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# High Priest
The "high priest” was a certain priest. He was the leader of all the Israelite priests. He was made this leader for one year, that is, 360 days. The high priest did special things other priests could not do. He was the only priest God allowed to go into the most holy place in the temple. He did this only once a year. He gave a special sacrifice (see: Leviticus 16). Aaron was the first high priest. Caiaphas was the high priest when Jesus was arrested (see: Matthew 26:3).
Jesus was also a high priest. But he did not serve in the same way as other high priests on earth. He is the greatest high priest. He is the greatest because he was without sin, he offered the perfect sacrifice, and he lives forever (see: Hebrews 2:17-3:1; 4:14-5:10; 6:20; 7:11-28; 8:1-9:28).
See: [Priest (Priesthood) ](../articles/; [Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies)](../articles/; [Temple](../articles/; [Sacrifice](../articles/; [Sin](../articles/; [Atone (Atonement)](../articles/