holy, set apart.
G2414 The Greek form of the Hebrew name: Jerusalem.
G2415 An inhabitant of Jerusalem.
G2416 To commit sacrilege, rob a temple.
G2417 Robbing temples, but possibly simply: sacrilegious.
G2418 To minister in holy things.
G2419 (Aramaic form), Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine: hence Judaism, and allegorically, Christendom, the Christian Church.
G2420 The abstract notion of the priestly office.
G2421 (Hebrew), Jesse, son of Obed, and father of King David.
G2422 (Hebrew), Jephthah, one of the Judges of Israel.
G2423 (Hebrew), Jeconiah, son of Josiah and father of Salathiel.
G2424 Jesus; the Greek form of Joshua; Jesus, son of Eliezer; Jesus, surnamed Justus.
G2425 (a) considerable, sufficient, of number, quantity, time, (b) of persons: sufficiently strong (good, etc.), worthy, suitable, with various constructions, (c) many, much.
G2426 Sufficiency, ability, power, fitness.
G2427 To make sufficient, render fit, qualify.
G2428 (originally: the olive branch held in the hand of the suppliant), supplication, entreaty.
G2429 Moisture.
G2430 Iconium, a Phrygian city of the Roman province Galatia (modern Konia).
G2431 Joyous, cheerful, not grudging.
G2432 Cheerfulness, graciousness.
G2433 (a) to have mercy on, show favor to, (b) trans. with object of sins: to forgive, pardon.
G2434 A propitiation (of an angry god), atoning sacrifice.
G2435 (a) a sin offering, by which the wrath of the deity shall be appeased; a means of propitiation, (b) the covering of the ark, which was sprinkled with the atoning blood on the Day of Atonement.
G2436 Propitious, forgiving, merciful.
G2437 Illyricum, a Roman province, afterwards called Dalmatia, bounded by Pannonia on the north, Macedonia on the south, Moesia on the east, and the Adriatic Sea on the west.
G2438 A thong, strap, (a) for binding a man who is to be flogged, (b) for fastening a sandal or shoe.
G2439 To clothe, provide clothing for; pass: to be clothed.
G2440 A long flowing outer garment, tunic.
G2441 A collective word: raiment, clothing.
G2442 To desire earnestly, long for; to have a strong affection for, love fervently.
G2443 In order that, so that.
G2445 Joppa, a coast town of Judea, west-north-west of Jerusalem.
G2446 The Jordan, a great river flowing due south and bounding Galilee, Samaria, and Judea on the east.
G2447 Poison, rust; an arrow.
G2448 Judah, Judas, Jude.
G2449 Judea, a Roman province, capital Jerusalem.
G2450 To live as a Jew (in religion, ceremonially).
G2451 Jewish, Judaic.
G2452 In the manner of Jews (religiously, ceremonially).
G2453 Jewish.
G2454 The Jewish religion, Judaism.
G2455 Judah, Judas, Jude.
G2456 Julia, a Roman Christian, probably a slave or freed from the Imperial household.
G2457 Julius, a Roman centurion on special service.
G2458 Junia, Junias, a Roman Christian.
G2459 Justus, (a) a surname of Joseph Barsabbas, one of the two nominated to fill Judas' place as apostle, (b) Titius Justus, a Corinthian Christian, (c) surname of Jesus, a Christian with Paul in Rome.
G2460 A horse-soldier, a mounted soldier, a cavalryman.
G2461 Cavalry.
G2462 A horse.
G2463 A rainbow or halo.
G2464 (Hebrew), Isaac, the patriarch.
G2465 Equal to or like the angels.
G2466 Issachar, a proper name.
G2469 Iscariot, surname of Judas.
G2470 Equal, equivalent, identical.
G2471 Equality; equality of treatment, fairness.
G2472 Equally privileged, equal in honor.
G2473 Like-minded, of the same mind or spirit.
G2474 (Hebrew), Israel, surname of Jacob, then the Jewish people, the people of God.
G2475 An Israelite, one of the chosen people of Israel, a Jew.
G2476 (a) to make to stand, place, set up, establish, appoint; to place oneself, stand, (b) to set in balance, weigh; (c) to stand, stand by, stand still; to stand ready, stand firm, to be steadfast.
G2477 To get acquainted with, visit.
G2478 Strong (originally and generally of physical strength); mighty, powerful, vehement, sure.
G2479 Strength (absolutely), power, might, force, ability.
G2480 To have strength, to be strong, to be in full health and vigor, to be able; to prevail.
G2481 Perhaps, equally; it may be that.
G2482 Italy.
G2483 Italian.
G2484 Ituraean, an adjective applied to a district also called Trachonitis, about 60 miles east of the Sea of Galilee, and partly inhabited by the nomad tribe called Ituraeans.
G2485 A small fish.
G2486 A fish.
G2487 A track, footstep.
G2488 Jotham, son of Uzziah and father of Ahaz.
G2489 (Hebrew), Joanna, Johanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward.
G2490 Joanan, a proper name.
G2491 John: the Baptist, the apostle, a member of the Sanhedrin, or John Mark.
G2492 (Hebrew), Job, the hero of the book of that name in the Old Testament.
G2493 Joel, the Hebrew prophet.
G2494 (Hebrew), Jonam, an ancestor of Jesus.
G2495 (Hebrew), Jonah, the Hebrew prophet.
G2496 (Hebrew), Joram, Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat and father of Uzziah.
G2497 (Hebrew), Jorim, an ancestor of Jesus.
G2498 (Hebrew), Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, son of Asaph, father of Joram, an ancestor of Jesus.
G2500 (Hebrew), Joses (a) son of Eliezer, (b) son of Mary, half-brother of Jesus, (c) surnamed Barnabas (also called Joseph).
G2501 Joseph, a proper name.
G2502 (Hebrew), Josiah, king of Judah.
G2503 Iota, a small letter of the Greek alphabet, used in the NT to indicate the smallest part.
G2504 To also, to too, but I.
G2505 Just as.
G2506 Taking down, razing, destroying.
G2507 (a) to take down, pull down, depose, destroy.
G2508 To cleanse, purify, prune.
G2509 Even as, just as.
G2510 To lay hold of, fasten on to, seize, attack.
G2511 To cleanse, make clean, literally, ceremonially, or spiritually, according to context.
G2512 Cleansing, purifying, purification, literal, ceremonial, or moral; expiation.
G2513 Clean, pure, unstained, either literally or ceremonially or spiritually; guiltless, innocent, upright.
G2514 Cleanness, purity.
G2515 A seat, chair.
G2516 To be sitting, sit down, to be seated.
G2517 In order, in succession, in the time immediately after, just after.
G2518 To sleep, to be sleeping.
G2519 A leader, teacher, guide, master.
G2520 To come down, come to; to be unfit, proper.
G2521 To sit, to be seated, enthroned; to dwell, reside.
G2522 Daily, day-by-day.
G2523 (a) to make to sit; to set, appoint, (b) to sit down, to be seated, stay.
G2524 To send, let down, lower.
G2525 To set down, bring down to a place; to set in order, appoint, make, constitute.
G2526 According to which thing, as, according as.
G2527 One the whole, in general, altogether.
G2528 To arm fully.
G2529 To see clearly, perceive, discern.
G2530 (a) in proportion as, according as, (b) because.
G2531 According to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as.
G2532 And, even, also, namely.
G2533 Caiaphas, Jewish high priest.
G2535 (Hebrew), Cain, son of Adam and Eve and brother of Abel.
G2536 (Hebrew), Cainan, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G2537 Fresh, new, unused, novel.
G2538 Freshness, newness, novelty.
G2539 Although, though.
G2540 Fitting season, season, opportunity, occasion, time.
G2541 Caesar, a surname of the gens Iulia, which became practically synonymous with the Emperor for the time being; in the Gospels it always refers to Tiberias.
G2542 Two cities of Palestine: one in Galilee (Caesarea Philippi), the other on the coast of the Mediterranean.
G2543 And yet, although, though.
G2544 And yet, although, indeed.
G2545 To ignite, light, burn, to consume with fire.
G2546 And there, and yonder, there also.
G2547 And thence, and from there; and then afterwards.
G2548 And he, she, it, and that.
G2549 (a) evil (i.e. trouble, labor, misfortune), (b) wickedness, (c) vicious disposition, malice, spite.
G2550 Evil-mindedness, malignity, malevolence.
G2551 To speak evil of, curse, revile, abuse.
G2552 Experience of evil, suffering, distress, affliction, perseverance.
G2553 To suffer evil, endure affliction.
G2554 To do harm, do wrong, do evil, commit sin.
G2555 Doing evil; an evil-doer.
G2556 Bad, evil, in the widest sense.
G2557 (literal: an evil-worker), a criminal.
G2558 To treat evilly, hurt, torment.
G2559 To treat badly, afflict, embitter, make angry.
G2560 Badly, evilly, wrongly.
G2561 Affliction, ill-treatment, oppression, misery.
G2562 Stubble, straw, the stalk.
G2563 A reed; a reed-pen, reed-staff, measuring rod.
G2564 (a) to call, summon, invite, (b) to call, name.
G2565 A cultivated olive tree.
G2566 Very well.
G2567 A teacher of that which is noble (honorable) and good.
G2569 To do well, act honorably, do what is right.
G2570 Beautiful, as an outward sign of the inward good, noble, honorable character; good, worthy, honorable, noble, and seen to be so.
G2571 A covering, especially a covering of head and face, a veil.
G2572 To veil, hide, conceal, envelop.
G2573 Well, nobly, honorably, rightly.
G2574 A camel or dromedary.
G2575 A furnace, oven, kiln.
G2576 To close, shut the eyes.
G2577 To work, to be weary, to be sick.
G2578 To bend, bow.
G2579 And if, even if, even, at least.
G2580 Cana, a town in Galilee.
G2581 A Canaanite.
G2582 Candace, a proper name; the Candace, a dynastic name for queens of the Ethiopians in Abyssinia.
G2583 (literal: a level, ruler), a rule, regulation, rule of conduct or doctrine, (b) a measured (defined) area, province.
G2584 Capernaum, a town of Galilee.
G2585 To hawk, trade in, deal in for purposes of gain.
G2586 Smoke.
G2587 Cappadocia, a large Roman province in the central eastern part of Asia Minor.
G2588 Literal: the heart; mind, character, inner self, will, intention, center.
G2589 A knower of the inner life (character, hearts).
G2590 (a) fruit, generally vegetable, sometimes animal, (b) fruit, deed, action, result, (c) profit, gain.
G2591 Carpus, a Christian of Troas.
G2592 To bear fruit.
G2593 Fruitful.
G2594 To persevere, endure, to be steadfast, patient.
G2595 A dry stalk, chip of wood, twig, splinter, chaff.
G2596 Genitive: against, down from, throughout, by; accusative: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of.
G2597 To go down, come down, either from the sky or from higher land, descend.
G2598 (a) to lay, of a foundation, (b) to cast down, prostrate.
G2599 To burden, oppress, weigh down.
G2600 Descent.
G2602 (a) foundation, (b) depositing, sowing, deposit, technically used of the act of conception.
G2603 Of the umpire in a contest: to decide against, take part against, condemn (perhaps with the idea of assumption, officialism).
G2604 A reporter, announcer, proclaimer, herald.
G2605 To declare openly, proclaim, preach, laud, celebrate.
G2606 To laugh at, ridicule.
G2607 To condemn, blame.
G2608 To break down (in pieces), crush, break into.
G2609 To lead down, bring down, either from a high place on land or to a lower (or actually to the sea-coast), or from the high seas to land.
G2610 To subdue (in warfare); to struggle against, conquer, overcome.
G2611 To bind up, bandage.
G2612 Quite clear, evident.
G2613 To condemn, pass sentence upon.
G2614 To hunt down, follow closely.
G2615 To enslave.
G2616 To overpower, quell, treat harshly.
G2617 To shame, disgrace, bring to shame, put to utter confusion, frustrate.
G2618 To burn up, consume entirely.
G2619 To veil, cover the head.
G2620 To boast against, exult over.
G2621 To recline (at table); more often: to keep my bed, to be lying ill (in bed).
G2622 To break in pieces, break up.
G2623 To shut up, confine.
G2624 To give as an inheritance, distribute by lot.
G2625 To cause to recline at table; mid. and pass: to recline at table.
G2626 To flood over, overwhelm, inundate.
G2627 A deluge, flood.
G2628 To follow after.
G2629 To cut up, cut in pieces, mangle, wound.
G2630 To cast down headlong, throw over a precipice.
G2631 Punishment following condemnation, penal servitude, penalty.
G2632 To condemn, judge worthy of punishment.
G2633 Condemnation, censure.
G2634 To exercise authority over, overpower, master.
G2635 To speak evil of, rail at, slander.
G2636 Evil-speaking, backbiting, detraction, slander.
G2637 Slanderous, back-biting; a railer, defamer.
G2638 (a) to seize tight hold of, arrest, catch, capture, appropriate, (b) to overtake, (c) to perceived, comprehended.
G2639 To enter in a list, register, enroll.
G2641 To leave behind, desert, abandon, forsake; to leave remaining, reserve.
G2642 To stone down, stone to death, overwhelm with stones.
G2643 Reconciliation, restoration to favor.
G2644 To change, exchange, reconcile.
G2645 Left behind; the rest, the remainder.
G2646 An inn, lodging-place.
G2647 (literal: to loosen thoroughly), (a) to break up, overthrow, destroy (b) to unyoke, unharness a carriage horse or pack animal; hence: to put up, lodge, find a lodging.
G2648 To understand, take in a fact about, consider carefully.
G2649 To give evidence (bear witness) against.
G2650 To wait, stay (with), remain, abide, dwell.
G2652 A curse, an accursed thing.
G2653 To curse, devote to destruction.
G2654 To use up, spend, consume (as with fire).
G2655 (properly a medical term: to stupefy, hence) to burden, encumber.
G2656 To nod, make a sign, beckon.
G2657 To take note of, perceive, consider carefully, discern, detect, make account of.
G2658 (a) to come down, either from high land to lower (or actually to the sea-coast), or from the high seas to the coast; hence to arrive at, reach (my destination), (b) of property: to come down (descend) by inheritance to an heir.
G2659 Deep sleep, torpor, insensibility, stupor.
G2660 To be pierced, stung, smitten.
G2661 To deem (count) worthy.
G2662 To trample down, trample under foot, spurn.
G2663 (in the Old Testament of the rest attained by the settlement in Canaan), resting, rest, dwelling, habitation.
G2664 (a) to cause to rest, bring to rest; to cause to refrain, (b) to rest.
G2665 (literal: that which is spread out downwards, that which hangs down), a curtain, veil, of that which separated the Holy of Holies from the outer parts of the temple at Jerusalem, also of an outer curtain at the entrance to the Holy Place in the same temple.
G2666 To drink down, swallow, devour, destroy, consume.
G2667 To fall down, fall prostrate.
G2668 To sail down (from the high seas to the shore).
G2669 To exhaust by labor or suffering, wear out, overpower, oppress.
G2670 To sink in the sea, pass: to drown, to be submerged.
G2671 Cursing; a curse; a doomed one.
G2672 To curse.
G2673 (a) to make idle (inactive), make of no effect, annul, abolish, bring to naught, (b) to discharge, sever, separate from.
G2674 To number among, count with.
G2675 (a) to fit (join) together; to compact together, (b) to prepare, perfect, for his (its) full destination or use, bring into its proper condition (whether for the first time, or after a lapse).
G2676 A perfecting, making fit.
G2677 A bringing to a condition of fitness, perfecting.
G2678 To shake (the hand) up and down, wave; to beckon for silence.
G2679 To dig down under, demolish, undermine.
G2680 To build, construct, prepare, make ready.
G2681 To encamp, take up my quarters, tabernacle, pitch my tent, dwell.
G2682 A dwelling-place.
G2683 To overshadow.
G2684 To view closely, inspect, spy out.
G2685 A spy, scout.
G2686 To deal craftily with, outwit.
G2687 To let down, lower; to keep down, restrain, pacify.
G2688 Behavior, conduct, deportment, demeanor.
G2689 Garb, clothing, dress, attire.
G2690 To overturn, overthrow.
G2691 To grow wanton towards.
G2692 Overthrow, destruction, material or spiritual.
G2693 To strew or spread over; to lay low, overthrow.
G2694 To pull down, drag away.
G2695 To slaughter, kill off, slay.
G2696 To seal up, secure with a seal.
G2697 A possession, holding fast.
G2698 (a) to lay down, deposit, (b) to lay down or deposit a favor, with the view of receiving one in return, seek favor.
G2699 A mutilation, spoiling.
G2701 To run down.
G2702 To bear down, overpower; to give a vote or verdict, bring charges.
G2703 To flee for refuge (implying that the refuge is reached); aor. indicates moment of arrival.
G2704 To destroy, corrupt.
G2705 To kiss affectionately.
G2706 To despise, scorn, and show it by active insult, disregard.
G2707 A despiser, scorner.
G2708 To pour (down) upon.
G2709 Under the earth, subterranean, infernal.
G2710 To use to the full, use up.
G2711 To cool, refresh.
G2712 Full of images of idols, grossly idolatrous.
G2713 Opposite, in front (of), over against.
G2714 Before the face of, over against.
G2715 To have (exercise) power (authority) over.
G2716 To effect by labor, achieve, work out, bring about.
G2718 To come down from sky to earth, or from high land to lower land (or to the coast), or from the high seas to the shore.
G2719 To eat up, eat till it is finished, devour, squander, annoy, injure.
G2720 (a) to make straight, (b) to put in the right way, direct.
G2721 To rush, assault, rise up against.
G2722 (a) to hold fast, bind, arrest, (b) to take possession of, lay hold of, (c) to hold back, detain, restrain, (d) to hold a ship, keep its head.
G2723 To accuse, charge, prosecute.
G2724 An accusation, charge.
G2725 An accuser, prosecutor.
G2726 A downcast countenance as a sign of sorrow, gloominess, gloom, dejection.
G2727 To instruct orally, teach, inform.
G2728 To rust; pass: to be rusted, tarnished.
G2729 To prevail against, overpower, get the upper hand.
G2730 To dwell in, settle in, to be established in (permanently), inhabit.
G2731 A dwelling, abode, habitation.
G2732 A habitation, dwelling-place, abode.
G2733 A dwelling, habitation, settlement.
G2734 To mirror, reflect.
G2736 (a) down, below, also: downwards, (b) lower, under, less, of a length of time.
G2737 Lower.
G2738 Burning heat, heat.
G2739 To burn, scorch.
G2740 A burning up, being burned.
G2741 To burn with great heat.
G2742 A scorching heat, hot wind.
G2743 To cauterize, burn with a hot iron; hence to sear.
G2744 To boast; to glory (exult) proudly.
G2745 A boasting; a ground of boasting (glorying, exultation).
G2746 The act of boasting, glorying, exultation.
G2747 Cenchreae, the port of Corinth on the Saronic Gulf.
G2748 Kidron, a valley near Jerusalem.
G2749 To lie, recline, to be placed, to be laid, set, specially appointed, destined.
G2750 A bandage, grave-clothes.
G2751 To shear, cut the hair of; to cut my own hair, have my hair cut.
G2752 A word of command, a call, an arousing outcry.
G2753 To command, order, direct, bid.
G2754 Vainglory, empty pride.
G2755 Vainglorious, boastful.
G2756 (a) empty, (b) empty (in moral content), vain, ineffective, foolish, worthless, (c) false, unreal, pretentious, hollow.
G2757 Empty disputing, worthless babble.
G2758 (a) to empty, (b) to deprive of content, make unreal.
G2759 A sting, goad; of death.
G2760 A centurion, an officer commanding about a hundred infantry in the Roman army.
G2761 Falsely, in vain, to no purpose.
G2762 A little hook, an apostrophe on letters of the alphabet, distinguishing them from other little letters, or a separation stroke between letters.
G2763 A potter.
