959 B
959 B
- people who were in the gate - "people that were meeting together near the gate"
- like Rachel and like Leah - These were the two wives of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel.
- Built up the house of Israel - "bore many children that became the nation of Israel"
- may you prosper in Ephrathath - Ephrathath is the name of the clan to which Boaz belonged in Bethlehem.
- May your house be like… - God abundantly blessed Judah through his son Perez. The people were asking God to bless Boaz in a similar way through Ruth's children.
- Tamar bore to Judah - Tamar was also a widow. Judah fathered a son with her, which continued the family name.
- through the offspring that Yahweh will give you - Yahweh would give Boaz children through Ruth.