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  • Stephen continues his defense before the Jewish council that he began in :en:bible🎶act:07:01.
  • Moses was educated - "the Egyptians educated Moses". (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive)
  • all the learning of the Egyptians - This is an exaggeration for "many things that the Egyptians knew." (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_hyperbole)
  • **mighty in his words and works ** - "effective in action and speech", or "powerful in words and actions" (UDB), or "influential in what he did and said"
  • visit his brothers - To investigate their living conditions
  • striking the Egyptian - Moses hit the Egyptian so hard that he died.
  • he thought - He imagined
  • **by his hand ** - through him
  • was rescuing them - This could also be translated, "was rescuing them right then."