G2764 Of clay, made by a potter, earthen.
G2765 A pitcher, earthen vessel, jar.
G2766 A tile; practically: the roof.
G2767 To mix, mingle, pour out for drinking.
G2768 (a) a horn, (b) a horn-like projection at the corner of an altar, (c) a horn as a symbol of power.
G2769 A husk (pod) of the carob.
G2770 To gain, acquire, win (over), avoid loss.
G2771 Gain, advantage, profit.
G2772 A small coin; plural: small change.
G2773 Properly: a changer of large into smaller coins, a money-changer.
G2774 (a) the chief matter, the main point, (b) a sum of money.
G2775 To wound in the head.
G2776 (a) the head, (b) a corner stone, uniting two walls; head, ruler, lord.
G2777 (literal: little head, then: the knob at the end of the wooden core of a roll of papyrus, then) a roll, volume, division (of a book).
G2778 A poll-tax.
G2779 A garden, any place planted with trees and herbs.
G2780 A gardener, garden-keeper.
G2782 A proclamation, preaching.
G2783 A herald, preacher, proclaimer.
G2784 To proclaim, herald, preach.
G2785 A sea monster, huge sea fish, whale.
G2786 Cephas (Aramaic for rock), the new name given to Simon Peter, the apostle.
G2787 (properly: a wooden box, hence) the Ark, in which Noah sailed; the Ark of the Covenant.
G2788 A harp, lyre.
G2789 to play on the harp, to harp, with acc. of the tune.
G2790 A harpist, one who sings with harp as accompaniment.
G2791 Cilicia, a Roman province between the Taurus range of mountains and the coast in the south-east corner of Asia Minor, linked up with the province of Syria.
G2792 (a Semitic word) cinnamon.
G2793 To be in danger or peril.
G2794 Danger, peril, risk.
G2795 To set in motion, move, remove, excite, stir up.
G2796 A moving, stirring.
G2797 Kish, the father of Saul.
G2798 A young tender shoot, then: a branch; of descendants.
G2799 To weep, weep for, mourn, lament.
G2800 A breaking.
G2801 A fragment, broken piece.
G2802 Cauda, Clauda, an island twenty-three miles south of the western end of Crete.
G2803 Claudia, a Christian woman in Rome; probably a freedwoman of the imperial household.
G2804 (a) Claudius, the fourth of the Roman Emperors, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, who ruled A.D. 41-54, (b) Claudius Lysias, a tribune at Jerusalem.
G2805 Weeping, lamentation, crying.
G2806 To break (in pieces), break bread.
G2807 A key.
G2808 To shut, shut up.
G2809 A theft.
G2810 Cleopas, one of the two companions of the risen Jesus from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
G2811 Glory, fame, praise; rumor, report, credit.
G2812 A thief.
G2813 To steal.
G2814 A branch, shoot, twig.
G2815 Clement, a fellow-worker of Paul in Rome.
G2816 To inherit, obtain (possess) by inheritance, acquire.
G2817 An inheritance, an heritage, regularly the gift of God to His chosen people, in the Old Testament: the Promised Land, in NT a possession viewed in one sense as present, in another as future; a share, participation.
G2818 An heir, an inheritor.
G2819 (a) a lot, (b) a portion assigned; hence: a portion of the people of God assigned to one's care, a congregation.
G2820 To cast lots, choose by lot, assign by lot, assign a portion, receive a share.
G2821 A calling, invitation; in the NT, always of a divine call.
G2822 Called, invited, summoned by God to an office or to salvation.
G2823 An oven, furnace.
G2824 A small geographical division, district, or territory.
G2825 A couch, bed, portable bed or mat, a couch for reclining at meals, possibly also a bier.
G2826 A couch or litter of a sick person.
G2827 To rest, recline; to bend, incline; to cause to give ground, make to yield; to decline, approach my end.
G2828 Properly: a dining couch; hence: a group of diners.
G2829 Thieving, theft.
G2830 Rough water, a wave, billow, surge.
G2831 To be tossed by waves, to be tossed to and fro.
G2832 Clopas, husband of one Mary, who stood by the cross.
G2833 To rub, tickle, scratch; pass: to itch.
G2834 Cnidus, a town on the coast of Caria (south-west Asia Minor) near the island of Cos.
G2835 A quadrans, the smallest Roman copper coin, the sixteenth part of a sesterius.
G2836 Belly, abdomen, heart, a general term covering any organ in the abdomen, e.g. stomach, womb; the inner man.
G2837 To fall asleep, to be asleep, sometimes of the sleep of death.
G2838 Repose, taking rest, sleep.
G2839 (a) common, shared, (b) Hebraistic use: profane; dirty, unclean, unwashed.
G2840 To make unclean, pollute, desecrate, to regard (treat) as unclean.
G2841 (a) to share, communicate, contribute, impart, (b) to share in, have a share of, have fellowship with.
G2842 (literal: partnership) (a) contributory help, participation, (b) sharing in, communion, (c) spiritual fellowship, a fellowship in the spirit.
G2843 Willing to share, sociable, ready to communicate, beneficent.
G2844 A sharer, partner, companion.
G2845 (a) a bed, (b) a marriage bed; plural: repeated (immoral) sexual intercourse.
G2846 A bed-chamber.
G2847 Crimson, scarlet, dyed with Kermes (coccum), the female coccus of the Kermes oak.
G2848 A kernel, grain, seed.
G2849 To chastise, curtail, punish; to cause to be punished.
G2850 Flattery, with a view to advantage or gain.
G2851 Chastisement, punishment, torment, perhaps with the idea of deprivation.
G2852 To strike with the fist, buffet; hence: to mistreat violently.
G2853 (literal: to glue); hence: mid. and pass: to join oneself closely, cleave, adhere (to), to keep company (with), of friendly intercourse.
G2854 Eye-salve.
G2855 A money-changer, who changed heathen into Jewish money, for payment into the Temple treasury.
G2856 (literal: to maim, mutilate), to cut short, shorten, abbreviate.
G2857 Colossae, a town of the Roman province Asia, in the Lycus valley, near Laodicea and Hierapolis.
G2859 (a) sing. and plural: bosom; (sinus) the overhanging fold of the garment used as a pocket, (b) a bay, gulf.
G2860 (properly: to dive, hence) to swim.
G2861 (literal: a diving or swimming place), a pool.
G2862 A colony, a city settlement of Roman (soldier) citizens; a garrison city.
G2863 To wear the hair long, allow the hair to grow out.
G2864 Hair, long hair.
G2865 (a) act: to convey, bring, carry, (b) to receive back, receive what has belonged to oneself but has been lost, or else promised but kept back, or: to get what has come to be my own by earning, recover.
G2866 In better health.
G2867 To whitewash, plaster over.
G2868 Dust.
G2869 To abate, cease raging, to be stilled.
G2870 Beating of the breast or head in lamentation, lamentation.
G2871 Slaughter, smiting in battle.
G2872 (a) to grow weary, (b) to toil, work with effort (of bodily and mental labor alike).
G2873 (a) trouble, (b) toil, labor, laborious toil, involving weariness and fatigue.
G2874 Manure; a dung-hill.
G2875 (a) to cut, cut off, strike, smite, (b) to beat my breast or head in lamentation, lament, mourn, sometimes with acc. of person whose loss is mourned.
G2876 A raven, crow.
G2877 A little girl, a young girl; a girl, maiden.
G2878 A gift, offering, anything consecrated to God.
G2879 (Hebrew) Korah.
G2880 To fill, sate, glut, feed full, satisfy.
G2881 Corinthian, of Corinth.
G2882 Corinth, in north-east Peloponnese, the capital of the Roman province Achaia.
G2883 Cornelius, a centurion of the Roman army, stationed at Caesarea.
G2884 (Hebrew) a (dry) measure, equivalent to 120 gallons.
G2885 To put into order; to decorate, deck, adorn.
G2886 Earthly, worldly (belonging to the present earthly world as opposed to the heavenly and future).
G2887 Orderly, virtuous, decent, modest, well-ordered.
G2888 Ruler of this world, that is, of the world as asserting its independence of God; used of the angelic or demonic powers controlling the sublunary world.
G2889 The world, universe; worldly affairs; the inhabitants of the world; adornment.
G2890 Quartus, a Christian, brother of Erastus the Corinthian.
G2891 (Aramaic) arise, stand up.
G2892 A guard, watch.
G2893 To lighten, make light.
G2894 A large basket.
G2895 A bed, mattress, mat of a poor man.
G2896 To cry aloud, shriek.
G2897 Drunken dissipation, surfeiting.
G2898 A skull.
G2899 The fringe, edge, corner, tassel.
G2900 Strong, powerful, mighty.
G2901 To strengthen, confirm; pass: to grow strong, become strong.
G2902 To be strong, mighty, hence: to rule, to be master, prevail; to obtain, take hold of; to hold, hold fast.
G2903 Most excellent, an official epithet, used in addressing a Roman of high rank, and in the second century one of equestrian (as distinguished from senatorial) rank.
G2904 Dominion, strength, power; a mighty deed.
G2905 To cry aloud, shout, exclaim.
G2906 (a) a shout, cry, clamor, (b) outcry, clamoring against another.
G2907 Flesh; plural: pieces of flesh, kinds of flesh.
G2908 Stronger, more excellent.
G2909 Stronger, more excellent.
G2910 To hang, hang up, suspend; to be hanging, hang.
G2911 A crag, precipice, steep bank.
G2912 A Cretan, an inhabitant of Crete.
G2913 Crescens, a Christian, coadjutor of Paul.
G2914 Crete.
G2915 Barley.
G2916 Made of barley.
G2917 (a) a judgment, a verdict; sometimes implying an adverse verdict, a condemnation, (b) a case at law, a lawsuit.
G2918 A lily growing wild, variously identified with the red anemone, the whole lily, the sword lily.
G2919 (a) to judge, whether in a law-court or privately: sometimes with cognate nouns emphasizing the notion of the verb, (b) to decide, to think (it) good.
G2920 Judging, judgment, decision, sentence; generally: divine judgment; accusation.
G2921 Crispus, ruler of the synagogue at Corinth, converted and baptized by Paul.
G2922 Criterion; a law-court; a law-case before an arbiter; a cause, controversy.
G2923 A judge, magistrate, ruler.
G2924 Critical, able to judge or discern.
G2925 To knock, beat a door with a stick, to gain admittance.
G2926 A cellar, vault, hidden place, crypt.
G2927 Hidden, secret; as the hidden (secret) things (parts), the inward nature (character).
G2928 To hide, conceal, lay up.
G2929 To be clear as crystal, brilliant like crystal.
G2930 Crystal.
G2931 In secret, secretly.
G2932 (a) to acquire, win, get, purchase, buy, (b) to possess, win mastery over.
G2933 A piece of landed property, a field; plural: possessions, property, possibly landed property, property in land.
G2934 A beast of burden (generally, a horse or mule) either for riding or for carrying loads on its back, or for yoking to a cart or carriage.
G2935 A possessor, owner.
G2936 To create, form, shape, make, always of God.
G2937 (often of the founding of a city), (a) creation, (b) creation, creature, institution; always of Divine work, (c) an institution, ordinance.
G2938 A created thing, a creature.
G2939 (often of the founder of a city), creator, God.
G2940 (literal: playing with dice, gaming, hence) trickery, sleight.
G2941 (literal: steering, piloting), governing, government.
G2942 A steersman, pilot; a guide, governor.
G2943 In a circle round, round about.
G2944 To encircle, besiege, surround.
G2945 A circle, ring, around.
G2946 A place of wallowing.
G2947 To roll, roll along, wallow.
G2948 Crippled, lame, especially in the hands.
G2949 A wave, surge, billow.
G2950 A cymbal.
G2951 Cumin, a plant used as a spice.
G2952 A little dog, a house dog.
G2953 A Cypriote, belonging to Cyprus.
G2954 Cyprus.
G2955 To bend, stoop down, bow the head.
G2956 Belonging to Cyrene, a Cyrenaean.
G2957 Cyrene, a district west of Egypt on the Mediterranean coast, forming with Crete a Roman province.
G2958 Cyrenius or Quirinius, governor of Syria.
G2959 A lady.
G2960 Of the Lord, special to the Lord.
G2961 To have authority, rule over.
G2962 Lord, master, sir; the Lord.
G2963 (a) lordship, (b) divine or angelic lordship, domination, dignity, usually with reference to a celestial hierarchy.
G2964 To ratify, confirm, make valid, reaffirm, assure.
G2965 A dog, universally despised in the East.
G2966 A limb, member of a body; fig: a corpse, carcass.
G2967 To prevent, debar, hinder; from doing so and so.
G2968 A village, country town.
G2969 A large village, a city which in constitution has only the status of a village; a country town.
G2970 A feasting, reveling, carousal.
G2971 A gnat, mosquito, referred to proverbially as something small.
G2972 Cos, an island in the Aegean Sea, south-west of Asia Minor.
G2973 Cosam, son of Elmadam and father of Addi.
G2974 (Literal: blunted) dumb, dull, deaf.
G2975 (a) to obtain (receive) by lot, my lot (turn) is, (b) to draw lots.
G2976 Lazarus, Eliezer, (a) the beggar, (b) the brother of Martha and Mary, of Bethany.
G2977 Secretly, privately.
G2978 A sudden storm, squall, whirlwind, hurricane.
G2979 To kick.
G2980 (to talk, chatter in classical Greek, but in NT a more dignified word) to speak, say.
G2981 (in classical Greek: babble, chattering) speech, talk; manner of speech, dialect.
G2982 (Hebrew), why.
G2983 (a) to receive, get, (b) to take, lay hold of.
G2984 (Hebrew), Lamech, son of Methuselah and father of Noah.
G2985 A torch, lamp, lantern.
G2986 Shining, magnificent, bright, splendid.
G2987 Splendor, brightness, brilliancy.
G2988 Magnificently, sumptuously, splendidly.
G2989 To shine, give light.
G2990 To be hidden (concealed), lie hid, escape notice, sometimes with acc. of person from whom concealment takes place; to do so and so unconsciously, unknown to oneself, to shut my eyes to so and so.
G2991 Hewn out of the rock.
G2992 (a) a people, characteristically of God's chosen people, first the Jews, then the Christians, (b) sometimes, but rarely, the people, the crowd.
G2993 Laodicea, a city in the Lycos valley in the Roman province Asia, near Colossae and Hierapolis.
G2994 A Laodicean, an inhabitant of Laodicea.
G2995 The throat, gullet.
G2996 Lasea, a city in Crete, about the middle of the south coast.
G2997 To burst asunder with a loud noise.
G2998 To hew stones, cut stones.
G2999 Service rendered to God, perhaps simply: worship.
G3000 To serve, especially God, perhaps simply: to worship.
G3001 An herb, garden plant, vegetable.
G3003 Properly: a division of the Roman army, numbering about 6,000 infantry with additional cavalry; hence: a very large number; a legion.
G3004 (denoting speech in progress), (a) to say, speak; to mean, mention, tell, (b) to call, name, especially in the pass., (c) to tell, command.
G3005 A remnant, remainder.
G3006 Smooth, level, plain.
G3007 (earlier: to leave behind, abandon), (a) to be wanting, (b) e.g. with genitive: to come behind (in a race), to be left behind in, fall short of (some standard), to be wanting in.
G3008 To act in the public service, render service, minister, in the widest sense, of some special public religious service, but also of the service of priests and Levites.
G3009 A charitable gift, public service in the widest sense; service as of priest or Levite ritual.
G3010 Given to serving (ministration), ministering.
G3011 A minister, servant, of an official character; of priests and Levites.
G3012 A towel, apron, coarse cloth.
G3013 A scale, a scaly substance thrown off from the body.
G3014 Leprosy.
G3015 A leprous person, a leper.
G3016 A small piece of money, probably the smallest piece of money.
G3017 (Hebrew), Levi, (a) an ancestor of Jesus, (b) another ancestor of Jesus, (c) third son of Jacob, the patriarch, and founder of a tribe named after him, (d) son of Alphaeus, and called Matthew, a revenue officer and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
G3018 (Hebrew), Levi, son of Alphaeus, the publican.
G3019 A Levite, properly a man of the tribe of Levi; hence: a priest's assistant, an under priest, as the members of that tribe were charged with this duty.
G3020 Belonging to the tribe of Levi; Levitical.
G3021 To whiten, make white.
G3022 White, bright, brilliant.
G3023 A lion.
G3024 Forgetfulness, oblivion.
G3025 A trough, vat, winepress.
G3026 Folly, nonsense, idle talk.
G3027 A robber, brigand, bandit.
G3028 A receiving.
G3029 Very; very much, exceedingly, greatly.
G3030 (Semitic word), frankincense, incense.
G3031 A censer.
G3032 A freedman, one of the class of manumitted slaves; a synagogue at Jerusalem appears to have been reserved for them.
G3033 Libya, Africa (in the modern sense).
G3034 To stone, pelt with stones.
G3035 Made of stone.
G3036 To stone, cast stones (at), kill by stoning.
G3037 A stone; of Jesus as the chief stone in a building.
G3038 (adj: paved with stone), a mosaic pavement.
G3039 To crush to powder, scatter like chaff.
G3040 A harbor, port, haven.
G3041 A lake.
G3042 A famine, hunger.
G3043 Flax, linen.
G3044 Linus, a Christian in Rome.
G3045 (Literal: fat), rich, sumptuous.
G3046 A Roman pound, of about twelve ounces.
G3047 The south-west wind, and thus the quarter from which it comes.
G3048 A collection, collecting (of money), particularly of an irregular local contribution for religious purposes.
G3049 To reckon, count, charge with; reason, decide, conclude; think, suppose.
G3050 (a) reasonable, rational, (b) metaphorical, as contrasted with the literal.
G3051 Plural: oracles, divine responses or utterances (it can include the entire Old Testament).
G3052 Eloquent, gifted with learning.
G3053 Reasoning, thinking; a conception, device.
G3054 To contend about words.
G3055 Contention about words, an unprofitable controversy.
G3056 A word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.
G3057 A lance, spear.
G3058 To revile a person to his face, abuse insultingly.
G3059 Reviling, abuse.
G3060 A railer, reviler, abuser.
G3061 (a) a pestilence, (b) a pestilent fellow.
G3062 Left, left behind, the remainder, the rest, the others.
G3063 Finally, from now on, henceforth, beyond that.
G3064 From now on, henceforth, finally.
G3065 Lucas, Luke, Christian physician and writer of the Third Gospel and Acts.
G3066 Lucius, (a) of Cyrene, an early Christian, in the church of Antioch, by some identified with the evangelist Luke, (b) a Christian with Paul at Corinth, by some identified with (a).
G3067 A bath (of water, not the vessel), water for washing, washing.
G3068 To wash, bathe (the body); of washing, bathing one's self; to cleanse from sin.
G3069 Lydda, Diospolis, Lod (modern Ludd), a city on the way to Joppa within a day's journey of Jerusalem.
G3070 Lydia, a lady resident of Philippi, native of Thyatira in Lydia (Asia Minor), and engaged in the clothing trade.
G3071 Lycaonia, the country of the Lykaones, a district of Asia Minor, comprised within the Roman province Galatia and including the cities of Derbe and Lystra.
G3072 In the Lycaonian language.
G3073 Lycia, a small Roman province on the south coast of Asia Minor.
G3074 A wolf, of perhaps a jackal; often applied to persons of wolfish proclivities.
G3075 To outrage, maltreat, corrupt, defile.
G3076 To pain, grieve, vex.
G3077 Pain, grief, sorrow, affliction.
G3078 Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene.
G3079 Claudius Lysias, a Roman tribune of the soldiers in Jerusalem.
G3080 Dissolution, release; a divorce.
G3081 It is advantageous to, it profits.
G3082 Lystra, a Lycaonian city in the southern part of the Roman province Galatia.
G3083 The purchasing money for manumitting slaves, a ransom, the price of ransoming; especially the sacrifice by which expiation is effected, an offering of expiation.
