865 B
865 B
- en:tw:Egypt
- en:tw:ambassador
- en:tw:babylon
- en:tw:covenant
- en:tw:death
- en:tw:declare
- en:tw:horse
- en:tw:jerusalem
- en:tw:king
- en:tw:life
- en:tw:lordyahweh
- en:tw:oath
- en:tw:rebel
- en:tw:send
- Yahweh speaks about the king of Jerusalem rebelling against the king of Babylon.
- **Will he succeed? - ** - - AT: "He will certainly not succeed" (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
- Will the one doing these things escape? - AT: "The one doing these things will not escape!" (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
- If he violates the covenant, will he escape? - AT: "If he violates the covenant, he will certainly not escape!" (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion) "Violate" means to do what was agreed on.