868 B
868 B
- en:tw:apostle
- en:tw:appoint
- en:tw:church
- en:tw:heal
- en:tw:miracle
- en:tw:miracle
- en:tw:prophet
- en:tw:teacher
- en:tw:tongue
- first apostles - Possible meanings are 1) "the first I will mention is apostles", or 2) "the gift that is first in importance is apostles".
- those who provide helps - AT: "Those who provide help to other believers."
- Those who do work of administration - AT: "Those who govern the church."
- and those who have various kinds of tongues - an individual can speak in one or more foreign languages without having studied that language.
- Are all of us apostles?...Do all of us do powerful deeds? - AT: "Not everyone is an apostle...Only some do powerful deeds" (UDB) (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)