G3084 To release on receipt of ransom; to redeem, release by paying ransom, liberate.
G3085 (in the Old Testament: ransoming from imprisonment for debt, or from slavery, release from national misfortune, etc.), liberation, deliverance, release.
G3086 A redeemer, liberator, deliverer.
G3087 A lamp-stand.
G3088 A lamp.
G3089 (a) to loose, untie, release, (b) to break, destroy, set at naught, contravene; to break up a meeting, annul.
G3090 Lois, grandmother of Timothy.
G3091 (Hebrew), Lot, nephew of Abraham.
G3092 (Hebrew), Maath, an ancestor of Jesus.
G3093 Magdala, Magadan, a proper name.
G3094 Magdalene, a woman of Magdala.
G3095 Magic.
G3096 To practice sorcery or magic.
G3097 A sorcerer, a magician, a wizard.
G3098 (Hebrew), Magog, sometimes as name of a people, sometimes as name of a country in the Old Testament, probably the Scythians; hence: used in apocalyptic literature.
G3099 (Hebrew), Midian, generally taken to mean or to include the peninsula of Sinai.
G3100 To make a disciple of, train in discipleship; pass: to be trained, discipled, instructed.
G3101 A learner, disciple, pupil.
G3102 A female disciple, female Christian.
G3103 (Hebrew) Methuselah, son of Enoch and father of Lamech.
G3104 Menna, Mainan, a proper name.
G3105 To be raving mad, speak as a madman.
G3106 To bless, pronounce blessed or happy.
G3107 Happy, blessed, to be envied.
G3108 Regarding as happy, blessed, or enviable.
G3109 (Hebrew), Macedonia, a Roman province north of Achaia (Greece).
G3110 A Macedonian, an inhabitant of the Roman province Macedonia.
G3111 A meat-market, marketplace.
G3112 At a distance, far away, remote, alien.
G3113 From a (long) distance, afar.
G3114 To suffer long, have patience, to be forbearing, perseverance.
G3115 Patience, forbearance, longsuffering.
G3116 With longsuffering, patiently.
G3117 Long, distant, far; of long duration.
G3118 Long-timed, long-lived.
G3119 Weakness, illness, sickness.
G3120 (a) soft, (b) of persons: soft, delicate, effeminate.
G3121 Mahalaleel or Maleleel, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3122 Most of all, especially.
G3123 More, rather.
G3124 Malchus, a servant of the high-priest at Jerusalem.
G3125 A grandmother.
G3126 (Aramaic), riches, money, possessions, property.
G3127 (Graecized form of Aramaic Menahem), Manaen, probably a member of Herod Antipas' court.
G3128 (Hebrew), Manasseh, (a) son of Joseph, founder of a tribe of Israel, (b) son of Hezekiah and father of Amon (Amos).
G3129 To learn; with adj. or nouns: to learn to be so and so; with acc. of person who is the object of knowledge; aor. sometimes: to ascertain.
G3130 Raving madness, frenzy, insanity.
G3131 (Hebrew), manna, the supernatural food eaten by the Israelites in the desert: of spiritual food.
G3132 To divine, practice soothsaying, suggesting the fraud involved in the practice.
G3133 Pass: to die, wither (like the grass).
G3134 (Aramaic), either: Our Lord has come, or: Our Lord comes (will come, is at hand).
G3135 A pearl.
G3136 Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany.
G3137 Mary, Miriam, (a) the mother of Jesus, (b) of Magdala, (c) sister of Martha and Lazarus, (d) wife of Cleopas, (e) mother of John Mark, (f) a Christian woman in Rome.
G3138 Mark, who also had the Hebrew name John, son of Mary, nephew of Barnabas, coadjutor of Barnabas, Paul, and Peter.
G3139 Marble.
G3140 To witness, bear witness, give evidence, testify, give a good report.
G3141 Witness, evidence, testimony, reputation.
G3142 Witness, evidence, testimony, proof.
G3143 (properly: to call (summon) to witness, and then absolutely) to testify, protest, asseverate; to conjure, solemnly charge.
G3144 A witness; an eye- or ear-witness.
G3145 To bite, gnaw, chew.
G3146 To flog, scourge, the victim being strapped to a pole or frame; to chastise.
G3147 To flog, scourge, whip.
G3148 (a) a scourge, lash, of leathern thongs with pieces of metal sewn up in them, (b) severe pains (sufferings), disease.
G3149 The breast, pap.
G3150 Vain speaking, foolish talking.
G3151 A vain, empty talker.
G3152 Vain, unreal, ineffectual, unproductive; practically: godless.
G3153 Vanity, emptiness, unreality, purposelessness, ineffectiveness, instability, frailty; false religion.
G3154 To become vain or foolish, to be perverted.
G3155 In vain, in an unreal way, to no purpose.
G3156 Matthew.
G3157 Matthan.
G3158 Matthat, an ancestor of Jesus.
G3159 Matthias.
G3160 Mattatha.
G3161 Mattathias, an ancestor of Jesus.
G3162 A sword.
G3163 (earlier: a battle, conflict, hence) in the sphere of words, etc: strife, contention, quarrel.
G3164 To engage in battle, fight; hence: to strive, contend, dispute.
G3166 To boast, to be arrogant, vaunt.
G3167 Grand, magnificent, splendid.
G3168 (divine) majesty or magnificence, glory.
G3169 Magnificent, superb, transcendent, majestic.
G3170 (a) to enlarge, lengthen, (b) to increase, magnify, extol.
G3171 Greatly, very much, vehemently.
G3172 (Divine) majesty, greatness.
G3173 Large, great, in the widest sense.
G3174 Greatness, vastness.
G3175 A great one, a lord; a courtier, satrap, nobleman.
G3177 To translate (from one language into another), interpret.
G3178 Deep drinking, drunkenness.
G3179 To cause to change its place, move out of its place; to translate, transfer, remove.
G3180 (a way of search after something, an inquiry; a method), scheming, craftiness, deceit.
G3182 To make drunk; pass: to become drunk.
G3183 A drunkard.
G3184 To be intoxicated with wine, to be drunk.
G3188 Ink.
G3189 Black.
G3190 Melea, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3191 To devise, plan; practice, exercise oneself in, study, ponder.
G3192 Honey.
G3194 Melita, now Malta.
G3195 To intend, to be about to; to delay, linger.
G3196 A bodily organ, limb, member.
G3197 Melchi, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3198 Melchizedek, king and priest of Salem.
G3199 It is a care, it is an object of anxiety, it concerns.
G3200 A parchment leaf, perhaps for notes.
G3201 To blame, censure, find fault.
G3202 Blaming one's lot or destiny, discontented, complaining.
G3303 Indeed, truly. A particle of affirmation, often answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other.
G3304 Nay rather; indeed, truly, really.
G3305 (a) indeed, really, (b) yet, however, nevertheless.
G3306 To remain, abide, stay, wait; to wait for, await.
G3307 To divide into parts, divide, part, share, distribute; to share, take part in a partitioning; to distract.
G3308 Care, worry, anxiety.
G3309 To be over-anxious; to be anxious about, distracted; to care for.
G3310 (a) a part, division of a country, (b) a share, portion.
G3311 (a) a distributing, a distribution, (b) a parting, dividing, severance, separation.
G3312 A divider, partitioner, distributor.
G3313 A part, portion, share.
G3314 (literal: midday, hence, the position of the sun at midday), the South.
G3315 To mediate, interpose, give bail.
G3316 (a) a mediator, intermediary, (b) a go-between, arbiter, agent of something good.
G3317 Midnight, the middle of the period between sunset and sunrise.
G3318 Mesopotamia, the Country between the (two) Rivers, i.e. the Euphrates and the Tigris.
G3319 Middle, in the middle, between, in the midst of.
G3320 A middle wall, partition wall, barrier.
G3321 Mid-heaven, the middle of heaven, the zenith.
G3322 To be in the middle, to be advanced midway.
G3323 Messiah, the Anointed One.
G3324 Full, filled with.
G3325 To fill.
G3326 (a) genitive: with, in company with, (b) accusative: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives.
G3327 To change my place (abode), leave, depart, remove, pass over.
G3328 To change; to change my mind.
G3329 (usually: transfer, transport, and to a better mind), to turn about, change the position of; pass: to be brought back.
G3330 (literal: to offer by way of change, offer so that a change of owner is produced), to share; sometimes merely: to impart, bestow.
G3331 (a) change, transformation, (b) removal.
G3332 To change my position, depart, remove.
G3333 To summon to oneself, send for.
G3334 To move away, dislodge, remove.
G3335 (a) to take a share (part) of, share in, partake of, (b) to take after (later) or take instead.
G3336 Participation, sharing in, receiving.
G3337 To change, transform, alter, exchange.
G3338 (literal: to change one care or interest for another), to change my mind (generally for the better), repent, regret.
G3339 To transform, transfigure.
G3340 To repent, change my mind, change the inner man (particularly with reference to acceptance of the will of God), repent.
G3341 Repentance, a change of mind, change in the inner man.
G3342 Meanwhile, afterwards, between.
G3343 To send for, summon.
G3344 To turn, change, corrupt, pervert.
G3345 To change the outward appearance (the dress, the form of presentment) of something, transfigure; to adapt.
G3346 (a) to transfer, to go over to another party, desert, (b) to change.
G3347 Afterwards.
G3348 To have a share of, participate in, share, partake of, to be a member of.
G3349 To be suspended, anxious.
G3350 Change of abode, migration, deportation.
G3351 To transport, cause to migrate, remove.
G3352 Sharing, partnership, fellowship.
G3353 A sharer, partner, associate.
G3354 To measure (out), estimate.
G3355 A measure, amphora, about 39.39 liters or 8.75 gallons.
G3356 To bear gently with, have compassion.
G3357 Moderately, greatly, exceedingly.
G3358 A measure, whether lineal or cubic; a measuring rod.
G3359 The forehead, front.
G3360 As far as, until, even to.
G3361 Not, lest.
G3365 By no means, not at all.
G3366 And not, not even, neither…nor.
G3367 No one, none, nothing.
G3368 Not at any time, never.
G3369 Not yet.
G3370 A Mede, a Median, from east of Assyria.
G3371 No longer, no more.
G3372 Length.
G3373 To lengthen, extend, grow.
G3374 A sheep's (sometimes pig's) hide, sheepskin.
G3375 Assuredly, certainly.
G3376 A (lunar) month.
G3377 (a) to reveal, make known (in a law court), to lay information, inform, (b) to make known, point out.
G3379 Lest at any time, lest; then weakened: whether perhaps, whether at all; in a principal clause: perhaps.
G3380 Not yet.
G3382 The thigh.
G3383 Nor, neither, not even, neither…nor.
G3384 A mother.
G3385 If not, unless, whether at all.
G3386 Let alone, much less, much more.
G3388 The womb.
G3389 A matricide, killer of his mother.
G3392 To stain, pollute, defile, corrupt.
G3393 Pollution, defilement; a stain.
G3394 The act of pollution, defilement.
G3395 A mixture.
G3396 To mix, mingle.
G3398 Little, small.
G3399 Miletus, a city on the coast of the Roman province Asia.
G3400 A Roman mile (about 5280 feet).
G3401 To imitate, follow.
G3402 An imitator, follower.
G3403 To remember, call to mind, recall, mention.
G3404 To hate, detest, love less, esteem less.
G3405 (literal: repayment of price or payment of price due), reward, due punishment.
G3406 A rewarder, one who pays wages.
G3407 A paid worker, hired servant, hireling (contrasted with a slave).
G3408 (a) pay, wages, salary, (b) reward, recompense, punishment.
G3409 To hire out, to hire, engage.
G3410 A rented house, hired dwelling.
G3411 A hired servant, hireling.
G3412 Mitylene, the capital of the island of Lesbos in the northern Aegean sea.
G3413 Michael, an archangel.
G3414 A mina, a Greek monetary unit equal to 100 drachma.
G3416 Mnason, an early Christian, native of Cyprus, resident at a place between Caesarea and Jerusalem.
G3417 Remembrance, recollection, mention; commemoration.
G3418 A tomb, monument, memorial.
G3419 A tomb, sepulcher, monument.
G3420 Memory, remembrance, mention.
G3421 To remember, hold in remembrance, make mention of.
G3422 Reminder, memorial; a remembrance offering.
G3423 To ask in marriage; pass: to be betrothed.
G3424 One speaking with difficulty, a stutterer.
G3425 With difficulty; scarcely, hardly.
G3426 A dry measure, nearly two English gallons.
G3428 (a) an adulteress (that is, a married woman who commits adultery), (b) Hebraistically: extended to those who worship any other than the true God.
G3429 To commit adultery, not only of a married woman but of a married man.
G3430 Adultery.
G3431 To commit adultery (of a man with a married woman, but also of a married man).
G3432 An adulterer, that is, a man who is guilty with a married woman.
G3433 With difficulty, hardly, scarcely.
G3434 Moloch, a god worshipped by several Semitic peoples.
G3435 To soil, stain, pollute, defile.
G3436 Staining, defilement, pollution.
G3437 A complaint, fault, blame.
G3438 Lodging, dwelling-place, room, abode, mansion.
G3439 Only, only-begotten; unique.
G3440 Alone, but, only.
G3441 Only, solitary, desolate.
G3442 One-eyed, with one eye only.
G3443 To leave alone (solitary), forsake.
G3444 Form, shape, outward appearance.
G3445 To form, fashion, shape, mold.
G3446 Form, outline, semblance.
G3447 To make an image of a calf.
G3448 A calf, heifer, young bull.
G3449 Wearisome labor, toil, hardship.
G3451 Skilled in music; a musician, singer.
G3452 Marrow.
G3453 To initiate, instruct; pass: to be disciplined, learn (a lesson).
G3454 An idle tale, fable, fanciful story.
G3455 To bellow, roar.
G3456 (properly: to turn up the nose as a sign of contempt), to sneer at, disdain.
G3457 Belonging to a mill.
G3458 A millstone, mill.
G3460 Myra, a port in Lycia, south-west Asia Minor.
G3461 A myriad, group of ten thousand, a ten thousand.
G3462 To anoint.
G3463 Ten thousand; also used for a very large number, innumerable.
G3464 Anointing-oil, ointment.
G3465 Mysia, a country in the north-west of the Roman province Asia (and of Asia Minor).
G3466 A mystery, secret, of which initiation is necessary; the counsels of God now revealed in the Gospel.
G3467 To be short-sighted, blink, see dimly.
G3468 A bruise, stripe, left on the body by scourging.
G3469 To blame, find fault with, slander.
G3470 A blemish, disgrace; blame.
G3471 (a) to make foolish, turn to foolishness, (b) to taint, and thus: to be tasteless, make useless.
G3472 Folly, absurdity, foolishness.
G3473 Foolish talking.
G3474 (a) adj: stupid, foolish, (b) noun: a fool.
G3475 Moses; the books of Moses, the Pentateuch.
G3476 Nahshon, son of Amminadab and father of Salmon, and one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3477 Naggai, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3478 Nazareth, a city of Galilee, where Jesus lived before His ministry.
G3479 Of Nazareth, a Nazarene.
G3480 A Nazarene, an inhabitant of Nazareth.
G3481 Nathan, son of David, and an ancestor of Jesus.
G3482 Nathanael, of Cana in Galilee, an early disciple, probably to be identified with Bartholomew.
G3483 Yes, certainly, even so.
G3484 Nain, a city south-west of the Sea of Galilee.
G3485 A temple, a shrine, that part of the temple where God himself resides.
G3486 Nahum, an ancestor of Jesus.
G3487 Spikenard, a perfume made originally from a plant growing on the Himalayas.
G3488 Narcissus, a resident of Rome.
G3489 (a) to be shipwrecked; so (b) fig: to come to ruin.
G3490 A captain (master) of a ship, ship-owner.
G3491 A ship, vessel.
G3492 A sailor.
G3493 Nahor, one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G3494 A young man, youth; a man in his prime (used even of a man of 40).
G3495 A young man, youth, an attendant.
G3497 Naaman.
G3498 (a) adj: dead, lifeless, subject to death, mortal, (b) noun: a dead body, a corpse.
G3499 To put to death, make as dead; to render weak, impotent.
G3500 (a) putting to death, (b) dead or lifeless condition.
G3501 (a) young, youthful, (b) new, fresh.
G3502 A young bird, nestling; a young one.
G3503 Youth, youthfulness.
G3504 (literal: newly-planted), newly converted to Christianity, recent convert.
G3506 To nod, make a sign, beckon.
G3507 A cloud.
G3508 Naphtali, son of Jacob, founder of a tribe which occupied territory.
G3509 A cloud; a dense crowd, a multitude, great company.
G3510 A kidney (as a general emotional center), the reins.
G3511 (literal: temple-sweeper), temple-warden; an honorary title.
G3512 Associated with youth, youthful, juvenile.
G3513 Of affirmative swearing: by, with acc. of person or thing sworn by.
G3514 To spin.
G3515 To be childlike, childish, infantile.
G3516 Unlearned, unenlightened; noun: an infant, child.
G3517 Nereus, a Christian in Rome.
G3518 Neri, an ancestor of Jesus.
G3519 A little island, an islet.
G3520 An island.
G3521 Fasting, the day of atonement.
G3522 To fast, abstain from food.
G3523 Fasting, not eating.
G3524 Sober, not intoxicated (with wine), temperate, vigilant.
G3525 (literal: to be sober), to be calm (vigilant), circumspect.
G3526 Niger, a proper name.
G3527 Nicanor, a proper name.
G3528 To conquer, to be victorious, overcome, prevail, subdue.
G3529 Victory, a victorious principle.
G3530 Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin.
G3531 A Nicolaitan, possibly a follower of Nicolaus (a heretic at Ephesus).
G3532 Nicolaus, a proper name.
G3533 Nicopolis, a city of Macedonia.
G3534 Victory.
G3536 A Ninevite, an inhabitant of Nineveh, a city on the Tigris in Assyria.
G3537 A basin for washing hands or feet.
G3538 To wash; mid. to wash my own (hands, etc.).
G3539 To understand, think, consider, conceive, apprehend; aor. possibly: realize.
G3540 A thought, purpose, design; the mind; the heart, soul, feelings.
G3541 Illegitimate, base-born.
G3542 (a) pasture, pasturage, (b) growth, increase.
G3543 To practice, hold by custom; to deem, think, consider, suppose.
G3544 (a) adj: connected with law, about law, (b) noun: a lawyer, one learned in the Law, one learned in the Old Testament.
G3545 Lawfully, rightfully.
G3546 Money, coin.
G3547 A teacher and interpreter of the Mosaic Law.
G3548 Lawgiving, legislation.
G3549 (a) to ordain, lay down, give the sanction of law to, enact, (b) to base legally, regulate, direct.
G3550 A lawgiver, legislator.
G3551 Usage, custom, law; in NT: of law in general, plural: of divine laws; of a force or influence impelling to action; of the Mosaic law; of the books which contain the law, the Pentateuch, the Old Testament scriptures in general.
G3552 To be diseased, hence of mental or spiritual disease.
G3553 A trouble, disease, sickness.
G3554 A disease, malady, sickness.
G3555 A brood of young birds.
G3556 A nestling, the young of birds.
G3557 To rob; to set apart for oneself, appropriate for my own benefit, purloin.
G3558 The south wind, the South.
G3559 A warning, admonition, counsel.
G3560 To admonish, warn, counsel, exhort.
G3561 The new moon, first of the month.
G3562 Wisely, discreetly, reasonably, sensibly.
G3563 The mind, the reason, the reasoning faculty, intellect.
G3564 Nymphas, a proper name.
G3565 (a) a bride, young wife, young woman, (b) a daughter-in-law.
G3566 A bridegroom.
G3567 A bridal chamber.
G3568 Adv. (a) of time: just now, even now; just at hand, immediately, (b) of logical connection: now then, (c) in commands and appeals: at this instant.
