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Why Check?

The translation team's goal is to produce a translation that is accurate, natural, clear, and accepted by the church. This goal will likely require the partnership of different people, resources, and tools to accomplish. For this reason, the checkers play a very important role in helping the translation team accomplish their goal.


The checkers who are pastors, church leaders, and leaders of church networks will help the translation team produce a translation that is accurate. They will do this by comparing the translation with the source language and, when possible, also with the original languages of the Bible. They are also encouraged to use the translation tools created specifically for checking and available at


The checkers who are members of the language community will help the translation team produce a translation that is clear. They will do this by listening to (or reading) the translation and pointing out (to the translators) the places where the translation is confusing or does not make sense to them. The translation team will work with these checkers to edit the work for clarity during checking level 2.


In the same way, checkers who are members of the language community will help the translation team produce a translation that is natural. The translataion team will work with them to edit for naturalness during checkign level two. (Translation notes, available at is a tool that provides suggestions for handling meaning naturally in difficult passages.)


The checkers who are members of a church in the language community will help the translation team produce a translation that is approved and accepted by the church in that community. They will do this by working together with members and leaders of other churches from the language community, using the tools available at as well as their own resources and other translations to carefully check the content of the newly translated scripture. When members and leaders that represent the churches of a language community work together and agree that the translation is good, then it will be accepted and used by the churches in that community.