
2.2 KiB


armed group, army, footmen, garrison, host, make war, soldier, troop


The terms "warrior" and "soldier" both can refer to someone who fights in an army. But there are also some differences.

  • Usually the term "warrior" is a general, broad term to refer to a man who is gifted and courageous in battle.
  • The term "soldier" more specifically refers to someone who belongs to a certain army or who is fighting in a certain battle.
  • Roman soldiers in Jerusalem were there to keep order and to carry out duties such as executing prisoners. They guarded Jesus before crucifying him and some were ordered to stand guard at his tomb.
  • The translator should consider whether there are two words in the project language for "warrior" and "soldier" that also differ in meaning and use.
  • An army is a large organized group of people who are trained to fight against the armies of other countries or kingdoms.
  • The term "footmen" refers to soldiers who march. They do not ride on a horse or in a chariot.
  • A "garrison" is either a fort in which soldiers are stationed or a group of soldiers who are stationed in the fort.
  • The term "host" can refer to an army or any very large group of people.
  • A "troop" is a large group of soldiers.

These ideas can also be used in figurative ways.

  • Yahweh is figuratively described as a "warrior."
  • The "host of heaven" is a metaphor that sees the stars in the sky as an army that rivals the army of Yahweh of hosts.

(See also: courage, crucify, Rome, tomb, Yahweh of hosts)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H352, H510, H1368, H1416, H1995, H2389, H2428, H2502, H3715, H3898, H4674, H5333, H5971, H6518, H6635, H7273, H7916, G3925, G4686, G4753, G4754, G4757, G4961

Forms Found in the English ULB:

armed group, armed groups, armies, army, army's, footmen, garrison, garrisons, host, hosts, soldier, soldiers, soldiers', troop, troops, war, warrior, warriors