G3570 Adv. (a) of time: just now, even now; just at hand, immediately, (b) of logical connection: now then, (c) in commands and appeals: at this instant.
G3571 The night, night-time.
G3572 To prick, pierce.
G3573 To nod in sleep, to be drowsy, slumber.
G3574 A night and day, twenty-four hours.
G3575 (Hebrew) Noah.
G3576 Blunt, dull, hence spiritually; sluggish, remiss, slack.
G3577 The back (of men or animals).
G3578 Lodging, hospitality.
G3579 (a) to entertain a stranger, (b) to startle, bewilder.
G3580 To entertain strangers, practice hospitality.
G3581 Alien, new, novel; noun: a guest, stranger, foreigner.
G3582 A Roman measure, a pitcher or cup of any size.
G3583 To dry up, parch, to be ripened, wither, waste away.
G3584 Dry, withered; noun: dry land.
G3585 Wooden.
G3586 Anything made of wood, a piece of wood, a club, staff; the trunk of a tree, used to support the cross-bar of a cross in crucifixion.
G3587 To shave, shear, cut off the hair.
G3588 The, the definite article.
G3589 Eighty.
G3590 The eighth, one of eight, with seven others.
G3591 (properly: bulk, mass, hence) a weight, burden, encumbrance.
G3592 This here, this, that, he, she, it.
G3593 To journey, travel.
G3594 To lead, guide; to instruct, teach.
G3595 A leader, guide; an instructor, teacher.
G3596 To travel, pursue a way, journey.
G3597 A journey, journeying, travel.
G3598 A way, road, journey, path.
G3599 A tooth.
G3600 To torment, pain; mid. and pass: to be tormented, pained; to suffer acute pain, physical or mental.
G3601 Pain, sorrow, distress, of body or mind.
G3602 Lamentation, wailing, mourning, sorrow.
G3604 Uzziah, son of Joram and father of Jotham, and king of Judah from about 785 to 746 B.C., an ancestor of Jesus.
G3605 To stink, to be offensive.
G3606 (a) whence, from which place, (b) wherefore.
G3607 A linen cloth, a sheet, sail.
G3608 A linen bandage, a wrapping.
G3609 Of one's family, domestic, intimate.
G3610 A household servant.
G3611 To inhabit, dwell, indwell.
G3612 A prison cell.
G3613 A dwelling-place, habitation, abode.
G3614 A house, household, dwelling; goods, property, means.
G3615 One of a family, whether child or servant.
G3616 To manage a household.
G3617 A head of a household.
G3618 To erect a building, build; fig. of the building up of character: to build up, edify, encourage.
G3619 (a) the act of building, (b) a building, (c) spiritual advancement, edification.
G3621 To be a steward, manage a household.
G3622 Management of household affairs, stewardship, administration.
G3623 A household manager, a steward, guardian.
G3624 (a) a house, the material building, (b) a household, family, lineage, nation.
G3625 (properly: the land that is being inhabited, the land in a state of habitation), the inhabited world, that is, the Roman world, for all outside it was regarded as of no account.
G3626 A keeper-at-home, a housekeeper.
G3627 To pity, have compassion on.
G3628 Pity, compassion, favor, grace, mercy.
G3629 Compassionate, merciful.
G3630 An excessive wine-drinker.
G3631 Wine.
G3632 Drunkenness, debauchery.
G3633 To think, suppose, expect, imagine.
G3634 Of what kind, such as.
G3635 To delay, hesitate, to be slow.
G3636 Slothful, backward, hesitating; of things: irksome.
G3637 Of or belonging to the eighth day, eight days old.
G3638 Eight.
G3639 Ruin, doom, destruction, death.
G3640 Of little faith.
G3641 (a) especially in plural: few, (b) in sing: small; hence, of time: short, of degree: light, slight, little. Scarcely
G3642 Faint-hearted, of small courage.
G3643 To despise, hold in low esteem, make light of.
G3644 A destroyer.
G3645 To destroy, cause to perish.
G3646 A whole burnt offering.
G3647 Perfect soundness, completeness.
G3648 Complete in every part, sound, perfect, entire.
G3649 To howl, lament loudly, cry aloud, bewail.
G3650 All, the whole, entire, complete.
G3651 Perfect, complete, all.
G3652 Olympas, a Christian man in Rome.
G3653 An unripe fig, one which, not ripening in due time, grows through the winter and falls off in the spring.
G3654 Wholly, altogether, actually, really; with negative: not at all.
G3655 A violent rain, a shower.
G3656 To consort with, associate with, commune with; particularly, to talk (converse) with.
G3657 Intercourse, companionship, conversation, association.
G3659 An eye.
G3660 To swear, take an oath, promise with an oath.
G3661 With one mind, unanimously, with one accord, at the same time.
G3662 To be like, resemble.
G3663 Of like feelings, having similar passions and feelings, of like infirmities.
G3664 Like, similar to, resembling, of equal rank.
G3665 Likeness, resemblance.
G3666 To make like, liken; to compare.
G3667 (originally: a thing made like something else), a likeness, or rather: form; a similitude.
G3668 In like manner, similarly, in the same way, equally.
G3669 Making like, likeness, resemblance.
G3670 (a) to promise, agree, (b) to confess, (c) to publicly declare, (d) a Hebraism, to praise, celebrate.
G3671 A profession, confession.
G3672 Admittedly, without controversy, by common consent.
G3673 Of the same trade or craft.
G3674 Together, at the same place and time.
G3675 Of one mind (intent, purpose), like-minded.
G3676 Yet, nevertheless, even.
G3677 A dream.
G3678 A young donkey.
G3679 To reproach, revile, upbraid.
G3680 Reproach, reviling.
G3681 Reproach, disgrace.
G3682 (originally adj: useful, hence the play upon words in Philemon 10, 11, and very common as slave name), Onesimus, a slave of Philemon, a Christian of Colossae.
G3683 Onesiphorus, a Christian of the province of Asia.
G3684 Pertaining to a donkey.
G3685 To profit, benefit, help; to have profit, derive benefit.
G3686 Name, character, fame, reputation.
G3687 To give a name to, mention, call upon the name of.
G3688 A donkey.
G3689 Really, truly, actually.
G3690 Vinegar, sour wine mixed with water, a common drink of Roman soldiers.
G3691 (a) sharp, (b) swift, eager.
G3692 A crevice (in a rock), a cave, an opening, hole.
G3693 From behind, after.
G3694 Behind, after; back, backwards.
G3695 To make ready, arm, equip.
G3696 An instrument; plural: arms, weapons.
G3697 Of what kind or manner, of what sort.
G3699 Where, whither, in what place.
G3700 To appear, to be seen (by), let oneself be seen (by).
G3701 A vision, supernatural appearance.
G3702 Roasted, broiled.
G3703 Autumn, autumnal fruits.
G3704 How, in order that, so that, that.
G3705 A spectacle, vision, that which is seen.
G3706 A sight, vision, appearance.
G3707 Visible.
G3708 To see, look upon, experience, perceive, discern, beware.
G3709 Anger, wrath, passion; punishment, vengeance.
G3710 To irritate, provoke, to be angry.
G3711 Prone to anger, passionate.
G3712 A fathom (the length of the outstretched arms), about five or six feet.
G3713 To stretch forth, to hanker after, long for, to be eager for, aspire to.
G3714 Mountainous, hilly, the hill-country.
G3715 Strong desire, lust, appetite.
G3716 To walk in a straight course, walk uprightly.
G3717 Upright, straight, direct.
G3718 To cut straight; to handle correctly, teach rightly.
G3719 To rise early, come in the morning.
G3720 Early.
G3722 Early dawn, day-break.
G3723 Rightly.
G3724 To separate, mark off by boundaries; to determine, appoint, designate.
G3725 The boundaries of a place, hence: districts, territory.
G3726 To adjure by, charge solemnly by.
G3727 An oath.
G3728 The taking of an oath, an oath.
G3729 To rush, hasten on.
G3730 A rush, violent assault, impulse.
G3731 A rushing on, impulse, violence.
G3732 A bird, fowl.
G3733 A bird, fowl, hen.
G3734 A setting of boundaries, definite limit; plural: bounds.
G3735 A mountain, hill.
G3736 To dig, dig out, excavate.
G3737 Bereaved, an orphan, fatherless, desolate.
G3738 To dance.
G3739 Who, which, what, that.
G3740 As often as, as many times as.
G3741 Holy, pious, godly, beloved of God.
G3742 Holiness, godliness, piety.
G3743 Religiously, piously.
G3744 A smell, odor, savor.
G3745 How much, how great, how many, as great as, as much.
G3747 A bone.
G3748 Whosoever, whatsoever.
G3749 Made of clay, earthen.
G3750 The sense of smell, smelling.
G3751 The loins.
G3752 When, whenever.
G3753 When, at which time.
G3754 That, since, because; may introduce direct discourse.
G3755 Until.
G3756 No, not.
G3757 Where, whither, when, in what place.
G3758 Ah! aha! derisive.
G3759 Woe!, alas!, uttered in grief or denunciation.
G3760 By no means, not at all.
G3761 Neither, nor, not even, and not.
G3762 No one, none, nothing.
G3763 Never.
G3764 Not yet, never before.
G3765 No longer, no more.
G3766 Therefore, so then.
G3767 Therefore, then.
G3768 Not yet.
G3769 A tail.
G3770 In heaven, belonging to heaven, heavenly, from heaven.
G3771 From heaven, from the sky.
G3772 Heaven, (a) the visible heavens: the atmosphere, the sky, the starry heavens, (b) the spiritual heavens.
G3773 Urbanus, a Christian in Rome, fellow-worker of Paul.
G3774 Uriah, husband of Bathsheba the mother of Solomon.
G3775 (a) the ear, (b) the faculty of perception.
G3776 Property, wealth, substance.
G3777 And not, neither, nor.
G3778 This; he, she, it.
G3779 Thus, so, in this manner.
G3780 By no means, not at all.
G3781 (a) a debtor, one who owes, one who is indebted, (b) one who has sinned against another (an Aramaism), a sinner.
G3782 A debt, a duty, what is due.
G3783 A debt, offense, sin.
G3784 To owe, ought.
G3785 O that! to wish! Would that!, followed by indicative.
G3786 Advantage, gain, profit, help.
G3787 Eye-service; service rendered only while the master watches.
G3788 The eye; fig: the mind's eye.
G3789 A serpent, snake; used of the devil or Satan.
G3790 The brow, a ridge (of a mountain).
G3791 To trouble, torment, worry, vex.
G3792 To gather a crowd, make a riot.
G3793 A crowd, mob, the common people.
G3794 A fortress, strong defense, stronghold.
G3795 A little fish.
G3796 Late, in the evening.
G3797 Late, latter.
G3798 Late, evening.
G3799 (a) the face, countenance, (b) the features, outward appearance.
G3800 Pay, wages, salary, reward.
G3802 To ensnare, entrap, entangle.
G3803 A snare, trap (especially for catching birds) hence, stratagem, device, wile.
G3804 (a) suffering, affliction, (b) passion, emotion, (c) an undergoing, an enduring.
G3805 Destined to suffer.
G3806 Suffering, emotion, depraved passion, lust.
G3807 A boy's guardian or tutor, a slave who had charge of the life and morals of the boys of a family, not strictly a teacher.
G3808 A little boy, lad.
G3809 Discipline; training and education of children, hence: instruction; chastisement, correction.
G3810 An instructor, trainer; almost: a chastiser.
G3811 (a) to discipline, educate, train, (b) more severely: to chastise.
G3812 From childhood, from early boyhood.
G3813 A little child, an infant, little one.
G3814 A female slave, maidservant, maid, young girl.
G3815 To play, sport (includes singing and dancing), play in the manner of children.
G3816 (a) a male child, boy, (b) a male slave, servant; thus: a servant of God, especially as a title of the Messiah, (c) a female child, girl.
G3817 To strike, smite, sting.
G3819 Of old, long ago, in times past, former.
G3820 Old, ancient, not new or recent.
G3821 Oldness, obsoleteness.
G3822 To make old, declare obsolete; pass: to grow old, become obsolete.
G3823 Wrestling, a wrestling bout; hence: a struggle, fight, conflict, contest.
G3824 A new birth, regeneration, renewal.
G3825 Again, back, once more, further, on the other hand.
G3826 All at once, all together.
G3828 Pamphylia, a Roman province on the south coast of Asia Minor.
G3829 An inn, khan, hotel.
G3830 An innkeeper, landlord, host.
G3831 A festival assembly.
G3832 With one's whole household or family.
G3833 Complete armor, panoply.
G3834 Shrewdness, skill; hence: cunning, craftiness.
G3835 Cunning, crafty, skillful, clever.
G3837 Everywhere, in all places.
G3838 Complete, entire, perfect, through all time.
G3839 In every way, entirely, everywhere.
G3840 From all sides, on all sides.
G3841 Ruler of all, ruler of the universe, the almighty.
G3842 Always, at all times, ever.
G3843 Wholly, entirely, in every way, by all means, certainly.
G3844 Genitive: from; dative: beside, in the presence of; accusative: alongside of.
G3845 To transgress, violate, depart, desert.
G3846 To compare, arrive, land.
G3847 A transgression, overstepping, deviation.
G3848 A transgressor, law-breaker.
G3849 To urge, press, constrain by entreaties.
G3850 (a) a comparison, (b) a parable, often of those spoken by Jesus, (c) a proverb, an adage.
G3851 To expose oneself to danger; to be adventuresome, reckless.
G3852 A command, charge, injunction; a precept, rule of living.
G3853 To notify, command, charge, entreat solemnly.
G3854 (a) to come on the scene, appear, come, (b) with words expressing destination: to present oneself at, arrive at, reach.
G3855 To pass by, depart, pass away.
G3856 To put to open shame, make a public example of, put to disgrace.
G3857 Paradise.
G3858 To receive, accept, acknowledge.
G3859 Useless debate.
G3860 To hand over, pledge, hand down, deliver, commit, commend, betray, abandon.
G3861 Unexpected, strange, wonderful, astonishing.
G3862 An instruction, tradition.
G3863 To make jealous, provoke to jealously, provoke to anger.
G3864 By the sea.
G3865 To look past, overlook, neglect.
G3866 A deposit, anything committed to one's charge or trust.
G3867 To admonish, advise, exhort.
G3868 To beg off, make excuse, deprecate, refuse, reject, decline, shun, avoid.
G3869 To sit down beside, set beside.
G3870 (a) to send for, summon, invite, (b) to beseech, entreat, beg, (c) to exhort, admonish, (d) to comfort, encourage, console.
G3871 To hide, conceal, veil.
G3873 To be at hand, to be present with, rest with.
G3874 A calling for, summons, hence: (a) exhortation, (b) entreaty, (c) encouragement, joy, gladness, (d) consolation, comfort.
G3875 (a) an advocate, intercessor, (b) a consoler, comforter, helper, (c) Paraclete.
G3876 Disobedience, imperfect hearing.
G3877 To accompany, follow closely, characterize; to investigate.
G3878 (a) to hear carelessly or incidentally, or to pretend not to hear, (b) to refuse to hear; to disobey, disregard.
G3879 To stoop, peer in, look down, look intently.
G3880 To take from, receive from, or: to take to, receive (apparently not used of money), admit, acknowledge; to take with me.
G3881 To coast along, sail along.
G3882 Adjacent to the sea, on the coast.
G3883 A change, variation, mutation.
G3884 To deceive, beguile, reason falsely, mislead.
G3885 Afflicted with paralysis.
G3886 To relax, enfeeble, weaken.
G3887 To remain by, abide with; to persevere in.
G3888 To encourage, comfort, console, exhort.
G3889 Encouragement, comfort, consolation, exhortation.
G3890 Comfort, consolation, an exhortation, persuasion, encouragement.
G3891 To act contrary to law.
G3892 A transgression, violation of law.
G3893 To embitter, provoke, irritate.
G3894 A provocation, irritation, rebellion.
G3895 To fall away, fall back (into the unbelieving and godless ways of the old time).
G3896 To sail past (without stopping there).
G3897 Near to, nearly.
G3898 Similarly, in like manner, likewise.
G3899 To go past, pass by, pass along by.
G3900 A falling away, lapse, slip, false step, trespass, sin.
G3901 (literal: to flow past, glide past, hence) to be lost, perish, or merely: to drift away (fall away) from duty.
G3902 Marked with; a figure-head.
G3903 To prepare; to prepare, make preparations.
G3904 The day of preparation, the day before the Sabbath, Friday.
G3905 To extend, prolong, continue.
G3906 To watch, observe scrupulously.
G3907 Observation, careful watching.
G3908 (a) to set (especially a meal) before, serve, (b) to deposit with, entrust to, (c) to bring forward, quote as evidence.
G3909 To come by chance, chance to meet.
G3910 Adv. with force of adj: present, immediate, for the moment.
G3911 To turn aside, carry away, remove, cause to pass away; pass: to be misled, seduced.
G3912 To be out of my senses, to be beside myself.
G3913 Madness, folly.
G3914 To pass the winter.
G3915 Wintering, spending the winter.
G3916 Instantly, immediately, on the spot.
G3917 A leopard, panther.
G3918 To be present, to sit constantly beside, to be near; to have come, arrived.
G3919 To bring in secretly, to be at hand.
G3920 Brought in secretly, surreptitious.
G3921 To enter secretly, come in by stealth.
G3922 To enter secretly, come in from the side.
G3923 To contribute besides, bring in besides, smuggle in.
G3924 (a) adv. used as adj: besides, outside, without, left over, in addition, (b) prep: apart from, except.
G3925 A camp, fort, castle, barracks, army in battle array.
G3926 To trouble, cause disturbance to, annoy, harass.
G3927 Residing in a strange country; a stranger, sojourner.
G3928 To pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; to be rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard.
G3929 Overlooking, suspension, remission of punishment for.
G3930 To offer, provide, confer, afford, give, bring, show, cause.
G3931 Solace, consolation, comfort.
G3932 Virginity.
G3933 A maiden, virgin; extended to men who have not known women.
G3934 A Parthian, an inhabitant of the country beyond the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
G3935 (a) to let pass, neglect, omit, disregard, (b) to slacken, loosen; pass: to be wearied.
G3936 To bring, present, prove, come up to and stand by, to be present.
G3937 Parmenas, one of the original seven deacons at Jerusalem.
G3938 A passing by or through.
G3939 To sojourn, dwell in as a stranger.
G3940 A sojourning, a dwelling in a strange land.
G3941 Foreign, alien, a foreigner, sojourner.
G3942 A cryptic saying, an allegory; a proverb, figurative discourse.
G3943 Given to wine, drunken, quarrelsome.
G3944 To pass away time.
G3945 To resemble, to be like.
G3946 Like, similar.
G3947 To arouse anger, provoke, irritate.
G3948 Stimulation, provocation, irritation, angry dispute.
G3949 To provoke to anger, exasperate.
G3950 Exasperation, wrath, irritation, indignation.
G3951 To stir up, incite, urge on.
G3952 (a) presence, (b) a coming, an arrival, advent, especially of the second coming of Christ.
G3953 Properly: a dainty side-dish; a plate, dish, platter.
G3954 Freedom, openness, especially in speech; boldness, confidence.
G3955 To speak freely, boldly; to be confident.
G3956 All, the whole, every kind of.
G3957 The feast of Passover, the Passover lamb.
G3958 To be acted upon in a certain way, either good or bad; to experience ill treatment, suffer.
G3959 Patara, a town on the coast of the Roman province Lycia.
G3960 To smite, strike (as with a sword), smite to death, afflict.
G3961 To tread, trample upon.
G3962 Father, (Heavenly) Father, ancestor, elder, senior.
G3963 Patmos, a small rocky island in the Aegean sea, south-west of Ephesus.
G3964 A patricide, a murderer of his father.
G3965 Lineage, ancestry; a family, tribe.
G3966 A patriarch, head or founder of a family.
G3967 Ancestral, paternal, belonging to the fathers (ancestors).
G3968 Fatherland, one's native place.
G3969 Patrobas, a Christian in Rome.
G3970 Handed down by (from) one's ancestors, inherited.
G3971 Hereditary, received from fathers.
G3972 Paul, Paulus.
G3973 (a) act: to cause to cease, restrain, hinder, (b) to cease, stop, leave off.
G3974 Paphos, a city at the western end of Cyprus.
G3975 To fatten, thicken; pass. fig: to become stupid, dull, unfeeling.
G3976 A shackle, fetter for the feet.
G3977 Level, low-lying, flat.
G3978 To travel on foot, by land.
G3979 On foot, by land.
G3980 To obey one in authority, conform to advice, obey, follow.
G3981 Persuasive, enticing, skillful.
G3982 To persuade, urge.
G3983 To be hungry, needy, desire earnestly.
G3984 A trial, experiment, attempt.
G3985 To try, tempt, test.
G3986 (a) trial, probation, testing, being tried, (b) temptation, (c) calamity, affliction.
G3987 To try, attempt, endeavor.
G3988 Persuasion, conviction, a yielding to persuasion.
G3989 The sea, the deep.
G3990 To behead (with an axe).
G3991 The fifth.
G3992 To send, transmit, permit to go, put forth.
G3993 One who works for his living; a laborer, poor man.
G3994 A mother-in-law.
G3995 A father-in-law.
G3996 To mourn, lament, feel guilt.
G3997 Mourning, sorrow, sadness, grief.
G3998 Poor, needy.
G3999 Five times.
G4000 Five thousand.
G4001 Five hundred.
G4002 Five.
G4003 The fifteenth.
G4004 Fifty.
G4005 Pentecost, a feast of the Jews, the fiftieth day after Passover.
G4006 Confidence, trust, reliance.
G4008 Over, on the other side, beyond.
G4009 (a) a boundary, limit, extremity, (b) an end, conclusion.
G4010 Pergamum, an important city of the Roman province Asia.
G4011 Perga, a city on the river Cestrus in the Roman province Pamphylia.
G4012 (a) genitive: about, concerning, (b) accusative: around.
G4013 To lead or carry about (or around), go about, traverse.
G4014 (a) to strip off, strip from, take away, (b) to cast off, cut adrift, cast loose.
G4015 To flash (gleam) around like lightning.
G4016 To cast around, wrap a garment about, put on; hence to put on to oneself, clothe oneself, dress; to draw (a line).
G4017 To look around on, survey.
G4018 A wrapper, mantle, veil, cloak, covering.
G4019 To bind (tie) around.
G4020 To overdo, to be a busybody, waste my labor about (a thing).
G4021 Of persons: over-careful; curious, meddling, a busy-body; of things: over-wrought; superfluous; curious, uncanny; curious arts, magic.
G4022 To go around, move about, visit; to make a circuit, tack (as a ship).
G4023 (a) to contain (of a book containing subject matter); hence: it stands (has its content) thus, (b) to encompass, surround, get hold of, seize.
G4024 To gird round; to gird oneself, generally for active work or travel.
G4025 A putting around or on (as of ornaments).
G4026 In intrans. act. tenses: to stand around; to avoid, shun.
G4027 Refuse, filth.
G4028 To cover up, cover round about, veil round, blindfold.
G4029 To lie about, surround; to be encompassed, surrounded, or clothed with, to be in submission to.
G4030 A helmet.
G4031 Having full power over, mastering, gaining control over.
G4032 To conceal, hide (by putting something around it).
G4033 To encircle, surround, encompass.
G4034 To shine around.
G4035 To leave behind; pass: to be left behind, remain, survive.
G4036 Very sorrowful, greatly grieved.
G4037 To wait for, await.
G4038 Round about, neighboring.
G4039 To dwell around, to be neighboring to.
G4040 Dwelling around; a neighbor.
G4041 Costly, treasured, select, specially chosen.
G4042 A section or passage of Scripture.
G4043 To walk, hence Hebraistically (in an ethical sense): to conduct my life, live.
G4044 To put on a spit; to pierce, wound deeply.
G4045 To fall into the midst of, to be involved in, happen upon a place.
G4046 To acquire, earn, purchase, make my own, preserve alive.
G4047 Acquiring, obtaining, possessing, possession, ownership.
G4048 To tear off, as of garments.
G4049 To distract, trouble greatly.
G4050 Abundance, superfluity.
G4051 Abundance, overflow.
G4052 (a) to exceed the ordinary (the necessary), abound, overflow; am left over, (b) to cause to abound.
G4053 More, greater, excessive, abundant, exceedingly, vehemently; noun: preeminence, advantage.
G4057 Greatly, exceedingly, abundantly, vehemently.
G4058 A dove, pigeon.
G4059 To cut around, circumcise.
G4060 To place or put around, clothe; fig: to bestow, confer.
G4061 Circumcision.
G4062 To turn round, turn, change.
G4063 To run around.
G4064 To carry around; pass: to be driven to and fro.
G4065 To look down upon, despise.
G4066 Neighboring; the neighboring country, neighboring inhabitants.
G4067 Scrapings, wiped-off filth.
G4068 To boast, vaunt myself.
G4069 Persis, name of a Christian lady in Rome.
G4070 Last year, a year ago.
G4071 A bird, fowl.
G4072 To fly.
G4073 A rock, ledge, cliff, cave, stony ground.
G4074 Peter, a Greek name meaning rock.
G4075 Rocky, stony.
G4076 Rue, a plant used for flavoring or garnishing food.
G4077 A fountain, spring, well, issue, flow.
G4078 To fasten, pitch a tent.
G4079 The rudder of a ship.
G4080 How large, how great.
G4081 Clay, mud.
G4082 A sack, wallet for carrying provisions.
G4083 A cubit, about a foot and a half.
G4084 To lay hold of, apprehend, catch, arrest.
G4085 To press down, press together, as in a measure.
G4086 Persuasive speech.
G4087 To make bitter, embitter; pass: to grow angry or harsh.
G4088 Bitterness, harshness, hence an embittered (resentful) spirit.
G4089 Bitter, acrid, malignant.
G4090 Bitterly.
G4091 Pilate.
G4092 To swell, to be inflamed.
G4093 A tablet for writing.
G4094 A plate, platter, disc, dish.
G4095 To drink, imbibe.
G4096 Fatness, as of the olive; richness.
G4097 To sell; pass: to be a slave to, to be devoted to.
G4098 To fall, fall under (as under condemnation), fall prostrate.
G4099 Pisidia, a country of Asia Minor, being the south-western part of the Roman province Galatia.
G4100 To believe, have faith in, trust in; pass: to be entrusted with.
G4101 Genuine, pure (of ointment), trustworthy.
G4102 Faith, belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, faithfulness.
G4103 Trustworthy, faithful, believing.
G4104 To convince, establish, give assurance to; pass: to be assured of.
G4105 To lead astray, deceive, cause to wander.
G4106 A wandering; fig: deceit, delusion, error, sin.
G4107 A wanderer.
G4108 Adj: misleading, deceiving, wandering; as a deceiver, imposter.
G4109 A tablet, flat surface.
G4110 A thing formed or fashioned.
G4111 To form, mold, as a potter his clay.
G4112 Formed, molded; fig: feigned, made up, counterfeit.
G4113 A street, public square, broad way.
G4114 Breadth.
G4115 To enlarge, make broad; of the growth of tenderness and love.
G4116 Broad, wide; a street.
G4117 Braided hair, anything interwoven.
G4118 The greatest, the most, very great.
G4119 More, greater, of higher value.
G4120 To weave together, plait, twist, braid.
G4121 To have more than enough; to abound, increase.
G4122 To take advantage of, overreach, defraud.
G4123 A covetous or avaricious person; one desirous of having more.
G4124 Covetousness, avarice, aggression, desire for advantage.
G4125 The side of the body.
G4126 To sail, travel by sea, voyage.
G4127 A blow, stripe, wound; an affliction, plague.
G4128 A multitude, crowd, great number, assemblage.
G4129 To increase, multiply.
G4130 To fill, fulfill, complete.
G4131 A striker, contentious person, brawler.
G4132 A flood.
G4133 However, nevertheless, but, except that, yet.
G4134 Full, abounding in, complete, completely occupied with.
G4135 (literal: to carry full), (a) to complete, carry out fully, (b) to fully convince, satisfy fully, (c) to fully believe.
G4136 Full assurance, conviction, confidence.
G4137 To fill, fulfill, complete.
G4138 (a) a fill, fullness; full complement; supply, patch, supplement, (b) fullness, filling, fulfillment, completion.
G4139 Near, nearby, a neighbor.
G4140 Satisfaction, indulgence.
G4141 To strike, smite.
G4142 (a little boat, hence) a boat.
G4143 A ship, vessel, boat.
G4144 A voyage, sailing.
G4145 Rich, abounding in, wealthy; a rich man.
G4146 Richly, abundantly.
G4147 To become rich, to be rich, abound in.
G4148 To make rich, cause to abound in, enrich.
G4149 Riches, wealth, abundance, materially or spiritually.
G4150 To wash.
G4151 Wind, breath, spirit.
G4152 Spiritual.
G4153 Spiritually, in a spiritual way; from a spiritual point of view.
G4154 To blow, breathe, as the wind.
G4155 To choke, throttle, strangle; hence: to drown.
G4156 Strangled (i.e. killed without letting out the blood).
G4157 (a) breath, (b) gust, breeze, wind.
G4158 Reaching to the feet (of a garment).
G4159 Whence, from what place.
G4160 (a) to make, manufacture, construct, (b) to do, act, cause.
G4161 A thing made, a work, workmanship.
G4162 A doing, making, performance.
G4163 (a) a maker, poet, (b) a doer, carrier out, performer.
G4164 Various, of different colors, diverse, various.
G4165 To shepherd, tend, herd; hence: to rule, govern.
G4166 A shepherd; hence of the feeder, protector, and ruler of a flock of men.
G4167 A flock (of sheep or goats).
G4168 A little flock.
G4169 Of what sort.
G4170 To make war, contend, fight, battle.
G4171 A war, battle, strife.
G4172 A city, the inhabitants of a city.
G4173 A ruler of a city, city magistrate.
G4174 (a) commonwealth, polity; citizen body, (b) (the Roman) citizenship, citizen-rights, franchise.
G4175 A state, commonwealth.
G4176 To live the life of a citizen, live.
G4177 A citizen, fellow-citizen.
G4178 Many times, often, frequently.
G4179 Many times more, manifold.
G4180 Much-speaking, loquacity.
G4181 In many parts (one at one time, another at another, and so on).
G4182 Much varied, manifold.
G4183 Much, many; often.
G4184 Very compassionate, of great mercy.
G4185 Very costly, very precious, of great value.
G4186 Of great value, very costly, very precious.
G4187 In many ways.
G4188 Drink.
G4189 Wickedness, iniquities.
G4190 Evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful.
G4192 (a) labor, toil, (b) pain, anguish, distress, suffering.
G4193 Belonging to Pontus.
G4194 Pontius.
G4195 Pontus, a Roman province in the north of Asia Minor, bordering on the Black Sea, governed along with Bithynia.
G4196 Publius, a governor of Malta.
G4197 A journey, pursuit, undertaking, progress.
G4198 To travel, journey, go, die.
G4199 To lay waste, destroy, ravage, harass.
G4200 A source of gain, livelihood.
G4201 Porcius, the middle (gentile) name of the procurator Festus.
G4202 Fornication, whoredom; idolatry.
G4203 To fornicate; to practice idolatry.
G4204 A prostitute; an idolatrous community.
G4205 A fornicator, man who prostitutes himself.
G4206 Far, far off, at a distance.
G4207 From afar, far off, from a distance.
G4209 A purple garment, indicating power or wealth.
G4210 Purple.
G4211 A female seller of purple cloth.
G4212 How often, how many times.
G4213 Drinking, drink, beverage.
G4214 How much, how great, how many.
G4215 A river, torrent, stream.
G4216 Carried away by a stream.
G4217 Of what kind, of what manner.
G4218 At one time or other, at some time, formerly.
G4219 When, at what time.
G4220 Which of two, whether.
G4221 A drinking cup, the contents of the cup; fig: the portion which God allots.
G4222 To cause to drink, give to drink; irrigate, water.
G4223 Puteoli, the great harbor for traffic with Alexandria on the Bay of Naples.
G4224 A drinking, carousing.
G4225 Where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about.
G4226 Where, in what place.
G4227 Pudens, a Christian man in Rome.
G4228 The foot.
G4229 A thing done, a deed, action; a matter, an affair.
G4230 A business, an occupation, affair, transaction.
G4231 To transact business, trade.
G4232 The palace at Jerusalem occupied by the Roman governor, or the quarters of the praetorian guard in Rome.
G4233 An officer employed to execute judicial sentences.
G4234 (a) a doing, action, mode of action; plural: deeds, acts, (b) function, business.
G4237 A company formed into divisions (like garden-beds).
G4238 To do, perform, accomplish; be in any condition, i.e. to fare; to exact, require.
G4239 Mild, gentle.
G4240 Mildness, gentleness.
G4241 It becomes, is fitting to, is right.
G4242 An embassy, delegation, eldership.
G4243 To be aged, act as an ambassador.
G4244 An assembly of elders, the Sanhedrin, officers of the church assembly, presbytery.
G4245 Elder, usually used as subst.; an elder, a member of the Sanhedrin, an elder of a Christian assembly.
G4246 An old man, an ambassador.
G4247 An old woman.
G4248 Falling headlong, prone.
G4249 To saw, saw through.
G4250 Formerly, before.
G4251 Prisca, Priscilla, the former being the more correct and formal name, the latter a diminutive and more familiar; a Roman lady, probably of good birth, wife of the Jewish Christian Aquila.
G4252 Prisca, Priscilla, the former being the more correct and formal name, the latter a diminutive and more familiar; a Roman lady, probably of good birth, wife of the Jewish Christian Aquila.
G4253 (a) of place: before, in front of, (b) of time: before, earlier than.
G4254 (a) to lead forth; in the judicial sense, into court, (b) to precede, go before, (c) to go too far.
G4255 To propose; to propose to oneself, purpose.
G4256 To make a prior accusation.
G4257 To hear beforehand.
G4258 To sin previously.
G4259 A porch, court before a building, vestibule.
G4260 To go forward, advance.
G4261 To thrust forward, put forth (as of branches), produce.
G4262 Pertaining to sheep.
G4263 A sheep.
G4264 To lead forward, lead on; to induce, incite, urge.
G4265 To provide, foresee.
G4266 To happen (come about) previously.
G4267 To know beforehand, foreknow.
G4268 Foreknowledge, previous determination.
G4269 An ancestor.
G4270 (a) to write previously (aforetime); to write above (already), (b) to depict or portray openly, (c) to designate beforehand.
G4271 Manifest to all, evident, very clear.
G4272 To give before, give forth, betray.
G4273 A betrayer, traitor.
G4274 A precursor, forerunner, advance guard.
G4276 To hope before, to be the first to hope.
G4277 To say previously, predict, proclaim, foretell.
G4278 To begin before.
G4279 To promise beforehand.
G4281 To go forward, go on, advance; to go before, precede.
G4282 To prepare or appoint beforehand, predestine.
G4283 To preach the gospel beforehand, foretell good tidings.
G4284 To hold before; to excuse myself; to project, excel, surpass, have preeminence.
G4285 To lead onward by example, go before, prefer.
G4286 A setting forth, the show-bread; predetermination, purpose.
G4287 Appointed before; a previously-appointed time.
G4288 Inclination, readiness, eagerness, willingness, promptness.
G4289 Eager, ready, willing, prompt.
G4290 Readily, eagerly, with a ready mind, cheerfully.
G4291 To preside, rule over, give attention to, direct, maintain, practice diligently.
G4292 To provoke, stimulate, challenge, call out.
G4293 To announce beforehand, promise, predict.
G4294 To prepare or complete beforehand.
G4295 To be set (placed, put) before, to be already there.
G4296 To announce or preach beforehand, announce by herald.
G4297 Progress, advancement.
G4298 (originally of the pioneer cutting his way through brushwood), to advance, progress, make progress.
G4299 A prejudgment, prejudice, partiality, preference.
G4300 To establish or ratify before.
G4301 To take before, anticipate; pass: to be caught or overtaken, taken by surprise.
G4302 To tell (say) beforehand, forewarn, declare, tell plainly.
G4303 To predict, testify or protest beforehand.
G4304 To meditate beforehand, prepare, get up, premeditate.
G4305 To be anxious beforehand, ponder beforehand.
G4306 To take thought for beforehand, provide for, practice.
G4307 Forethought, foresight, provision for, providence.
G4308 To see beforehand, foresee, see previously, to be mindful of; to pay regard to, set before me.
G4309 To foreordain, predetermine, mark out beforehand.
G4310 To suffer previously.
G4311 To send forward, accompany, equip for a journey.
G4312 Impulsive, rash, reckless.
G4313 To precede, pass on before, go before.
G4314 To, towards, with.
G4315 The day before the Sabbath.
G4316 To address by name, designate, accost.
G4317 To bring to, bring near; to come to or towards, approach.
G4318 Approach, access, admission.
G4319 To beg, ask earnestly, ask for in addition.
G4320 To go up to, come up to, go up further.
G4321 To spend in addition.
G4322 To fill up by adding to, supply.
G4323 To consult with, communicate, impart.
G4324 To utter additional threats.
G4325 To spend in addition.
G4326 To want more, need in addition.
G4327 (a) to await, expect, (b) to receive, welcome (originally: to my house), (c) to accept.
G4328 To expect, wait for, await, think, anticipate.
G4329 Expectation, waiting.
G4330 To permit one to approach, permit further.
G4332 To wait upon, minister to, have charge of.
G4333 To gain, produce in addition.
G4334 To come up to, come to, come near (to), approach, consent (to).
G4335 (a) prayer (to God), (b) a place for prayer (used by Jews, perhaps where there was no synagogue).
G4336 To pray, pray for, offer prayer.
G4337 (a) to attend to, pay attention to, (b) to beware, to be cautious, (c) to join, devote oneself to.
G4338 To fasten with nails, nail to.
G4339 (literal: that has come to), a proselyte, that is a non-Jew, who has been circumcised and has adopted the Jews' religion.
G4340 For a season, temporary.
G4341 To call to oneself, summon.
G4342 To persist, persevere in, continue steadfast in; to wait upon.
G4343 Perseverance.
G4344 A pillow or cushion.
G4345 To assign by lot, allot, associate with, follow as a disciple.
G4346 Partiality, an inclination towards.
G4347 (literal: to glue one thing to another), to join (unite) closely, cleave (to), follow as an adherent.
G4348 A stumbling-block, an occasion for falling, a moral embarrassment.
G4349 A cause of stumbling, offense, shock.
G4350 To stumble, strike the foot against, beat upon, take offense at.
G4351 To roll to, roll up against.
G4352 To go down on my knees to, do obeisance to, worship.
G4353 A worshipper.
G4354 To speak to, converse with.
G4355 (a) to take to oneself, (b) to take aside, (c) to welcome.
G4356 A receiving, a taking to one's self, acceptance.
G4357 To remain; to abide in, remain in, persist in, adhere to.
G4358 To anchor at a place.
G4359 To owe besides (in addition).
G4360 To be displeased or offended with.
G4361 Very hungry.
G4362 To fasten to, applied to Christ's being fastened to the cross.
G4363 (a) to fall down before, (b) to beat against, rush violently upon.
G4364 To pretend, regard, make a show of.
G4365 To come to, approach.
G4366 To dash against, as waves.
G4367 (a) to instruct, command, (b) to appoint, assign.
G4368 A female guardian, protector, patroness.
G4369 To place (put) to, add; to do again.
G4370 To run to.
G4371 Anything eaten with bread, especially fish or meat.
G4372 (originally: newly slaughtered, freshly killed), recent, new.
G4373 Recently, lately, newly.
G4374 (a) to bring to, (b) characteristically: to offer (of gifts, sacrifices).
G4375 Pleasing, acceptable, grateful.
G4376 An offering, sacrifice.
G4377 To call to, summon; to call (out) to, address, give a speech to, harangue.
G4378 A pouring upon, an effusion, a sprinkling.
G4379 To touch lightly.
G4380 To favor specially, show partiality.
G4381 One who shows partiality.
G4382 Partiality, favoritism.
G4383 The face, countenance, surface.
G4385 To stretch out, tie up (for scourging), extend before.
G4386 Formerly, before.
G4388 To purpose, design beforehand, determine.
G4389 To encourage, exhort, persuade.
G4390 To run before, outrun, run in advance.
G4391 To have been already, have been previously.
G4392 A pretext, an excuse.
G4393 To bring forth, produce.
G4394 Prophecy, prophesying; the gift of communicating and enforcing revealed truth.
G4395 To foretell, prophesy; to set forth matter of divine teaching by special faculty.
G4396 A prophet, poet; a person gifted at expositing divine truth.
G4397 Prophetic, uttered by a prophet.
G4398 A prophetess.
G4399 To anticipate, forestall.
G4400 To appoint, choose, elect, take into hand.
G4401 To choose or appoint beforehand.
G4402 Prochorus, one of the seven original deacons at Jerusalem.
G4403 The stern of a ship.
G4404 Early in the morning, at dawn.
G4405 Early morning.
G4406 Dawning, early.
G4407 Belonging to the morning, early.
G4408 The prow of a ship.
G4409 To have preeminence, to be chief, to be first.
G4410 A chief (most honorable) seat.
G4411 The chief place at a banquet or table.
G4412 First, in the first place, before, formerly.
G4413 First, before, principal, most important.
G4414 One who stands in the front rank, hence: a leader, ringleader, chief.
G4415 The birthright, the rights of the first-born.
G4416 First-born, eldest.
G4417 To stumble, fall, sin, err, transgress.
G4418 The heel.
G4419 An extremity, battlement, parapet, apex.
G4420 A wing, pinion.
G4421 Winged; a bird, fowl.
G4422 To terrify, scare, strike with panic.
G4423 Terror, consternation, dismay.
G4424 Ptolemais, a coast city of Phoenicia, midway between Tyre and Caesarea.
G4425 A simple wooden pitchfork; a winnowing-shovel or fan.
G4426 To frighten, terrify.
G4427 Spittle, saliva.
G4428 To fold, roll up (as a scroll).
G4429 To spit.
G4430 A fall; a carcass, corpse, dead body.
G4431 A falling, a fall, ruin.
G4432 Beggary, poverty, destitution.
G4433 To be in poverty, to be a beggar.
G4434 Poor, destitute, spiritually poor, either in a good sense (humble devout persons) or bad.
G4435 The fist.
G4436 A divining spirit, Python, called after the Pythian serpent said to have guarded the oracle at Delphi and been slain by Apollo.
G4437 Frequent, often, much.
G4438 To box, to be a boxer.
G4439 A gate.
G4440 A large gate; a gateway, porch, vestibule.
G4441 To ask, inquire, ascertain by inquiry, understand.
G4442 Fire; the heat of the sun, lightning; fig: strife, trials; the eternal fire.
G4443 A fire, pile of burning fuel.
G4444 A tower, fortified structure.
G4445 To be sick with a fever.
G4446 A fever, scorching heat.
G4447 Fiery, glittering.
G4448 Pass: to burn, to be set on fire, to be inflamed; glow with heat, to be purified by fire.
G4449 To be red, fire-colored.
G4450 Red, fire-colored.
G4451 A burning, trial, fiery test.
G4453 To sell, exchange, barter.
G4454 A colt, young donkey, foal.
G4455 At any time, ever.
G4456 To harden, render callous, petrify.
G4457 Hardness of heart, obtuseness.
G4459 How, in what manner, by what means.
G4460 Rahab, a Canaanite woman, who rescued the Hebrew spies at Jericho.
G4461 Rabbi, my master, teacher; a title of respect often applied to Christ.
G4462 Rabbi, my master, teacher; a title of respect often applied to Christ.
G4463 To beat with rods, scourge.
G4464 A rod, staff, staff of authority, scepter.
G4465 A holder of the rods, a lictor, Roman officer, judge.
G4466 Ragau (or Reu), an ancestor of Jesus.
G4467 A careless action, an act of villainy.
G4468 Craftiness, villainy, recklessness, wickedness.
G4469 Empty, foolish.
G4470 A piece of cloth, a remnant torn off.
G4471 Rama, a place in Ephraim, two hours north of Jerusalem.
G4472 To sprinkle, cleanse ceremonially by sprinkling.
G4473 Sprinkling, purification.
G4474 To slap, strike, smite with the hand.
G4475 A slap, blow on the cheek with the open hand.
G4476 A needle.
G4477 Rahab, a Canaanite woman, who rescued the Hebrew spies at Jericho.
G4478 Rachel, younger wife of the patriarch Jacob.
G4479 Rebecca, wife of the patriarch Isaac.
G4480 A chariot.
G4481 Rephan, the Saturn of later mythology.
G4482 To flow, overflow with.
G4484 Rhegium, a city in the south-west corner of Italy opposite Sicily (modern Reggio).
G4485 What is broken, a ruin.
G4486 To rend, break asunder; to break forth (into speech); to throw or dash down.
G4487 A thing spoken, (a) a word or saying of any kind, as command, report, promise, (b) a thing, matter, business.
G4488 Rhesa, an ancestor of Jesus.
G4489 An orator, public speaker, advocate.
G4490 Expressly, explicitly, in so many words.
G4491 A root, shoot, source; that which comes from the root, a descendent.
G4492 To cause to take root; to plant, fix firmly, establish.
G4493 A glance, twinkle or flash of the eye; a rush of wind or flame; any rapid movement.
G4494 To toss to and fro, fan, blow.
G4495 To throw off or away, cast, hurl.
G4496 To throw, cast, toss, set down; pass: to be dispersed.
G4497 Rehoboam, son of Solomon, and King of Israel.
G4498 Rhoda, a maidservant in the house of John Mark's mother at Jerusalem.
G4499 Rhodes, an island in the Aegean sea, south-west of Asia Minor.
G4500 With a great noise, with a rushing sound.
G4501 A sword, scimitar; fig: war, piercing grief.
G4502 Reuben, eldest son of the patriarch Jacob and founder of a tribe.
G4503 Ruth, wife of Boaz and mother of Obed.
G4504 Rufus, a Christian man in Rome, probably to be identified with the brother of Alexander and son of Simon of Cyrene.
G4505 A narrow street or lane in a town or city.
G4506 To rescue, deliver (from danger or destruction).
G4507 Filth, pollution, defilement.
G4508 Filthy, defiled, dirty.
G4509 Filth, filthiness, dirt, squalor.
G4510 To be filthy; hence (morally): to be stained with sin.
G4511 A flowing, an issue.
G4512 A wrinkle; fig: a spiritual defect, flaw.
G4513 Roman, Latin.
G4514 Roman; a Roman citizen.
G4515 In the Latin language.
G4516 Rome, the famous city on the Tiber, the capital of the Roman Empire.
G4517 To strengthen, render firm; imperative at the end of letters: farewell.
G4518 Thou hast forsaken me.
G4519 Hosts, armies.
G4520 A keeping of the Sabbath, a Sabbath rest.
G4521 The Sabbath, a week.
G4522 A dragnet.
G4523 A Sadducee, a member of the aristocratic party among the Jews.
G4524 Zadok, an ancestor of Jesus.
G4525 To fawn upon, flatter, beguile; pass: to be perturbed.
G4526 Sack-cloth, a sign of mourning.
G4527 Shelah, an ancestor of Christ, also Salmon, an ancestor of Christ.
G4528 Salathiel, son of Jeconiah.
G4529 Salamis, a city at the eastern end of Cyprus.
G4530 Salim, a place in Palestine.
G4531 To shake, excite, disturb in mind, stir up, drive away.
G4532 Salem, doubtless identical with Jerusalem.
G4533 Salmon, son of Nahshon and father of Boaz.
G4534 Salmone, a promontory on the east of Crete.
G4535 The tossing of the sea in a tempest; agitation, rolling.
G4536 A trumpet, the sound of a trumpet.
G4537 To sound a trumpet.
G4538 A trumpeter.
G4539 Salome, wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John, the apostles.
G4540 Samaria, a small district of Palestine, bounded by Galilee on the north, and by Judaea on the south, and taking its name from the city of Samaria, the ancient capital of the kingdom of (northern) Israel.
G4541 A Samaritan.
G4542 A Samaritan woman.
G4543 Samothrace, an island south of the province of Thrace.
G4544 Samos, an island in the Aegean sea off the coast of Asia Minor, near Ephesus and Miletus.
G4545 Samuel, a Hebrew prophet.
G4546 Samson, one of the Judges of Israel.
G4547 A sandal.
G4548 A plank, board.
G4549 Saul, (a) the first king of Israel, (b) the Hebrew name of the Apostle to the Gentiles.
G4550 Rotten, useless, corrupt, depraved.
G4551 Sapphira, wife of Ananias, an early Christian.
G4552 A sapphire.
G4553 A basket, generally of twisted cords.
G4554 Sardis, an ancient city of Lydia in the province of Asia.
G4556 Carnelian, a precious stone.
G4557 Sardonyx, a precious stone, white streaked with red.
G4558 Zarephath, a town in the district of Sidon in Phoenicia.
G4559 Fleshly, carnal, earthly.
G4560 Fleshly, consisting of flesh, carnal.
G4561 Flesh, body, human nature, materiality; kindred.
G4562 Serug, an ancestor of Jesus.
G4563 To sweep, cleanse by sweeping.
G4564 Sarah, wife of Abraham.
G4565 Sharon, the maritime plain between Carmel and Joppa.
G4567 An adversary, Satan.
G4568 A large measure equal to nearly three English gallons.
G4569 Saul, the apostle.
G4570 (a) to extinguish, quench, (b) to suppress, thwart.
G4572 Of yourself.
G4573 To worship, stand in awe of.
G4574 An object of worship or veneration.
G4575 (official Greek equivalent of Augustus), venerated, august, a title of the Roman emperors; hence secondarily: Augustan, imperial.
G4576 To reverence, worship, adore.
G4577 A chain.
G4578 A shaking (as an earthquake); a storm.
G4579 To shake; fig: to agitate, stir up.
G4580 Secundus, a Christian of Thessalonica.
G4581 Seleucia, on the Syrian coast, the harbor of Syrian Antioch.
G4582 The moon.
G4583 To be a lunatic, to be moonstruck, epileptic.
G4584 Semein, an ancestor of Jesus.
G4585 The finest wheaten flour.
G4586 Venerable, honorable, grave, serious, dignified.
G4587 Dignity, honor, gravity, seriousness.
G4588 Sergius, the middle (gentile) name of the proconsul of Cyprus.
G4589 Seth, third son of Adam.
G4590 Shem, a son of Noah.
G4591 To signify, indicate, give a sign, make known.
G4592 A sign, miracle, indication, mark, token.
G4593 To note, mark for myself.
G4594 Today, now.
G4595 To cause to rot, make corrupt.
G4596 Silken, silk.
G4597 A moth.
G4598 Moth-eaten.
G4599 To strengthen.
G4600 The jawbone, cheek, jaw.
G4601 To be silent, keep silence; to keep secret; pass: to be kept secret.
G4602 Silence.
G4603 Made of iron.
G4604 Iron.
G4605 Sidon, a great coast city of Phoenicia.
G4606 Sidonian, inhabitant of Sidon.
G4607 An assassin, murderer, bandit; one of the Sicarii.
G4608 Intoxicating drink.
G4609 Silas, a pet-form of the name Silvanus; a Roman citizen and a helper of Paul.
G4610 Silvanus, a Roman citizen and a helper of Paul.
G4611 Siloam, a spring within the walls, in the south-east corner of Jerusalem.
G4612 An apron worn by artisans.
G4613 Simon.
G4614 Sinai, a mountain in Arabia.
G4615 Mustard (probably the shrub, not the herb).
G4616 Fine linen, a linen cloth.
G4617 To sift, prove by trials, winnow.
G4618 Fattened, fatted.
G4619 Fattened; a fatling, cattle.
G4620 A measured portion of grain or food.
G4621 Wheat, grain.
G4622 Zion, the hill; used for Jerusalem or heaven.
G4623 To keep silence, to be silent, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
G4624 To cause to stumble, cause to sin, cause to become indignant, shock, offend.
G4625 A snare, stumbling-block, cause for error.
G4626 To dig, excavate.
G4627 A boat; any hollow vessel.
G4628 The leg (from the hip downwards).
G4629 Clothing, a covering, raiment.
G4630 Sceva, an inhabitant of Ephesus.
G4631 Tackle, fittings, equipment.
G4632 A vessel to contain liquid; a vessel of mercy or wrath; any instrument by which anything is done; a household utensil; of ships: tackle.
G4633 A tent, booth, tabernacle, abode, dwelling, mansion, habitation.
G4634 The feast of tabernacles, the great festival of the Jews, held in October.
G4635 A tent-maker.
G4636 A tent, tabernacle; fig: of the human body.
G4637 To dwell as in a tent, encamp, have my tabernacle.
G4638 A tent pitched, a dwelling, tabernacle.
G4639 A shadow, shade, thick darkness, an outline.
G4640 To leap (for joy), skip, bound.
G4641 Hardness of heart, perverseness, obstinacy.
G4642 Hard, violent, harsh, stern.
G4643 Hardness, hardness of heart, obstinacy, perverseness.
G4644 Stiff-necked, stubborn, obstinate.
G4645 To harden, make hard, make stubborn.
G4646 Crooked, perverse, unfair, curved, tortuous.
G4647 A stake or thorn; fig: a sharp affliction.
G4648 To look at, regard attentively, take heed, beware, consider.
G4649 A watcher; a goal, a mark aimed at.
G4650 To disperse, scatter abroad (as of sheep); to dissipate, waste; to distribute alms.
G4651 A scorpion.
G4652 Full of darkness, dark.
G4653 Darkness; fig: spiritual darkness.
G4654 To darken.
G4655 Darkness, either physical or moral.
G4656 To darken.
G4657 Refuse, dregs, dung.
G4658 A Scythian, as typical of the uncivilized.
G4659 Gloomy, sad-countenanced.
G4660 To flay, trouble, annoy, vex.
G4661 Spoil taken from a foe.
G4662 Eaten by worms.
G4663 A gnawing worm; gnawing anguish.
G4664 Made of emerald, emerald-green.
G4665 An emerald.
G4666 Myrrh.
G4667 Smyrna, a great port of the Roman province Asia.
G4669 To mingle with myrrh.
G4670 Sodom.
G4672 Solomon, son of David King of Israel, and Bathsheba.
G4673 A bier, an open coffin.
G4674 Yours, thy, thine.
G4676 A handkerchief, napkin.
G4677 Susannah, a woman of the retinue of Jesus.
G4678 Wisdom, insight, skill (human or divine), intelligence.
G4679 To make wise, instruct; pass: to be skillfully devised.
G4680 Wise, learned, cultivated, skilled, clever.
G4681 Spain, roughly co-extensive with the modern country of the name.
G4682 To convulse, throw into spasms.
G4683 To swathe, wrap in swaddling clothes.
G4684 To live extravagantly, luxuriously; to be wanton.
G4685 To draw (as a sword), pull.
G4686 Anything wound up or coiled, by ext. a body (of soldiers), i.e. a cohort.
G4687 To sow, spread, scatter.
G4688 A body-guardsman; an executioner.
G4689 To pour out as a libation.
G4690 (a) seed, commonly of cereals, (b) offspring, descendents.
G4691 A babbler, gossiper, one who picks up seeds and trifles as does a bird.
G4692 To hasten, urge on, desire earnestly.
G4693 A cave, den, hideout.
G4694 A hidden rock; fig: a flaw, stigma.
G4695 To defile, spot, stain, soil.
G4696 A spot, fault, stain, blemish.
G4697 To feel compassion, have pity on, to be moved.
G4698 The inward parts; the heart, affections, seat of the feelings.
G4699 A sponge.
G4700 Ashes.
G4701 Seed sown, a sowing.
G4702 Sown; neut. plural: sown fields.
G4703 Seed for sowing.
G4704 To hasten, to be eager, to be zealous.
G4705 Diligent, earnest, zealous, eager.
G4708 More earnestly, diligently, zealously.
G4709 Diligently, earnestly, zealously.
G4710 (a) speed, haste, (b) diligence, earnestness, enthusiasm.
G4711 A plaited basket.
G4712 (a) a stadium, one eighth of a Roman mile, (b) a race-course for public games.
G4713 A jar or vase.
G4714 An insurrection, dissension; originally: standing, position, place.
G4715 An Attic silver coin equal in value to the Jewish shekel.
G4716 A cross.
G4717 To fix to the cross, crucify; fig: to destroy, mortify.
G4718 A grape, cluster of grapes.
G4719 A head of grain.
G4720 Stachys, a Christian man at Rome.
G4721 A flat roof of a house.
G4722 To cover, conceal, ward off, bear with, endure patiently.
G4723 Barren.
G4724 To set, arrange; to provide for, take care, withdraw from, hold aloof, avoid.
G4725 A garland, wreath, crown.
G4726 A groaning, sighing.
G4727 To groan, expressing grief, anger, or desire.
G4728 Narrow, strait.
G4729 (to keep someone in a tight place), to press upon, cramp, restrain.
G4730 A narrow space, great distress, anguish.
G4731 Solid, firm, steadfast.
G4732 To strengthen, confirm, establish, settle.
G4733 Firmness, steadfastness, constancy.
G4734 Stephanas, a Corinthian Christian.
G4735 A crown, garland, honor, glory.
G4736 Stephen, one of the seven original deacons at Jerusalem, and the first martyr.
G4737 To crown, adorn, decorate.
G4738 The breast, chest.
G4739 To stand fast, stand firm, persevere.
G4740 Firmness, steadfastness.
G4741 (a) to fix firmly, direct oneself towards, (b) generally to buttress, prop, support; to strengthen, establish.
G4742 A mark or brand.
G4743 A moment, point of time, an instant.
G4744 To shine, glisten, flash, to be radiant.
G4745 A colonnade, portico.
G4746 A bough, branch of a tree.
G4747 (a) plural: the heavenly bodies, (b) a rudiment, an element, a rudimentary principle, an elementary rule.
G4748 To walk in, walk by.
G4749 A long robe, worn by the upper classes in the East.
G4750 The mouth, speech, eloquence in speech, the point of a sword.
G4751 The stomach.
G4752 Warfare, military service; of Christian warfare.
G4753 An army, detachment of troops.
G4754 To wage war, fight, serve as a soldier; fig: of the warring lusts against the soul.
G4755 (a) a general or leader of the army, (b) a magistrate or governor, (c) captain of the temple.
G4756 An army; a host of angels, the hosts of heaven (i.e. the stars).
G4757 A soldier.
G4758 To collect an army, enlist troops.
G4759 Commander of the Roman emperor's body-guard.
G4760 An encamped army.
G4761 To twist, torture; to twist or pervert language.
G4762 To turn, to be converted, change, change my direction.
G4763 To live luxuriously, revel, riot.
G4764 Wantonness, luxury.
G4765 A small bird, sparrow.
G4766 To spread, make a bed.
G4767 Hateful, detestable, disgusting.
G4768 To be gloomy, have a somber countenance, to be shocked.
G4769 A pillar, support, column.
G4770 Stoic.
G4771 You.
G4772 Kindred, family.
G4773 Akin to, related; fellow countryman, kinsman.
G4774 Permission, indulgence, concession.
G4775 To sit with.
G4776 To cause to sit down with, sit down together.
G4777 To suffer hardships together with.
G4778 To suffer ill-treatment with.
G4779 To call together.
G4780 To conceal closely, cover up wholly.
G4781 To oppress, bend together.
G4782 To go down with.
G4783 Assent, agreement, concord, alliance.
G4784 To give a vote with, assent to.
G4785 To be voted or classed with.
G4786 To mix with, unite.
G4787 To move together, stir up, excite.
G4788 To enclose, shut in, make subject to.
G4789 A joint heir, participant.
G4790 To be a partaker with, have fellowship with, to be an accomplice in.
G4791 A partaker with, co-partner.
G4792 To bear away together with, as in carrying away a corpse.
G4793 To join together, combine, compare, interpret, explain.
G4794 To be bowed together, bent double.
G4795 A coincidence, accident, chance.
G4796 To rejoice with, congratulate.
G4797 To bewilder, stir up, throw into confusion.
G4798 To have dealings with.
G4799 Confusion, disturbance.
G4800 To live together with.
G4801 To yoke together, unite (as man and wife).
G4802 To seek together, discuss, dispute.
G4803 Mutual questioning, disputation.
G4804 A disputer, as the Greek sophists.
G4805 A yoke-fellow, colleague.
G4806 To make alive together with.
G4807 A sycamore tree, black mulberry tree.
G4808 A fig-tree.
G4809 A sycamore tree.
G4810 A (ripe) fig.
G4811 To accuse falsely, defraud.
G4812 To plunder, lead captive; to make victim by fraud.
G4813 To rob, plunder, strip.
G4814 To talk with, discuss.
G4815 To seize, apprehend, assist, conceive, become pregnant.
G4816 To collect, gather.
G4817 To reason, reckon with oneself, consider.
G4818 To be moved to grief by sympathy.
G4819 To happen, occur, meet.
G4820 Properly: to throw together, hence: to ponder, come up with, encounter, with or without hostile intent; to dispute with; to confer, consult with, contribute.
G4821 To reign together with.
G4822 (a) to unite or knit together, (b) to put together in reasoning, and so: to conclude, prove, (c) to teach, instruct.
G4823 To give advice, exhort; to take counsel together, consult.
G4824 (a) a body of advisers in a court, a council, (b) consultation, counsel, advice; resolution, decree.
G4825 An adviser, counselor.
G4826 Simeon or Simon.
G4827 A fellow disciple.
G4828 To bear witness together with.
G4829 To partake with, divide together with, have a share in.
G4830 Jointly partaking.
G4831 A joint imitator.
G4832 Similar, conformed to.
G4833 To bring to the same form with, conform.
G4834 To sympathize with, have compassion on.
G4835 Sympathizing, compassionate.
G4836 To come together with, stand by one, help.
G4837 To invite, encourage along with others; pass: to share in encouragement with.
G4838 To take along as a companion.
G4840 To be present together with.
G4841 To suffer together with, sympathize.
G4842 To send together with.
G4843 To embrace completely.
G4844 To drink together with.
G4845 To fill completely; pass: to be completed.
G4846 To choke utterly, as weeds do plants; to crowd upon.
G4847 A fellow citizen.
G4848 To journey together with; to come together, assemble.
G4849 A drinking party, festive company (guests at a party).
G4850 A fellow elder.
G4851 To bring together, collect; to be profitable to.
G4852 To assent to, consent, confess, agree with.
G4853 One of the same tribe, a fellow country-man.
G4854 Grown together, united with.
G4855 To grow at the same time.
G4856 To agree with, harmonize with, agree together.
G4857 Harmony, agreement, concord.
G4858 Harmony of instruments, music.
G4859 Harmonious, agreeing with.
G4860 To compute, reckon up, count together.
G4861 Of one accord.
G4862 With.
G4863 To gather together, collect, assemble, receive with hospitality, entertain.
G4864 An assembly, congregation, synagogue, either the place or the people gathered together in the place.
G4865 To struggle in company with, aid.
G4866 To compete together with others, cooperate vigorously with.
G4867 To gather together, assemble.
G4868 To compare (settle) accounts, make a reckoning.
G4869 A fellow captive or prisoner.
G4870 To accompany, follow together with.
G4871 To be assembled together with.
G4872 To go up with.
G4873 To recline at table with.
G4874 To mingle together with, keep company with.
G4875 To rest along with.
G4876 To meet, encounter, fall in with.
G4878 To lend a hand along with, take interest in (a thing) along with (others), assist jointly to perform some task, cooperate with, take my share in, help, aid.
G4879 To lead away with, carry along with (in good or bad sense according to context); to conform oneself willingly to.
G4880 To die together with.
G4881 To perish along with.
G4882 To send together with.
G4883 To fit together, compact.
G4884 To seize, drag by force.
G4885 To grow together.
G4886 That which binds together; a band, bond.
G4887 To bind together; pass: to be bound together with, as of prisoners in chains.
G4888 To glorify together with.
G4889 A fellow slave, fellow servant; of Christians: a fellow worker, colleague.
G4890 A running together, concourse, mob.
G4891 To raise along with.
G4892 A council, tribunal; the Sanhedrin, the meeting place of the Sanhedrin.
G4893 The conscience, a persisting notion.
G4894 To know, consider, to be privy to.
G4895 To be with, come together with.
G4896 To come together.
G4897 To enter together with, embark with.
G4898 A fellow traveler.
G4899 Fellow-elect, fellow-chosen.
G4900 To compel, urge, force together.
G4901 To unite in bearing witness, sanction.
G4902 To accompany, follow with.
G4903 To cooperate with, work together.
G4904 A fellow worker, associate, helper.
G4905 To come or go with, accompany; to come together, assemble.
G4906 To eat with.
G4907 A putting together in the mind, hence: understanding, practical discernment, intellect.
G4908 Intelligent, prudent, wise, understanding, discerning.
G4909 To consent, agree, to be of one mind with, to be willing.
G4910 To feast sumptuously with.
G4911 To rise up together against.
G4912 (a) to press together, close, (b) to press on every side, confine, (c) to hold fast, (d) to urge, impel, (e) pass: to be afflicted with (sickness).
G4913 To delight inwardly in, congratulate.
G4914 A custom, habit, practice.
G4915 One of the same age.
G4916 To bury along with.
G4917 To break, break in pieces, crush, shatter.
G4918 To press on all sides, crowd upon.
G4919 To break in pieces, crush, thoroughly weaken.
G4920 To consider, understand, perceive.
G4921 To place together, commend, prove, exhibit; to stand with; to be composed of, cohere.
G4922 To journey with, accompany.
G4923 A company traveling together, a caravan.
G4924 To dwell with, live in wedlock with.
G4925 To build together with.
G4926 To talk with, live with.
G4927 To be contiguous with, to be next door to.
G4928 Distress, anguish, anxiety.
G4929 To arrange with, direct, appoint, prescribe, ordain.
G4930 A completion, consummation, end; a joint payment (for public service).
G4931 To bring to an end, fulfill, accomplish.
G4932 To cut short, bring to swift accomplishment, determine, decide.
G4933 To preserve, keep safe, keep in mind, keep close.
G4934 Mid. and pass: to make a compact (agreement) with (together), covenant with, agree.
G4935 Concisely, briefly.
G4936 To run (rush) together, run with.
G4937 To break by crushing, break in pieces, shatter, crush, bruise.
G4938 Crushing, destruction, calamity.
G4939 One brought up with, a foster brother, an intimate friend.
G4940 To meet with, come to, fall in with.
G4941 Syntyche, a woman member of the church at Philippi.
G4942 To dissemble with, play a part with.
G4943 To help together, join in serving.
G4944 To be in travail together.
G4945 A conspiracy, plot.
G4946 Syracuse.
G4947 Syria, a great Roman imperial province, united with Cilicia.
G4948 Syrian, belonging to Syria.
G4949 Syrophoenician, i.e. Phoenician (of Syria, in contrast to Carthage and its territory in North Africa).
G4950 Syrtis, a sandbar off the coast of North Africa.
G4951 To draw, drag, force away.
G4952 To throw violently on the ground.
G4953 A signal agreed upon.
G4954 Belonging to the same body; fig: of Jews and Gentiles belonging to the same Church.
G4955 A fellow insurgent.
G4956 Commendatory, introductory.
G4957 To crucify together with.
G4958 To contract, shorten, wrap around, swathe.
G4959 To groan together.
G4960 To be in the same rank with; to answer to, correspond to.
G4961 A fellow soldier (in the Christian faith).
G4962 To roll or gather together.
G4963 A gathering together, riotous concourse, conspiracy.
G4964 To conform to.
G4965 Sychar, a city of Samaria.
G4966 Shechem.
G4967 Slaughter, sacrifice.
G4968 A slaughtered victim.
G4969 To slay, kill by violence, slaughter, wound mortally.
G4970 Exceedingly, greatly, very much.
G4971 Exceedingly, vehemently.
G4972 To seal, set a seal upon.
G4973 A seal, signet ring, the impression of a seal, that which the seal attests, the proof.
G4974 The ankle bone.
G4975 Nearly, almost.
G4976 Fashion, habit, form, appearance.
G4977 To rend, divide asunder, cleave.
G4978 A rent, as in a garment; a division, dissention.
G4979 A cord, rope (made of rushes).
G4980 (a) to have leisure, (b) to stand empty (of a house).
G4981 Leisure, a school, place where there is leisure.
G4982 To save, heal, preserve, rescue.
G4983 Body, flesh; the body of the Church.
G4984 Bodily, corporeal.
G4985 Bodily, corporeally, belonging to the body.
G4986 Sopater, a proper name.
G4987 To heap up, load.
G4988 Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth.
G4989 Sosipater.
G4990 A savior, deliverer, preserver.
G4991 Welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, salvation, safety.
G4992 Saving, bringing salvation; salvation.
G4993 To be of sound mind, to be sober-minded, exercise self-control.
G4994 To make sober-minded, admonish, control.
G4995 Self-control, self-discipline, prudence.
G4996 Soberly, with moderation, prudently.
G4997 Soundness of mind, sanity; self-control, sobriety.
G4998 Of sound mind, self-controlled, temperate, sober-minded, modest, chaste.
G4999 Taverns; Three Taverns, the name of a village or town on the Appian Way, about thirty-three miles from Rome.
G5000 Antelope; Tabitha, a Christian woman at Joppa.
G5001 Rank, division, an ordered series.
G5002 Appointed, arranged, fixed.
G5003 To endure severe hardship, to be harassed, complain.
G5004 Hardship, misery, distress, toil.
G5005 Wretched, afflicted, miserable.
G5006 A talent in weight.
G5007 A talent of silver or gold.
G5008 (Aramaic), girl, little girl.
G5009 A store-chamber, secret chamber, closet; a granary, barn.
G5010 Order, (a) regular arrangement, (b) appointed succession, (c) position, rank.
G5011 Humble, lowly, in position or spirit (in a good sense).
G5012 Humility, lowliness of mind, modesty.
G5013 To make or bring low, humble, humiliate; pass: to be humbled.
G5014 Abasement (in spirit), low condition (in circumstances).
G5015 To disturb, agitate, stir up, trouble.
G5016 A disturbance, tumult, sedition, trouble.
G5017 A disturbance, commotion, trouble.
G5018 Belonging to Tarsus, a Tarsian.
G5019 Tarsus, the capital of the Roman province Cilicia.
G5020 To thrust down to Tartarus or Gehenna.
G5021 (a) to assign, arrange, (b) to determine; to appoint.
G5022 A bull, an ox.
G5023 This; he, she, it.
G5027 A burial, burial place.
G5028 A burial-place, sepulcher, tomb, grave.
G5029 Quickly, presently, perhaps.
G5030 Soon, quickly, hastily.
G5031 Swift, quick, impending.
G5032 More swiftly, more quickly.
G5033 Most swiftly, most quickly, as quickly as possible.
G5034 Quickness, speed; hastily, immediately.
G5035 Quickly, speedily.
G5036 Quick, swift, speedy, ready, prompt.
G5037 And, both.
G5038 A wall, especially of a city.
G5039 A sign, certain proof.
G5040 A little child.
G5041 To bear children, beget, rear a family.
G5042 Child bearing, the rearing of a family.
G5043 A child, descendent, inhabitant.
G5044 To bring up children, rear young.
G5045 A carpenter, an artisan.
G5046 Perfect, (a) complete in all its parts, (b) full grown, of full age, (c) specially of the completeness of Christian character.
G5047 Perfectness, perfection, maturity.
G5048 (a) as a course, a race, or the like: to complete, finish (b) as of time or prediction: to accomplish, (c) to make perfect; pass: to be perfected.
G5049 Perfectly, completely, without wavering.
G5050 Completion, fulfillment, perfection.
G5051 A perfecter, completer, finisher.
G5052 To bring to maturity.
G5053 To end, finish, die, complete.
G5054 End of life, death.
G5055 (a) to end, finish, (b) to fulfill, accomplish, (c) to pay.
G5056 (a) an end, (b) event or issue, (c) the principal end, aim, purpose, (d) a tax.
G5057 A publican, collector of taxes.
G5058 A tax-collector's office, toll-house.
G5059 A wonder, portent, marvel.
G5060 Tertius, who wrote the Epistle to the Romans at Paul's dictation.
G5061 Tertullus, a barrister acting as professional prosecutor of Paul at Caesarea.
G5062 Forty.
G5063 Forty years of age.
G5064 Four.
G5065 Fourteenth.
G5066 Of the fourth day, four days since.
G5067 Fourth.
G5068 Square, four-cornered.
G5069 A quaternion, a group of four soldiers.
G5070 Four thousand.
G5071 Four hundred.
G5072 Of four months, a period of four months.
G5073 Four-fold, four times as much.
G5074 Four-footed.
G5075 To rule over as a tetrarch.
G5076 A tetrarch, ruler over a fourth part of a region.
G5077 To reduce to ashes, consume, destroy.
G5078 Art, skill, trade, craft.
G5079 A craftsman, artisan, architect, builder.
G5080 To make liquid; pass: to melt (away).
G5081 Clearly, distinctly, plainly.
G5082 So great, so large, important.
G5083 To keep, guard, observe, watch over.
G5084 A prison; observance (as of precepts).
G5085 Tiberias, a town in Galilee on the western border of the sea called after it.
G5086 Tiberius, the second Roman emperor (died A.D. 37).
G5087 To put, place, lay, set, fix, establish.
G5088 To bear, bring forth, produce, beget, yield.
G5089 To pluck, pluck off.
G5090 Timaeus, father of the blind beggar Bartimaeus.
G5091 (a) to value at a price, estimate, (b) to honor, reverence.
G5092 A price, honor.
G5093 Of great price, precious, honored.
G5094 Preciousness, costliness, worth.
G5095 Timothy, a Christian of Lystra, helper of Paul.
G5096 Timon, one of the seven original deacons at Jerusalem.
G5097 To punish, avenge oneself on.
G5098 Punishment, penalty.
G5099 To pay (penalty).
G5100 Any one, someone, a certain one or thing.
G5101 Who, which, what, why.
G5102 A title, inscription.
G5103 Titus, a Greek Christian, helper of Paul, perhaps also brother of Luke.
G5105 Consequently, therefore, well then, so then.
G5106 Indeed now, therefore, accordingly, well then.
G5107 Of this kind, such, such as follows.
G5108 Of such a kind, such.
G5109 A wall.
G5110 Interest, usury.
G5111 To dare, endure, to be bold, have courage, make up the mind.
G5112 More boldly, more freely, with more confidence.
G5113 A daring, bold man.
G5114 Sharper, keener.
G5115 A bow.
G5116 Topaz.
G5117 A place, region, seat; an opportunity.
G5118 So great, so large, so long, so many.
G5119 Then, at that time.
G5121 On the contrary, on the other hand.
G5122 By name.
G5131 A he-goat.
G5132 A table, (a) for food or banqueting, (b) for money-changing or business.
G5133 A money-changer, banker.
G5134 A wound.
G5135 To wound.
G5136 To be laid bare, laid open.
G5137 The neck.
G5138 Rough, rugged, uneven.
G5139 Trachonitis, the north-east of the territory beyond Jordan.
G5140 Three.
G5141 To tremble, to be afraid.
G5142 To feed, nourish; to bring up, rear, provide for.
G5143 To run, exercise oneself, make progress.
G5144 Thirty.
G5145 Three hundred.
G5146 A thistle.
G5147 A worn path, beaten way, road, highway.
G5148 A space of three years.
G5149 To grate, gnash (as the teeth).
G5150 Lasting three months.
G5151 Three times.
G5152 Having three stories; the third story.
G5153 Three thousand.
G5154 Third.
G5155 Made of hair.
G5156 A trembling, quaking, fear.
G5157 A turning, change, mutation.
G5158 (a) way, manner, (b) manner of life, character.
G5159 To endure the ways of, put up with.
G5160 Food, nourishment, maintenance.
G5161 Trophimus, a Christian of Ephesus in Asia.
G5162 A nurse.
G5163 The track of a wheel, a path.
G5164 A wheel, course.
G5165 A deep dish, platter, bowl.
G5166 To gather (as of grapes), harvest.
G5167 A turtle-dove.
G5168 The eye of a needle.
G5169 A hole; the eye of a needle.
G5170 Tryphena, a Christian woman in Rome.
G5171 To live a luxurious life, live self-indulgently.
G5172 Effeminate luxury, softness, indulgent living.
G5173 Tryphosa, a Christian woman in Rome, perhaps a sister of Tryphaena.
G5174 Troas, a harbor city of Mysia.
G5176 To eat, partake of a meal.
G5177 (a) to obtain, (b) to chance, happen; ordinary, everyday, it may chance, perhaps.
G5178 To torture, break on the wheel, beat to death.
G5179 (originally: the mark of a blow, then a stamp struck by a die), (a) a figure; a copy, image, (b) a pattern, model, (c) a type, prefiguring something or somebody.
G5180 To beat, strike, wound, inflict punishment.
G5181 Tyrannus, an inhabitant of Ephesus, probably a rhetorician.
G5183 A Tyrian, an inhabitant of Tyre.
G5184 Tyre, an ancient city, the capital of Phoenicia.
G5185 Blind, physically or mentally.
G5186 To make blind, physically or mentally.
G5187 To puff up, make haughty; pass: to be puffed up, to be haughty.
G5188 To raise smoke, smolder.
G5189 Violent, tempestuous, stormy.
G5190 Tychicus, a Christian of the Roman province Asia.
G5191 Dark purple or blue, of the color of hyacinth.
G5192 Jacinth, a precious stone of the color of hyacinth.
G5193 Glassy, made of glass, transparent.
G5194 Glass, crystal, clear transparent stone.
G5195 To insult, treat with insolence.
G5196 (a) insult, injury, outrage, (b) damage, loss.
G5197 An insolent, insulting, or violent man.
G5198 To be well, to be in good health; to be right, reasonable, sound, pure, uncorrupted.
G5199 (a) sound, healthy, pure, whole, (b) wholesome.
G5200 Moist, green, full of sap.
G5201 A water pot, jar, pitcher.
G5202 To be only a water drinker.
G5203 Afflicted with dropsy.
G5204 Water.
G5205 Rain.
G5206 Adoption, as a son into the divine family.
G5207 A son, descendent.
G5208 Wood, fuel.
G5211 Hymenaeus.
G5212 Your, yours.
G5214 To sing, sing hymns to, praise.
G5215 A hymn, sacred song, song of praise to God.
G5217 To go away, depart, be gone, die.
G5218 Obedience, submissiveness, compliance.
G5219 To listen, hearken to, obey, answer.
G5220 Subject to a husband, married.
G5221 To meet, go to meet.
G5222 A meeting.
G5223 Goods, substance, property, possessions.
G5225 To begin, am, exist, to be in possession.
G5226 To yield, submit to authority.
G5227 Opposite to, adverse; an adversary.
G5228 Genitive: in behalf of; accusative: above.
G5229 Literal: to raise beyond, uplift; to lift oneself up, exalt oneself, to be arrogant.
G5230 Past the bloom of youth, of full age.
G5231 Far above.
G5232 To increase exceedingly or beyond measure.
G5233 To transgress; to go beyond, overreach, defraud.
G5234 Beyond measure.
G5235 To surpass, excel, exceed, transcend.
G5236 Excess, surpassing excellence, preeminence; adv: exceedingly.
G5237 To overlook, take no notice of, disregard.
G5238 Beyond.
G5239 To over-stretch, stretch out beyond the measure assigned to me.
G5240 To pour out so that it overflows.
G5241 To intercede for, make petition for.
G5242 To excel, surpass, to be superior.
G5243 Pride, arrogance, disdain.
G5244 Proud, arrogant, disdainful.
G5245 To be more than conqueror, prevail mightily.
G5246 Immoderate, boastful, excessive, pompous.
G5247 Superiority, excellence, preeminence, authority.
G5248 (a) to abound exceedingly, (b) to overflow.
G5249 Superabundantly, beyond measure.
G5250 To abound exceedingly, to be exceedingly abundant.
G5251 To highly exalt.
G5252 To have high notions, to be over-proud.
G5253 An upper room, the upper part of a house.
G5254 To submit to, undergo, suffer.
G5255 Listening to, obedient, submissive.
G5256 To minister to, serve.
G5257 A servant, an attendant, (a) an officer (b) an attendant in a synagogue, (c) a minister of the gospel.
G5258 Sleep; fig: spiritual sleep.
G5259 By, under, about.
G5260 To throw or put under; to subject, submit, suggest, whisper, prompt, suborn, instigate.
G5261 A writing-copy, an example, pattern.
G5262 (a) a figure, copy, (b) an example, model.
G5263 To indicate, intimate, suggest, show, prove.
G5264 To receive as a guest, entertain hospitably, welcome.
G5265 (literal: to bind under), to put on my feet, pass: to be shod.
G5266 A sandal; anything bound under.
G5267 Answerable to, liable to (brought under) the judgment of.
G5268 A beast of burden, a donkey or mule.
G5269 To under-gird, as to strengthen a ship against the waves.
G5270 Underneath, below, under.
G5271 To act the part, pretend; to answer, respond.
G5272 (literal: stage-playing), a response, answer, hypocrisy, dissembling.
G5273 (literal: a stage-player), a hypocrite, dissembler, pretender.
G5274 (a) to take up, (b) to welcome, entertain, (c) to answer, (d) to suppose, imagine.
G5275 To leave behind; pass: to be left surviving.
G5276 A wine-vat, pit under the wine-press dug in the ground.
G5277 To leave behind.
G5278 (a) to remain behind, (b) to stand my ground, show endurance, (c) to endure, bear up against, persevere.
G5279 To remind; pass: to remember, call to mind.
G5280 Remembrance, recollection, putting in mind; a reminder.
G5281 Endurance, steadfastness, patient waiting for.
G5282 To conjecture, suppose, suspect, deem.
G5283 A supposition, suspicion.
G5284 To sail under.
G5285 To blow gently.
G5286 A footstool.
G5287 (literal: an underlying), (a) confidence, assurance, (b) a giving substance (or reality) to, or a guaranteeing, (c) substance, reality.
G5288 To withdraw, draw back, keep back, shun, conceal.
G5289 A shrinking, drawing back.
G5290 To turn back, return.
G5291 To spread under, strew under.
G5292 Subjection, submission, obedience.
G5293 To place under, subject to; mid, pass: to submit, put oneself into subjection.
G5294 To put under, lay down, suggest to, put in mind.
G5295 To run under shelter of.
G5296 A pattern, example; a form, sample.
G5297 To bear up under, endure, suffer.
G5298 To withdraw, retire, go back, retreat.
G5299 To strike under the eye, hence: to bruise, treat severely, discipline by hardship, molest, annoy, harass, worry, exhaust.
G5300 A hog, boar, or sow.
G5301 Hyssop, a stalk or stem of hyssop.
G5302 To fall behind, to be lacking, fall short, suffer need, to be inferior to.
G5303 (a) of things or persons: that which is lacking, a defect or shortcoming, (b) want, poverty.
G5304 Poverty, want, need.
G5305 Lastly, afterward, later.
G5306 Later, latter, last.
G5307 Woven.
G5308 High, lofty.
G5309 To be high-minded, proud.
G5310 Highest, most high, the heights.
G5311 Height, heaven; dignity, eminence.
G5312 (a) to raise on high, lift up, (b) to exalt, set on high.
G5313 Height, barrier, bulwark; presumption.
G5314 A glutton.
G5315 To eat, partake of food; to devour, consume (e.g. as rust does); used only in fut. and 2nd aor. tenses.
G5316 (a) act: to shine, shed light, (b) pass: to shine, become visible, appear, (c) to become clear, appear, seem, show oneself as.
G5317 Peleg, son of Eber, and one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G5318 Apparent, clear, visible, manifest; adv: clearly.
G5319 To make clear (visible, manifest), make known.
G5320 Clearly, openly, manifestly.
G5321 A manifestation, disclosure.
G5322 A torch, lantern, light.
G5323 Phanuel, father of Anna the prophetess.
G5324 To cause to appear, make visible.
G5325 Show, display, pomp, imagination.
G5326 An apparition, ghost, spirit, phantom.
G5327 A valley, ravine, chasm, cleft.
G5328 Pharaoh, the title of ancient Egyptian kings.
G5329 Perez, son of Judah and one of the ancestors of Jesus.
G5330 A Pharisee, one of the Jewish sect so called.
G5331 Magic, sorcery, enchantment.
G5333 A magician, sorcerer.
G5334 Report, tidings, information.
G5335 To assert, affirm, profess.
G5336 A manger, feeding-trough, stall.
G5337 Worthless, wicked, base.
G5338 Brightness, light, splendor, radiance.
G5339 To spare, abstain, forbear.
G5340 Sparingly.
G5341 A mantle, cloak.
G5342 To carry, bear, bring; to conduct, lead; perhaps: to make publicly known.
G5343 To flee, escape, shun.
G5344 Felix, third name of (Marcus) Antonius Felix, procurator of the Roman province until A.D. 59.
G5345 A report, fame, saying.
G5346 To say, declare.
G5347 Festus.
G5348 (a) to anticipate, precede, (b) to come, arrive.
G5349 Corruptible, perishable.
G5350 To speak aloud, utter.
G5351 To corrupt, spoil, destroy, ruin.
G5352 Autumnal, in autumn, when fruit is expected.
G5353 A sound.
G5354 To envy.
G5355 Envy, a grudge, spite.
G5356 Corruption, destruction, decay, rottenness, decomposition.
G5357 A shallow and flat bowl.
G5358 Loving what is good.
G5359 Philadelphia, a city of the Roman province Asia.
G5360 Brotherly love, love of Christian brethren.
G5361 Loving like a brother, loving one's brethren.
G5362 Loving one's husband.
G5363 Love of mankind, benevolence.
G5364 Humanely, kindly.
G5365 Love of money, avarice, covetousness.
G5366 Money-loving, avaricious, covetous.
G5367 Self-loving, selfish.
G5368 To love (of friendship), regard with affection, cherish; to kiss.
G5369 Pleasure-loving.
G5370 A kiss.
G5371 Philemon, a Christian man of Colossae.
G5372 Philetus, a Christian at Rome.
G5373 Friendship, affection, fondness, love.
G5374 A Philippian, an inhabitant of Philippi.
G5375 Philippi, a great city of the Roman province Macedonia.
G5376 Philip, (a) one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, (b) tetrarch of the Ituraean and Trachonitic region, half-brother of Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee, (c) one of the seven original deacons at Jerusalem and a missionary.
G5377 Loving God.
G5378 Philologus, a Roman Christian.
G5379 Love of dispute, contention.
G5380 Strife-loving, contentious.
G5381 Love to strangers, hospitality.
G5382 Hospitable, loving strangers.
G5383 To love the chief place, desire preeminence.
G5384 Friendly; a friend, an associate.
G5385 Love of wisdom, philosophy, in the NT of traditional Jewish theology.
G5386 A philosopher.
G5387 Tenderly loving, kindly affectionate to.
G5388 Loving one's children.
G5389 To be zealous, strive eagerly, desire very strongly.
G5390 Kindly, in a friendly manner.
G5392 To muzzle, silence.
G5393 Phlegon, a Roman Christian man.
G5394 To inflame, fire with passion, set on fire, burn up.
G5395 A flame.
G5396 To gossip against, talk idly, make empty charges against, talk nonsense.
G5397 Prating, talking foolishly, babbling.
G5398 Fearful, dreadful, terrible.
G5399 To fear, dread, reverence, to be afraid, terrified.
G5400 A terrible sight, cause of terror, an object of fear.
G5401 (a) fear, terror, alarm, (b) the object or cause of fear, (c) reverence, respect.
G5402 Phoebe, a Christian woman in the church at Cenchreae.
G5403 Phoenicia, a northern coast strip of the Roman province Syria.
G5404 A palm tree, the date-palm.
G5405 Phoenix, a bay on the south coast of Crete.
G5406 A murderer.
G5407 To murder, kill.
G5408 Murder, slaughter, killing.
G5409 To carry, wear, bear constantly.
G5410 (of Latin origin), Forum, Market, Market-Town.
G5411 A tax, tribute, especially on persons.
G5412 To load, burden; pass: to be laden.
G5413 A burden; the freight of a ship.
G5415 Fortunatus, a Christian of Corinth.
G5416 A scourge, lash, whip.
G5417 To flagellate, scourge.
G5418 A hedge, fence, partition.
G5419 To declare, explain, interpret.
G5420 To stop, close up, obstruct.
G5421 A pit, well, cistern.
G5422 To deceive the mind, impose upon.
G5423 A deceiver, seducer.
G5424 The mind, intellect, thought, understanding.
G5425 To shudder, shiver, tremble.
G5426 (a) to think, (b) to think, judge, (c) to direct the mind to, seek for, (d) to observe, (e) to care for.
G5427 Thought, purpose, aspirations.
G5428 Understanding (which leads to right action), practical wisdom, prudence.
G5429 Intelligent, prudent, sensible, wise.
G5430 Wisely, sensibly, prudently.
G5431 To be thoughtful, careful, give heed.
G5432 To guard, keep, as by a military guard.
G5433 To be wanton, insolent; to roar, rage.
G5434 A dry stick for burning.
G5435 Phrygia, an ethnic district in Asia Minor, the north-western part of which was in the Roman province Asia and the south-eastern part in the Roman province Galatia.
G5436 Phygelus, a Christian of the Roman province Asia who deserted Paul.
G5437 Flight, fleeing.
G5438 A watching, keeping guard; a guard, prison; imprisonment.
G5439 To imprison, deliver into custody.
G5440 A phylactery, an amulet, a parchment capsule containing little parchment rolls with the Hebrew texts, affixed to the left upper arm or the forehead of men at morning prayer, and regarded as a protection (hence the name) against evil spirits.
G5441 A guard, keeper, sentinel.
G5442 (a) to guard, protect; to be on ones guard, (b) of customs and regulations: to keep, observe.
G5443 A tribe or race of people.
G5444 A leaf.
G5445 A mass or lump, as of bread dough.
G5446 Natural, (a) according to nature, (b) merely animal.
G5447 By nature, naturally.
G5448 To inflate, puff up; pass: to be puffed up, arrogant, proud.
G5449 Nature, inherent nature, origin, birth.
G5450 A puffing up, pride, swelling.
G5451 A plant, that which is planted.
G5452 To plant, set.
G5453 To grow, grow up, spring up.
G5454 A burrow, hole, den, lair.
G5455 To give forth a sound, hence: (a) of a cock: to crow, (b) of men: to shout, (c) to call (to oneself), summon; to invite, address.
G5456 A sound, noise, voice, language, dialect.
G5457 Light, a source of light, radiance.
G5458 A light, an illuminator, perhaps the sun; a star; brilliancy.
G5459 (literal: light-bearing), radiant, the morning-star.
G5460 Bright, luminous, full of light.
G5461 (a) to light up, illumine, (b) to bring to light, make evident, reveal.
G5462 Light, luster, illumination, enlightenment.
G5463 To rejoice, to be glad; also a salutation: Hail.
G5464 Hail.
G5465 To let down, lower, slacken, loosen.
G5466 A Chaldean, an inhabitant of Chaldea.
G5467 (a) hard, troublesome, (b) harsh, fierce.
G5468 To bridle, curb, restrain, sway.
G5469 A bridle, bit.
G5470 Made of bronze, bronze, brass.
G5471 A worker in brass or copper; a smith.
G5472 Chalcedony, a small stone of various colors.
G5473 A bronze vessel, brazen utensil.
G5474 Orichalcum, a fine metal, or frankincense of a yellow color.
G5475 Copper, brass, money; a brazen musical instrument.
G5476 On or to the ground.
G5477 Canaan, the whole of Palestine or Palestine west of the river Jordan.
G5478 Canaanite, a Biblical and archaic name for Phoenician.
G5479 Joy, gladness, a source of joy.
G5480 Sculpture; engraving, a stamp, sign.
G5481 An impression, representation, exact reproduction; a graving-tool.
G5482 A palisade, mound for besieging.
G5483 (a) to show favor to, (b) to pardon, forgive, (c) to show kindness.
G5484 For the sake of, by reason of, on account of.
G5485 (a) grace, as a gift or blessing brought to man by Jesus Christ, (b) favor, (c) gratitude, thanks, (d) a favor, kindness.
G5486 A gift of grace, an undeserved favor.
G5487 To favor, bestow freely on.
G5488 Haran.
G5489 Papyrus, paper.
G5490 A gap, gulf, chasm.
G5491 A lip, mouth, shore, edge, brink; language, dialect.
G5492 To be storm-tossed.
G5493 A storm-brook, a winter torrent.
G5494 A storm, tempest; winter, the rainy season.
G5495 A hand.
G5496 To lead by the hand.
G5497 One who leads a helpless person by the hand.
G5498 A handwriting, bond.
G5499 Done or made with hands, artificial.
G5500 To elect by show of hands, choose by vote, appoint.
G5501 Worse, more severe.
G5502 Cherubim.
G5503 A widow.
G5504 Yesterday.
G5505 A thousand, the number one thousand.
G5506 A commander of a thousand men, a military tribune.
G5507 A thousand.
G5508 Chios (modern Scio), an important island in the Aegean Sea, off the west central coast of Asia Minor.
G5509 A tunic, garment, undergarment.
G5510 Snow.
G5511 A short cloak, worn by military officers and soldiers.
G5512 To mock, scoff, jest, jeer.
G5513 Warm, tepid; of persons: lukewarm.
G5514 Chloe, probably with business connections either in Corinth or in Ephesus or in both.
G5515 Green, pale green.
G5517 Earthy, made of earth.
G5518 A Greek dry measure, equivalent to 1.92 pints.
G5519 A swine, hog, sow.
G5520 To be angry with.
G5521 Gall, bitter herbs.
G5522 Earth, soil, dust.
G5523 Chorazin, a town of Galilee.
G5524 To furnish abundantly, supply.
G5525 A dance, dancing.
G5526 To feed, satisfy, fatten.
G5527 Food, sustenance, provision.
G5528 Grass, herbage, growing grain, hay.
G5529 Chuza, a steward of Herod Antipas.
G5530 To use, make use of, deal with, take advantage of.
G5531 To lend.
G5532 Need, necessity, business.
G5533 A debtor.
G5534 It is necessary, proper, fitting.
G5535 To need, have need of, want, desire.
G5536 Money, riches, possessions.
G5537 (originally: to transact business), (a) act. of God: to warn; pass: to be warned by God (probably in response to an inquiry as to one's duty), (b) (to take a name from my public business, hence) to receive a name, to be publicly called.
G5538 An oracle, divine response.
G5539 Useful, profitable.
G5540 Use, manner of use.
G5541 To be kind (full of service to others), gentle.
G5542 Smooth speech.
G5543 Useful, gentle, pleasant, kind.
G5544 Goodness, uprightness, kindness, gentleness.
G5545 An anointing.
G5546 A Christian.
G5547 Anointed One; the Messiah, the Christ.
G5548 To anoint, consecrate by anointing.
G5549 To delay, tarry, linger, spend time.
G5550 Time, a particular time, season.
G5551 To waste time, spend time, delay.
G5552 Golden, made of gold, adorned with gold.
G5553 A piece of gold, golden ornament.
G5554 Adorned with a gold ring.
G5555 A topaz, a gem with a bright yellow color.
G5556 A chrysoprase, gem of a golden-greenish color.
G5557 Gold, anything made of gold, a gold coin.
G5558 To gild, adorn with gold.
G5559 The skin, surface of the body.
G5560 Lame, deprived of a foot, limping.
G5561 (a) a country or region, (b) the land, as opposed to the sea, (c) the country, distinct from town, (d) plural: fields.
G5562 (literal: to make room, hence) (a) to have room for, receive, contain, (b) to make room for by departing, go, make progress, turn myself.
G5563 (a) to separate, put apart, (b) mid. or pass: to separate oneself, depart, withdraw.
G5564 A place, piece of land, field, property, estate.
G5565 Apart from, separately from; without.
G5566 The north-west wind, and the quarter of the sky from which it comes.
G5567 To sing, sing psalms; earlier: to play on a stringed instrument.
G5568 A psalm, song of praise, the Hebrew book of Psalms.
G5569 A false brother, pretend Christian.
G5570 A false or pretended apostle.
G5571 False, deceitful, lying, untrue.
G5572 A false teacher, teacher of false things.
G5573 False-speaking, speaking lies.
G5574 To deceive, lie, speak falsely.
G5575 A false witness.
G5576 To testify falsely, bear false witness.
G5577 False testimony, false witness.
G5578 A false prophet; one who in God's name teaches what is false.
G5579 A lie, falsehood, untruth; false religion.
G5580 A false Christ, pretended Messiah.
G5581 Falsely named, under a false name.
G5582 A falsehood, lie, untruthfulness.
G5583 A liar, deceiver.
G5584 To feel, touch, handle; to feel after, grope for.
G5585 To reckon, compute, calculate.
G5586 (a) a pebble, small stone, (b) hence, from their use in voting: a vote.
G5587 A whispering, secret slandering.
G5588 A whisperer, secret slanderer.
G5589 A crumb.
G5590 (a) the vital breath, breath of life, (b) the human soul, (c) the soul as the seat of affections and will, (d) the self, (e) a human person, an individual.
G5591 Animal, natural, sensuous.
G5592 Cold.
G5593 Cool, cold; fig: cold-hearted.
G5594 To cool, pass: to grow cold.
G5595 To feed, dole out.
G5596 A bit, morsel.
G5597 To rub, rub to pieces.
G5598 Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
G5599 O, an exclamation, used in addressing someone.
G5601 Obed.
G5602 Here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here.
G5603 An ode, song, hymn.
G5604 The pain of childbirth, acute pain, severe agony, a snare.
G5605 To be in travail, suffer birth-pangs.
G5606 The shoulder.
G5608 To buy, purchase.
G5609 An egg.
G5610 (a) a definite space of time, a season, (b) an hour, (c) the particular time for anything.
G5611 Fair, beautiful, blooming.
G5612 To roar, howl, as a beast.
G5613 As, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.
G5614 (Aramaic and Hebrew, originally a cry for help), hosanna!, a cry of happiness.
G5615 In like manner, likewise, just so.
G5616 As if, as it were, like; with numbers: about.
G5617 Hosea, the Hebrew prophet.
G5618 Just as, as, even as.
G5619 Just as if, as it were.
G5620 So that, therefore, so then, so as to.
G5621 An ear.
G5622 Usefulness, profit, advantage, benefit, gain.
G5623 To help, benefit, do good, to be useful (to), profit.
G5624 Profitable, beneficial, useful.